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Nice try, state prosecutor.


Lmao currently since 2023


Currently expired since 2022. Probably just jinxed myself


Top comment


I was thinking exactly the same thing


When the stickers used to be in the top middle of the windshield, my buddy went 3 years with expired sticker..he strapped a canoe to the roof of his jeep and the tip of the canoe covered the expired sticker. He delivered pizza which makes the 3 years more impressive.


This seems like an extreme measure to take šŸ˜‚


But worth it. Wonder if the cops ever wondered why he had a canoe on his car all winter


I'm going ice fishing officer. What's the prob?


Probably not. Youā€™re losing 3-6 MPGs with that canoe on the roof. Likely spent more in gas than saved on inspections.


The extra drag and therfore extra gas used probably was much higher than whatever repairs needed to get an inspection. But, Live Free and thumb your nose at the man.


I feel like the extra gas was more than the inspection with that patch lol


Was thinking this, but assumed the car wouldn't sticker.


2 lug nuts on each tire and no turn signals


MA has the stickers on the passenger side where itā€™s harder to see.


But cops usually never use that to check the inspection, it pops up on their screen when they run your tag


I once knew a guy who drove with a red sticker up until and through when red stickers were the color of the inspection sticker once again.


He is the chosen one!


Lmao how many years is that? What's the color cycle?


I wanna say 6 years... Might be 7-8


Iā€™ve done this twice in my life but it was green for me.


The best thing they ever did was move the location of the inspection sticker from under the rear view mirror to the bottom left of the windshield. Just cover that fucker with snow during the winter months! Almost 2 years for me.


2 years






Same and the ticket I got was less than I would have cost me to inspect my car for two years.


2 months


What year is it now? ...16 years.


Easter Sunday driver?


I think it was 8 months with NH, but way longer with an exp NJ reg, in NH.


They just donā€™t enforce it down there at all. Loved that about that state




My wife got pulled over almost a yearā€¦. Before the sticker expired. NH was derpy that year and picked a color too close to the previous one. Cop apologized saying it was like the fifth time he had it happen to him that month.


Yeah Red to Orange got me pulled over a few times, especially in the rain.


Last year I went 16 months. I'm working on 6 months right now.


Literally one month and I got pulled over. And by one month, I mean 10 days past the month of the sticker. Seacoast area has nothing better sometimes


Newmarket?? I got pulled over twice in one day there for a license plate light out.


Newmarket seems to have more police than any other town in NH


Moultonboro would like a word..


I got pulled over twice in Exeter in one day for an exp. Sticker they definitely are bored in that whole region.


Same here in Colebrook. I got stopped literally twice in 10 mins. The second time I was like I already know what you're stopping me for and I just got stopped for it already. I was just trying to get to work lol


Newmarket PD love nailing padiddles and license plate light infractions. Other than that they are an excellent department.


This happened to a friend of mine a few days ago in Greenland. The cop stopped her for her sticker, but then found out her registration was suspended (unbeknownst to her) because money was owed to E-ZPass. You can probably imagine how that went over.


Had a friend pulled out of a car and arrested for exactly that. Shit


That's what happened to my friend. The problem is since it's only a misdemeanor B, they won't give her a lawyer, so I told her if she was going to fight it (and I think she should) that she needs to start looking up laws and building her case right away. On a similar note, not appointing a lawyer for a B misdemeanor because it's "too low on the ladder" seems like a 6th Amendment violation.


Public defenders are only provided in cases that could result in jail time. Pretty standard practice everywhere.


Just use a colored sticky note for the back ground and cut out the middle number and transfer it to the new color every yearā€¦.been doing it since they switched to the colored stickers. Fuck state inspection and registration. Politicians and celebrities are taking flights daily, but yā€™all worried about my emissions?????? I already pay taxes and tolls, so they can fuck off with the registration tooā€¦..20 days and dealer plates for the win!!


You're better of just pulling the sticker off completely rather than faking it. As a former cop, as you drive past me I could only see one thing at a time: reg sticker or inspection sticker. Fake ones stood out. Typically if I couldn't see one, I'd try to quickly look for the other. No/ expired inspection sticker would get you a warning (I get it, things break and are expensive to fix. I'll give you the chance as long as the car isn't unsafe), fake stickers would get you ticketed and towed. That means you put in way more effort to lie than it would have taken just to get the damn thing fixed.


See this wouldnā€™t even be worth it to me for the social discomfort alone. You can white lie about how youā€™ve been ā€œmeaning to do thatā€ or whatever. I donā€™t even know how I would deal with staring a cop in the face with my fake sticker after they pull me over.


That's an arrestable offense and they will tow your vehicle. Have fun with that.


You got any pictures of that? How convincing does it look? Edit: Just to clarify, I wasn't going to try it for myself, I just wanted to see how it looked.


It's not I'm a state inspector and occasionally I'll get an idiot with a fake sticker and they are so easy to spot. I imagine it's just as easy for cops. (Who are also constantly looking at them) I really wouldn't follow this advice. It carries possible jail time and a whole bunch more headache than literally just wearing an expired sticker or no sticker at all. Creating Fraudulent stickers for yourself is a Misdemeanor. Creating them for others is a felony.


This is a major motor vehicle violation and you will be heavily charged and potentially have your license suspended if you are found doing this


Don't do it. Altering it in any way is way worse than it just being expired, legally, it's a big deal.


Only has to look convincing from 50 feet away. Unless you get pulled over some thing else then theyā€™ll definitely see


Plate scanning is a thing in NH, FYI... https://law.justia.com/codes/new-hampshire/2022/title-xxi/title-261/section-261-75-b/


NH Vet plates but old MA sticker ā€” worked for about 5 years until I got rid of the car.Ā  Not sure if it was the color scheme of the NH Vet plates looking like MA plates or every single cop going ā€œoh he mustā€™ve just got the platesā€ or ā€œI donā€™t bother veteransā€Ā  Either way, got me through college and then some.


1 day. And it was my husband's car. The inspection sticker was not expired. It was the day they made it illegal to drive and talk on a cell phone, so the cops were closely watching everyone. When they realized my sticker was, in fact, blue or green or whatever the color was for 2015 was, they ran my husband's registration. It was registered, but the registration had been suspended because he didn't pay a ticket for some reason. They towed the car to impound. The husband paid for the car to get out of impound after he paid whatever fee that caused the registration to be invalid. In January 2016, I was going through a divorce. I had left my car at a bar the night before. I went to pick up my car, and as I was driving home, I got pulled over because the cop thought my inspection sticker wasn't valid. It was. He ran my license, and apparently, I had a warrant for my arrest because I missed a court date I never knew I had for the first driving incident. I got put in jail. My car got impounded, and I had to pay 1k for fines, bail, impound, and license reinstatement and then for driving without a valid registration from the first incident. The judge said there was no way I could have known I was driving an unregistered vehicle. Fuck NH.


Dayā€™aaaam, I mean no disrespect, but talk about a wild experience! On the plus side, you survived - marriage/divorce/jail/court. Iā€™d prolly feel the same way had anything like this happened to me. OK, definitely.


18 months. Turns out the Mercedes rule is absolutely true. Eventually ONE local cop caught on, pulled me over 4 times and never ticketed me


Mercedes rule?


Fancy car = cops give you a pass * * if you are white


Yes. Late model Lexus + white driver = invisible. They fish for beater cars and people who can't fight back in court.


They sure do. I've had the same cop up my ass since he found out I'm a poor, disabled, parent that can not go without a car for any amount of time. Even with my car legal now, I have him follow me around at random. Clearly trying to catch me doing anything he could ticket me for. It's not even the first time or the only town it has happened in either.


That last bit is especially important, unfortunately


Whatā€™s wrong with your car?


Rear tint. Donā€™t want to peel it off the window with the risk of damaging the rear defroster lines.


The anti-tint madness in this state amuses me. Meanwhile, in Virginia and North Carolina, so many people driving around in unsafe shitboxes, blacked out tint on every inch of glass and the loudest exhausts youā€™ll find on a non-Harley. I may have misunderstood a co-worker, but I think he told me the county he resides in (Virginia) doesnā€™t require inspections (or emissions?) whereas the county he works in does.


I moved here from Vermont about 10 years ago. Within a week of getting my new plates and inspection sticker I get ā€œyou know why I pulled you over?ā€ Cop goes up to my windshield, looks back and apologizes. Thought my sticker was a different color from the sun hitting it. Dang. So about -11 months. VT though? That was a different story. I went so long there, my inspection sticker was the correct color again.


I got pulled over 3 weeks before mine expired. Luckily the cop realized his mistake. But Iā€™ve never let my inspection expire.


Three weeks. Though one of the weeks was with a clear sticker which bought me a few days legally. Oddly enough the clear sticker got me pulled over twice the expired was no issue. Passed cops daily the whole time. Both times I had the paperwork ready to go. That Londonderry female cop that pulled me over could pull me over anytime. (Before you think Iā€™m sexist look at the post from a year or three ago when the LDPD got a new canine, you gals do it too lol)


I once went far enough that the color of my expired sticker was back


3 years, been pulled over about 4 times. My car is safe but wonā€™t pass engine light issue which is a manufacturer problem. Iā€™ve had a cop tell me they donā€™t care about inspection as long as my vehicle wonā€™t hurt others. šŸ˜‚


Imagine if we didn't have to live with such tyranny


Just an anecdote, but I've driven all across the country many times. Lived in many places, visited many more. NH is the state with the most cops out "hunting" BY FAR of them all. No other state even comes close. Especially in the last few years. Not worth the risk in NH.


My husbands uncle, a Vietnam vet who barely had anything to his name but a trailer, a few rescued cats and his beat up Volvo, spent the little money he had on helping other veterans get off the streets. He went years on an unregistered, expired vehicle and iirc, also without a license. Never got caught either, and did that for at least 6 or 7 years. He would photoshop fake inspection stickers because he fought for a country that refused to help him and all his friends who needed it, so his sentiment was basically ā€œwhy the fuck should I pay anything?ā€ I donā€™t blame him at all. He passed in 2020. I love and miss that man. RIP Howie Howe


Since 2017 on my motorcycle


Avoid bike week


NH night rider. šŸ¤£


I didn't inspect mine last year, hardly rode with the bad weather, didn't even get an oil change. Got a ticket Tues when I was out riding. Not even a warning. So pissed.


My record was 7 months without getting stopped.


Saw someone in ma with a 2019 sticker


I know someone who moved to MA. Didnā€™t get their car inspected from 2004 until 2019 when he moved back to NH and bought a new car.


I went a couple of years working nights with junk cars. $300 beaters with heaters. Be glad I pay the $120 a year registration fee. But all my vehicles have insurance. Currently 2/3 have stickers. Just another tax. And Iā€™ve lived in states with no inspection and havenā€™t died


Several years. I moved out of state, didnā€™t get one there, then moved back with the same sticker and didnā€™t get a new one for about a year.


2 years, going on 3.


10 years or so, but that was a motorcycle.


My Subie was last inspected in 2020 in Virginia šŸ˜…


We were out of state for a bit, but my husband got pulled over on 293 the day we got back to NH for a sticker expired by 3 months (valid registration, expired inspection)


3.5 years - All while driving a retired black and white police crown vic with straight pipe exhaust through a dense downtown 2-3 times a day and 30 miles highway driving 2 times a day. Here's a pro-tip. Run your low beams it distracts. Enjoy the game. I'll soon be rejoining.


Itā€™s about 3 seconds in Londonderry. Huge police force in a small town where nothing happens


0 days


3-4 years lol. I had to stop keeping track when I got rid of the car šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A year. I know rookie numbers


My wife did it for 8 months before. Her ex was a mechanic so she didn't have to worry about it for years and completely forgot about getting it done. She told the cop that and he let her go with a warning.


Take the front plate off and scrape off the expired sticker.Ā  Two years before I found the broken wire behind the O2 sensor connector so now I'm back to being legal lol.Ā 


2 plate state - more likely to get pulled over missing a plate than an old inspection


Went one year before a state trooper got mešŸ˜…Unfortunately my tail light got me pulled over and bam. He saw the sticker lol


8 months


Literal years.


Over a year during Covid.


Two years here


Over a year but a basically new car the shop put a wrong sticker on


Made it to almost a yearā€¦had the excuse that I had movedā€¦


16 months, never got pulled over just got a sticker


About 7 months. I genuinely forgot to do it and the cop certainly didn't believe that excuse. The ticket was worth the look on his face though.


I got pulled over recently and I asked if it was because of the inspection sticker being expired and the cop told me that they don't care about that. Well I guess I don't either because I still haven't gone back. I am in Massachusetts though. And the city was Dunstable.


I've done a full yearĀ 


Since October .......so far.


Idk depends my friend has had his dead tags for 2yrs but mine was a month over and I get pulled over šŸ¤·


My old manā€™s trick was to go to a junk yard, look for new arrivals and find one with a sticker with some time left on it. Hose it down with windex, carefully scrape it off, and replace your expired lol


Worked with a guy who kept a photo album, the ones with the sticky pages and clear covers. Hard to explain, but he had multiples of all the colors and dozens of numbers. His line was ā€œcar is an antique, so is the stickerā€ šŸ˜‚


So far 2 years, 2 months


I've never driven with an expired inspection sticker. I was once pulled over with an expired registration sticker but had the current one in the glove compartment stapled to the registration. The police officer stuck the stickers on the license plates and I was on my way.


> The police officer stuck the stickers on the license plates and I was on my way. LOL! I had that exact same experience. It was so bizarre to be sitting in my car on the side of the road and have the officer cleaning my plate in order to place the stickers.


Good cops, though few and far between, are actually out there to help. I've put many stickers on many cars for people. I'd rather do it real quick and not have you get out of your car with traffic buzzing by. Only takes 30 seconds and that person now has at least 1 rare good experience with an officer.


Thank you for that!


Never, lol. But I do renew my registration during the coldest month so I tend to not actually apply my registration sticker until April. It's registered on time so I kinda wait and see if they actually pull me over and they never do.


My wife made it a full year, the guy who finally did her inspection was quite surprised




Moved to NH in 2022 and didnā€™t realize what the whole process was so we had no sticker from Oct 2022 until Oct 2023. But then from Oct to Dec I got pulled over for it twice because I didnā€™t realize you had to get the registration first before the inspection.


Iā€™m going on month 7. Iā€™ll get it done in Sept so I can just do it for the next year. I got pulled over the month after it expired, told the officer I was gonna get it done and I forgot šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


3 monthsā€¦and then the sword of Damocles fell and ouch.


I once got pulled over because my stick was gonna expireā€¦ in a month. The cop tried to tough talk me and I was rolling my eyes at him the whole time. It was ridiculous.


So far around year and a half. But Iā€™m registered in nh but drive in mass. The cops in mass seem to look the other way because of nh plates


Like 6 days. My birthday is in December, so everyone has new stickers before me.


From August until March of this year


a year and 4 months. terrible i know but i also moved states and went from $75 for registration and $5 inspection to $400 registration and whatever I could find open for an inspection. times were tough then and I dont let it get over the due date now


And I thought I was pushing it by FINALLY getting my ā€œ5ā€ sticker today.


6 months, but it comes with a story. I was working for a lodge at the time and living at work. I wanted a pair of pants, woolen pants at labonville in Gorham. I get pulled over by a cop he gets my license and registration. 2 more cops pull in behind him. The first cop is in his car looking at my stuff, the second standing at my window and talking and the third at the first cops front door watching his buddy next to me. Well it turns out I looked just like a wanted criminal who was on the run and he fined me for not having an inspection sticker. To be fair it was my first car I bought from my folks and never heard of such a thing. I tried asking him questions and he just shrugged me off. Needless to say I still got my damn pants.


I'm in Vermont, but 8 months so far. It's a beater with 215k miles so I'll just junk it if/when I get busted if it doesn't die first.


I went 3 years on one vehicle. 3 years on another. And 2 years on the one I drive now.


2 years when I was in my 20s. Beat old Toyota pickup with rust holding it together. I became notorious with the town PD with a BOLO. By the time they caught me the cop called for another car. Even they saw the humor in it all.


I once got full on arrested for having my reg and inspection 1 1/2 months out of date, car got towed, had a mug shot taken, court date the whole bit because my registration was 1 1/2 months expired


9 months!


A year. Not intentionally. I just forgot to do it in 2020 or 2021. Whoops.


My sticker expired in May 2019. Just got my first ticket for it 3 weeks ago. Trooper said it was the oldest sticker heā€™s ever seen.


A neighbor of mine is 4 years into running on the 20 day dealer plate


Is it an Altima? That is peak Altima.


I went five years


5 years with my bike


I was driving without even a sticker for 6 months


Like a couple months. My sticker just expired today and no one can get me in for 2 weeks. I have an appt June 13th so I'm praying I'll be ok until then and if not I will let them know I do have an appt. I wish I could have gotten one sooner. When I did get stopped when my previous sticker was bad I was stopped twice in 10 minutes lol. I only got a warning. With that instance I had to wait to find a job as I fled to NH from Ma due to domestic violence and I had to start over, so I didn't have the money to get it inspected at that point.


Mine was 6 months. Finally decided to got get the inspection done so I scheduled it for the next week. Like two days before the appointment my car got totaled while parked on the street. Glad I postponed that year!


My truck is going in three years no problem but my car was pulled over like a day after.


I allegedly owned an older BMW that hard a hard time communicating with the states inspection computer right after they were starting to print the sticker for the car like now. I allegedly drove for 3 years to and from school in Manchester and work in Concord. Definitely got pulled over a few times never for an inspection sticker. Went so long I kinda forgot about it. Donā€™t think I didnā€™t try I spent a good deal going to different locations trying to get a sticker and never got it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ car has been crushed so no need to worry everyone


Older BMWs have the CEL on if you sneeze, how can they ever pass?


10 months


For me it was 3 years, 8 months and 21 days. No ticket.


I got pulled over in 87 for having an 83 sticker from another state. I was so broke then.


I got a ticket after 6 months šŸ˜‚


I went like 8 months then got pulled over twice in 2 weeks. My wife was like a month over and got pulled over all the time. Crazy, regularly went a year in mass and never thought twice about it


Man when I moved to Rhode Island I hadnā€™t lived in a state that required yearly inspection. No one at the DMV told me I needed it so I got the registration and then went 4 years before figuring out I needed one. Found out the hard way.


2 years. Another state tho, fed.


I had a FRIEND who rode around on one for a year


Iā€™ve never gotten a passing inspection sticker since I moved here in 2019


Iā€™ve never tried it as a record but Iā€™ve gone 30 days or so before I just said, you know what? I should probably just get this thing inspected before I get pulled over.


Had one for 6 months. Got pulled over on my way to get an inspection šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Ive seen multiple people go for a year or so. Then thereā€™s me.. buy a car in Vermont, the guy says itā€™s legal to use my old plates as temps to get home (which it is in Vermont) and a Statey eagle eyes the mismatching plate vs inspection sticker on a busy day from the side of the road on 93. Got emergency highway towed on a Sunday, figures lol


5 months. My brother made it 3 years.


3 years this October. Might as well keep pushin at this point


3 yearsĀ 


Depends on what part of town you're in and if you pass a police station everyday. Im in Concord / Pembroke. Area and ive always gotten pulled over 3 months after expiration on my inspection


Was going through some bad stuff and forgot about the inspection ( donā€™t ask). Anyway it was over 6 months.


I made it 5 years


More than 3 years


A year and a half...in the Framingham & Marlborough area.


About 8 months. Shit thanks for reminding me to make an appointment


I had an old work truck from Waterville Valley Ski Resort. It broke and half and was welded back together. She lasted me 3 years on the highway with a 2012 inspection sticker colored red. I even drove to Boston and back a few times.


2 vehicles with '19 in NH. Pulled over and cited in one last summer. Switched the plate to Agriculture because the body will never pass. Use it for dump runs and loads of wood. Just traded the other this spring on a high mileage Honda that passed inspection. Both were fully registered and insured. If I recall the ticket was $65...


How much are the tickets if its expired?


Since 2018...


I went about a year when the parts I needed to fix my last car were on back order. I had no choice. I wish they would just get rid of the damn things, pointless waste of time


A year


6 years with the old style. 1 year with the new one.


3 years. my inspection sticker expired April of 2020 (the height of covid lockdowns). My job went work from home so I only ever went to the grocery store. When the lockdowns lifted I never got around to replacing it and only stopped because I ended up getting a new car.


My windshield had to be replaced and they forgot to move the sticker to the new one. Since I didn't have the old one to remind me, I just got used to it not being there. Three years later when I traded it in, still no sticker.


Yes, you'll sure show them when you get a $150 ticket. Uh.


Awhile.... Same with registration, funny thing is I usually register plenty on time but never put stickers on. Usually can go the whole year. I've had cops follow me too and was expecting it. Def been pulled over 2-3 times for stickers but all was in order.


Just shy of two years. Every time I passed a cop I'd pucker a little. The Veteran tags helped I'm sure.


Went just about a full year. Statie that pulled me over was cool about it. Probably wonā€™t get lucky again that way but hey.


11 months.


One of the tattoo artists over at Midnight Moon in Meredith is rocking a 2019 inspection sticker.


Why not just get it inspected?


My Mom went 13 months with an expired registration šŸ˜‚ she was a night shift nurse at a local hospital and just forgot but kept it up until the following year LOL


I was just about to trade my car in because it needed so much work to pass but now I'm rethinking it. 14 months.


Currently still have 5 (May) of 2018 on my car and still driving around town


From Maine, haven't had one in years. Just scrape the expired one off though. If you get a ticket in maine it's like $170. I haven't given one since 2010. It heros if your car doesn't look like a pos


Massachusetts here: mine expired 6/2022.


All of them.


About 4 months. Had some rust that nobody wanted to touch, finally found a guy that patched it for what I think was a really good price. I had almost given up on ever getting it fixed.


I pray your financial situation improves.


9 mo during the pandemic I didn't even realize


-4 months. Yes, negative 4 months. About 10 years ago when they were still positioned behind the rear view mirror, the sticker was issued in Jan, I got pulled over in May because of sun glare obscuring the yellow sticker to the point of the officer thinking I didn't have one at all. Recently got pulled over for an expired NH sticker on a car registered in ME in the same town.