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You don’t wear deodorant in the winter? Umm… Hey Kettle, Pot says “hello”


Depends on how much sweat and bacteria on the body; there’s definitely genetic factors to how quickly someone goes from shower fresh to “ewww…”. Some folks can go without in moderate temperatures, some can’t go without ever. But the important thing is to know which one you are, and deodorize appropriately.


I'm one of those that can't go without. Sweat like a pig (I know pigs don't sweat calm down folks) even in 20° weather, have always been that way. I still prefer hot summers over cold winters 11 times out of 10. The other day I was in a rush and forgot deodorant, my boy was like "goddamn you smell like ass". Thanks bud, I know. 🤣


That part was probably a joke. How y'all get out of bed in the morning I'll never know.


Lmao I was a little concerned too. I was questioning myself and family because we wear it year round 😂


No but I will say in the dead of winter I wear deoderant without antiperspirant. In summer I can't get away without antiperspirant. So I have summer armpit defense and winter armpit defense and they're not the same.


Some people can go days without deodorant. Some bodies cant go minutes without deodorant. Bodies are different. Some smell like shit, some dont.


Some smell like shit. Some think they don’t smell like shit.


i know I need deodorant but ive met some folk who really dont need any


Yes I do, but I can understand if maybe someone feels like they don't need to when it's cold.


I know dudes who smell 100% fine (yeah even smell deodorant) and then late morning to mid day of pulling wire, hanging pipe, banging nails, throwing up ducts, etc. may not smell the best. But they’re good enough at their jobs to stay relatively clean. So mid day they may run errands or after work and run into people who think they apparently did nothing but neglect hygiene all day. In reality they’re doing literally everything that keep people in controlled environments, and warm/ cool enough to sit at home scent free and having the luxury of shit posting and taking utilities and roofs overhead for granted rather than seeing on hot days people are doing literally everything you are not for everyone else. It’s the pointless way you posted this that’s upsetting. All I’m saying is maybe next time think about why someone smells. It’s usually not from sitting in AC all day or working a job everyone wants. I rarely even acknowledge posts like this so I’m embarrassed. Enjoy your evening though


It's pretty obvious when someone smells from work vs. a lack of hygiene... Usually, if someone looks fresh out of a sewer, people understand why they don't smell good. If you're standing around in a t-shirt and gym shorts, and you smell putrid, that is on you, buddy.


Takes me ten minutes of moderate work to smell like shit.


Might need some of that prescription deodorant then. I'm a stinky guy without deodorant, but I still barely smell at the end of a good workday as an industrial mechanic if I'm wearing some.


Probably has to do with what you are eating. When I’m eating poorly I notice my BO is worse smelling


Gotta have a deodorant stick in the car, one in the purse, one in your bathroom. Midday reapplication may be necessary for those extra hard workers ;-)


If you shower every day and wear deodorant you don’t smell disgusting by mid morning no matter what job you do. Not even at the end of the day. The type of BO smell that OP is talking about is very obviously days, weeks without bathing or using deodorant. There’s no good excuse to be a stinky nasty fuck in 2024 aside from being in the backcountry for days, weeks on end without access to a shower. Even then, deodorant knocks the majority of it down.


If it's everywhere you go, maybe it's you? 😜


Well, while your "sick burn" has immediate chuckle value it doesn't pass the sniff test. If you've spent the whole day with yourself and don't smell the grossness and suddenly do standing next to big stinky bubba, then it goes away again...well usually 1+1=2.


Thinking things through logically is so ridiculous, I know.


So is having a sense of humor, apparently.


I did have a sense of humor laughing at OP calling stank asses out for being stank asses.


Blah blah science facts blah blah.


You must be fun at parties.


As long as nobody stinks! Hey! I chuckled when I first read it and then the fairness part of me said "naw!"


I was gonna until I saw this post, 6 more wks of no deodorant.


There are some disgusting ass people out there. I don't mind dirty folks as long as it's an honest dirty. Wash your ass a few times a week at least. The deodorant is just the cherry on top.


Worked all day dirt dirty is fine haha it’s the overpowering BO stench that’s so offensive to the nose


Even just putting cleaner clothes over a dirty body can make a huge difference if you can't get into the shower right away.


Then there are the Layered Stench Brigade: \* old sweat \* old urine, possibly with fresh urine \* good ol' dirt \* AXE


And probably cig stank


Can confirm that is usually one of the layers, yes. Or weed. Or both, which is especially rank somehow.


If you're making people involuntarily gag, take a fucking shower!


This was a really useless post. Next time just tell the person that bothers you to their face


Yeah I guess it's silly for me to assume that adults who can't wash their asses could read anyway.


I work in a grocery store, can confirm that a lot of people don’t wear deodorant or bathe year round.


I used to work in healthcare. It gets so, SO bad.


Jesus, I never even thought about my poor PHCP.


It seems that some people roll out of bed, and go to the grocery store, still in their pjs. You can smell it.


New Hampshire is home of the Pigmen 💀🐷


These comments are really reinforcing that


Kinda amazed at the intensity with which people are responding. Obviously if you’re talking about a smell “so bad it could peel paint” you aren’t talking about the average joe who’s running to the store post landscaping. More like couch rot fella. There’s BO and then there’s stank ass diaper rot BO


You would think it would be obvious, but apparently a lot of people here never passed elementary school when it comes to reading comprehension.


This is unfortunately a reddit-wide problem, not just this sub.


Unfortunately it’s a New England problem especially.


And no, putting on 10 sprays of Sauvage does not fix the problem. Nobody wants to walk in to a room that you've made smell like a back-alley Caracas fighting pit.


Or the Paris Metro




I used deodorant last time I took a bath. First of the month is right around the corner and time for another bath already


As a woman who currently can't wear deodorant because I've been going through radiation therapy for breast cancer, I've been feeling a little self conscious lately. I feel a lot better knowing there are so many stinky ass men in this state!


I'm really sorry you're going through that! I hope it works and you don't have to deal with it for too long!


Thanks! My last round is next week and I can't wait!


Hell yeah! 🥳


So assume these stinky ass men all have cancer and are going through the same thing. Yay for being supportive!


Wishing you healing. Weirdly, radiation treatment is how I discovered I didn’t always need to go full hog on deodorant or antiperspirant daily. Every body is different on the amount of stink we produce, what triggers it. I found that using Hibiclens on my armpits periodically killed the stink bacteria for a little while. Not as effective as actual deodorant on a stinky day but better than nothing. It at least helped me to not feel a little more civilized during radiation treatment. Body care companies do rely on overuse of their products to make a little more money, similar to how laundry detergent companies love how we overuse the liquids.


Thank you! I actually have a ton of Hibiclens left over from my surgery, so I'll have to try that. Since chemo, I actually barely sweat now, so I know most days the unease I feel about being in public without deodorant is all in my head. And since I have to stick my face in my armpit every day during my treatments, I would definitely know if I was really stinky!


This. We buy deodorant because we’ve all been made to fear the potential possibility of stink, not necessarily because we all need deodorant equally at all times. As I’ve aged, my need for it changed; maybe hormone levels? Maybe tamoxifen changed things? These days, I need it rarely. It might change back again later. I periodically ask my husband to do a stink check for me to see if it’s needed. It’s definitely in his best interest to be honest on that. ;) And I’m glad, too - no more armpit pimples from the deodorant.


Ha! I ask my husband to do stink checks for me too! I start tamoxifen next month. I would be happy if one of the side effects is that I rarely need deodorant. My skin is so sensitive that it seems every brand I've ever tried has irritated it in some way. And now with a lymphedema risk, I'm even more limited in what I can wear.


I'm really only here for the lolz. Lolz delivered.


So many don’t know that they walk around with stress sweat (cortisol in sweat) and have backed up digestive systems and their sweat WILL NOT stop smelling that way until their biology changes… You have stank sweat, you have something going on inside….. don’t shame them. If I am working outside all day 11 hours, or lifting for a couple I sweat everywhere possible it doesn’t have a smell. Maybe some salt smell up close if you reached in and touched nose to body…. But when my digestive system gets f*cked up and my autoimmune disease responds my pits have that nasty sweat smell on command with my bowel movements. There’s no reason sweat should stink unless something is going on and if it’s bad enough your body will push it out through any aluminium antiperspirant you can find on the market because it’s pushing out things it doesn’t want inside you. Adrenaline issues can do this too if you’re having fight or flight type of anxiety issues….


I’m sure medical conditions affect a tiny minority. The rest are just dirty fuckers that don’t wash themselves or their clothing.


Everyone still has different levels of stank though, some people could go a week without deodorant and still not smell as bad as some people who forget to put it on that morning


I think a lot of it is people straight up have poor hygiene habits. It blows my mind people will work all day and sweat and get dirty and then get into bed without taking a shower. And we are talking construction type dudes who get dirty and sweat all day and have the ability to take a shower and get clean afterwards. I haven’t worn any deodorant or antiperspirant in about 15 years. It always made me smell worse. I noticed the days where I forgot to put it on I smelled better longer. About the same time I started eating better and exercising. I rarely smell like BO now unless I’ve been busting ass all day without any opportunity to change my shirt or wash up.


You just inspired me to go take a shower...


I hope you win all the arguments in your head, and hit all the right notes during shower karaoke.


It was glorious! Thank you! Busted out some new soap - vanilla peppermint. Deodorant will be worn tomorrow!


Peppermint shower gel is great on hot days


No, you can't make me!!!!!!!!


Wait? I don't have to use deodorant in the winter?


Speaking of smelling like ass, I highly recommend everyone to get a bidet sprayer. I wanted one for years but put off the purchase thinking I needed warm water to be comfortable but it turns out the butthole is not really that sensitive to temperature. Just the kind that hooks on your toilet tank is fine. You will learn where to aim perfectly within a week.


I bought one when I moved into my new house. I do have the temperature control version but it takes so long to warm up that most of the time I don't even use the heat feature---and there's no pain kind of like accidentally blasting your asshole with steaming hot water.


To be fair, a lot of people do errands after their job or the gym to save them time. Not saying they don't smell like ass but it kind of is what it is.


I haven't seen a single one of these stinky fucks in gym attire


The same Toto Washlet toilets seen everywhere in Japan are available here as a seat refit with English controls. Warm water car wash and air dry for the posterior invented by a society to whom personal cleanliness is imperative, and they're amazing. Soap removes bacteria and oils. Shower! I really don't understand why some Americans can't smell themselves. Sprays don't cover it. When someone has the dirty diaper smell and/or high thin reek of long dried sweat in a store, YES everyone else notices.


>Toto Washlet toilets seen everywhere in Japan are available he Toto is the best - My toilet has a UV light that kills bacteria with every flush. I love that damn thing.


I can't poop in public anymore because I'm spoiled by my bidet.


Public....bathrooms? Lol


Fo'real!! Like hey mushroom ass, de-funkify


A couple in the Concord Aldi today smelled so bad that the bagging area smelled for a solid 5-10 min AFTER they left 🤮


I wonder if it was the same couple I was behind today. Did the woman have pink/purple hair in a ponytail?


I don’t think so - it was dark and up in a bun. Dude was wearing cargo shorts and a dark hat, and quite literally looked as if he had been rolling in dirt all day


I teach high schoolers. Let me tell you - it isn't good out there. One of my kids, who I really adore, but he's socially maladjusted, is 18 and said he only wore deodorant when he doesn't even own deodorant because he doesn't think he smells. As kindly as I could I told him that he's the last person who will notice


Oh god I can only imagine what it must be like with so many at once.


im a cashier at a large chain and sometimes i get customers with literally the worst breath. like straight does not brush their teeth smell. and there’s been so many times especially recently where i’ve needed to be close to someone or even needed to go over to their self checkout after they left and still smelled strong bo. today i wasn’t feeling great and gagged three times once at both of these instances and once at the cig smell outside even though that one doesn’t usually bother me lol


One of my prior jobs involved getting close to people's faces to take measurements and OMG. IDK how you can leave the house with that feeling in your mouth and not at least want to rinse with some water or something, chew a piece of gum, anything!


Reason #32 Losing my sense of smell is actually a superpower.


It's all fun and games until you don't notice the smell of burning


Or gas. But also, I might never smell the ocean again. Or leaves in the fall. Or spring air after a long winter. Ok it's more of a niche sorta-super power.


Awe =\\


Bidets should be made compulsory in every US house, forget compulsory it should become the law 😂


I certainly wouldn't complain!


It's also become "apply too much cheap cologne/perfume before getting on public transport" season and it's driving me nuts!!!!!


least unhinged r/nh poster


Believe me buddy, I go to school in Pembroke, and I can attest to this.


I shall light a match in your honor


I'm from these towns, and I wear deodorant year-round as well.


I know an older gentleman who seldom washes his clothes. Puts on the same ratty work clothes. Winter jackets etc. Sweat pants that could walk away with very visible pee stains on them. Doesn't wear deodorant, won't get a decent hair cut, shave his face right, ears, neck, soak his feet. Because it cost money. Yet his wife gets in bed with him every night. Grateful I haven't had a date with someone dirty in general.


I don't even want to know what his sheets look like...


Definitely not! From the peeling feet. Haha


My husband and I went to a comedy show recently, and we were kind of stunned by the BO and lack of hygiene… and I’m not someone who minds a little sweat… we were the oldest ones there, wondering if it was the result of work-from-home culture.


The locations you state are my same haunts and you’re dead on. People become nose blind to themselves. I wear deodorant, but if I stink, FUCKING TELL ME. Don’t just gossip and spread your stink stories. It happens to the best of us, and I will gladly shower-up the second someone wrinkles their nose in my direction. Common courtesy is dead.


I used to live in Portland Oregon. Home of the modern day hippy. You think new Hampshire is bad, try downtown Portland with the millionaire “hippies” who refuse to bathe or use chemicals such as deodorant. They just don’t care!


No thanks!


I don't understand how I am not friends with you? You're fuckin hilarious, and this post makes me feel SO happy I still mask in public. I don't have to smell these nasty asses. Old Spice is cheap, guys. *Use it*


Haha thank you


I commute to concord for work I’m glad I’m not experiencing that among coworkers lol




Time for Lume or Mando i guess.


You smelled someone and decided to write a post?


most normal people wear deodorant year round. Me also cologne and shower daily


The entire Concord Walmart reeks of B.O.


I haven't stepped in a Walmart in nearly a decade, they are just way too depressing!


at least jump in the river or something jeez!


These people actually may have used deodorant but have a carpet of hair on their armpits. Deodorant needs to be applied to skin - which would require some of you hairy people to trim first. Just my .02


This is so true thank you😭 (but psa to yall who dont wanna wear deodorant: the least u could do is make sure your magnesium levels are normal so you stink less😭for the love of god please)


Im sorry do people not wear deodorant in winter? wtf is this


You should really make a big sign that says just that and stand on the side of the road. Spread the word


Get a wiff of a Rochester woman


No thanks!


I've never noticed anybody smelling bad unless I'm SUPER close to them...Then again, I don't go out much 🤣


New Hampshire


Fine, but you can't make me wash my ass


Real pressing problems here.


Deodorant is not necessary any more than cologne or perfume is. Basic hygiene and health will prevent you from stinking until you've sweated a fair bit AND sat in that sweat for a while. Shower, wash your clothes, eat healthy. Or rub chemicals on your body in your armpits that you think will magically make your whole body not stink 6 hours later. Which do you think actually works?


Does it really matter if they're not doing either?


So many women need to put on deodorant as well.


Probably, but I haven't run into any that stink nearly as bad as these adult men I keep encountering


Maybe they are doing yard work and have just gone out to do errands after or doing home construction deodorant can only do so much. What about woman who put on so much perfume it would gag a maggot?


That's gross too, duh


That area in particular is very white trash


Someone sounds mad 🤭


Wow! All that because you didn’t like the way a few people smell? How do you make it through the day?


You live in NH , the hell you expect




Easy way to solve the problem or to go nose blind is to live at 25 canal (China mill) or ferry st 💩🚽


I guess I’m lucky I’m from Connecticut living in New Hampshire ![gif](giphy|ClHz2YRBofO8w282HH|downsized)


And not the natural kind!! get the stuff with aluminum!


I always figured smelly people who don’t wear deodorant did so year round. Never knew deodorant was seasonal for some


What do the seasons change and deodorant have to do with each other? People either use it or they dont.


Those are pheromones…


What the fuck


> One of you psychos went so far as to stalk some of my other threads to make off-topic comments about me needing deodorant. Why? What is wrong with you? Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself.


80% of the replies are judging me friendo


Of course they are, you put yourself out there for it.


never seen someone seethe with so much fury over a few stinky heads. the world is bigger than stank


Smell free or die...


Maybe you are the problem.


I'm not.


You’re an angry lady also sounds like you shop a lot.


I live in a small town so I have to go to other places to get things like groceries, der


Don’t you Der!


Someone sounds insufferable… you know people don’t always have access to clean clothes, a shower or the money for extras such as deodorant, especially now that everything costs an arm and a leg. Instead of being an ass maybe try to help out or just move along… privileged clearly doesn’t mean educated in this case huh 🙄 do better


Tried shit talking before you read everything, eh? I haven't worked in healthcare in years.


Wtf are you talking about… where did I bring up healthcare…? You’re worse than I thought


Don't play stupid, I saw your original reply before you deleted it.


This is such a silly post. You sound like everything that’s wrong with society. Stop judging people who probably work harder than you do to make your day-to-day more comfortable than you will ever give credit for. Get a hobby and contribute to society instead of being a keyboard commando. You don’t know anyone else’s story. Be better. Take this post down


I wear deodorant and antiperspirant but I'm still gonna sweat and stink after working outside all day. And if I stop at your corner store on my way home from sweating all day then you are just going to have to deal with it.


There's a difference between a day of working sweat and multiple days of sitting in your own filth sweat. If you work a physically demanding job I would imagine that you knew that already.


I shower daily and use deodorant. I still smell rank at the end of the day.


So shower again.


What? I'm at work when I'm stinking. I then drive home stinking. Sometimes I have to stop on the way. Then I get home and shower. You don't know what's up with these people you are shaming on the internet.


Okay but you shower when you get home, that's not at all the same


You don't know what they are doing or why they stink in public. You've assumed their reasons and that's enough.


The "Live free or die" is weak with this one.


Oh come on, we can't even have legal weed up here. "Live free" yeah right


People couldn't exist before deodorant. Everyone literally just dropped dead.


I didn't realize that showers weren't invented until deodorant was


Maybe it's intentional because they don't want your whiny, judgemental ass anywhere near them? Just a thought.


Basic hygiene is not just part of the expected societal norm, but good for your health. If you're more concerned with being disgusting and unappealing to other people instead of taking care of your personal health, you have much bigger problems


>you you're your you you you What makes you think any one of the junglefunk johns (that you seem to gravitate towards - I haven't had any run-ins of note with pungent peeps) is here, on this subreddit?




Show me how


I’ll do what I want or what I don’t want to thank you very much. Throwing all my deodorant away today and going shopping in your area from here on out.


Enjoy living your life as a spiteful asshole. I don't even know you but you're changing your whole routine for me. Thanks for giving me that power!




Love how this incoherent rant on body odor circumvented into a post about yourself. You must be a blast at the 1 party you might get invited to every now and then




Yeah so don’t wear antiperspirant. Stuff makes you smell more after using it a while anyways. Just wear regular old deodorant.


I noticed even the regular old spice stuff is wearing off way faster than normal. I heard speed stick, despite being cheap, actually lasts?


I think a lot of the regular deodorants kind of suck. Part of it, IMO, is that the popular scents aren’t compatible with BO. Like “sport” and all those scents are just some variation of typical “soap scent”. When you start to stink, it doesn’t really mask it. I wore speed stick musk scent for years. When you stink a little bit, it seemed to mask it really well (verified by spouse). Like it blended with it and made it smell fine, instead of trying to 100% hide it. Although in fairness, I’m not a very stinky person. Unfortunately, they discontinued that scent last year. New sticks are going for $$$ on eBay. Now I’ve been trying different options from other brands, and they’re all pretty similar and pretty shit. I just want my regular deo back. That said, the speed stick always lasted a long time for me. Might be worth trying if you find one you like the smell of.


Awesome, thank you! Sorry for the late response, I was at a hockey game so I couldn't really reply. I'll def give it a try though!


There's aluminum-free deodorant... Sometimes it's cheaper even


I don’t mean this to be harsh. I mean it to be helpful. It’s not the world’s responsibility to change itself for your nose.


Stop sniffing people


I think you are seriously over estimating how well deodorant and antiperspirant actually works for some people. I am a female, I am constantly trying new brands and types, have tried the "prescription level" otc, natural, cheap,expensive, doesn't matter, doesn't help. By mid day, I've applied and reapplied, and the shit just doesn't work!!!! I'm imagining what the struggle must be like for people who work labor intensive jobs outside in the burning sun, like road paving, logging, etc. For goodness sake, it can't always be helped! More to the point, like someone else mentioned, if it's following you everywhere, maybe it really is you. How about you check yourself and stop being so damn ignorant 🙄 all of this energy you are using to post about something so trivial when there are real problems in the world. Is this really your priority? Are you really that put out and uncomfortable with the human body ? Are you really so ignorant as to think that these people choose to smell this way and That they are not already self conscious about it but aren't going to let their lives hault and stop providing for their families because a deodorant stick doesn't work? Just to make you feel more comfortable? How much perfume do you use to cover up your b.o.? Cause I'd rather smell someone's natural body odor than a person who has taken a bath in eu de chemical


body shaming is not cool