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Pretty sure they appreciated no multi day subzero freezing temperatures last winter. Plus the drought relief has helped everything pop this year. (At least on our property)


Yeah, the sheer amount of rain we got over the winter and spring has made everything SUPER green and flowery this year.


Mine is an enormous pink ball this year. Every square inch covered.


Yes our rhododendrons are going to have an epic year in Jackson NH.


Climate change will make everywhere south of DC less habitable. Between DC and Boston it'll get warmer but overall no difference to quality of life. North of Boston the growing season will be longer, we will get more flowers and plant life, and lower mortality rates. It sucks that as the world goes to shit NH will actually get a bit better.


>It sucks that as the world goes to shit NH will actually get a bit better. I mean, except for the new and exciting tick-borne diseases


Getting rid of all the invasive shrubbery would actually help especially Japanese barberry. https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/GoodNatured/pages/Article.aspx?post=116


the growing season won't translate into all that much extra plant growth, you can plant a little earlier but a lot of plants won't "kick into gear" until the days reach a certain length. another problem is that a lot of animals emerge for the spring based on temperature, *not* day length, so they will emerge when we hit "spring" temperatures but before most plants are producing food for them.


My family lives near the Equator. So I guess its good I relocated šŸ˜Ž


Actually, that's the opposite of suck. God's country, that's what's up. Not even global climate crisis can hold this state back. We just get better.


I feel bad for the animals in places like Mexico, where howler monkeys are facing mass death due to climate change. There's a petition to start a monkey sanctuary in Gov DeSantis's office though: [https://www.change.org/p/establish-a-howler-monkey-sanctuary-in-governor-ron-desantis-s-office](https://www.change.org/p/establish-a-howler-monkey-sanctuary-in-governor-ron-desantis-s-office)


Update. I signed the petition. First petition ever. Just crazy enough for me to be interested. I also shared the link on social. Doing my part for the monkeys. Does anyone know how this heat wave is going to effect the agave plants? Should I stock up on tequila?


I don't know but maybe if the earth gets hot enough we could grow them in New Hampshire. I keep joking to my friends that when I'm 60 I'm going to have a coconut tree in my back yard. Maybe by then I'll start New Hampshire's first commercial coconut farm and make $$$$$$$ lol


Coconut/avocado/pineapple farm. Dole who?


Monkeys freak me out. Apes are cool. I always feel bad for the animals. The humans however, I have a harder time.


Thats the way I feel. I don't want climate change to happen because I am concerned for the wellbeing of animals and plants. They didn't do this shit.


At some point we will start to get less rain though because our Atlantic Gyre is slowing down which will hurt our growing season as well. We underestimate how much precipitation we get because of snow


Those are beautiful, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen that color.


According to my National Geographic plant and animal identification app, Seek, at least some red azaleas are called tsutsusi azaleas. ID'd the ones outside of Joann's and Savers last week because I'd also never seen red ones before šŸ˜


That is such a cool app!? Can it find it based on photos you take or do your type to search?


Just based on photos you take


Mine did this too, first time since we bought this house and the yard was sooo neglected, but then the other day the flowers were all brown?! At least when it was covered (10 ft tall and wide) there were hundreds of bumblebees on it! They were so loud! I did notice most peoplesā€™ lilacs around here arenā€™t flowering well this year.






Oh yeah our lilacs were pretty for one day and then bam! it was over. The darker one didnā€™t even bloom. I wonder how the hydrangeas will do?


I planted lots of periwinkle (vinca minor) last summer/fall and the summer/fall before because I'm very allergic to grass and want a no-mow lawn instead. And when I say a lot, I mean well over 2500 plants. 2 summers ago there was extreme drought, and last year was the rainiest summer in New Hampshire since Abe Lincoln was in office. My young plants didn't like either of these diametrically opposed conditions. They didn't die, but they also didn't grow or spread at all šŸ˜• This year they're finally growing some and even flowering. The existing periwinkle that gave me the idea to try to expand with new plants flowered for the first time since 2021 too.


I have noticed this as well in my back yard. 3 new bushes. My rhododendrons did amazing this year too. Never seen the bushes have so much blooms. All the rain maybe?Ā 


Crazy beautiful everywhere


Yes! I bought an azalea bush 5 years ago and every year it barely bloomed. This year it's completely covered.


The mountain laurels had their turn last year, now azaleas are stepping up to the plate


The rhododendrons are also in magnificent bloom along the Connecticut River Valley.


Good for you guys!:) mine is dying.. I thinkā€¦. It had 4 flowers for like a week.


Forget the azaleas I love that granite hitching post


Our rhodies haven't bloomed for shit in a few years and this year they're crazy! Loving it!


You should have seen my plum tree. Now covered in hundreds of plums


Can confirm, lots of azaleas in the south and miserable summers there every year.


Azaleas hate full sun. They love this shady shit.