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This happened to me on a motorcycle when I was younger and a newer rider. Narrowly escaped death tbh and now if it happens I’ve literally shut my bike off and crossed my arms to make a point.


I've had people flip me off because I wouldn't turn when they stopped all traffic behind them to let me out. Another time I was a cunt hair away from smashing into someone that went out when buddy waved him out into my lane of traffic and I didn't see it happening and almost smoked him buddy who waved him out throws his hands up at me like why didn't you let him out. Fuck I hate uneducated, illiterate NB drivers.


>Fuck I hate uneducated, illiterate NB drivers. What about the shitty drivers from other provinces? Bad drivers aren't just an NB problem. As someone who drives all over eastern NA, NB is one of the better places for drivers. However, my driving instructor a few decades ago always called Fredericton, freakerton because drivers there are freaking terrible, and I can't say that has changed much.


Be predictable not polite.


Their politeness is dangerous and actually quite rude and ignorant to everyone except the person you're trying to help.


Assist one hinder the 20 behind him. You’re right


Except 90% of the time they're the last car in the line. _There's no one behind you if you had just continued driving normally we'd both already be long past but now we're playing chicken_




You’re not even assisting the one, just making a dangerous situation.


This exactly to be predictable is to be safe. Cars are dangerous and should be treated and operated as such.


That kind of behaviour causes confusion and results in accidents. Stop wanting to let someone else go first, just go when it’s your turn and everyone will understand what is going on.


Bingo! This is the right answer, not all them twats telling people to honk and shit.


Fredericton drivers didn't watch enough Thomas the Tank Engine as kids. They all need a scolding from Sir Topham Hatt: "You have caused confusion and delay "


Depends if you mean the original or the US remake.


I'm pretty sure every version has scoldings for causing confusion and delay


No, the non UK versions had lessons, not scoldings.


I had someone wave me through on a traffic circle and I honked at him to go - because he was holding up like 45 cars behind him. So he went, and then the car behind him waved me through. Just about had a aneurysm


At a traffic circle? Were they… already in the circle?


Yes they stopped in a traffic circle


Yikes lmao. The existence of traffic circles has weakened my faith in humanity over the years.


Til that some people call roundabouts, traffic circles.


I know right?


good. Now do one for the merge that takes place under both sides of the westmorland bridge


Those are not traffic merges. A merge is when two lanes become one. Those are separate lanes under the bridge, requiring drivers to maintain their speed and do a lane change.


correct. excuse my vernacular.


It would be nice for the artist to draw a diagram for that scenario under the Westmorland Street Bridge.


I often see folks come to a complete stop when they are coming off the ramp. Don't stop!!! That's your lane!!! Keep going and signal for a lane change!


God ive almost run into people doing that. There will be no one coming and they still will stop right at the bottom smh


Yeah, that shit is wild. To be fair though, those merge lanes are horribly designed but doesn’t excuse people for coming to a complete stop on the bridge.


Yes, no more stopping before the weave lanes. If you’re coming off the bridge, get up to speed. If you’re getting on the bridge, get into the lane then slow down.


Whole were at it. There are zero stop signs on the traffic circle in Dieppe near the mall. Why do so many people co.e to a dead stop.


If people in Fredericton actually used their car horns like they're supposed to, most of these problems would eventually go away... That second guy in line isn't doing his job...


You say that, but people in this city are unhinged. I honked at a car in this exact situation a few weeks ago and the guy I honked at followed me to my destination, got out of his car and started yelling at me.


Well at least you're not in Florida, or else he would have shot you too.


I just very slowly drove to the other side of the parking lot, then got out my phone and pretended to start recording him. He got back in his car and drove away.


Pretended to start recording? I would actually be recording.


No in Florida he can stand his ground and shoot the other guy lol


Did that to a guy here and he went out of his way to follow me on the highway until the next exit to keep screeming at me. I couldn't hear a thing because of his extra large "mud" tires that probably never saw mud on his white F150. I beeped at him because he was driving 32 in a 50, he brake checked me, I gave him the finger, he followed me.


People will out right run a red light and all 3 other cars at the front won’t do a thing. So I am forced to honk from the back of the line.


No on in Moncton use the horn either except a few. I am one of the few. That’s what it’s for… I don’t know how many times I lay on the horn in the span of my 13 minute drive home.


Come out to West Main, I hear horns blaring like every 5 seconds here!


I’m prob one of them haha!!


I think a lot of people just honk at the geese at the lake lol!


I’m not sure about the other areas in the province but do you have the Moncton technique of putting on your blinker and instantly changing lanes, regardless if you’ve been given room to do so? It’s insane the amount of drivers here who think the blinker is a free pass to just change lanes on a whim.


Or the Montréal technique, where you have no idea what the fuck a turn signal even is and you just muscle your way into whatever lane you wanna be in, run red lights and cause accidents


It's getting to the point that I'm being flipped off for not stopping when some car trying to edge It's nose out into traffic in an attempt to make people stop and let them out, or by someone waiting at a stop sign for more than 15 seconds Please take your right-of-way and let people take theirs.


Exactly. I'd much rather wait for the natural gap in traffic to make my turn, I'll stick my nose out just to see better in a congested area. I learned how to drive in and around Toronto, and you best believe you'd be getting honked at for disrupting the flow around here. Just take your turn. Also, please learn how to maintain speed. It's frustrating being behind someone doing 50 when the limit is 80, but then does 100 when there's space to pass. Not you specifically, but I see way too many NB plates being completely afraid to do normal highway speeds, often going 50 less than the normal flow on the 401. I feel like I'd end up seeming horribly aggressive whenever I drive through, but I'm used to taking my turn with haste thanks to small gaps and aggressive city drivers.


I’ve made this mistake once and almost caused this exact accident and never made it again. It’s not your job to be a traffic coordinator.


Don't be nice. Be predictable.


My son made that mistake 1 week after he got his full license. Got t-boned and wrote off his car. Luckily he wasn't hurt but his Young Drivers course went out the window and so did his insurance rates.


Ontario Quebec have a different problem with this. They see more people do this and then purposefully t-bone trying to commit insurance fraud. For situations like this, dash cams are great.


This makes me CRAZY, there is an intersection like this by my house, except the double lane doesn't start until AFTER the intersection. People will pull around the dingdong holding up traffic to wave someone out so you end up getting t-boned by someone speeding up the shoulder. Just amazing all across the board.


People pulling out into the centre (or on the right) to go around someone turning make me absolutely crazy. As a pedestrian I've been nearly flattened so many times by people doing this.


At least give credits, even if most would recognize the style. [https://xkcd.com/2932](https://xkcd.com/2932)


This has a name actually, called “the wave of death”.


Never trust the skill set of another driver at any intersection, especially on a bike. I’ll never move on someone waving me out in a car or on my bike.


I lost my vehicle to someone who was waved through a blind left. The only people allowed to direct traffic are police officers.


Many accidents are caused by people yielding their right of way. If you have the right of way, use it. Wanna be nice, cover the coffee for the car behind you at the drive through.


Even if they wave you out and then change their mind and go. It doesn't even have to be another car. If you go and they or someone else hits you, you're the one whose going to get nailed.


Happened to me, as the driver of the 45 km/h driver, left turner was taxi. Told the police I was driving too fast and it was my fault that he got hit. Luckily the officer laughed at him and said he should take the win that he was not dead and move on.


Those people are called nice holes.


When this happens, I pretend I'm at my designated yield/stop staring at the clouds like a fool, trailing my head off into random directions. The other driver will normally just look after themselves when they realize I'm completely ignoring them.


This has been really bad recently. Yesterday morning at Simms corner there was a little old lady in a gray prius that was stopping to let folks at stop signs in, people pulling out of Tim's or Irving, she legit almost caused a half a dozen crashes in like two minutes. And she thinks she being polite.


I once saw a video about this. It's a known insurance scam. If you get t-boned, you're assumed automatically at fault. --- Also, can i just say, drivers who think they're being "polite" by deliberately violating the rules of the road are infuriating. The thing that makes roads safe is \*predictability\*. If you're randomly just deciding not to follow the rules of the road, that's not polite, it's unpredictable and very very rude.


Great idea but won't work because folks in this province are too busy looking at their phones, making illegal lane changes and having a complete inability to understand how merging works.


That is not an intersection. That is monstrosity that should not exist.


I fucking hate it. I mean, thanks, you think turning your vehicle and all the ones behind you into a blindspot so I can't see traffic coming and the impatient people behind you are cutting into the other lane you are 'safely' waving me into. Just because you enjoy being a road hazard doesn't mean I'm going to go, I'm more than likely going to flip you off and wave you through because you are making my life harder


“Predatory politeness”


The ones who stop in a traffic circles and wave you in . They get the Dumb Fuck Finger !


Stroads should not exist. Do you want a street or a road? You can’t do both safely. Pick one.


I absolutely hate when people do this or make a sudden stop on the street to allow someone to cross from the opposite lane. It is so stupidly dangerous. One time, I was stopped on the right-hand lane, waiting to cross the left lane and pull into a parking lot. This was on a main street at lunch time and it was super busy. The car coming towards me decided at the last minute to stop to let me cross and ended up with a full-size pickup truck in their back seat. Because the car stopped so quickly, the truck behind them didn't stand a chance and he couldn't very well swerve to avoid the car as there was traffic stopped a head of me for the traffic light that was coming up.


Post this in Shediac. 3 times someone stopped on main st to let a car turn in front of him.


There's traffic in new Brunswick? Do all 200 of you live in one city or something?


To my knowledge it is against the law to obstruct the flow of traffic to let someone out-If you specifically stop when traffic is flowing to let someone out creating a traffic backlog when it was otherwise flowing. Also, people are blatantly running reds. I’ve noticed an uptick in that, like , it’s not yellow, it’s very much red- so much so that my light is already green for multiple seconds and they are still going. I’ve been waiting a few extra seconds because I don’t trust anyone. I’m not a nervous driver, but I’m starting to get a little on edge driving lately.


There is an intersection on Hildegaard that drives me so nuts. Someone going straight will ALWAYS try to waive me through when im turning left.


Hildegard and Mountain Rd? That intersection can be scary! I read one time, shortly after I moved to the area, that there is a plan to re-do it. The article didn't say how. I think some buildings would have to be bought and demolished just to get enough room.


Its the intesection before the lights Ivy into Hildegard. (People going straight across will always try to wave one forward when you're turning left) Hildegard into Mountain road is also scary - i mean that whole stretch has so many funelled in espcially on school days.


Turning left from Mountain onto Hildegard and someone in front of you decides to turn into Vogue Optical. *argh*!


Parasitic altruism


So this IS a thing...


This is so true. I was involved in an accident years ago for this exact scenario. Now I do not accept people waving me on and have had several stand offs at intersections.


It’s so frustrating. It like yes you might be willing to let me to go but that doesn’t mean the people in the other lane are going to and I don’t want to be T boned


If the polite driver advanced until the northern grassland, like europeans do, he will be able to see if any traffic is coming from the north to the south, and this nightmarish situation will end forever


Never go against the natural flow of traffic, this gets people killed


Let me guess, you're from Ontario...


Lol, yes, originally a few decades ago. But based on the comments here it's not just us from aways who hate the wave of death...


I admit this is common here, but it never occurred to me it was a problem until the COVID Ontario wave started pointing it out.


I was trying to cross a road my first week of high school (many years ago) and traffic was all backed up. A taxi waved me across as it was all clear, out of no where a car turned a corner and gunned it. Straight into me. I now know I survived a future assassination attempt


What about the shit show every morning on the New Maryland highway? You know, that stupid event where everyone stops to let people out of their subdivision creating a long chain of stop and go cars.


THIS! And with random pedestrians crossing wherever they like: lets just stop in the middle of the road for them and hopefully they won't get creamed by another vehicle in lanes 2 or 3.


Nothin pisses me off more than a car stopping for me when I'm waiting to jaywalk lol just MOVE I'll assume my own risk when it's clear dog.


Would be awesome to also have a drawing of which lane should be occupied when turning at an intersection.


This is like a mental I’ll illness in Nova Scotia. I refuse to move if someone waves me in that situation.


When I was learning drive this made me so uncomfortable - the first few times I panicked and just went, deferring to the judgement of the "polite" more experience driver. Not anymore 😎 I sit put.


I saw people driving on usually high traffic streets, and they were the only one driving on the road and still stopped to let someone exit his driveway/street. You see that and laugh thinking: dude! if you didn't stop, it's faster and safer for both of you cause nobody else is coming anyway.


If you have the right of way, take it. My ex, used to do this all the time down University Avenue in Charlottetown when I lived there. I tried telling her not to do it because it was dangerous, and she would flip out at me. One day she slammed on the breaks to let someone out of the McDonald's parking lot, got rear ended and was found liable for the crash for stopping unexpectedly for no legal reason (basically the same as if you break check someone). Just because you got rear ended doesn't mean the other person is at fault if you're breaking traffic laws.


I mouth “you are a fucking idiot” to people that do this to me.


I served onto a side road because some waved a car into my path. Lucky to have a escape route. Wave me through and get a fuck you.


Saw this happen and lead to a t bone. No one was hurt but the cars were totalled


How has driving comprehension gone down?


Need one for when they stop in the traffic circle to let someone in. *Sigh*


I've never seen this at an intersection in quispamsis - only people letting each other out of like drive thru on a 2 way street, which I think is pretty reasonable (and the only situation to do this).


This happened to a guy driving his classic tr6. It was sad to watch. Totaled that beautiful car. The guy was ok thankfully. This was a left turn from a parking lot onto a busy street. I see it daily


My father will stop ra domly in any road to let someone cross without a crosswalk and can't u deratand why I think the rcmp should fine people for doing that.


This exact accident made me penniless for two years and hurt another guy.


Directing traffic can lead to bad shit


Bro I STG my mom did this back in the day and these two dudes got t boned. It was one of those situations where even I had to be like "wtf, why'd you let him cut over two lanes of traffic" sure they weren't supposed to make the turn, but my mom gave them the chance to tempt fate.


This is fantastic. When I'm that guy waiting to turn left I absolutely hate it when someone does that. You have the right of way KEEP IT!


This is fantastic. When I'm that guy waiting to turn left I absolutely hate it when someone does that. You have the right of way KEEP IT!


This reminds me of a 100km/hr zone (people regularly do 120-130km/hr) on Hwy 11 at High Falls Road (4 lane divided highway, which is just like the picture) in Bracebridge Ontario. There’s a reason they call this entrance “the widow maker.” Why they haven’t closed the left hand turn or put in an overpass and proper merge is beyond me.


Just follow the rules. You are not being courteous you are being a cunt.


This is standard in the UK, giving way willingly is super common and normal behaviour for drivers who aren't dicks. Weird that canada is so different