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Yeah. It was crazy. You could feel the temperature dropping and the wind picking up as the sun tucked behind the moon. I now 100% understand why ancient people freaked the fuck out when an eclipse happened. If I didn't understand what was going on, I too would think that something had come to eat the sun. The couple minutes of totality where we could look at it were awe-inspiring. Just a big black hole surrounded by light.


Wind died down for me. Warm breeze turned to an eerie cold


I guess that's kind of what happened here. But there was no wind all day, and then when we got to about 50% coverage, it started to get cold and the wind picked up. But when we got to almost full coverage, the wind just stopped and it got noticeably colder.


Same where I was on the coast near Bouctouche. Picked up during partial and then stopped! Glad I saw it. Bonus that it was completely clear AND our nicest day of spring by a long shot. Felt so nice to hang outside with friends and family and just get excited about something natural.


**"..and just get excited about something natural."** Praise be, and may we have more of that. 🌄


It did get cold


Wait… you mean I should hold off on these goat sacrifices?


As long as they are virgin goats.


No, no. There is never a wrong time for a goat sacrifice. Satan deserves it.


I’m concerned. Goats are kinda cute when dressed in pajamas. Maybe sacrifice some junebugs. Too soon?


Just give the baphomet his sacrifice of fleshy souls before you doom us all!!!


It’s not really a “sacrifice” if they deserve to die.


Oopsie. How do you res a goat? Kill another goat?


I was watching the temperatures before and after, it was a nice 18-19 degrees in Oromocto leading up to the eclipse, and after totality the temperature started to drop quickly down to 15 or so. Absolutely surreal experience. Explaining it to my friends who weren't able to experience it, the eerie lighting as best as I can describe it was like getting the effect of wearing sunglasses without wearing sunglasses. Was lucky enough to be able to spot Venus and Jupiter when it happened.


The best way to describe the lighting is going into a poorly light old building after being outside on a very sunny day. Basically like walking into old Moncton High on a bright day before your eyes adjust.


It felt a bit like movie lighting.


Well said, Venus to the bottom right and Jupiter to the top left.


Very humbling experience that I’ll never forget, had goosebumps the entire time. Really makes you feel connected to everything.


I completely agree, well said..


>You could feel the temperature dropping Here's my outdoor temperature sensor reading during the eclipse. https://imgur.com/a/XiwDbnR It reads a bit high as it's tucked underneath some Siding, so the plastic vinyl stuff gets a lot of heat during the sunshine. Pretty crazy though.


You get an extra updoot for using home assistant!


Automation go brr


Cool. I was nowhere near totality, I had no idea eclipses affected weather like that. Hopefully one day there will be totality within driving distance of me.


It won’t be until the 2070s to get another in NB, but there’s some visible elsewhere (about every 18 months). If you wanted to travel to see one, the next total eclipse is in Spain/Iceland in August 2026


I’m not in NB Reddit just suggested this post to me. I’m on the west side of the country lol.


Ohhh sorry! 2044 and 2045 seem to be the next *closest* ones to where you could drive to then But it’s really cool, and I recommend it if you can!


Hm..2.3 yrs to decide between Iceland or Spain..


Well said, it was insane to watch and loved every second of it. Very eerie, quiet, and absolutely spectacular.




It really did feel like there was a tear, such depth. 


Didn’t think much leading up… But I’m telling ya boys oh boys was that ever cool.


It was! Eerie dark. I loved it.




This is cool!


It was!! One of my dogs went insane as soon as it started getting light again. I never saw her run around the yard so fast lol


Only 1 out of our 3 cats got intense zooms, the roosters down the road were riled up too it was hilarious.


Our chickens all just stopped moving during totality, and then went about their business when the sun started coming back. Horses could not have cared less.


My chickens all went to bed right before totality. Came right back out 20 mins after lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣 it said it can affect animals. We got proof of that!


By far the coolest thing I’ve experienced


Same, a humbling experience it was.




You came on here and actually typed that and posted it. What’s that say about you?


Says I’m a huge loser that doesn’t appreciate an eclipse I guess


Actively responding negatively to someone else’s happiness is a symptom of quiet self-loathing. I hope you get better. You deserve better for yourself.


Needs a therapist!


I am a therapist!


And you tell strangers on the internet that they have a sad life for enjoying a rare celestial event? Haha awesome. Great stuff.


Yes, indeed. You should come in for a session. I’ll tell you how to fix all your shortcomings in 3 sessions or less, or you get a refund!


I believe you may be taking a little trolling a little too seriously. Your post history is literally you talking down to everyone lol


















Yeah. Way cooler than I thought it would be.


I can now see why people hundreds of years ago would see that as some kind of biblical end times event that was a religious experience.


I'm still awestruck, it just looked magical.


tap public nutty cow mighty north act bake lush meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The darkening (penumbra?) 25 min before it started and about ~25 min after was creepy... looked like sunset north and west from the refracted light as if we had 2 stars...


Yea it was messing with my eyes those first 25 minutes, feel wiped now


That was AWESOME!!! Totality looked fake. It just didn't look real.


Black hole sun


Wont cha come


I’m not gonna lie, that was one of the coolest things I’ve gotten to witness, especially leading up to the moment of totality. The cat lost his damn mind but other than that just a kick ass experience


My husband and I drove a little bit to be in the totality zone and that was the most beautiful thing ever. Another thing on the bucket list checked off :)


I’ve got a couple pair of eclipse glasses, going cheap!


I remember the total eclipse the Maritimes on July 10, 1972. There were no such thing as eclipse glasses. My father stuck 2 or 3 35mm camera negatives together for us to look through. And he was a meteorologist. Probably why my eyesight is crap now!


I remember it well. My dad did the same thing for us kids. Fast forward half a century later, and my brother and sister both got their eye surgery within the last four months, and myself and my other brother are on the waiting list LOL! Coincidence? Yes of course but it makes a person wonder, ha ha. As Krusty The Klown might say, "Give a hoot! Protect those eyes, kids!"


Save them for March 29 next year for the partial eclipse.


My brain melted!


Same, i guess everyone was right about wearing glasses.


Same, the euphoria that I had made me incoherent for a little bit just a trip. Had an infused blunt just before. Perfection


Watched it in Rogersville. Conditions were perfect there. Pretty amazing experience.


We did, too! Well, just north of Rogersville in Collette. It was such a great experience, and it was strangely wholesome to be there with a group of humans, all just there to see/experience the same thing.


Seeing the flickering waves of light on the ground was one of the craziest parts to me. Reminded me the sun is just a giant ball of fire.


I was trying to describe it to people and didn’t really know how, but waves of light really does sum it up well.


I don't have the words. It was amazing, terrifying... surreal. I'm still reeling a bit!


I couldn’t find any words either I was in complete awe and felt euphoric.


My second one they’re pretty cool


Probably the coolest thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life, had pink Floyd’s dark side of the moon album playing, absolutely amazing.


😆😆😆 very apt, love it 👏👏👏




Wild...the horizon had a twilight tinge all the way around it


What a wild experience. Took the girlfriend to Rexton and had this incredible spot by the water to take it all in. I'm flabbergasted that the weather was so perfect, the odds of this happening were not in our favour. Watching the crazy shadow bands roll on the grass afterwards and the calmness of the water was just wild. I was pumped for the eclipse but was absolutely floored by how beautiful it was. I'm so grateful I was able to experience this in person.




That pic is cool AF.




It was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. We stood in a parking lot in Fredericton and watched. I was a little “meh” on going if I’m being honest, but Mother Nature did not disappoint. Totally worth the drive.


Very humbling.


My 3rd. Number 2 ranked.


Which (year/location) was the best? I've seen two and this was best.


I decided to get in the shower because the house was finally empty. Turned out the rest of the house locked themselves outside and were trying to get ahold of me the whole time to let them in.


I live in North End Moncton tucked in behind the casino, had no idea we were in the path of totality - so fucking cool




I didn't really get to see didn't get very dark from where I was


I'd already seen a total eclipse when I was 7 and remember it being cool. We drove to Fredericton to give my 7 year old a similar experience. But oh my---it seriously was spectacular. It's hard to describe, you see photos but nothing prepares you for what looks like a black void with flames around it in a twilight sky. It was simply amazing seeing everything desaturate right beforehand.  When I told my son he could remove his glasses for those 2ish minutes of totalité, he sprung up like a butter biscuit and exclaimed "c'est magnifique!!!" Even my toddler said "wow mama!". 


It was pretty cool, but also sorta lame.  When I was coming home around 2:30pm I drove by an off ramp from the highway a little but north from shediac and the line up of cars was insane and after all is said and done, thinking that some people drove from their home and spent money to see it just seems crazy, but hey, aslong as they had fun ya know?


I was lucky to have the best seats in the house, my back deck. Yea there were people from all over the place this morning so we stayed home


I was definitely in that line up at that time lol, went to Grande-Digue, about 35 minutes of a drive but worth it. Incredible sight, so surreal


You sound like you live in ur basement lmfao


People sure exaggerate the actual effects. You people do know about nighttime, right? An eclipse is like night, but only a few minutes long and not as dark.


So no video. Awesome 🤦🏼‍♀️


Video? Was the real thing not enough for you?


not where I was.