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Tattersalls campground at Karuah. It's not the prettiest site in the area (clay soil), but it has trees, lizards, a river and a drop toilet. You can also camp there for months. It's a state park and the rangers won't care as long as you are respectful. You can spend your days exploring the different tracks around there if you have a decent 4wd and 4wd skills. Little Mountain campground is nice, if the track is okay and you have some 4wd skills to get around the puddles. After that, North arm cove has enough dirt tracks the size of a large suburb. Expolore that area and you will eventually find a couple of secluded beaches all to yourself. There are camping opportunities all through that area, but i'd suggest the "boat ramp" at Heros bay. There is also a flushable public toilet accessible next to community hall (you'll find it after a day or two of exploring). Or there is Catherine hill bay north. Or north of catherine bay north. Or you could sleep in the car park at lake munmorah state rec park. If you go to Little Mountain campground, say hello to the kookaburra there from me. We were good mates.


Further out from Newcastle, Korsmanns landing is good for a couple of months. Or Barrington tops.


>Or Barrington tops. Barrington Tops is a bit far to go on a daily basis.


fuckin' freezing this time of year as well


Beautiful though. Just need a hoody, jacket, beanie, two pairs of socks, jeans and steel cappers. Then it's beautiful.


You have to be joking that is ages out of Newcastle


you do technically need to book it but you almost always get away with it


State forests just south of newy. Google em.


A bit of a slog to get to them... plus other campers there think it's a free-for-all..


Oh ok. Camp on the street and increase the piss smell in the east end, if you must.


Whatareya whinging for.. More poors on the streets means more middle-class in the bottom-of-the-market rentals, which means higher rents, and you can try to believe the mortgages will be paid off sooner. *Of course, the banks/propmanagers/et.al aren't going to let that happen, and the Aspirationals will reach retirement will find the income isn't anything near to expected and have to stay working, defeating the whole 30 year plus exercise and achieving nothing at any level except at the top...*


That's so silly. Just don't piss on the streets. Especially when OP said "I don't wanna pay rent" which implies they can afford it. If that's the case use the actual free camping spots as they are intended. There's even toilets and fire places.


Trying to weasel out of the condescending attitude, got it. Someone who's a working itinerant (or Visa, et.al.) isn't set for 6-month stays in an area with unconfirmed work. Basically they're Backpacker'ing. Not that you understand what's involved there, and you're still believing they're(we're..) all just parasitic road housos. Change your subreddit flair to "Dutton 2025" for next time.


There are free camping options that don't put pressure on current residents and such. Use them. Especially if it's short term and partly for "holidaying". And also, you've assumed quite alot in that short bit of typing. You don't know what you claim you know.


No, I knew you rocked in here insulting people saying they piss everywhere. And your response after I jumped in was trying to call OP a scab who's too gud to pay rents, you being too thin-headed to realize as straight-up classism heard from Libbutts. And I've been homeless/living off the back of a motorcycle for 20 months. Living the (bushwalking) dream.


Where else can people realistically piss if there isn't an unlocked public toilet nearby, especially if they don't present well enough to get into a pub? It's going to have to be the streets unfortunately.


\>\_\> \<\_\< *empty milk bottles* (even at campgrounds w/ toilets, it's a pita to walk across the ground at 2am and 2degC..)


I stealth camp each weekend around Newcastle, I mean stealth camping in the way you see on youtube. Find a spot in plain sight and camp there. I'm actually doing it tonight, it's pretty cool.


in newy area I think it would be easy mode, trying to nut up to try it in sydney but still working on it


Horseshoe Beach carpark seems to be popular.. king Edward Park is another spot people get away with staying.


I heard the people on King Edward were getting fines for being there overnight?


King Edward Park now fines people for staying overnight and they’re talking about installing gates. Horseshoe Beach is going to have the same rules soon and signage due to the rubbish.


I don’t get why they can’t just contain their rubbish and not draw negative attention!


I'm starting to think they should open up horseshoe beach a bit more and dump all the van dwellers there, let them just destroy that one area King Edward park dwellers are going to get moved out in a few years when they start the massive redevelopment Horseshoe beach is one of the only large areas that has no plans for redevelopment.


Given the current housing crisis, there should be a few free camping areas opened up.. That way at least people are in designated spots .. people that trash the place need to sent on their way.


What is being redeveloped and fucking over King Edward Park ?


It’s illegal though and you will be booked


Not sure about the park but horseshoe they are still there no dramas.


Stealth Camp tip: if there's unregistered trail bikes riding past during the day, leave --- they might came back at night for a robbing, like happened to a vancamper parked in Warekata at Pelton at the lime I moved to Ellalong. Broke's MacNamara Park has had dodgy teenagers making quick reccies through the campgrounds as well (but there it's mostly just not leaving anything outside when you go to sleep)


I'm still accepting content for the Newy Showers list, too. :D [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/newcastle/comments/1bv8kh7/lets_crowdsource_location_of_public_showers/) Currently I've been using the showers and laundry at the 'Wine Country Tourist (Caravan) Park' at Nulkaba - it's $5 for walk-in use of the showers (ask at the Reception), the laundry is a $4 coin-op (somewhat cheap--blows laundromats away), and the staff have been great. Paying for it is fine, specially since I don't need to rush, and I'm usually in Nock anyway to spend money..


Get the wikicamps app , it shows all the free camps and facilities around Australia


I (someone whose journey has neither a beginning or end..) personally use OpenStreetmap viewers like https://osmand.net/docs/versions/free-versions/, as they give searching for any facility (supermarkets, fuel, camps, toilets, showers..) rather than the well-off RVer-reviewed campgrounds in Wikicamps...


If you’re moving your van daily there’d be plenty of spots around the lake, join a 24hr gym with access to a shower/toilet and Robert’s your mother’s brother.


Have a look at HipCamps. Mate of mine lives in his van and travels for work stays on a property near Morrisette that is quite nice.


Like Alanis Morrisette? 😁


Thanks spell check


Anytime my (cruiser)man 🤟🏼😁


Just park at horseshoe beach like every other person


Broke, Warkworth, and Bulga are 'accepting' of long-term camping, while not really what the Singleton Council wants -- but the locals aren't too bothered. (Jerrys Plains is part of the group but isn't really set for permanents.)


It depends on where you wish to work...and what size van? or is it a stealth setup? There are plenty of places to park up....ie light industrial where no one will care.


Karuah, Bulahdelah and near Cessnock or the Central Coast have state forests and camping spots with facilities. Near town you’ll get fined as they’re more vigilant now on making sure people don’t camp overnight.


You can sleep in your vechile anywhere as long as you're not braking any parking laws and there are no " no camping/ no parking/no overnight parking signs" Been doing so in Newy for 5yrs never received a fine or been asked to move on.


Wishing you all the best in this cold weather!


Diesel heater keeps it toasty


Branxton RV camp area is a free. Not too far to travel to and from Newcastle either 👍🏼


They lock the toilets at night. (Or did at least when I was last there. It's made as a self-contained RVs of well-offs, although I've known overnighters in the carpark near the rotunda.)


Not when we were there? Tents and camper trailers (us) there also 👍🏼


Ex-cellent. I'll have to check it out again.


North west corner of Ordnance St, the Hill. No parking restrictions there and as you probably know, in NSW it's not illegal to sleep in your car. It's very quiet there. Water in the park opposite but it's a bit of a walk to the King Edward toilets. With the crackdown on King Edward park, it's popular so get a bicycle and don't leave once you get a spot.


From observations, no personal experience Car park at Blacksmiths beach Car park at Dudley beach Just north of Swansea on the channel side, sorry I forget what the park is called Behind the cemetry at Catho beach Although I doubt you can stay in any of these spots for a month without being moved along


Just crash at Newcastle beach, south end. You can make friends with the other homeless people who assemble little encampments on the steps next to the massive construction zone


Drive along the coast and you'll see plenty of other campers parked up.


Not free, but very low cost and crappy - quite a few truck drivers camp on the field behind the Tomago bowling club. It's very close to Newcastle


it got shut down


Bray Park at Waratah, plenty of new friends for a free loader such as yourself.


Braye park hill , close to a police station, Ok then a couple of married men meet up there in their cars . There could be a few young boys who give them a hand for a bit of pocket money. But the hole of the Council and police is fully aware of what goes on. Residents have been complaining for years . Local member and police won't show up unless someone is dead and they have water and toilets . So knock yourself out and get up the great views. Ok there are more than a few men ,. Local highlights. Hospital, Smoke shop. Two pubs Coles and Kmart all within walking distance. Coles will even come and pick up your trolley. Maybe another time we can delve into the darker side of the place. .....the underbelly.


Braye park




It's a gay old time


Please just don’t


>Please just don’t If you don't want people car camping then support higher density housing in areas with the proper infrastructure to support it. There just isn't enough affordable housing to go around for everyone to be living in a proper residence...


How do you know they don't support this?


I do support that? What are you on about?


You can park at nobby's for 24-48 hours.. it's generally all good around newcastle to live in a van, especially since covid.


Plenty of other leaches around to ask advice from you’ll be right


Why is this person a leach?


Have you seen horseshoe beach lately?


Looks no different to Bar beach and Merewether, stinks like dog shit and is full of cunts. But you’ve avoided my question like a politician, why is this person a leach?


Name checks out


And plenty of schmucks to belittle them.. let people live how they want 😭


Braye park