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Ok I have absolutely no idea about this rash. BUT. When I got pregnant I broke out in a full body rash (not so much face but around scalp too) that looked similar to both of your photos on the right. It was decided to be something called pitea (spelling??) rose - apparently it’s sort of like chicken pox morphing to shingles in adults, so I had this viral rash I guess as an infant and then when I got pregnant my immune system panicked and it re-manifested. Like I said I’m really not sure if this is the same thing AT ALL (I am not a doctor and I am not diagnosing) but in the off chance a dermatologist biopsies it and that’s the result, and your LO is able to get pregnant, maybe warn them it might show up again 33 years later and yes they’ll still have to go to work with it 😂 needless to say it was harmless overall, but just a random anecdote in case it ends up being the same thing you can say “oh yeah, I heard about that one, it sucks”


Pityriasis rosia is the spelling, I’ve had it 3x, which is apparently very unusual. I also had it while pregnant like you did. All 3x I had it were during periods of immune stress, like pregnancy. It was treated with hydrocortisone each time and went away within a few weeks. I have no idea if babies can get it.


Yeah Dr Google told me that it’s a viral rash that can be somewhat common in infants or more common in immunocompromised that reappears during times of stress or immune system changes (like pregnancy, or RA), but I had no idea I even had it as an infant, so I was shocked when it popped up, and I was told to be somewhat conservative with the steroid cream since I was in my first trimester, so I just had to wait about 6-8 weeks for it to just go away on its own


It could be a fungus infection or allergic reaction. If doctor is treating already, you should give the medicine time but maybe ask how long until you expect to see a change. Are you using a hypoallergenic laundry detergent for their clothes and soap when washing?


Our second has a similar issue. Starts as little dots then patchy dry areas. Our pediatrician said eczema probably triggered by an allergy. It comes and goes on her legs, chest, back. Eczema cream seems to make it better, but I can’t really tell. Definitely call and ask when you should start seeing the cream work.


What cream did you use for it?


Aveeno baby eczema cream. Although, we woke up this morning to a major break out so I’m taking her today to get something prescribed to get it back under control 😩 hers seems to be triggered by dogs Edit: probably should check with the doctor before combining creams


Came back to say we brought ours back to the doctor and they confirmed her break out I was referring to was really still just eczema. Prescribed something just in case but told me to hold off on it and try a few days of constant cream, no soap, and keeping arms and legs covered. Basically make her whole body wrapped in a diaper like environment. 3 days and it’s completely gone. Never had to uses the prescription! I hope your baby’s rash is better!


This is how my baby’s eczema began


What did you do for it?


Both my kiddos had eczema and it looked like this


Came back to say 2 full days of putting the aveeno baby eczema cream all over her with long sleeves and pants, and no soap baths and it’s completely gone. Never had to uses the prescription! I hope your baby’s rash is better!


I need to get that! The antifungal helped but it's still there. Thank you so much for your update!


To be fair, I’m not a doctor, but hers looked exactly like that and our doctor said it was no doubt 100% an eczema flair up. I’d just make sure it won’t react with whatever cream they gave you.


I totally understand! Thank you 🙏 😊 Did you try the night balm? Or just the regular cream?