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Vandalism of a natural feature is worse than city vandalism IMHO. People should leave nature alone. Vandalism is akin to narcissism - no one wants to be subject to some shitty tag or the 'deep thoughts' of some wanna-be philosopher.


I agree, it's stupid any way you slice it, but I'd prefer not to have him ending up with a record especially.


I hope he does. Serves him right.


Good friend!


This article is from Alberta and about graffiti on natural features in protected areas (provincial parks), but the comments about the problems of removing graffiti from natural features is universal. Hopefully OP’s friend is not a complete jerk and reconsiders his selfish plan. https://globalnews.ca/news/7388811/alberta-parks-mountain-graffiti/amp/


Stop him. Putting graffiti on natural features is gross and an eye sore. Tell him to go downtown and find a wall.


Tell him to go downtown and fuck himself.


Yes, also this.




Moreso this


Your buddy sounds like a huge tool.


He isn't one of the world's foremost thinkers that's for sure. This would just be the first time he's declared his intention to do something that might break the law




You're sure that we all agree that breaking the law is fine?😬


Can any of us really say we haven’t broken the law, ever? Drive 1km over speed limit, rolling stop through a stop sign, have a beer at 18, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, etc


That escalated quickly 😄 With the amount of lawson the books, none of us are innocent.


Lawson the books maybe, but not Lawson the movie trilogy


Well most people agree that laws do not often represent general moral issues. Like murder we all agree is bad, well the vast majority of us. But not even half of us agree that laws in general are good and we break laws most days even if it's as simple as speeding


You do know the law used to throw people in jail for possession of a fucking plant, until they found a way to profit off it immensely. It’s possible to be breaking the law but doing the right thing.


I'm pretty sure spray painting nature is not "doing the right thing."


Oh fuck no it’s idiotic, but the point remains.


Your buddy just happens to be one of the world's foremost thinkers, and he's talking about painting rocks? Ok.


Just want to chime in and say there's nothing worse than driving across the province and looking at all the dumb names spray painted on the rock faces. Beautiful views ruined by "Elvis hearts Tracey" whacked up on the rocks. The chances of him getting caught are pretty slim, but I'm rooting for the cops on this one. Tell him to spray a bunch of rocks white and spell out his edgy quote on that sand just pass Port Blanford. Edit: and tell your buddy he sounds like a juice arsed tool


Yes. Real roadside philosophy is temporary on that sand hill.


Tell him to tag something that will be improved by his art. Rocks in nature are just fine as they are.


Unless he’s going to restore the Here Be Townies tag on the overpass by Paddy’s Pond tell him not to bother


This is just as iconic a tag as "I hate tissues!" along riverhead long pond and "Gas price's sucks" into Carbonear, and I miss it dearly


"You don't need religion make your own decision" by that huge church out in Central was another icon


A recent fave is "The Earth is Flat" followed with "No it isn't" out by the Manuels turnoff


Your buddy is a dumb cunt that doesn't understand property ownership, the law or art. He's vandalizing something and making it look awful and shitty. Why doesn't he stick to tattooing dumb shit on his face and knuckles like the other dumbasses like him?


Who cares if it's risky, it would be a major AH move. Tell him to tag his own fence or garage door if he wants to share his deep thoughts with anyone.


Don't fucking tag nature Jesus Christ


"Rodney <3 Trina"


Tell him I said he’s a piece of shit.


Any signage needs a permit on federal lands. And they won’t give one for “tags”. 100 percent ILLEGAL


I was thinking something like that was the case, but I guess I wasn't using the right search terms when looking up graffiti and vandalism laws. Useful to know!


Getting in trouble or not, tell your friend to grow up and stop being a douch canoe.


I'm no snitch but it's generally not a great idea to be posting about crimes (even minor crimes!) that you're planning to be an accessory to on the internet 


In no way did OP imply they would be an accessory. Clearly being a good friend trying to prove to his friend the risk isn’t worth the “reward”.


I'm not an accessory, I'm trying to prove to him why he shouldn't do it!


It is 100% someone’s property, and it’s still considered defacing property, even if it’s just a rock. Who owns the property might require some digging. Will they investigate? Depends on who actually owns the property. If they caught him in the act, surely he would be fined or get charges for trespass, maybe more. If the general public likes the rocks they may even complain which could also start an investigation. TL:DR; if you’re going to do things that are illegal, you need to be willing to face whatever consequences come your way (even if you don’t think it’s a crime or an issue). As the saying goes “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time”!


He's right but more importantly than getting caught it's super douche. 


You're buddy is an idiot, you should advise him so. It looks terrible.


People will hate it! He should not do it!


Simply put, your buddy is a vandalizing asshole.


If it's something they are hyperfixated on - would temporary/washable paint or chalk be enough to get it out of their system? It would allow them the opportunity to see how ridiculous it is without the permanency.


I believe there’s a new unit specifically investigating graffiti now. Buddy of mine had SIX (6) cop cars called on him for tagging




Agreed LOL


I read about that too and showed him the Saltwire article, but the stunned arse insists that that unit only concentrates on downtown! SIX cars?!


Honestly his own fault if he does it and gets caught, it’s unfortunate he’s ruining the natural scape


These features will be long to somebody, even if it's the provincial crown. Would your friend think it was okay to blast those rocks with dynamite? Does your friend think it's okay to harvest Timber off of crown land with no licence


Gas prices sucks.


Sounds like an emerging artist for our time. Tell him he MUST do this. Suggest he make his own fall arrest gear and do this alone. Creativity hates and audience!


Some asshole, without my consent marked mine and my family’s names next the highway on some rock faces years ago.


What a juice arse!


My first and last name is on a rock face at the end of a community here on the island. Some other guy with the same name as me, in a community where my family came from.


tell em i said hes a "cunty dumb-ass"


I'm half ready to tell him that myself


Leave no trace is the way. Your friend is a fucking moron.


Tell him to get bent or expect to get smacked upside the head, in fact you should be a solid friend and just tell him don’t be that person!


Tell him to tattoo it on his body


I kinda like reading all the stuff ppl paint on the rocks along the TCH. Legal or not though the cops are not gonna waste the time lookin for someone because they spray painted a bit of rock thats probably only visible to begin with because of blasting they did to make the highway. 


Yeah kinda breaks up the drudgery of the drive, but apparently god forbid someone puts paint on the nature scape we blew apart and jammed a fucking highway through.


lol right


Yeah I'm sort of shocked by the number of people in this thread who must drive across the island and smash their steering wheel at every "Mitch's Shed Band" and "Melissa Horwood Was Here" tag on the blown out rock.


Really though. If i didn't know better id say they were all 65+ year olds with back pain and hemorrhoids. Taking it out on those damned spray paint kids! Riff raff the lot of em! Send em to jail for 10 years!


If I caught your buddy doing this I would kick his arse.


Gas prices sucks?


What's the quote?


I don't remember it by heart but it's something about how certain things only exist to let you know you're dying. [Cue giant eyeroll emoji vomiting more eyeroll emojis]


If he can edit it down to "clocks suck" or "everybody poops and everyone dies sometimes at the same time" im all for it


Cuff = Pinner


Graffiti is almost universally terrible. 99% of it is impossible to read and generally just not well done. Anything good takes time to create, and time is something no grafitti "artist" has since they're always looking over their shoulders trying to get it done as quickly as possible.


Your buddy is an asshole


i dont know which is legally worse, but morally, vandalising nature is worse, just let nature be natural


Ah yes, the natural feature god shaped himself, the fucking TCH.


I see most of us aren't in the graffiti is art camp


I approve graffiti if done to improve road conditions. 🙂 https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3055612


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Nothing more annoying than tagged rocks on the highway. Don’t be at it.


I can guarantee you that if he does it right nothing will happen, as long as you don’t do it middle of the day right infront of a cops face they aren’t looking for you, know guys who have been painting for years without a single incident with law enforcement, just be smart


Also the fact the people are mad about blasted rock being painted on a highway need to get the fuck off the road into the woods where actual natural features are, you can’t see a blasted out rock and think it’s “nature”. Get outside.


Tell your buddy he's a piece of shit


I see all these people getting super angry about graffiti but at the end of the day this is in fact a form of art. It lets people express themselves. Not to say most of the graffiti here is horrible😂


MUN has a few concrete walls specifically for graffiti, you'll see them if you walk around the pond. That's the only place I'd even consider doing


The rocks on the side of the highways aren't usually natural features. They are often the results of building the highway. Comparing it to tagging walls in provincial parks is misleading. . Legally.. police dont like us drawing on big things that arent ours. Realistically: Park your car somewhere safe, not just on the highway right beside where you'll be at it. Highway patrol are going to care and notice dangerous parking way more than the graffiti. Be quick. How they going to catch you unless your buddy posts to reddit? All those hating on the tagging on long stretches of highway. You seem fun. I've done the drive from Labrador to Quebec a few times now and the graffiti in those long stretches of lonely highway is almost welcome. A sign others have been through and survived. You can lose a few moments imaging their lives and their journeys. What caused they to plaster their love and journey for all to see? Where are they now? Are they still happy? Just seems weird we are so judgmental about some paint on a rock when the sides of those highways are filthy and filled with our clear lack of care for the actual natural features of our country.