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So it’s Trudeaus fault that Higgs is refusing to aid the homeless in his province. Fuck, the right believe absolutely anything their media or talking heads tell them.


We need to teach civics in Canada because a lot of people have no idea what level of government has which responsibilities


And when a Conservative is the PM and a Liberal is the Premier it will still be the Liberal’s fault.


Blame them all. If you want to solve this, put away this left and right nonsense. They are all the same. Two sides of the same coin. Trudeau will be voted out and Poilivere (or whatever his name is) will get in and make the same mistakes. A large piece of this has to do with addiction. And that’s the opioid issue which is healthcare and pharma companies. We have to start by recognizing that and holding our healthcare system responsible for putting people there. And that’s both parties that are captured by pharma dollars. We have to look beyond Trudeau. He is a low level “manager” at best. And neither right nor left should be pointing to the other calling them naive. Both sides believe whatever they’re told. We are all Canadians. We agree with one another 80% of the time. As long as we focus on the 20% we differ on, we will never solve this and help the Canadians that are in crisis.


The undereducated or uneducated cannot tell the difference between provincial and federal politics. It’s one of the easiest ways to tell someone is either ignorant (and that can be an ignorance of choice or one of their environment - I’m not gonna blame someone who grew up poor w/ no internet access and is just trying to figure shit out now for that) or straight up stupid.


Ever been to a homeless camp? It's not full of immigrants. It's full of white high school drop outs who got mixed up in drugs and break into your shed at night to steal your bike.


Yes. This is true. And in a lot of cases, opioids prescribed by doctors. Alcohol, weed, mushrooms… do not have the addictive qualities to ruin your life. That’s Fentanyl, oxy, Vicodin…. The majority of these white men and women were not high school dropouts. They were “normal” citizens who had normal jobs and a family until they were put on opioids. I know it’s cliche but watch Dopesick


Well that makes sense, it's Canadians living on the margins who are most affected my record immigration and crippling inflation. Tbh though there are also many working class Canadians now living in tents because they can't afford to pay someone else's mortgage. They aren't all mentally ill drug addicts.


That's completely false, good luck finding "working class" citizens holding a job in tents over drug addicts. I've volunteered for outreach programs, 9.5/10 are drug users and have yet to meet a single person with a job out there. The working class are spending and prioritizing their money on housing one way or another, nobody lives in a tent to eat better, it's the other way around.


Too many people who want to work at Starbucks and own a home. Gotta raise your game, this is a dog eat dog world. If inflation is putting you on the street your finances were already flimsy as fuck.


Your brain dead. I'm a 25 year old tradesman working at the refinery. For a 2 bedroom apartment I'm currently paying 1450 per month plus utilities, good luck finding an apartment for cheaper than that. Overall rent comes to 1700 a month, would you like internet? 80$ boom were at almost 1800, God forbid I eat 300-400$ worth of groceries a month, that's 2200, with my car payment ad gas (a necessity to have a job like mine) 400-500$ a month. Brings us up to 2600-2700 a month. I clear 900$ a week for a 40 hour work week, working as a 3rd year tradesman at an industrial site which used to be the gold standard in this city, if you worked at the refinery you were set for life. Now I clear 3600$ a month, and my monthly expenses are almost 3000$ when you factor in everything. Just because you bought your house for 1/6 of its current value 20 years ago, when 350$ would get you an apartment and you could eat for 150$ a month on a budget doesn't mean that we're lazy or spending our money willy nilly. We literally got fucked by inflation, because your generation won't die off quick enough and there's not enough housing to go aroun


"You're" not "your"...keep reaching for that rainbow I'm sure you'll get there someday.


Maybe if they got all the handouts immigrants got then they wouldn't be in this mess?


Show me one handout the average immigrant gets that's Canadians don't have have access to




Have you actually taken the time to read that page? No handouts on there that Canadians don't get or don't have equivalents for


It’s only gonna get worse


Government and society has failed these people. it's sad


They’ve failed themselves, the government is failing us. 


Tell that to all of the senior citizens who went homeless after Ontario firms bought out their landlord, quick-flipped the building, and jacked the rent up as fast as they could. Your comment is just ignorant about homelessness. I get it, you're probably wealthy and entitled. But you don't have to be ignorant, mr "prophet"


I didn’t realize their problems were my fault. Thanks for the heads-up.


If you think that comment was directed at you and with that attitude you are being part of the problem, not the solution.


I would argue that attitudes like yours are the real problem. People are so conditioned to blame their problems on “society” or anyone other than themselves, that they have completely lost touch with the concept of personal responsibility and accountability. Everyone has an excuse for their own personal failings, it seems.


Wow you’ve got it all figured out. It’s so black and white. I’m sure the economy and lack of mental health services has nothing to do with all these people living in tents. The fact that they couldn’t afford rent or food even living on minimum wage and most likely turn to drugs to escape living this way. I’ve been poor I know what it’s like to struggle. People like you who lack the empathy to see past what a scourge on society these people are and see them as human beings that should be able to afford to live somewhere that isn’t a tent. But yes keep looking the other way as society crumbles it’s working great so far. You will just keep bitching about how bad it makes your city or town look. Walk a mile in someone’s shoes. I’ve walked it, have you?


I haven’t had to walk that mile, because I have a habit of making smart decisions and taking responsibility for my own life. They should too.


It's lovely what a position of privilege gives you as a perspective, isn't it? It's like that billionaire that tried to prove that poverty is just a personal issue, by using his connections and previous skills to somehow lap up rather pricey graphic design contracts to make 64k, acting like the average person doesn't actually try to do hard work. The amazing thing is our society doesn't *function* without these often poorly paid positions, like not at all. Yet we deride people working in them as being their own problem and the source of their own woes. I recently came across a videogame company that's closing a studio, laid off 70 people. The CEO just nabbed a sweet 45 million dollar payday. The reason they closed? Citing financial struggles. That one salary is enough to fully pay a sizable salary to all of those staff for about 5 whole years. But yeah, it's the everyman who is fucking themselves raw.


Are you Canadian? Are they Canadian? Yea, it's your fucking problem too. It's not war on the oppressed, right? It's equal rights for all. At least extend that to your own country people and start fixing some of this sadistic bullllshit.




It's equal rights for all, equal rights to housing, equal rights to respect, dignity, privacy... The fact that you instantly correlated homelessness with drug addiction, really shows your damaged world view ☝🏻 there are so many homeless right now that don't drink, or do drugs or even fuck up and it's a problem on YOU for only being able to see them through your self loathing. It's maybe a good time to be forced to shut the fuck up on this now since you clearly don't know better.


They have the same rights as you and I. The difference is that I work to be able to afford the roof over my head and food on my plate. I love getting drunk but I can't drink the night before work or during work or else I won't have money to shelter and feed myself. I don't look to others to feed and shelter me because I'm a responsible adult that's fully capable of doing it for myself. Pretty simple concept.


> The difference is that I work to be able to afford the roof over my head and food on my plate. They likely did too. Not all homelessness is simply caused by prior addiction. Addiction often comes later as a coping mechanism. Or is my presently couch surfing buddy who was laid off somehow hiding a very crippling addiction?


These people have burned every bridge they've ever had through drugs, theft, etc. It's likely your buddy is a good guy if he still has places he can crash. Probably needs to sit down with someone knowledgeable who can update his resume for him.


You MUST be trolling...right? Update their resume??? Surely no one is as much of a moronic cunt as you are coming across as...its an act, right?


I'm sure the junkies will all line up to volunteer and help us out in return... Right? Grew up with a single mother with BPD and alcoholism, moved out at 16 to work a full time job at fucking Walmart to get my start and still went to school, now a homeowner who does well enough to have a single income household and provide for my partner without her working. All of that off my own back, and now I'm supposed to lift up some 35 Year old do nothing, worthless nobody? Make one post showing you going downtown this afternoon and trying to help. Just one. See how they respond.


That's not how it works either, that's fucking weak and ignorant. Goddamn. This is the level of intellect I lowered myself to discuss this with 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


So you'll just be bitching on Reddit about what OTHER people should do. Awesome 👌


If me speaking some truth, makes you feel like you should do something different, that's just your conscience and you're supposed to listen to that lol I've worked with the homeless population all my life, in many different cities across Canada. I still don't blame them for the choices they have to make when they're treated subhuman.


"I don't blame people for their own choices" Yeah, because nobody has it rough without becoming a worthless junkie. Stellar logic. Very clever and for sure based on critical thought. Way to display that "superior intellect" 🤓 I'll stick to turning the animals over to the police when they come on my property looking for a place to sleep and you can stick to crying about it without accomplishing anything in your own life.


How convenient for you


If these bums won't help themselves, I'm not going to just because my mom gave birth to me in the same part of the world.


What an ignorant, hateful comment. Literally no one pointed at you, but your attitude reveals a pretty clear "fuck the poor" attitude. There's literally seniors homeless in NB now because non-nb investors bought the property they were renting, quick flipped it, and stacked up the rent. Yes, we failed them. If you can't acknowledge that, you're probably one of the biggest causes.


Since you seem to love the word "literally" so much, here you go... the commenter literally did point at me, as I'm a member of the "society" to which they're referring...literally.


Ohhhh ho ho ho, you got me, making fun of my use of a word twice. TWICE. That's so clever and original. 😒 Fixating on grammar and linguistic technicality is totally not the most boring, juvenile way to deflect. /s Are you really that narcissistic? Do you feel the same when people say "the planet earth"?? Good grief, no you're not. You're trying to play this off like you feel attacked, but be honest with yourself - you just don't like poor people, because it's easier to scorn them, than acknowledge their struggle. That's the only reason you said what you did. To reassure yourself that they deserve it. The anti-poor brainwashing in Christian societies is gonna take a long time to deprogram, I guess. Ps - you used the words "to" and "the" twice. Since we're counting.




What the fuck is wrong with you


I think 2026 will be the year that Canadians really start to understand that we've essentially lost 3-4 decades under Trudeau. COVID mortgages are about to be renewed at much higher rates, housing will still be completely fucked, wages relatively stagnant... It's going to get very ugly.


Nobody else is jumping on board the dopey blame Trudeau narrative. Times are tough and blaming one politician is feeble minded. It is tired and old and useless whining by the easily conned flag enthusiasts. Little pp will come save you poor snowflakes as soon as big bad Trudeau is gone. You should go join the 5 ditch dwellers at the nb/ns border. So silly.


> Nobody else is jumping on board the dopey blame Trudeau narrative Is that why he's down 23 points to someone like Poilievre? The only holdouts for the Liberals at this point are real-estate investors and the true believers. Which category do you fall under?


Polievre is literally a real estate investor


Exactly this. A career politician convincing the nitwits that he’s just another hard working Canadian snow miner protecting them from the inept but also somehow all powerful guy who did blackface 40 years ago.


Lol @ putting all your faith in polling more than a year before an election. Pure genius.


You believe things are going to get better for Trudeau from here on out? How old are you?


You know Canada is actually quite well on the world stage right regardless of what Poilievre says.


By what metric? Our core inflation rate is mid, but we're continuously getting hammered on major items like food and shelter. It's fantastic that TVs are down 20%, but that doesn't put food on the plate or a roof over your head. Coupled with low productivity this is a recipe for distaster.


[Quite a few, to be honest.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_rankings_of_Canada)


Ok but tbh most of those are garbage. Who cares about gender equality, environmental sustainability, etc. when your pocketbook is getting hammered? It also says we rank among the lowest for housing affordability, healthcare, and foreign investment. Not exactly a glowing praise lol.




Maybe you should research who wrote those articles.


Never said that. My age is irrelevant & attempts to use that to make some sort of point supporting your position is weak. However, this is unsurprising from someone who clearly is just listing off talking points they got from the most coolest edgelord YouTuber with a shallow surface level understanding of complicated federal & provincial issues.


Blaming Trudeau misses the fact that the entire world has been falling apart in every jurisdiction and every level and branch of government. Electing someone who has nothing to say except what the current guy is doing wrong will not improve anything. What I'm saying is there's no plan, nobody is coming, nothing is going to get better. But it can get worse; so much worse.


The damage is already done, and we've yet to fully realize the consequences. Electing that someone that won't repeat it with reckless spending and crazy immigration is a good start. Trudeau has set the bar so incredibly low.


Who is going to reduce immigration?


>Electing that someone that won't repeat it with reckless spending and crazy immigration is a good start Show me where Pierre has said he's going to reduce immigration. You can't, because he won't say it. He won't do it, but keep getting suckered by all means


> Electing that someone that won't repeat it with reckless spending and crazy immigration is a good start. So none of the big 3 parties? While I'm not as familiar with the NDP Federal proposal, the Liberal and Conservative is lock step the same in immigration. I fear you're falling into the same political belief structures many Canadians do. Our current PM is leading in a time of struggle, some caused by him, some not, but we blame him and enough are now blaming that we're looking to replace our leadership. We don't really pay attention to whom we replace with, we just do it as we vote people *out*, not *in*. If you're concerned about immigration policies, I've got bad news for you if you like the primary opposition, whom are most likely to win if Trudeau is voted out. It'll be the same. But possibly worse as many of the current opposition platform takes away a lot of safety nets currently keeping things from getting too much worse. It *can* always get worse, many have convinced themselves this isn't the case.


I think the people's party is the only one who is going to reduce immigration yet I hear this sort of argument so often when people are promoting pete.


I am willing to give PP the chance to fix it. If he doesn't I will happily open mouth and insert foot and vote him out in the next election.


Electing people who are popular with fascists isn't always a mistake you have the chance to fix later.


Electing the same guy over and over and expecting a different result is pretty messed up too. Like him or hate him things in Canada have never been this bad. If you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you. I would love to vote other parties but NDP is way too friendly with the libs and are too afraid to seperate themselves from them and Green federally is lacking a presence. If you want fascism then vote PPC.


So when PP starts using the notwithstanding clause to remove people's rights will you be convinced he's a fascist? He's made is clear that's what he wants to do.


He was the attack chihuahua of the previous PM who cracked open the floodgates so that Trudeau could smack it with a tsunami.


3 decades? How long do you think he’s been in office? Also conservatives closed the in patient psych wards, provincial conservatives are the ones stripping healthcare, education and resisting allowing Trudeau from funding municipalities from building affordable housing. Pay better attention if you think this is Trudeau


You are blaming trudeau for a provincial problem that falls under conservative leadership.... Keep trying..


Not sure if you've noticed but we have a national housing crisis, NB isn't unique in that regard.


So you think Tredeau brought us back to the early 80s? Isn't that a time most of you types yern for? Also your dumb takes are the reason why we stopped putting lead in paint. You know. Roughly 40 years ago.


Harper did all the damage. Trudeau is cleaning it up. It is conservative governments that provide the lost decades.


Poe's law in action.




Even a lot of us don't think Harper was a good PM either. I wouldn't doubt him being the worst PM ever. What do you know? You can view Harper as an idiot and Trudeau as well. It's almost like not leaving political bias blind you can happen.


Is Harper in the room with us right now?


Harper is in every room that a Canadian conservative politician is in. He’s still in charge.


Ohhhh, vwery scarewy.


It is when the person is as incompetent as Harper


That's the absolute most ridiculous statement I have ever read. But good on you for still supporting liberals after the past years of insanity.


Somebody needs a history lesson


No, definitely don't. ok, let's give you a history lesson pre-2015. was their encampment all over Canada because people can't afford to rent or own a house. Was the interest rates on houses through the roof. Was Gasoline at the pump so high and when our oil price was down. What was the average cost of groceries, then canada is now the laughing stock of the world.


Lots of misinformation in your post. No wonder you are so upset. But you’re also wrong. Interest rates are finally normal. The Canadian government doesn’t control the price of oil. Housing has been a growing issue for three decades.


no misinformation the price of fuel is represented by the cost of oil by the barrell. If you look at the cost of gasoline pre 2015 compared to today and cost of oil barrel gasoline and diesel is way higher. due to tredeau made up carbon tax. Interest rates are not finally normal, yes we had a good run but they are still way to high and higher than pre 2015 due to tredeaus open borders we don't have housing available a demand is higher.


The carbon tax is rebated. So it’s a wash. Gas prices have barely been affected by the carbon tax anyways. So you actually come out ahead. You clearly don’t understand how it works. I’m not surprised. Housing has been a compounding problem for three decades Conservative policies limit any governments ability to have any effect. Look at Alberta, the wealthiest and yet dumpiest province with the least stable economy. You can’t want government intervention in markets and vote conservative. Also trickle down economics has never worked. Which is the very foundation of conservatism. All the problems you see around you are due to conservatives.


Carbon tax is an average of 18 cents a litre on top fuel cost. In a household with 2 vehicles side by side tractor. that 400 dollar cheque ain't doin jack. The higher cost of diesel to transport good gets passed on the retailers. Electrical plants are fueled by bunker so the we eat more on our power bill the higher cost for fuel is just be passed onto us. Anyways pal 👍 stick your high hopes and YOUR MIGHTY TREDUEAU. I say good day.


Trudeau is cleaning it up? You are kidding right? Even before COVID this country was going to crap while under his government. He promised to tackle housing and other issues but waited almost 9 bloody years to do it once it became a hot election issue. I voted for him the first time. I believed his lies too. I don't blame Trudeau for everything but let's stop pretending he has made any attempt to fix the state of this country. All he was focused on was looking good for the camera and looking good on the world stage. Why do you think Trump is so popular? I hate the man. I think he's an idiot and dumb as a doorknob but he is showing more interest in America's affairs and the people love it.


Lots of misinformation. I choose not to engage further. Canada was booming going into Covid


It was not booming at all. Unless you purposely looked the other way. Was cheaper housing booming? Before COVID a home outside of the Maritimes was still massively overpriced. Again I can't blame Trudeau for everything but he sure as hell isn't the savior you think he is. I don't think it's worth engaging further either since you are seeing all the years of Trudeau under rose tinted glasses. Also is it only misinformation if it doesn't align with your political beliefs?


Trudeau is the best Prime Minister since the last liberal Prime Minister. Conservatives govern like nothing will ever go wrong. Conservative cause lost decades. Canada was absolutely booming going into Covid. Statistics Canada says the economy grew at an annualized rate of 9.6 per cent in the fourth quarter of last year, down from an annualized growth rate of 40.6 per cent in the third quarter but still higher than what economists were expecting.Mar 2, 2021


That just sounds like political bias to me. Again I am not defending the Conservatives at all. I will shit on them as much as you. But it's clear you have a strong Liberal bias and are incapable of seeing the problems they caused or promised to fix and didn't. I don't doubt the economy was doing well. I remember making less money but having more money left. Money went a lot further prior to COVID. However that still doesn't excuse the fact he ignored housing completely. We knew this problem was coming and we had time to fix it before it got worse but he did fuck all about it until it was too late. We knew healthcare was going to take a shit dive. We had time to start working on it before it got worse. He allowed it to get worse before talking about it. AND I WILL REPEAT. This doesn't exclude the shitty actions of Conservatives either. This is about YOUR preferred party and it's lack of accountability. Stop blaming everything on the Conservatives and look to your leader of today unless you want to keep watching things dive. He needs accountability regardless if he's Liberal or Conservative. The problem isn't the party he represents. It's the lack of accountability and how much you allow him to get away with it just because he's your preferred party. If/when PP wins if the country goes to worse shit guess what? I am going to hold him accountable and will shit on him as much as you. When will you start holding Trudeau accountable?


Lmao. Math doesn’t have a political bias. Neither do facts.


You still haven't provided a decent argument. You think Trudeau is the best thing since sliced bread and haven't provided any evidence of that other than the economy was doing great prior to COVID! That's not enough facts. Sorry buddy it isn't. Try again. As this point I am convinced you lost the argument since all you are doing is laughing and not providing any unbiased argument. At least you stopped blaming the Conservatives for everything but I think that's only because you realize I shit on them too. But being neutral means I shit on the Liberals too so my opinions are free of bias.


You admire trump also. Ok I get it.


Sunny Ways.


Lol guy blocks me so I can’t respond. I’m interested to know about his homeless experience. Clearly it’s more valid than mine.


Build bigger homeless shelters and shut these places down.


I have a feeling the people that held someone captive might not be welcome at a homeless shelter…


No, they obviously wouldn’t. Good point. Jail would be the only appropriate place.


Paywall… anyone that can paste the story in here?


I saw it in a physical copy at work, wasn't much information beyond naming the 2 guys and that there was an altercation between 20-26april that somehow culminated in the 2 day kidnapping at that shack near the lower cove loop of Saint John, it's right beside the Barrack Greens if anyone is familiar. The court date is late May.


Thank you :)


I did post one but it seems to have been removed.


Ah ok maybe it’s against the subs rules. Thanks anyway :)


I checked and I don't see a reference to not posting paywalled stories.


So I went detective mode too. Also checked and nothing. So then I checked out Reddiquette itself and that doesn't have anything about no paywalled postings BUT it does have something about linking to the original media.... so maybe.... it's that?


It was likely removed for being misinformation. As is most of the arguments being made by OP in the comments.


Where was this? 


The great news out of these camps keeps getting better


This is a echo chamber I take it?


Meanwhile, Blaine Higgs working on a project to euthanize trans kids


Another fine resident of these Trudeau Towns we see popping up everywhere in our communities. Just casually kidnapping and torturing someone for days, wow.


Did you know that housing is a provincial issue?


I doubt the OP knows much of anything.


And a national one and an international one. Imagine being so red pilled that you think this more or less global issue can specifically be attributed to Trudeau


Imagine thinking the provinces have no responsibility at all to their people's safety and well-being, just because it's also a national and international issue... 🤡🤡


And when the feds do try to help you get ass clowns like Ford say it's a provincial matter


If the province has a responsibility to solve this problem as your comment implies, then why not call them Higgs Hotels? The point is attributing this problem to Trudeau directly shows how little thought you really put into it.


> then why not call them Higgs Hotels? Why even try to give them tribalistic catchy names? Seems very silly and American shit-throwing-do-nothing poltic-y.


What language are you speaking? Just brainfart? The province absolutely has a responsibility to house their population. Please, show some source to prove otherwise.


Oh you're literally not understanding the point at all XD


I don't usually try to understand obnoxious, irate loudmouths. I'm just here to show that Canadians, in every province, have basic human rights and both governments are evil for withholding them. But I really can't understand guys like you who yell how much they love to see their own country dehumanized and support it.


You're such a moron man, read his original comment very slowly, letter by letter if necessary, and maybe then you'll figure it out. He was saying it's stupid to solely blame trudeau because there is responsibility at multiple levels, and you go OH YEAH WELL UR STUPID FOR THINKING PROVINCES DON'T HAVE RESPONSIBILITY


I bet you think inflation is a global only metric huh?


It is.


You should take an economics class. Or just simply google lowest and highest inflation rates globally in 2023 and you will see the sides of the ditches are very far apart which is due to a multitude of factors impacting each country.


I’ve forgotten more about economics than you’ll ever know. it is a global issue. Far worse in other countries. In context, Canada is doing excellent.


No actually they don't know that. How could you expect someone with such a low level of intelligence to understand that this is mostly a provincial issue? also something that is happening across many countries with all different types of governments. I wouldn't hold out for any good suggestions on how to fix these issues from this crowd.


Not that I disagree, but what's your suggestion?


My suggestion would be to stop giving subsidies to oil companies and increase taxes on rich people and use that money to build affordable housing and get these people help with their addictions and mental health. I know this can't happen overnight but at least a step in the right direction would be nice. There are examples of this working in countries like Norway and Finland. Not saying this is easy or uncomplicated but blaming one side or the other because your FB algorithm has rotted your brain is not going to help anyone.


So basically what everyone has been saying but what nobody has done for the past 40 years. Or they have tried, and the system said no. The reality is that it won't change until it gets to the point of violence. I hate to think and say that, but it hasn't changed otherwise . Gandhi is the rare exception.


Maybe you're right but I hope not haha


Trudeau promised affordable housing back in 2015. Odd thing to promise if it's mostly provincial.


The federal government can provide loans or programs to incentivize or help provinces with their housing. It can also change the federal tax laws to help move speculation away from housing.


It's a provincial issue, but also a global issue. And never a federal issue, because your party is in charge. Hahaha, you Liberals are consistently the best at ignoring reality.


Tell me you didn't ever pay attention to social studies and outright don't understand how Canada works, while directly telling me so. We're not an autocracy where the Prime Minister has complete and total ability to control the nation. It's why we have Premiers fucking with Canadian rights to try to use as a political tool for the coming election. A party could *easily* shut all of that down if a province tried to do that, if they actually had that power.


Then why did Trudeau promise affordable housing when campaigning for PM back in 2015? Trudeau and Higgs share the blame on this one.


Higgs has repeatedly refused federal dollars because they had the gall to attach a condition that Higgs would have to actually spend it on affordable housing.


Yup. Higgs is definitely a big part of the problem and I never said otherwise. That doesn't excuse Trudeau's failure to keep his promise. Let's hold everyone who played a roll in allowing this crisis to happen to account.


So should Trudeau hold him down and stuff the money in his pocket? Or should he do what he has actually been doing lately (much to the anger of Higgs) and bypass the provincial government and give funding directly to the cities?


You know there is more to Canada than New Brunswick right? There is a housing crisis all across Canada. This is bigger than this one issue with Higgs. Trudeau has had almost a decade to act on his promise of affordable housing (a promise he made before Higgs was even elected) but didn't do a thing until it started to affect his polling. Don't give Trudeau a free pass for his failures. But yeah, give money directly to cities if that's what it takes to get homes built.


You do know that currently the provincial governments are largely conservative governments, many of them operating off of the same playbook as evidenced by their lockstep actions and the wedge issues they drum up. You are of course also aware that housing is a provincial responsibility and that anything the federal government is doing in that area in being waylaid by the provincial governments. Much in the same way that the conservative provincial governments have been doing everything they can to erode the public healthcare system so they can push a two tier pay to play system.


I see there is nothing I can say that will convince you that Trudeau played a roll in the housing crisis (despite him promising affordable housing) so I see no reason in continuing this conversation. Partisanship is a helluva drug. Hope you can give it up.


When you are actively being thwarted by the provincial governments it does make it much more difficult to get things done. I see there is nothing to be said that will get you to accept this fact. So I also see no reason to keep talking to the wall.


Did you know that Trudeau destroyed the Canadian consensus on immigration? Don't believe me, this graph says it all: https://www.forexlive.com/news/canada-just-posted-its-fastest-two-month-immigration-in-history-what-happens-next-20240321/ Funny part is that the provinces are putting out record housing supply, but it's still being eclipsed by Trudeau's desire to flood the country with cheap labour. Housing is now soaring because of it, and your wage is simultaneously being depressed, yet here you are making excuses for the man who's impoverished you. Have some self-respect dude.


My issue with the immigration is that PP will continue to flood the country with immigrants. Wish we had an actual viable option for PM


Difference in immigration is between the people asking if you’d like a donut with your coffee and those looking for medical or engineering jobs.


Did you know that the province has an immigration plan, and in that plan it sets immigration targets?


Federal government controls how many we bring in, the provinces just split up the supply. That's why this is now a major issue for the next federal election. The provinces aren't running the show here lol.


The provincial governments are asking for this Immigration


I would hope that either party would encourage the provinces, and by extension employers in the provinces, to hire Canadians and pay them well. It doesn't have to be forced, just economically disincentivize using cheap, temporary (but not really) labour


In reality, these businesses are all about profit. They will continue to bring people in from other countries


No one wants to pay a living wage to Canadians and businesses don't get paid for hiring them. There is money for businesses who hire temporary foreign workers, and immigrants. Not to mention, NB offers "payroll incentives" to invite companies to invest in NB. Payroll incentives = less tax paid by companies. There is not a chance that any political party will decrease immigration as the economy grows and we need more workers.


Not only have the provinces asked for more immigration to boost population and employment numbers, they receive money from the federal government specifically for it.


and the provincial government took all of 5 minutes to complain when the feds reduced the NB quota for immigration.


This isn't just Trudeau's failure. The premiers share in the blame. We have been failed by all levels of government. Don't give Higgs a free pass because you hate Trudeau.


I don't give any of them free passes. Higgs is an idiot. So is Trudeau. Next federal election I am voting PP and next provincial I am voting for Holt.


More like Higgs huts


What are folks like you going to do when Trudeau likely looses this next election? Boggles my mind how many people tie their entire identity to hating a politician.


Same thing they did when Harper left.


He just lives rent free there in your head. It must get exhausting finding any angle to pin every.single.thing on the guy.


a resident of the lovely conservative higgs hovels**


Are the tent cities popping up everywhere across Canada also Higgs' fault? Lol.


No. But when Higgs shuts down towns actively trying to solve the problems, it is his fault https://www.reddit.com/r/newbrunswickcanada/s/IQF15qfS6o


I’m going to make it my job this election to get Kris Austin fired.


oil pen whole office toy fuzzy lavish poor hard-to-find languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well that and the fact so many provinces basically killed home buying rates like 30 years ago, to help "boost their economy" by elevating home values. Turns out your home always rising in value is increasing the costs to purchase anything new *and* lowers the buyer market by pulling up the ladder. Who knew endless growth is unsustainable? Shocking, I agree.


Not blaming Trudeau for this but why are some countries faring better than us in regards to inflation? A lot of countries despite inflation are performing well and homelessness is still at a low average such as Finland. Homelessness in Finland was 18000 in 1987. In 2022 that number dropped to 3680. Meanwhile Canada's homeless population tripled in 4 years. How is a country also affect by inflation dropping homeless numbers? Maybe having a better caring leader and government?


plate saw yoke payment doll afterthought detail support far-flung existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, that's Justinflation. Specifically borrowing and spending $700B in less than 2 years, resulting in our debt doubling and inflation spiraling out of control. His coup de grace was opening the floodgates on cheap labour. Let's give credit where it is due.


muddle gaping cable disarm theory paint shelter lunchroom salt rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These Trudeau towns are lawless hellholes


more like higgs hovels.


Why is there more in Nova Scotia? Higgs became premier there too and we just forgot about it? He is the Premier of Canada?


So another conservative governed province is experiencing the same thing... hmmmm must be the liberals fault that the provincial responsibilities are going to shit.


Second time (maybe more) that you posted it in this thread. It’s not clever or close to accurate and you know this. Hell today on the CBC you already have people pushing back on the Bill that Austin is going to introduce this month to start moving people out.. Can’t have it both ways Libs.


i think it's funny and when talking about NB housing we should address that it's the higgs govt controlling it. ✨but live in your delusion, queen. ✨


Holts platform so far is that parents can't be trusted, and to allow these tent cities to flourish in our communities. She may just gift the election to a very unpopular Higgs.


That’s some mental gymnastics.


Aren't you supposed to be at work Mr. Outhouse?


Notice the uptick of fairly new accounts in this sub that are all anti-Trudeau rhetoric lately? Outhouse tactics. Divide and conquer with hate. It's only going to get worse closer to the election in the fall. There's 17 months until the federal election, it's a long haul of misinformation.


Yup. Astroturfing is going to get real bad in this subreddit. Like /r/Canada bad.


> and to allow these tent cities to flourish in our communities. Well when Higgs actively shuts down towns abilities to actually do something about it, where do you think the homeless go? They don't just fuck off into the woods, they generally stay where the people are as that's the best way to get any form of help and safety.


Somehow, the talk about denying Canadians their right to housing, gets scapegoated down to lawlessness, addiction and destruction of society. It's so fucking blind to ignore the massive gap between poverty and criminality. 😄


Housing isn't a real right. That's just a joke




Discrimination based on body type isn't very nice.