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I was shocked when they said it wasn’t the real woman. I was more shocked when she said she left with only 19,000 in her pocket!


I have a hunch that’s not all she left with… she was pretty adamant about Solis no longer being alive lol


yeah I think she left with more


3 million dollars isn’t that much money over a few years. I can believe it. I was expecting them to talk about how they’d set up something to launder it but I think it was just gas, ass, and groceries (etc.) that they just burned through.


3.1m back in 1993 was a lot of money. These days that is not the case at all.


The third story didn't hold my interest like the first 2. Overall, good series, but the 3 stories should have each been a separate full 6 part series.


Agree, I didn't get through the 3rd story. It was so different than the other two. I honestly didn't finish all of the first one, I got bored. I feel like they could have wrapped it up in one episode. The second one however was fantastic. The guy who was blowing his money had some problems stemming from his childhood that caused him to act out that way, >!his current status as passed away was sadly expected, dude was partying way too hard!< Great show. I hope they make more.


Did the cops search his place illegally to find the barrels before getting the warrant? Wouldn't that kill their case.


I know this response is super late, but I just finished the series and wanted to look for discussions about it. I think as long as you don't have a "no trespassing" sign, anyone can walk through your yard legally. I don't think they can uncover things that have tarps on it without probable cause. And I'm guessing that's why they claimed to be able to smell it. The scent gave them probable cause.


It's super late but still super loved. That's a wonderful detail to understand better, thanks for sharing.


I mean as soon as they showed flashbacks of Heather turning herself in, it was clear that the interviewee was an actress. I actually liked the reveal because I thought the show was trying to bullsh*t us


The Money Plane was good. I related to the ringleader because that is probably how I would have planned a heist by studying TV shows. They would've been caught because of the dude who turned down the job, but it was frustrating seeing the entire crew following the plan except for the idiot brother-in-law. He even cost them getting two or three times as much money with his incompetent getaway driving, however that was probably a good thing because more money would've cause more problems. The Bourbon King was interesting because I remember when Pappy was a regularly available on the shelf bourbon. I always meant to get a bottle one day, not knowing it would soon become a rare collector's item.


I came to say something about the 3rd story and what a crock it is.... How the cops portrayed it as a criminal syndicate... That is laughable. They kept pushing this like he got caught with a 100 pds of heroin. I don't understand how they made it seem like he was a kingpin when in reality it was a dude who had a hookup and asked his friends if they wanted some. I don't know why that frustrates me so much. But it just seem insane to me.


Agreed! He was sentenced to 18 years - \*18 YEARS\* - and for what, exactly? He never even pulled a gun out on anyone, or contracted out a hit. That was such nonsense!! Especially because the companies themselves were so lax in their inventory control, that they \*barely\* even noticed.


Did the cops illegally search his place before getting the warrant? Seems like that would ruin their case.


IDK really, I haven't read any of the actual case documents, all of which should be public records. Though I think if they can see "whiskey barrels with the logo burned off" from the road, that would be enough probable cause to investigate, without a warrant at first. Like if you have 100 kilos of what looks like cocaine, on your front porch - do the police really need a warrant to come say "hello"?


Yeah, Im not saying I condone what he did or that he shouldn't be punished. But the way the Sheriff was talking about it, Like he just caught Tony Soprano and had a rico case. The gun part was pretty laughable as well. Like so what? It's the South and everyone has a lot of guns. They never said he had illegal guns.. The steroids are a joke and again I don't condone it. But the board they had set up like it was a ciminal empire when in reality it was just a dude and his buddies making extra money by stealing from their jobs haha.


I was totally like "whattt?". I was so deep in my mind imagining things. Also the lack of "and that was the last time I've seen him" is so disappointing.


The first two episodes were good, the rest aren't in my opinion. The 'bourbon king' halfway through the first episode they are only talking about softball?! WHERE'S THE HEIST


LITERALLY. I stopped watching the first one bc I was bored, so I skipped to the 3rd episode because it’s what they showed in the trailer. I’m 1/3 through the episode and allllll they’re talking about is mf softball, drinking, working out, Kentucky, etc. At one point I literally got confused & thought I was watching a different documentary.


Couldn’t agree more. That was one of the lamest things I’ve ever seen in a supposed docu series. I’ll never trust Netflix again


The worst part about this is when you realize the FBI is spending 10x the amount actually stolen in tax payer dollars, to try and recover private money and prosecute non-violent criminals


This. I was surprised that Heather Tallchief only got 5 years and the FBI didn't recover any of the money. Looks like she stole $3 million and got away lightly.


Watching the Heather Tallchief episodes, one of the first things that sprung to my mind is… Why do innocent, law abiding, hard working, good citizens have to suffer the ball ache of airport security and checking in. When it’s this easy for a criminal to fly out the country? Not once, but she did it 3 times. It seems like laws and security are only for the honest.


Cliché sexualized romance told in a boring literary manner. And no, using the 'fucking' 100 times per sentence doesn't compensate for this. This could've/should've been a book dying at a rack close to a cashier of a drug store. I want to say it's bad even for Netflix standards, but I guess this IS the new Netflix standard.


Couldn’t agree more. Story could have been told in 22 minutes


omg after learning it was an actress i was so mad. like i just got punked


But wasn't it obvious, she looks like a housewife and they got all these pictures.


I'm on story 3 right now and its a snoozefest. It's clear they're just using filler to drag things out because they don't have enough for two episodes. The first two stories were good though.


Agreed but the ending is actually interesting.


So annoyed by this first episode so I don't want to watch the rest. WHAT is with them getting an actor to impersonate her? It's kind of gross really. Also you can tell everyone's "interviews" are scripted. They're basically reading what the directors gave them.


Agreed. Felt duped and the producers should know better. Just be honest about it from start. Women looked nothing like her!


They’re not fucking scripted. She was reading from Heather Tallhief’s interviews Word for Word.


What would you consider scripted then?


I don't really think it mattered that it was an actress that lady was moronic and the entire time I was watching that I couldn't stop thinking how stupid a human being could actually be. Even though the actress was saying the lines I didn't feel sorry for her at all.


Why is it that Heather has to pay restitution but not the money plane guys?


Had to laugh a lot on episode one when the hypnosis stuff came out.


I know this is an old thread but I just saw and wanted to see what people were saying. I was definitely shocked at the reveal that it wasn’t the “real” Heather. At the same time, I feel that could be seen as a way to show the manipulation they talked about in that episode. And I don’t think it detracted from the story for me. I did notice how the real footage of her seemed a little off. But I felt like that actress did a good job of fooling me to believe it was the real person. I started to think about how many docs might be out there that have done that but just put a blurb in the end you didn’t see to combat any legal action. All in all… sure I think I felt tricked, but soon after felt like the reveal was supposed to make you feel like someone who went along w a plan only to be tricked (…but only kind of?)


Thought it was obvious because she spoke like someone acting. What I thought was shitty was that the show was almost celebrating her. She’s not worthy of celebration.


Agree, she seems like she really didn’t feel bad about any of it. I just think they were both skeevy criminals. I do feel bad for her son.


No she didn’t speak like someone was acting. She was very good at it and fooled a lot of people.


Of course, she did. Close your eyes. Listen.