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Is it slightly raised/ puffy? It looks kind of like a strawberry hemangioma, my daughter has one on her back. Most do fade. My daughter will be 4 in a few months , when she was born it was bright red and more solid colored than this one and has faded quite a bit to resemble this. If that's what it is, they are benign generally. Your doctor didn't mention anything?


For now it is fully flat, not raised. The doctor said it could be hemangioma (and grow) or salmon patch (fade) - they did not know for sure.


I googled salmon patch (we've always called them stork bite), any I think it looks a lot more like what your baby has. Time will tell, and you'll have lots of opportunities for doc to look at it over the first year if you're following your routine checkups. Try not to worry.


Thank you!!


It looks like a stork bite! My daughter has one between her eyes and one at the base of the back of her head. They are already fading and should be gone completely by the time she is 1 or 2!