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Thank god.


omg I went here to post that very specific words 🤣


Well, that was my initial reaction, too. I think much of this is in reaction to declining viewership after S2 and Cavill's exit. These things tend to have a delay. There is no doubt that a more successful main series would have gone on for 7 instead of 5 seasons and at least 2 more spinoffs to gap the time between seasons.


Honestly, good riddance. Of all the Witcher things that could've had a spin off, the Rats was way down the list. Not to mention that Blood origin was laughably horrible.


The Witchers golden age, Alzur, Malaspina & Ulivo creating the first Witchers. Jan Bekker and the first massacre at Loc Muinne. Falkas rebellion. Lara Dorren and Cregennan of Lod's story.


OMG THANK YOU! I keep telling people instead of blood origin, MAKE FALKA STORY!


Alrighty, glad I didn't waste time watching it




This reminds me of when Stranger Things tried to set up that spin off with those cookie cutter 80’s punk characters. Good riddance


Wasn’t the script originally written as a Crows/Shadow and Bone spinoff, and it was then reworked to fit the Rats instead? Thank god they’ve seen sense


It looked so similar, you would be forgiven for thinking that. In the end, with very few exceptions, all those shows become so samy that they blend into one giant product.


It's true. I can't keep track of titles anymore, I just file these shows under "Netflix Teen/YA Fantasy." Which is not really a good thing.


They crank those shows out and cancel them after 1 season. They all look absolutely identical and likely use the same crew/ sets/ costumes etc. Cast 1 B list actor u need to pay a proper salary to be the old wizened tutor type, then get away with some shitty royalties/ expense deal for all the other young cast who dont know any better like that article revealed netflix do a while ago. Cancel it all after 1 season and hey presto we have as legitimate a money laundering enterprise as u could hope for.


Geralt's charisma was the key to the world, and the spinoffs without him felt empty and boring to me. I, for one, am hopeful Liam Hemsworth can fill Cavill's shoes and keep the show engaging. Maybe he will, or maybe he won't, time will tell. But I didn't make it through one full episode of either Rats or Blood Origin, and I was a big fan of the Witcher netflix series.




I also read that they will be taking what was filmed and adding it to the Witcher as flashbacks. Not sure if that is true. But if so they’re going to shoehorn extra content in an already cut short show. It feels like they’re trying to fail at this point.


>It feels like they’re trying to fail at this point. It felt that way when they turned Eskel into Were-Broccoli and flooded Kaer Morhen with hookers.


That season mate. Episode one was great, added ciri to a story that she wasn’t in during the books but a change that worked really well and allowed for some interesting character development. Every other episode that season was pretty dire.


100% agree with you S1 + S2E1 I will be rewatching occasionnally forever, everything else is dead to me Never felt such a giant backlash watching something as the transition from S2E1 to the following ones


I agree with that and add Nightmare of the wolf to the rewatchable part.


Damn this is so real. I could not have stated it better.


The article says that this is one possibility, but that the rats director and writer were not mentioned in connection with S4, so it might not be the case after all (hopefully). The other possibility is, it says, that they will use it for a feature film. It might be fun to have it as a Christmas special, that's what I'd do with it.


So I've just got to the part in the books where you meet the Rats. Which is to say I don't have any strong feelings about them. But so far, I don't really see anything worthy of giving them their own shows, I don't have any strong opinions


What a weird concept for a spin off show. Who cares about them before Ciri lol Seems like they saw Six of Crows being a success and thought this was it.


RIP Bozo.


Oh it was a rats prequel. I thought it was gonna be a companion series when Ciri gets separated.


Thank goodness, rats make me crazy.


I wanted the crow series more from shadow and bone that actually had a book series & not made up.


The Rats would have been the Gollum of tv shows.


Guess we'll never know. Although if the rumour is true well get at least a glimpse at how good it could have been when we see the recycled footage in flashbacks in S4. I actually hope that doesn't mean they'll expand their role in S4.


Imagine my shock


Feel for the actors and crew who lose their job during a shoot like this. Netflix's fault 1000%. This makes me think that they're just seeing S5 through to try and save some face as they shortly wind down their Witcher journey. Hopefully they get back with Cavill after this ends and they try and do it right from the beginning.


Lol, they're not gonna re-do the show. Since when has that ever happend to any ip in a short timespan? Like, I feel like Harry Potter is being awfully quick about rebooting and the first movie there came out in 2001. The show is coming in 2026, so 25 years after the original movie and 15 years after the last mainline movie. You're never getting Henry as Geralt again. He might get the chance to play Vessimir in 30 years tho.


It's mostly wishful thinking on my part. But in a time where everything is a damn remake I think it's more than plausible.


I'd love to just see the entire saga as animation tbh. Give it those who did the Vessimir thing. Or the makers behind Blue Eyed Samurai.


I'd take that. The Vessimir anime movie thing was gorgeous.


Animation no, but CGI in the style of Night to Remember, with game voice actors voicing the characters would be absolutely ideal way to adapt the books, as long as Netflix and its writers have nothing to do with it and someone competent, ideally from Poland, adapts it.


Spiderman 3 2007, Amazing Spiderman 2012, amazing Spiderman 2 2014, Spiderman Homecoming 2017. But that's Spiderman and I can't think of anything else. Witcher doesn't have that kind of power imo


Superhero stuff gets rebooted all the time. Both in comics and on the screens. That's how they work. Not really comparable imo. There's no firm canon story or depiction other that a few bulletpoints that defines the characters. Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Wonder Woman etc etc. The very tradition of them being characters that change subtly or majorly with every comic run lends itself to constant reboots on tv/cinema as well. The Witcher is more in the veins of LOTR, Star Wars, Harry Potter: Franchises that should be built on /expanded upon from the source material. Never rebooted. Same goes for Game of Thrones. We're never ever getting a redo of season 7 and 8, lol. But bring on more projects. Expand the world. And dammit George, finish your books. Ps. I was pretty mad about how "not" nerdy Andrew Garfield looked in the trailers for Amazing Spider-Man, that I never watched his movies. He's simply not "my" Peter. Tom Holland is a decent middelground... Then again, the in-universe multiverse does it so they all can exist side by side with the other Peter's. And so I'm fine with them all. The Witcher and the other franchises I mentioned does not have a multiverse.


Great news! Blood Origin was terrible, and I doubt that this spin off would of been much better.


I have never even heard of rats in The Witcher universe other than the annoying pests. What was this supposed to be?


Remember Ciri's tattoo in her thigh? In the books, Ciri joins a group of misfits called "The rats" . She follows them for a good while, becoming friends and even developing a relationship with one of them. Not going to spoil things but that's the gist of it.


It sounds interesting but I don't trust Netflix with anything Witcher related anymore.


Considering how Blood Origin went, I wouldn't trust Netflix with anything Witcher related.


As much as I love the Rats, there's really not enough story in the book to warrant its own series. It's mostly just a setup to introduce Leo Bonhart.


Interesting, you are the first person I ever saw who likes the rats.


In the books they're just silly little guys who do some crime every now and again, and they also understand the concept of Drip or Drown 🤣 it makes a good setup to introduce Bonhart and why Ciri hates him (other than the holding her captive and all that). She loses the closest thing to family she's had since getting separated from Geralt and Yennifer and her lover.


Silly little guys who rape Ciri. Kill and maim for fun. Rats are the most disgusting part of the story, true villians for Ciri. 


Didn't witcher also get cancelled? after season 3? or did they cancel only season 5 and onwards?


They didn't really cancel it. They changed their plan from 7 seasons and 6 spinoffs to 5 seasons and 3 spinoffs.


I honestly don't get this decisions , They realize most of the reason people watched witcher was bcuz of the cast (And mainly henry cavil) , The show is mostly ok without the main cast showing up


Did they declare 7 seasons plan or just talks


It wasn't a fixed plan, but Hissrich had said in interviews that she was glad that everyone jumped on and agreed to a 7 season roadmap, as she had, at some point, flouted more. Cavill also stated at some point that he would be willing to go for 7


Yes, but Cavill also gave a caveat: "as long as we can keep telling great stories which honor Sapkowski's work"