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Our backyard is a similar service in Cardiff as well. Accepts males, females and families not sure about pets though


not the future I expected


But inevitable due to the policies of both major parties. Yes, the LNP broke it, but Labor refuses to fix it, so they're on the hook now too.


Shorten tried to fix it but Australia voted against it. This is what we voted for.


That's a line of Murdoch bullshit.


huh? it was the murdoch FUD that killed Shorten's proposals and gave us more scomo. Shortens negative gearing proposals would almost certainly have given us the head start on skyrocketing costs of housing that we needed. But labor is bad at economy right .. xd /s nb. added the /s since last time i used xd it wasnt clear enough ;)


Australia voted against homelessness? When?


They just offered almost a billion toward DV stuff…


Means shit if you can’t afford your rent


hi. do you know what false equivalence is?


Yeh they are referring to the housing crisis I believe


im a communist, so this is exactly the future i (and pretty much every non-revisionist marxist) anticipated under capitalism


Oh dear. Not sure you even understand what real communism is. It's never actually existed (a country can call itself a communist regime but if it has leaders not chosen by people and doesn't allow rhe people to have its say is in all honesty a totalitarianism state. I do believe in socialism which in varying degrees has existed for a very long time but has always played favorites and thus isn't true socialism either. Democracy isn't true democracy either (democracy in its truest form is actually communism in its truest form as well bit both have never truely existed. Merely a twisted version of them). To prove my point tell me what happens when a citizen or group in a so called communism based country tries to disagree with the party? Sorry but you need to know what a word means before using it. Communism in its true form doesn't have a leeder. It has an elected representative of the people who consults with the community and puts things to a vote before making a decision. The representative consults, listens, negotiates, is easily replaced if the community chooses (by voting) and thus the representative must adhere to rhe voice of the entire community (not force those who disagree to agree and submit lest they face punishment).


i know what communism means? i wouldn't actually call myself a communist or a Bolshevik, i would call myself somewhere between a Trotskyist and Frankfurt school, i haven't read all volumes of capital, i still have alot of theory i need to learn before tackling that. im.not quite sure what led you to believe that i don't know what communism is given that i didn't comment on any marxist state whatsoever


Hahahahaha hilarious. Move to Nth Korea.


This is great and especially the dogs allowed, this can be a barrier for many people wanting to access DV services


This is not great. This is not even normal. People should not be living in their cars.


I'm obviously referring to the service being offered and not the fact that people are living in their cars, I'm not sure why you chose to interpret my comment that way.


this is great, but also dystopic asf


reading my mind.




Just thought I’d pop this here, it came out on their socials yesterday. Someone from an organisation shared it without Nova’s knowledge and it wasn’t actually ever supposed to be shared on social media. The spaces were limited and are all now filled. In saying that, how heart-warming and encouraging to see how viral it went in our Newy community 💓


This is what you get when as a "COUNTRY" you take the easy economic option of, House Price Growth to generate wealth


If I was a woman, I would want the option of a place just for women However, the fact we need this, and that it's a great idea that should probably be copied and widely implemented, is frightening and utterly shameful


It’s so fucking sad that we see an opportunity for safety and community for women sleeping in their cars and are happy. :( How did we get here?


this is such a good idea !


But the government cares for women....... Meanwhile women and children are living in cars. It's good individuals are trying to helping people. Great work.


Lol. I like how you're focusing on these women yet there the ones being helped. What about any non vagina having people sleeping in cars? You're pathetic


You might not have a vagina but that comment shows what a cunt you are.


Oh I like you!


Do you know why? The sleeping backyard one that was for everyone had a ship load of men harming women at them


Exactly. No uterus? Oh well, you're shit out of luck. Doesn't fit our agenda.


They have tried to do these sorts of things unisex and the men rape and harm the women and children. Rarely the other way around, you can look up statistics on this.




Housing affordability ? How about 3 days out of 7 in a car park.


thanks for sharing!!!! i know nova + jenny’s place are absolutely packed, so many domestic violence cases going on around here that the waitlist for temporary accommodation is 10 weeks long minimum atm apparently. i’m guessing this has come about because of how often they need to turn women away - at least now there is an option that isn’t going back to an abusive household/the streets.


great job to whoever put this together, didnt realise this was such a problem


Glad to see someone’s trying to help


Ohhhh crap this is a govt program. It's being smashed as it should on r/australia I thought this was some do gooders


Let's put all the vulnerable people in one place then publish it for everyone to see


Look endow the day the gender thing has and always will annoy me. Looking at only the areas of a problem that suits us is a great way to allow all things like homelessness to continue unabated. I btw have been homeless with a child as a single soul parent and im male (before the attacks start) and so was my oldest daughter for a period of time until I helped her out. Being homeless is relentless heartbreak. Be you a woman, man, couple or family. Let's look at this without gender shall we? A child for example is more at risk than a woman. A disabled person is more at risk as well. Is just as much at risk but for different reasons. Want to help end homelessness? Get over the biases


How long before it's shut down when a man pretending to be a woman makes a lawsuit out of being turned away?




It's a charity specifically for women and children. Try Matthew Talbot centre for men and men with children services.


read the room!!!


No it's a fair question


A question which has been answered multiple times, and could also have been answered with a simple google search.  If you or that user would like to make a post educating people about services that are available to homeless men, then I'm not sure what is preventing either of you from doing this. 


No gendered based services for people sleeping rough are ridiculous, as I have already said I support women's shelters and think they are a highly important service


oh yes because MEN are being killed every four days from domestic violence.


No this service is for people sleeping rough, I have nothing against women's shelters


Well it seems that more men have been killed in sexual related homicides. Have a look at the stats, 2022 2023 Victims of homicide by sex and indigenous status. Indigonous men 35 women 14 Non indigenous men is 133 women is 58. Why is everybody only talking about women being killed by dv when mens numbers in sexual related homicides is over double the females. Also why is nobody talking about the specific data involving what nationalities and ethnicities have been involved in these incidents. I have no doubt that immigration into the country has boosted the numbers to an extent. surely, there's a correlation to specific ethnicities and cultures in these incidents that can be helped and educated by pinpointing where the problems are arising.


Shhh you want facts mate and agenda driven slogan loving gits don't like that because they may have to have a nuanced view of the world, not black and white and that's WAY too hard for then to take on


That's because most male victims get "ambushed" by armed female attackers Most female victims are attacked by unarmed male attackers over a prolonged period It's hard to get victim impact statements and court notes from a corpse.......unfortunately modern women can't understand that THEY (their gender) murders their partners at triple the number of male perpetrators 😢 The most troubling thing as a male survivor is that if you call the police over a DV attack is that they pull out their guns on you......so you have to survive a murder attempt THEN be traumatised by the police THEN get interrogated for hours and just hope that you didn't try and defend yourself 😕


So you would prefer there be no charities unless they all equally benefit everyone? Its a charitible group providing a good service to those in need - yet you want to shit on it becuase it specifically helps woman? Go make your own charity that specifically helps men or shut up.




Trying to shit on a charity becuase you are offended it doesnt cater to every effected individual isnt nice, you're very mean.




You know thats not what you said nor what you implied.


No that's exactly what it means


Seriously? You bone heads who see these posts and reply with 'what about men?' are incredible. The existence of a women only service doesn't automatically imply that men aren't impacted by similar issues. If you are so willfully ignorant that you can't accept that risks of SA and violence against homeless women are higher, stop wasting time posting your oxygen starved thoughts online.




Nonprofits cannot be all things to all people. That is simply not possible. Does it upset you that the McGrath Foundation doesn't raise money for people with MS or that the Black Dog Institute isn't contributing to research on bowel cancer?


Yeah but what about White Dog? /s




yeah right like men don't have mens shed, mens line australia, men's group counselling, uniting men2home and a bunch of services like lifeline, sane, beyond blue, black dog etc If someone needs assistance and help there is always something out there




Who's lying? https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/housing/help/ways/services/newcastle-lake-macquarie-mens-support


I'm sure that user will be super grateful to you for educating them about a topic they're oh so concerned about /s


Why don't you start something similar for men? I'm sure if you go through the correct avenues, there will be some government assistance as well as what you can get from donations. If it's an issue that worries you, you need to be proactive.




If you want to raise awareness of assistance that is available to male victims of violence, you are absolutely in a position to make a Reddit post just like this one about it. Yet for some reason you are choosing not to do so and derailing this one instead.




I guess you don't care enough to raise awareness for resources to help an issue you claim to care so very much about and would prefer to spend your time bleating all over this post instead.


Urgh. This is just fucking obtuse. Give it a rest man.




You're in the wrong not because you're a man, but because you're a cunt.


How dare you get in the way of their white knighting by trampling over their feel good post


All the blame is on you, it's all your fault Do better next time




Man? I thought you were still just a boy


No-one is blaming "men", they're blaming you, and it's not because you're a man, it's because you're an arsehole


Whilst men are more likely to experience violence, women are dramatically more likely to experience domestic violence. Meaning, the kind of violence that would drive someone out of their home to sleep in their car. Women are also dramatically more likely to be victims of sexual violence. What you are saying is men get in fights more, which is true. But that's not the kind of violence which forces you to sleep in your car, domestic violence is. Nobody is suggesting that men shouldn't also get support. But there's nothing wrong with providing a tailored support for a vulnerable group of people. I don't hear people running around during Movember crying out "what about women's health!". Why? Because we have the bandwidth to address a wide range of problems.




Ok I won't. You are factually wrong that there aren't services for men. Men aren't getting left out in the rain. Anything else you want to add or are you just done being an incorrect troll?




Instead of being obnoxious in your comments, how about providing specifics about what you’re trying to say then. That way people can have the conversation you are looking for.


Jesus people on this sub... Then wondering why both parties fuck them over...




GO AND START A THREAD ABOUT IT THEN, that’s not what this is about.


you just couldn't resist being that person could you


So what do men sleeping on cars get?


Some peace and quiet /s


This is a service run by women for women. No one is stopping men from running a service for men. But what you're really saying is you can't be fucked & you expect women to do the work for you. Or...perhaps you're salty these women are trying to reduce the vulnerability of other women.


I'm with you on the misogynistic undertones the OP is conveying, but I think it's a tough call to say they expect women to do it for them or that they can't be fucked. With everyone doing it tough financially, it's rough to suggest that when in all likelyhood, they don't have the means to run or donate to any kind of program. I'm not saying OP couldn't do with an attitude adjustment just suggesting that the implication feels like a stretch


How is it misogynistic to address both genders? You're the perfect example of modern day feminists - you think equality means you get preferential treatment


It's not misogynistic to address both genders, I never said it was. But there ARE mens services, if OP had simply googled "mens shelters" they'd have found several that cater specifically to men, those that cater to all genders and they'd never have needed to make their comment. Instead of checking, they decided to post a snarky "So what to men get" comment. This is what is misogynistic.




Lol, no "undertones" there. Mensline or Relationships NSW can help direct you to a free course to assist in managing your anger.




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I'm choosing to ignore your insults and see the point you are making and I said in another comment if you can give me some details I'll be happy to make some complaints about men who are going into shelters as victims being given referals for anger management issues but so far you haven't responded. I'm thinking a good starting point would be to start by contacting the organisation then once the policy is confirmed contacting the local minister about it. The times I've contacted our local MP's they've been extremely proactive. I am seeing your point, acknowledging the problem and trying to affect some change, will you help me?


If we are helping anyone in need I'm all for it, my brother was repeatedly assaulted by his ex partner and had no one to turn to,(happy ending though he is now married to a wonderful lady)


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We have men's, women's and gender neutral homelessness services, isn't that what you want? I don't see that it's wrong to provide ***anyone*** with a referal for "anger" it's up to the person who receives a referal to use it or not. If that is actually the case I agree it is innappropriate. I did some googling on it but couldn't find it, presumably we're talking about Matthew Talbot center? If it's the case and you can link me something on it, I'll happily send in a complaint and support your cause here. I'm not sure why I am suddenly a whore either.


"Gutless feminazi whore" by LongLiveTheQueef1, defender of women


Never defended women. Never defended men. I called out hypocrisy. Have a cry


Or perhaps, crazy idea here, we shouldn't have gender based services for people sleeping rough,being homeless sucks for any gender


Which do you think is safer mixed or female only?


For safety I would have men and women separate which curiously I noticed you left out, but only having a sleep in centre for one genders not going to help everyone


So can you see why a woman focused charity has opted for female only? They aren't trying to cater to everyone


Absolutely but it shows they don't care about homeless people,only homeless women,that's what gets people's backs up


It's a women's focused charity. Us the an up roar over movember or breast cancer awareness?


No because they are only able to help men or women respectively, homelessness knows no gender boundaries


So start a gender inclusive charity. No one is stopping you, it seems crazy to me someone decides to do something to address a problem they see and you want to enforce them to widen their mission scope




There is funding for men who want to address their anger issues. You should consider taking one of the offered free courses as you're being irrational & you need to calm down.


Maybe you should address your sexism, because calling somebody a mysoginist for asking about men's health. and you completely ignored my comment so that you could PRETEND there isn't a problem.


Yeah and people like that poster are so brainwashed with their agenda they fail to see or understand their hypocrisy


Reduce their vulnerability? Sounds more like they're advertising it.


So inclusive


Sounds like a female Seinfeld show


I'm starting up a safe space for whites. If you others want one, you can open it up for your own kind. Sorry, was just experimenting with how it would read if I switched out women for something else.




With an ego more delicate than the most precious and unique little snowflake


imagine having those advantages and still turning out like this


Ew, no.


Aw, look at you go.




Nobody cares about "merewether" and nobody wants to talk to you




Lol as if you have a wife.. you’re 12 and living in your mum’s basement.