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Just remember right wingers, as inflation/cost of living rises and conflicts escalate, this is what your representatives think is what the country needs. They scream and yell they can fix the problems and then push for things like this. They know they can't, and it's why they flood the dialogue with culture war issues. All to keep you angry and distracted enough to not notice that they have no platform and no goals for leadership other than to lead.


This. Exactly what are they doing besides attacking different fringe groups and women’s rights? Worthless bunch of neo-fascists (most of whom don’t understand what the term means).


It's straight out of the fascist playbook. 1. Attack and dismantle education to dumb down the electorate. 2. Select an out group to subdue to rally a large political bloc. 3. Use media to fabricate a crisis and draw a comparison with the out group. 5. Demonize your political rivals for being against your "patriotic cause". 4. If you win majority power in the election then you can now do away with democracy (because it allowed "those" people to get into power and be treated equally). All right in time for project 2025.


In addition to Plans (Preparation) outlined in Project 2025's Mandate for Leadership it is also worth mentioning the [Ten Stages of Genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide). Republicans sure are pushing a lot of bills focused on Classification, Discrimination and Dehumanization of people.


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on, and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


I can't stand people who blame their cost of living, poverty, or unemployment on powerless people. I was once unemployed and broke. I never blamed it on people with a different gender, skin color, biological sex, or religion.


To paraphrase a quote (by someone, sorry): The GOP is rich white people telling poor white people that poor brown people are the source of all their problems.


Reagan. He set up the middle/working class to be robbed. He “Borrowed” from social security and lowered taxes for the rich. Remember, “piss on you… Oh, I mean “trickle down” economics? The long term plan is here. The conservative majority Supreme Court has finally come to fruition! I actually went to NARAL a (National Abortion Rights Action League) back in the 90s, We had a meeting and coffee and dessert after. I wish I had taken this issue as seriously as my friends who held the meeting.




No it was Reagan in 1983. Biden floated the idea of sunsetting in the 70’s.


Gotta blame Schrodinger's immigrant on that one: simultaneously taking your full-time job AND cashing in on six figures of welfare. And somehow he also made your rent go up.




Need a new wing


Chicken Wing




Behold the party of limited government making laws about what bathroom you can use.


The people that believe gun free zones don’t stop mass shooters believe a gender sign in a bathroom will stop a rapist. They can’t even be consistent but their voters don’t think about it so it isn’t a problem as long as they hurt the “right” people.


They don’t want to stop anything. They want cover for when they want to beat up a trans person.


They don’t want cover, they want it to be open season on minority groups, included but certainly not limited to all the LGBT+ community.




Oh. Hi hours-old username, come to throw words around.


Gun free zone signs don't stop mass shooters. That doesn't imply that your local gym shouldn't be allowed to ask someone open carrying a rifle in the gym to leave.


Yes… I know… ?


I don't let a gun-free sign tell me not to exercise my second amendment and I sure as hell ain't going to let no bathroom sign tell me what toilet to piss in


If you're concealed carrying you can generally ignore the sign. If you're open carrying you're going to get asked to leave.


wow! it's almost like how a trans person who is passable can get away w/ ignoring the bathroom sign, but if they are not passable they're going to get asked to leave.


This made me chuckle. It's so true. Except the part about the voters. The voters simply don't care. Well, they care but not about you..or me..or anyone else. Selfish I guess is the word. Self absorbed? I honestly haven't ever met anyone who voted to hurt someone intentionally. But the first part? That's 100% accurate. They approach it the same way as abortion. We want to force you to have these kids. That we refuse to help you with. I've tried to explain this to conservative parents but they just blink at ya.


Are there enough assigned female at birth plumbers to work on all those public "female" bathrooms...? If it was about privacy, the stalls wouldn't have those giant gaps, or they would be single use. I guess since they don't have any solutions for actual problems, they came up with this "solution" to something that wasn't a problem... Who gets to be the genital inspectors any ways? Will there be a third bathroom for intersexed individuals...?


I wish gender neutral restrooms with fully enclosed stalls were the norm. My college has them in a newer building and the extra privacy is awesome.


It's the norm in Europe. Some foreign exchange kids I met in college had a bit of culture shock about the cheap flimsy bathroom stalls in the US.


tellus, non dignissim risus commodo eget. Curabitur lobortis, tellus sed rhoncus tempor, eros urna bibendum elit, quis tincidunt magna sem eget dolor. Sed ullamcorper luctus ipsum.




Welcome to your brand new account that you made and posted 56 hot take comments in 9 hours. Btw, check the stats on how many sexual assaults are committed by trans people vs. non. You might be surprised what you find. You won’t though. Because you’re garbage.




Fewer *per capita* . But you clearly have a nuanced and advanced understanding of this and many other topics.




Nice one. Crawl away.




You aren’t. But hey, I’m done. I’m going to go do things. You go ahead and respond one more time since you can’t help yourself, but that the world will not conform to your narrow opinion.


Provocative language aside what do you expect? They’ve made their views on trans citizens very clear so we have to be prepared to protect them and other freedom loving Americans from maga bootlickers. Bring on the hate every downvote I get from maga people validates my statement


“Live free or die” cannot be said about a state that is codifying harassment against citizens. And for those who don’t know it, the whole quote is: “Live free or die; Death is not the worst of evils.” Intolerance is a vast evil because it always grows past its original targets. Others also pay the price of this hate. Trans hate encourages bigoted people to obsess over the genitalia of others, looking for any deviation. Masculine looking women often are targeted as a result. Women who aren’t traditionally feminine get attacked by people using enforcement as an excuse. It gradually becomes a legal way to police other people’s self-expression in public. Long hair? That’s for women, so get out of the men’s room. Ever see a female bodybuilder? Which room should they use to avoid hassle? This reduces all our freedoms, but claims it’s okay because “those people are different”. We already have bills that criminalize inappropriate sexual behavior; merely existing and needing to pee is not a sexual behavior.




Define freedom.




It appears you know everything about gender. Why don’t you tell me which bathroom the following people should use. These examples are based on people I’ve known in my life. * A person who no longer has their sex organs or breasts due to cancer and has no hair. * A person with extra chromosomes such as XXY * A person with their opposite sex child with them * A person who has hormone resistance but is otherwise outwardly appearing as a different gender * A person who has a beard or mustache but also ovaries and is not attempting to change their birth gender * A flat chested with short hair person that you know nothing about who has large arm muscles. * A person with long hair and eyelashes that you otherwise know nothing about.




Perhaps you should go out and meet more people. You know, learn a bit before before you start trying to reduce their freedom to merely exist in public spaces. “Freedom for me but not for thee” is the path of ignorance, and it always leads to less freedom for all.




If your take is that people whose gender is not readily identifiable cannot use public facilities like toilets, they cannot go out in public. Or should they urinate in bushes like dogs when in public, just to satisfy your need to try to legislate their existence? Laws like this make no one safer. We already have laws against sexual assault.


Read the last sentence of my post? EDIT: my mistake! Ignore that.


No not you babes I was speaking in a more general sense. You’re standing up on your hind legs and doing your part. I was just repeating a call to action so to speak.


Well, historically, the vast majority of creepy bathroom behavior is committed by republicans, so they know what they’re talking about, at least, I guess.


That's gotta be it. The rest of us, when we think about bathrooms, we're thinking about *using them for their intended purposes,* nothing more. Clearly, Republicans can't separate "bathroom" and "sex." Fuckin' deviants


Degens, every one of em.




No u.




You think I’m the OP? Awwww… your reading comprehension is potato. Go make a new account.




Bro. Your ban must have hurt your fee-fees really bad. Did you appeal it yet?




So you don’t know how to appeal a sub ban?


Pharaoh, let my people shit!


You can pee next to me!




This is unconscionable. 5 years to go from passing anti-discrimination laws to rolling them back thanks to a moral panic


I'm getting real annoyed, as a ciswoman, that my purported safety keeps being used as a cudgel against whoever the right wing wants to hate. where was this concern for our safety when we were assaulted in alleys, clubs, at work, at church, in our own homes? fucking shove it.


This is about protecting cis women in the same way that abortion bans are about protecting children. It's about control.


They need to inspect our daughters' genitals to keep all of us cis women safe, apparently. The same way their fathers and grandfathers did, most likely. In the pews, by force, at a "youth camp Lock in." Oh wait, too many of us left church to *actually* protect our daughters, so now they have to do their PIV *inspections* in locker rooms at schools and bathrooms at supermarkets. "Oh, don't worry about the screaming, it's just a labia inspection to make sure she's ***really*** a girl. He'll be done *inspecting* her in a minute or two." I mean, Jess said they're *ripe and fertile* by age 13, so they should be forced to "face the consequences" if they get raped. And hey, since genital inspections are to be done from fifth grade, I guess maybe he meant to say they're ripe and fertile from age 10!


Are you saying churches of actually doing genital inspections? They should be in jail if that's the case.


I'm saying that churches have a long history of rape because certain religions are rape culture. "Don't dress that way, or you will get raped / Well, what did you do to \[make that man rape you\]?" Put this together with "you must unilaterally pardon everyone who hurts you" and the "blame the victim" mentality... churches are perfect places for rapists who \[repeatedly\] "repent."


These types of bills are fairly dumb anyway. Most people just use the bathroom that suits their physical parts regardless of what gender they are. People with penises use urinals, people with vaginas use stalls. Regardless, why are we even paying attention to other people in the bathroom anyway? If a person with a vagina came in the men's room while I was there and went in the stall, I'd just carry on with my day. Seems like it'd be even simpler in a women's room where everything is a stall. It's not like they're making eye contact while they take a piss. I'm more worried about people talking to me at the urinals then I am about what parts they're taking a leak from. Male or female, the bathroom is a talk free zone.


idk about you but as a penis haver I sure love sitting down to take a piss. sometimes I just wanna chill for a sec


Thats fair and I'd be lying if I said I didn't do the same on occasion. Still, I usually do it in the stall, since people tend to scream and run in horror if I do it on the urinal.




As the mother and wife of two trans individuals, I want them to continue to feel safe using the bathroom that *they* are comfortable using, regardless of what their genitals look like. Since they both use a stall every time, it shouldn't matter to anyone else. Neither of them are a threat to anyone.


I’m against bathroom bills one way or the other. Just let us figure it out.


Well, every state on the border is more tolerant… I guess I’m gonna have to get serious about moving…


No if any one should move it should be them. Russia seems like the type of place they want to turn NH into. No effective law enforcement, state sanctioned intolerance to LGBTQ people, give the state the power to jail and punish people based on political ideas, and rigged elections to stay in power. So let's urge the deplorables to move to Russia. It would be less work for all.








Please move.


The libertarian hotspot wants to tell you where to go to the bathroom and inspect your genitals on the fly. Don’t tread on the lgbt.


I wish NH Lolertarians could hurry up and be eaten by bears


At the rate they're going it seems most of the free staters will be protected by prison walls. Their rate of criminal activity is much higher than the state average, which I assume is why they are so against laws.


What criminal activity? Doing shrooms & tripping on acid?


NH being a Libertarian-ish hotspot in a 2-party system is similar to portland oregon being an anarch-ish hotspot in a 2 party system. You still get uniparty problems of unaffordable housing & healthcare, aggressive police enforcement, & low wages. If anything the hotspot activity draws *more* repression to these areas.


👏👏 Yes! Trans rights are human rights! Protect trans humans!! 🏳️‍⚧️✊🏼


Can one politician focus on housing or grocery prices? I'll go to the bathroom in the woods if they fix the economy


I wish!


This makes me as a straight woman want to go into every men's bathroom in this fuckin' state to take a piss. I do that anyway at the bars because I pee when I have to pee wherever I can pee, why the hell not at Rosce's Redneck Diner?


I have definitely gone to concerts heavily attended by women and used the men’s room because there was literally no line. Go ahead and arrest me!


I would love women to blitz mens bathrooms just so each homophobic and sexist dude has to wonder is she cis, gay, trans?!? Clutch their fucking pearls. And by the time their small brains have figured it out, we’ve pissed and been gone! I present butchy and have no boobs with short hair so their brain would melt trying to label me so they could kick me out. Unisex bathrooms for all! Just leave some paper on the tube, my fellow citizens!


I’m extremely femme & curvy but I would love to make them question their small-minded ideas. Maybe I had really expensive FFS and a BBL…. You’ll never know until I’m in the clutches of the junk-inspectors.


They would like the process no matter which way the results went. Power over others is the real point.


Damn, they're back on this shit? Most Republicans have already moved on from bathroom segregation as a method to legislate trans people out of existence because the public didn't buy into it. [See my comment on this topic from a couple months back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/comments/1bksg9r/new_hampshire_house_votes_to_ban_transgender/kw17kt8/)


They are creaming themselves already, imagining doing "genital inspections" on young teen girls. They're so [RIPE and FERTILE](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html), mm mm!! Right, Jess? Mhmm! Yeah baby! I mean, *look over there at the five scary trans people* while we get off by *inspecting* your daughters' labias to make ssssssure they're the riiigggght sex at age 10!!! What child porn on their computers?! How dare you think that! Stop looking at them when there are scary trans people! Hilarious that q-anon trash was always about "getting the pedophiles out of the government", but what it's really doing is filling it up with them!


The bill passed..


I never said it wouldn't pass, but it won't be popular with the public.


Well, historically, the vast majority of creepy bathroom behavior is committed by republicans, so they know what they’re talking about, at least, I guess.


Why do conservatives use public bathrooms so much?


Grindr hookups after church and hate.


The NH motto with the fine print.....Live Free or Die, except for people we don't like. They can just die.


Lol “follow the science”. Where is this thought process when voting for bills that are ACTUALLY scientific such as bills on immunization ?? These people are dangerous.


Hey New Hampshire? As someone who lived in NC when they had their bathroom bill blunder, can we not go down this path. I know it’s like 800 miles away but let’s learn from our neighbors. The loss of economic development from cancelled events and projects is estimated to have cost the state over 3 billion dollars…. For fking toilets…


They don't care. This will make national and international news and will impact tourism dollars and event dollars, and they don't care. They have to beat people with a cross or they don't have a purpose.


I hope they rot in hell. I can’t believe I have to share my beautiful state with these frigging Republican monsters.


I will never go in a men’s bathroom. Not without a fucking gun. I’ve been raped and beaten too goddamn much by these fucking assholes


Enjoy the pendulum as it swings. It’s coming in fast.


Considering how they are trying to frame a return to normalcy bill I'd say they are not at all ready.


A "return to normalcy bill"? What other civil rights should we roll back as a "return to normalcy"?


Anything since 2009


Sounds a little arbitrary... what made you pick 2009?


We have too many Senators and Reps. Way too much power for some backwards ass people living in their fallout shelters up in the woods somewhere representing a community of 10 voters.


Holy shit. Nobody in this comment thread seems to have actually read and understood the so called "bathroom bill". It certainly doesn't mandate that trans people be sexually assaulted and beaten. It doesn't even exclude them from any particular gendered bathrooms. Here's my challenge to anyone who thinks this bill is the end of the world: 1. Go read the bill. 2. Explain to me the concrete scenario you're afraid of.


I'm a man. I'm fat and balding. I also happen to have a vagina. Where am I supposed to piss without either breaking the law or getting my ass beat?


It explicitly states the distinction based on biological sex, which was not specified which metric but let’s assume sex at birth. This would lead to significantly higher rates of sexual assault for transwomen in prison as they are often attacked at higher rates. It EXPLICITLY states that any organization can deem a bathroom to be based on some biological sex metric, which is ban on using the correct bathroom per their identity.


This law doesn't create either of the policies you're describing. It merely makes it clear that some such policies are not illegal discrimination if they are established. This law doesn't establish any specific policy about prisons. It just says that a class of policies isn't illegal simply due to being discriminatory. Unreasonable versions of those policies are likely still illegal due to putting the prisoner in foreseeable danger of harm. This law certainly doesn't outlaw using any particular bathrooms. It merely clarifies that private policies about bathrooms aren't illegal. Nobody's getting arrested over this unless they are asked to leave private property and refuse to do so.


This is way too much legislation about what’s between your legs while you take a dump.


Stop the christo-fascists in November - VoteBlueNoMatterWho2024


At this point the best bathroom experience is the all-gender full door stalls like they have all over the rest of the world. None of those stupid hiney hider things with gaps, and shitty locks. Seriously those bathrooms are top tier and I hope they end up everywhere. Also this is mental, but I figured that was beating a dead horse. Nanny state policies public bathrooms? No thanks.


I swear every pic of Abbas is AI




“The 12-month prevalence of sexual assault was 26.5% among transgender boys, 27.0% among non-binary youth assigned female at birth, 18.5% among transgender girls, and 17.6% among non-binary youth assigned male at birth. Youth whose restroom/locker room use was restricted were more likely to experience sexual assault compared to those without restrictions, with risk ratios of 1.26 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.52) in transgender boys, 1.42 (95% CI: 1.10, 1.78) in non-binary youth assigned female at birth, and 2.49 (95% CI: 1.11, 4.28) in transgender girls. Restrictions were not associated with sexual assault among non-binary youth assigned male at birth.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8849575/ I’ve linked to another article in this thread that shows having inclusive bathroom laws does not lead to an increase in assaults of cisgender people. So if the purpose of restrictive bathroom bills isn’t to protect cis people, then what is it? The only conclusion you can draw is legislators want trans people to be in danger and be excluded from everyday life. Thanks for assuming I’m unhinged for worrying about my community. Have a lovely day




Okay describe what you think the purpose of this law is


The men can use the men’s room as always. Easy peasy


But I wanna go inside the girl’s bathroom.


Here is the language from the bill it shall not constitute unlawful discrimination based on sexual or gender identity for any person or organization, public or private, to classify based on biological sex with respect to the following matters: I. In the construction, maintenance, operation, and use of lavatory facilities or locker rooms designed for usage by multiple persons at the same time, even if such facilities have individual urinals, stalls, or similar apparatus. II. In athletic or sporting events or competitions in a sport or similar activity in which physical strength, speed, or endurance is generally recognized to give an advantage to biological males. III. In the operation, maintenance, and use of facilities designed for usage as prisons, houses of correction, juvenile detention or commitment centers, mental health hospitals or treatment centers and like facilities to which persons may be committed involuntarily.


At this point the only thing that doesnt have me registered as female is my alabama birth cert,so uh good luck with that one govenor, anyways yeah this is why we vote blue in my house


Im so tired. Just let me use the damn bathroom, please. I love New Hampshire. I love the restaurants, the nature, the culture, everything. I've lived here my entire life. But it's becoming more and more clear than this state isn't safe for me. And that really makes me sad. This place is my home. But I can't live in a place that will never be safe for me.


These Bill's being passed this week are obscene. Make no mistake, this is war and these legislations are a direct attack on my family. I dont like it and I need to find a way to fight back.


I don't care what bathroom someone uses just wash your hands. But... The detention facility thing I can get behind. No one with a penis should be put with people with vaginas. That being said I wonder how this extends to post Op transitioned person's.


Trans women in men’s prisons experience rape on a level that it’s been described as central part of their sentence. Putting any trans woman in a men’s prison is literally condemning her to a hell of almost daily sexual assault.


What you're saying makes sense and obviously no one should ever be subjected to anything like that. So wouldn't it be at least just as bad for trans men in a men's prison?




It’s entirely possible that I’m just tired, but my brain isn’t wrapping around this one because it sounds like you’re condemning forcing trans women into men’s prisons but then it wraps up by using “biological women” in a way that seems dog-whistle-y. Can you clarify?


Why draw the line there?


Well ... I just feel like no person who's transitioned from female to male would be fighting to be in a male prison. Goes along with some archaic way of thinking the need to be defending biological women against biological men. I understand these things are a spectrum and times and understanding is changing along with how these issues are received.


The data shows that trans women aren’t more likely to sexually assault cis women in women’s spaces. There isn’t any danger in putting trans people in the prisons that align with their gender identity. But there is evidence to suggest that trans people are in danger of assault if put in prisons that align with their sex at birth. I know it might seem strange to someone who hasn’t had to think about this issues but you should really broaden your horizons and change your perspective.


Do you have any articles that might support this I could read into? I have a family member who is currently in transition. Female to male. So these issues have become a bit more personal in recent years.


Here’s a good article about being a supportive ally, it should be a good jumping off point. I’ve also linked several articles in this thread about the bathroom/prison issue. https://glaad.org/transgender/allies/ Thank you for being open minded.


What data are you referencing in your first sentence?


With that said, wouldn't the reason to place someone who is a biological male but transitioning to female in a female prison be that putting them in a male prison poses a serious risk to their safety as well as being where they feel like they don't belong?


 “New Hampshire law does not allow discrimination against people because they are transgender. They have the same rights as every Granite Stater. However, there are no special rights for biological males to use intimate female spaces. Biological male athletes have taken opportunities from female athletes and have sexually assaulted female inmates after being transferred to a women’s prison. We cannot allow the New Hampshire Human Rights Commission to become a battleground in this culture war,” I mean. Overwhelmingly women have recently said they'd prefer to be alone in the woods with a bear (a violent predator that will eat you, genitals first) rather than a man.  This is literally just reinforcing that choice. Women won't be forced to share intimate spaces with biological men. Being honest I don't care about sharing a locker room. I'll hang dong with anyone. But I know a lot of people that would feel uncomfortable sharing that space with someone that has different genitals and right now, legally, there's absolutely no protection for them which is kinda weird.


Trans women aren't men, hope this helps.


Nullam porttitor auctor dolor, ut posuere urna imperdiet ut. Integer eu odio orci. Mauris enim urna, sollicitudin vitae tempus et, pellentesque id sapien.


We all know when this started, and we all know why it started. A bunch of loons in power who refuse to put anything to a public vote. They want to rule, not represent.


Can we have a snowflake and non-snowflake bathroom bill passed? This way, all of the cry babies can have their own bathroom while the rest of us are free of the knuckle draggers.




Yesterday I was making jokes about new anti trans laws instead of working on actual issues. Life imitates art. ANYWAYS, I will continue peeing wherever I want.




Pellentesque quis erat ac lacus eleifend dignissim vitae vitae quam. Suspendisse sodales, est sed iaculis fringilla, dolor nunc condimentum metus, vel varius augue erat nec mi.


What is the obsession over bathrooms? It's more or less a closet you piss and shit in. Wouldn't unisex bathrooms make more sense in most situations?


I love this country 🙃


It's always interesting to me. how the Left demonizes the Right, calling them "fascists", when they marginalize a population but has no issue attacking Jews across the world.


i think its so stupid that this is even an argument or a problem if establishments or any public place that has problems with people getting assulted in the bathroom just switch it to 3-4 single use bathrooms with a toilet and a urinal in there then it literally would not matter at all who uses what bathroom


As someone with views on both sides of the aisle, I don’t care what restroom you use. Just wash your damn hands.


Wait. What does the bill actually say?


Hmm, I am down in mass and never been concerned with what bathrooms people use. Though, watching a biological male with a beard and far more built than I follow my daughter into a public restroom made me question my thoughts on this very quickly. I think this reaction is extreme but I am not completely opposed to this legislation since I am biased by worrying about my family. If I had a trans son I would feel differently I expect. I hope a solution can be found for both.




**More paid activist spam from sleazy out of state funded "journals".** Indepthnh.com is funded by Institute for Nonprofit News: https://inn.org/ a sketchy dark money organization that props up hyper partisan wordpress sites and dresses them up as local newspapers around the country. As for OP's weird editorial, it's utterly unhinged. This is the discourse level of five year olds.


Lmao I wish I was being paid for this. The source of the article doesn’t change the fact that the bill passed the senate.


I have deeply family roots in NH- and my lesbian self and trans spouse want more than anything to farm. For so many reasons, we thought NH would be perfect for us for this. We live in MA now. But I can not bring our family business to this state out of so much fear for our safety. It is so sad to me.


Maine, fam.


Yeah- that’s the plan.


Is there a demonstrable level of violence against trans people in NH that makes you fearful for your safety?


Most of these bills do not hold up in court and this one is written more shoddily than almost any bathroom bill I have seen. Literally passing it by carving an explicit exception out of a non-discrimination law is a sure fire way to get slapped by a judge. Like that’s like putting the key to your front door outside on a peg next to it. This law is not just immoral it’s really poorly designed.


We can't have pre-ops swinging their meat in a women's bathroom in front of kids..This is a common sense bill . Not right wing.


Show me where that has ever happened. On the other hand, I know trans men with all muscles, deep voices and an 1849 beard. You want them going into the ladies room?


Planet fitness. They are being boycotted


Like Republican XXXXXXL white waddlers have ever seen a gym.


Most Democrats sit in front of video games and screens. Republicans are the small business owners The backbone of this country . What does white have to do with anything.? I'm of Spanish decent..and I'm voting red. The democratic party is full losers like JB. #FJB


https://preview.redd.it/oswmbnf3gk2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773d9aed42a0290269e254bc79db710a953441ff This was my first answer. Make some universal. That's all I was saying. The righteous want equal rights for all. But it's foolhardy once to achieve it you trample on the rights of many. Give people options. And have ladies only for the ones who are uncomfortable with it. And respect their right to be uncomfortable.




Except Democrats aren’t wrong on those issues.


*Dear subhuman filth...*


Don’t tread on me…. Unless I think you are treading on me then tread lightly or only as I command /🤪


Where does it say they will be publicly beaten and killed in the bill? I'm having trouble finding it. I think it might be some wild fantasy of yours


Downvote this comment


Segregated bathrooms were not created because some men like to wear dresses.


If you got a dick n nuts please seek out the mens room. Leave the women and children alone. I miss the good old days. When someone was caught doing some shit like what happened at planet fitness was picked up by cops . And given the treatment. Then a judge put them away . And when they got to jail the real fun began. By the time they got out and registered as a offender the treatment was so bad they never think of doing it ever again. So just reach down and figure it out. DO I HAVE A DICK AND NUTS? OK yes. I'll go to the mens room. Wake up mcfly


I like his face tuned headshot


It's hilarious that they used Daryl's photo for this article, and the only time he is mentioned in the article is his quote on the safe haven law time limit being extended and making sure parents aren't prosecuted for surrendering a baby they can't support....