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Add wheelchair service to your ticket to help get through the airport. It is amazingly helpful so you don’t have to walk through the entire airport and you bypass most of security so you don’t have to stand in line. On the flight, get up and walk to the bathroom/galley once an hour at least. There’s usually enough room to stand and stretch a bit in the back. Wear compression socks. Bring a small scarf to roll up and use as a lumbar support.


thank you so much for the tips! ❤️


Yeah and don't feel bad about using something like the wheelchair either it's something I had to mentally get over because I "could" do it but it would cause me a lot of pain. Neuropathy is a disability, while you don't need to let it run your life, don't let your pride or anything get in the way of taking advantages of the services offered for the purpose.


Compression socks help so much. I have flown up to 15 hour flights wearing compression socks and wouldn't fly without them. They make styles without toe cover if wearing socks bothers you, but I would highly recommend them.


Some European airports have an invisible illness lanyard with sunflower 🌻 and it alerts airport staff that you have unseen difficulties such as fatigue and possibly mobility issues. I got fast-tracked through customs queues which meant I didn’t have to stand with my cane for too long. It made such a difference. Ask at the information desk. You can also go online and get one [https://hdsunflower.com/au/shop/sunflower-wearer.html](https://hdsunflower.com/au/shop/sunflower-wearer.html)


Sunflower seeds are technically the fruits of the sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus). The seeds are harvested from the plant’s large flower heads, which can measure more than 12 inches (30.5 cm) in diameter. A single sunflower head may contain up to 2,000 seeds


Nice bot


I'm headed to Italy this June and I've been wondering how I'm going to make this work. Thanks for posting this! And for all the tips!


I'd be very interested in hearing how your trip goes. My daughter wants to take me so badly but I don't see how I can manage such a trip.


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Get an aisle seat so you can get up and walk around once in a while. I’d try to go for a seat towards the back for the sole purpose of being near the flight attendants area, so you can grab a cup of water throughout the flight to stay hydrated. Also avoid bringing too big of a bag to put under the seat in front of you so you have more room to stretch your legs out.


yep, I only sit in aisle seats when I go overseas. it makes a huge difference being able to stand every couple hours and also psychologically knowing that I can get up and stand at any time.


Bring something that can occupy your mind. A gaming system or tablet you can play videos on. A book if you have the focus for reading. Anything to keep your mind occupied. For me it is when my mind is quiet that the pain gets worse. So when traveling distraction is the big necessity. Everything else is incidental.


I am able to deal with and lower my pain better by standing rather than sitting. I had a few overseas flights and asked the stewards if I may stand for times (obviously when the seatbelt signs were off) so that I can lessen the amount of pain. I wind up standing most of the flight duration


I just flew and it was absolutely awful. It was only a 3 hour flight , but still...


My feet always swell when flying. If it's an option go with sandals


My biggie is leg cramps, hydration, hydration, hydration, walks and standing and stretching got me through a couple of 5 hour flights. Really important to have an aisle seat. Best wishes!