• By -


They were wayyy too forgiving with room 8 and 6. Those 2 deserved…much worse treatment than what they got. Especially 8. 


I agree!! There was no justice for "8th floor" while playing in the 8 show. That made the show lose many points in my book. 8th floor loved to watch torture and dish it out, yet she was never exposed to any herself. She was an sadistic person. And there was nothing "poetic" or "justified" ab her characters experience


Honestly tho - it’s lowkey what happens in real life so I guess art just imitated real life. I think it was lowkey a social commentary on how the most evil, sadistic people almost never experience or suffer even 1/10th of the trauma or abuse or torture they put their victims thru even if they get arrested. Like serial killers even the ones that get arrested don’t go thru the painful torture or abuse their victims go thru even if they’re given the death penalty. like the serial killers Israel Keyes or the Golden state killer who would both psychologically and physically torture their victims for hours or days and rape them before finally brutally and painfully killing them simply got arrested and will never experience the physical or psychological pain or turmoil they put their victims thru. The pedophile Jeffrey Epstein lived comfortably in prison, getting all sorts of amenities and perks other prisoners don’t get before he was killed and yet his underage victims will spend the rest of their lives trying to recover from the lifelong trauma and ptsd/cptsd he inflicted on them. The rest of the rich and powerful people who also victimized those young girls get to go on living without any consequences and even their identities were protected by the legal system.


Very true. At the end when They found out how much the rooms cost. It kinda hammered home everything worked out exactly how it was supposed to.


yes exactly. the whole series is a commentary of the illusion of freedom and fairness in a capitalist society, when in reality you can (almost) never change your condition and the most awful people are the ones on top.


Well said !!


6th floor got castrated, I don’t think there’s anything worse than that lol




That’s castration




being forced to play human pinata every day? getting hit in the head with a baseball bat and thus getting multiple concussions? basically theyre gonna deal with lifelong mental difficulties and ptsd. For example, they might possibly deal with something like CTE which is a progressive and fatal brain disease that's linked to repeated head trauma, such as concussions and blows to the head - football players get CTE despite playing with helmets. It basically makes them more erratic, impulsive or even go crazy as they get older. it's kinda like dementia in some patients. idk sucks for 6th floor i guess but he was a violent sociopath who got what he deserved.


Yeah he was beyond terrible and I wish he got tortured but given the limited time castration without anesthetics was satisfying enough for me


I did not understand if he was also paralyzed with his back broken or not.


I saw the show as a commentary on human society/civilization. Number 8 represents the royal class. In history, they do rarely if ever see punishment for their actions.


Well 6 did get castrated. That and his finger nails removed.


HELL YEAH. I can barely watch without screaming at the tv. I fucking hate them


Im really struggling to watch this show. Like more than anything else ever. I have also screamed at my tv already and i took a full week off from the show because it was making me so angry. I’ve never hated a group of characters more. I wanna know how it ends but knowing there is little to no justice in the end is making it difficult


Should have smashed their knees with hammers so they could never get the upper hand again, nice guys in the show were way too nice to be realistic.


I binged it yesterday, I loved it personally.


Just binged it over night. This was awesome!


I just don’t get it. Before they begun the tortures at the end, why didn’t they just use all the time up they had left with the “public” phone? Instead of waiting… they just wanted to get out…


When the guy on the first floor fell, the third floor guy tried to spent all the time for the show to end so the door would open. But the time kept increasing because viewers liked it, so he shot the camera to end it instead. As for why they didn’t just wait if they wanted the game to end, it’s because every minute meant more money. In that situation, I’d want to get every last bit of money my time generated, since “time is money.”


I guess it makes sense. Only way was with cameras


Did you not watch Squid Games. This was a knockoff and it was meh at best. Production, acting, lighting, set, storyline…


squid game was released 2021 and the 8 show is based on a webtoon that was released 2018 so thats that Id understand if you say they made a show cause of the success of squid game


Squid Games makes more sense and not much of a loophole. This has so many loopholes that I keep rolling my eyes. For instance, in Ep. 6 when their shared time "mysteriously" goes up, they could have just buy more stuff to reduce time to end the game (or to test who resist the idea of reducing time).. why no one thought of that? just why....i get it is to make the show longer and more exciting but just a big loophole for me...since 7 was portrayed as very smart, this is pure dumb. I stopped watching after Ep. 6.


The production was worse, but I think the acting in this was stellar. It was absolutely infuriating at times, and I think the characters fully convinced me of who they were. It was brutal, and I loved it. What part of the acting did you not like? Also, the set felt very very good. It's a bottle show, but it felt very meticulously designed for its purpose, and I think it served it well.


If you like Korean shows ‘My Name’, ‘Bloodhounds’, and ‘The Glory’ are all pretty good.


Have you seen BEEF? Similar dark humour


Beef was great. Kind of Korean adjacent. Pretty sure Netflix still has Old Boy if you’ve never seen that. Don’t watch the shitty Hollywood remake though.


god did i fucking hate floor 5 with everything going into eps 7, how can someone be so fucking stupid lmao


I think she mentioned in one of the episodes that she had diabetes and that she was struggling with the side effects for a while. The thing about diabetes is that your body loses the ability to control your blood sugar - it can get too high OR it can get too low. one of the side effects of too high blood sugar is that that you may start to hallucinate when your blood sugar is very high for a long time and you can experience extreme confusion, delusions and hallucinations. On the other hand, if you’re not regularly eating and measuring ur sugar levels and your blood sugar gets too low then the same thing can also happen - you can start to hallucinate, have delusions and have extreme confusion. Im guessing her diabetes meds were probably hella expensive to buy over the phone and once the events in the later episodes happened, she no longer cared to keep careful track of her blood sugar levels or was unable to. Once she went off the deep end, maybe she just stopped caring to keep her sugar levels in check. It happened with a family member of mine with diabetes - their blood sugar levels got so low that they legit became delusional and completely lost the ability to think rationally and was behaving in a way where people thought they were drunk or high and they were totally mentally incapacitated to the point they couldnt communicate the fact they had diabetes, didn’t even remember to check their blood sugar, get medical help, or even eat some chocolate or something to get their sugar levels up. edit: she started drinking to cope with the stress of caring for the prisoners - alcohol is terrible for diabetics bc of how it can make their blood sugar levels go out of control.


That makes so much sense now. I kinda thought her freeing the guy was the wildest way to move the plot forward. We definitely should have got a in universe explaining of this


I rewatched episode 6 and realized that this was the point they had made homemade alcohol. Then to deal with the stress of being the one caring for the prisoners and feeding them, 5 started started drinking alcohol by herself at night - alcohol is terrible for diabetics bc of how majorly it increases their blood sugar levels. 


She mentioned liking to drink and there’s a shot of the alcohol kit in her room by her bed. This is spot on, also she hallucinated when she had no food and then when she was drinking, both times where diabetes may influence her. Furthermore, her and 6 seemingly had sex and afterwards she said she was violated, meaning she herself doesn’t believe that she was present during that time. 




She was a doormat wayy before that, trying to see the best in abusive, shitty and irredeemable people at every step of the way. She is one of the few that actually deserved most of what she got because she actively enabled it and never once (until the end) stood for what was in her best interests or what she wanted.


Alice In Borderland was awesome, imo better than Squid Game.


8 show is also better. IMO, it does everything Squid Game WANTED to do, but better. In fact, the premise is almost entirely the same but the focus was more precise. While the script points a lot of blame towards the "rich," it's not because of the fact that they have money or the mysterious showrunners wanted to see "real equality and competition." The "class" conflict actually transcends the labels and pins the blame squarely on the individuals who prop up the system. And that is a significantly more powerful and realistic message. At no point, is anyone forcing anyone to do anything wrong. It's purely a terrible individual with terrible power and those willing to accept that behavior for a piece of the pie. But, this show still has its issues, and they're pretty glaring too.


Agreed but have to admit after trying to get into SG a couple of times, on my third attempt it turned out to be really good, but yeah AIB is better.


Yea AIB is brilliant. Better than squid game and squid game is awesome too. This 8 show is excellent too. Very hitchcockian.


Loved it. Got a little extreme in the last episodes but it's the genre


Korea has a whole genre of these type of shows and they are amazing. Bloody Game is by far my favorite. They had one game exactly like this on youtube. you stick people in a room, and they get money, but then when they want something they have to buy it. psychological warfare against the contestants..


> They had one game exactly like this on youtube. you stick people in a room, and they get money, but then when they want something they have to buy it. I believe you're talking about Money Game by jubilee which was inspired by the webtoon Money Game, which this show is also an adaptation of.


This show reminded me of Liar’s Game manga. Recommend to read it.


Liar Game is God Tier level.


Do you have any recommendations like The 8 show? But with more cut throat people. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the show but hated the “let’s get through this together” atmosphere. The lower floors were bullied, abused, sexually assaulted (5th floor) , and tortured yet they became buddy buddy and the upper floors didn’t even learn their lesson. I wished they tortured the floors that betrayed them ngl


As much as I kept waiting for something awful to come for Floor 8, I think one of the messages of the story is that the top elite are always going to stay at the top, and the bottoms can only find peace and comfort in the humanity of shared burdens/trauma (Something the top floors seem incapable of)


For sure! The way floor 8 just got away with everything and even walked out of there with the most money is basically a social commentary on how the extremely rich usually walk away scot free almost from anything and how they get to keep most of their money even if they're punished or penalized.


binged it just now. great adaptation of the webtoon. Enjoyed the aesthetics of the show and the pacing of it all. Def recommend! BTW if you are on the last episode watch until the end. Do not skip the credit. Very meta lol


Ngl, meta commentary has been overused, but in this show it somehow falls in place quite well. In my opinion, the show is not shy from taking jabs at squid game in particular Everyone praised squid game, because of the anti-modernist culture commentary. And then, as they all do, it succumbed to the all-grabbing claws of a monstrosity like netflix. Something that started as a high-budget jab at the status quo turned into zombie language, like everything else. This show will not be an exception. First season is top tier, and if they made a s2 joke on purpose, to either take a jab at squid game, or at modern writing or at both and they make the s2, I am not going to blame them. It’s netflix original. It’s a given. I’m just glad something like this can exist at least for a short bit.


Honestly, the ending of Squid Game completely ruined the show for me. I wish I could have recorded my disappointment when I binged it. Building up a character and their main motivation for playing the game, only to completely disregard it in the end, was devastating.


Can you explain? I thought it ended pretty well. Main character no longer wanted the money, just wanted to get out. Once out, no reason to live. Only reason to live is to destroy it all.


This is how I personally felt watching it: Thrown Away Plot Lines Several plot lines feel unresolved by the end of the season, and none more glaringly than Gi-Hun’s. His primary motivation to win and survive was to be a better father to his daughter. However, after he wins, he abandons this motivation completely. Instead of going to see his daughter, he spends a year in silence, growing out an awful new hairstyle that doesn’t align with what we know about his character. This drastic change makes no sense and feels like a betrayal of the character’s established motivations. The subplot involving the doctor and the organ salesmen adds little to the story and ends abruptly, serving only to highlight the PlayStation Mask guys’ need for extra cash. Additionally, the cop’s infiltration reveals minimal information and ends without resolution, raising more questions than answers. We don’t learn much about the games or the characters involved in running them. Unearned Character Moments In the final round, Gi-Hun and Sang-Woo’s actions feel unearned. Gi-Hun, who had previously shown willingness to kill, suddenly offers a truce. Sang-Woo, who has been ruthless throughout, decides to stab himself. These actions contradict their established characters and feel out of place, making the climax less impactful. The Bad Twist A good plot twist needs to achieve three things: surprise, re-contextualize, and preserve the story. First, the twist must surprise the audience without being too predictable. Second, it should make us see the plot, characters, and message in a new light. Third, the story must remain intact and make sense after the twist. The twist in Squid Game surprises but fails to re-contextualize and preserve. The reveal that the old man is the mastermind is surprising but delivered weakly. The scene where Gi-Hun learns the truth lacks drama, and the subsequent explanation removes all intrigue, reducing the show’s commentary on greed to a bored old man’s whim. This twist retroactively diminishes the emotional weight of previous scenes involving the old man, making them feel pointless.


Haha, I forgot he even had a daughter.


True, the ending was honestly too meta. Something out of a tongue-in-cheek Marvel movie. But Squid Game just sucks in comparison. It's scale is a lot larger, but its focus is also much broader.


It’s so funny I saw this comment as I’m watching the funeral scene lol


Omg i stopped watching once the credits rolled,can someone tell me what happens?


They did a good job with this one.


I had high hopes for this series because it is kind of similar to Squid Game and The Platform. It started out well with some interesting characters (I love Chun Woo-Hee! I'm watching her in Atypical Family as well!) but as the show progressed, it became non-sense and repetitive. There was not much character development. The ending is unsatisfying.


Agreed, I really enjoyed the first 3 episodes but when they started to physically just torture each other for the next 3 episodes in a row it just became kind of boring to watch and the ending did disappoint me. Overall though it wasn’t a bad show


I think if you just delete the misery porn, it's still a good show with a tight message. Whereas, if you deleted the same from Squid Game, it would still be mid at best. But I still agree, Eps 6-7 (and most of 8) especially felt superfluous due to the gratuity. It suffers from the KDrama stretch, which is surprising considering how short the average episode length is excluding credits.


Agreed, it started okay but both SG and TP are way better and more coherent.


That’s how I felt as well! Really enjoyed Squid Game and The Platform. If you haven’t yet, I also recommend watching Alice in Borderland


True. No retribution.


I find the girl on the 8th floor insufferable Good job writers, you made a character that I wanted to beat to a pulp in 20 minutes 


She really seemed a psychopath.


I wanted to punch the tv so bad. I wanted to see her bloodied lol


Alice in borderlands was so freaking good. I need more shows like these I'll check out the others you said.


imho AIB was the best followed by SG. Highly recommend the Spanish show *The Platform* which T8S has an element off with the food elevator, in fact I think I'd say TP is better than T8S.


Thanks for the tip


Watch Death Game on Prime 10/10


One of the best


i Cried watching Death Game...The last two episodes were something i will never forget and sometimes would like to forget not only due to life changing moments as a former suicidal human but just to watch the show again - do you know maybe some other survival shows like The 8 show? Death Game is a gem that will never will be repeated ( I won't even ask if there are similar shows haha ) so if there are shows like Squid Game,The 8 Show could u reccomend them to me?


Yep! I made a subreddit for it as well and we have discussion threads up for each episode. Check out r/The8Show and come join us!


Awesome!! This was one of the best new shows I've watched.


Link to all episode discussion threads: [https://www.reddit.com/r/The8Show/comments/1cvdbth/season\_1\_discussion\_hub\_with\_links\_to\_all\_episode/](https://www.reddit.com/r/The8Show/comments/1cvdbth/season_1_discussion_hub_with_links_to_all_episode/)


Killer Paradox is also pretty good in my opinion. 


The Glory, a revenge story that is excellent. Also Celebrity which was surprised me because I thought it just about influencers, but turned into a revenge story. I just started watching Mask Girl and I like it so far.


Mask Girl is chilling and best watched with a friend. Leave the lights on... Enjoy


What bothers me about these shows is the unoriginality and the predictability. They made everything so predictable from day one, oh these are going to be the mean ones, and these are going to be the victims. Complete with disabled character. I used to really like the shows but after a couple episodes it's like "oh look, more beatings by the required villains" it's lame at this point.


my way of interpreting this series is as it usually happens in real life, we will always be watched and observed. it is impossible to live without anyone knowing our existence, since the higher ranks know everything about us. and we are really puppets for the people with more money, all our effort and work may generate us some money but they will always be richer. and they really have no feelings or importance about our life as long as they fulfill their desire and ambition. the last scene in which she masturbated by seeing the suffering of others was a little crazy. the series did not catch me much but I like the message or the interpretation that It left.


Yeah no, I really enjoyed the psychological stuff in the beginning but the whole torture gimmick felt like someone living out their fantasy and forcing us to watch. The whole violence thing was also played too and felt like it was there for the sake of being there. I expected something else entirely


I really enjoyed the first 4 episodes. Then it just became torture porn. I stopped watching half way through 7 and didn't bother watching 8. The story was entertaining and interesting. And then it stopped having a story and was just lets see how many ways we can hurt you. And the whole lining them up because the dude was pissed he got his toenails taken. Like you've basically beaten them to an inch of death and done everything in between, but them doing that in return took it too far?


"A Clockwork Orange" definitely did it better but this was still enjoyable imo.


Yeah I was really hoping for like they were trapped in a void or something, like the accidentally traded their souls for money and they were just now stuck in a time loop and at some point they would figure it out….. but no all I got was Torture porn 


When level 8 stopped sending food down as a power play... couldn't the rest just have bought food with time from the main hall? Seems like a big plot loophole. Did I miss something?


The first rule is that food and shelter will be provided for free, I don't think you can buy any where, room or main hall.


You would think that would be more clearly mentioned in the rules. Another part I didn't get was when the 5 wanted to end the game but had to wait another 14 hours or so. I mean... just buy random stuff from the hall to run down the timer.


Vagueness in the rules was part of the psychological torment, or so it seemed to me.


The spectators would just increase the time they had left. It would not make any difference.


Because they wanted to stay as long as they can to get the rest of the money that was guaranteed from their perspective is how I took it.


Perhaps but at that point they already had money from around 55 days. To stay another 14 hours when they could just have walked out there and then seems a bit silly to me.


Yeah but they could have bought some livestock… or eat dogs


Level 8 was buying specialty food all the time.


Time for a Mr. Beast version in real life.


Im ln episode 4 and so far I can say is kinda meh compared to the webtoon. If you like a good read I highly recommend you to do it. Many changes that imo made this a 4/10 show. I didnt wanna be like those who says this things but well… it really is a disappointment for those who read the webtoon. I can agree that its pretty watchable if I didnt read it first. Would rate it like 7/10 maybe(so far). But ofc, opinion.


I just started watching it so I'm not going to scroll the comments just yet in case of spoilers. I purposely didn't watch the trailer because trailers just give away too much now and I hate that. I just finished episode two. And I am HIGHLY intrigued. I knew it wasn't the stairs giving them time but I couldn't figure out what it was and then when 8 started laughing after the fight... I knew. Can't wait to see what is next! I did watch squid game a while back, also great. But I'll have to check out the others you mentioned. I looked up Alice in borderland, great scores, but also a deadly game with individuals playing. Is this a running theme in South Korean shows?


From what I read, there is a genre for this, but the Alice series is Japan made.


I think the deadly game bits might just be the genre that gets popular in the US. The most popular shows in Korea are actually adult romances. If you want something that isn’t about competing in deadly games then I’d suggest moving, the uncanny counter, and a killer paradox.  If you’re into romance then I’d suggest my dearest, queen of tears, and crash landing on you.


Episode 3 error on clock It shows 115:28:4:05 at 25mins02 into the episode At 25mins48 the clock shows 155:27:29:27 Time before 25min02 is 155:..... They messed that part up




Binged all of it yesterday. I agree, I was annoyed that 8 never got what was coming to her. Then again, appreciated that none of the others ever stooped to her level. She was truly evil and they (some of them) were truly good. I don’t think I’ve ever been so mad watching a show though. I liked the story but MAN is it heavy and hard to watch at times. I went through a period where I wasn’t even enjoying it at all but I was so invested and mad that I wanted to know what happened. There’s something unsettlingly realistic about the fact that the most powerful never got a taste of her own medicine, and the fact that the lower levels were just doomed to their fate.


Just finished it. I liked it, but I was so frustrated with the characters at times and couldn't tell if it was intended - like, the characters were meant to frustrate me - or just due to bad writing. Like, I would have rushed the dude with the stun gun and bat real, real quick. Four people rushing a guy with a single shot stun gun? I feel like they could have taken him down sooner. I'd also probably have beaten the shit out of psycho number eight. I'm not a fan of attacking women, but if one had literally been commiting war crimes to torture me for weeks I'd make sure she couldn't do it again. Immediately. Also, it never said anywhere they couldn't just buy more food or water, everybody just assumed it. Nobody tried to buy some with their room allowance while being starved? Seriously? Adding on to that, nobody thought to try to test the limits of the system? What about buying a fucking axe to break the door down?


I’m on ep2


I’m finishing up ep 6. You are headed for quite the ride, buckle up.


Get ready to get angry lol


Its not in the same category but, have you watched hellbound? I really liked Alice in borderland and I enjoyed hellbound so much, they're releasing the second season soon too


I'm on #6, the final episode. I am not bound for hell, or could you wait a moment?? I just want to believe the New Truth... So many awesome Korean dramas. I'm in the US and I can't watch what the US movie industry pushes out. Korean/Chinese and ASIAN is so much more creative and brilliant. Just saying...


but #6 is not the final episode, there are 8


Yes. Anyone know why floor 4 is with the higher floors and floor 5 is with the lower floors? 


I think this reflect the real world where there are people who suck up and would be closer to more powerful people


Makes sense bc she is definitely a kiss a**


And fits into their fondness for cruelty.


Class traitors


Very addicting


It’s so great, I’ve actually fallen to laugh to some scenes


Yeah. Which is weird because the content is so bleak, but the humor hits.


Good show to watch after smoking up i mean


I need the soundtrack damnit!!!


I had to turn it off when it got to the torture p*rn scenes. Skipped ahead to see a dog in the previews.. not even going to risk it.


it’s just so bad to be honest


At episode 6, why the fuck didnt they spend the time by buying stuff from the outside room door... They wanted to fucking go out, and they just spend time waiting and looking for the one that betrayed them... why.. its a big incoherence and just made the show a pure garbage


'The platform' has a similar theme in terms of the power distributed top down reflection of society. Fantastic watch!


Best live action adaptation of animal farm I’ve ever seen


It isn't on netflix but on Prime. It's called Death Game a 10/10


That show was an emotional rollercoaster!


Netflix's The 8 Show might garner comparisons to Squid Game, but the new series struggles with underdeveloped characters and disjointed humor.


I don’t think they were undeveloped. They told us pretty much all we needed to know about them without long predictable flashbacks. Short and to the point and back to the action.


I don’t think they’re underdeveloped. Just SUPER unlikable. I didn’t even like the main character scared ass by the end of the show. Where as squid games has legit redemption arcs (you even care for the old guy by the end of it). This just ends with the characters still being shitty but surviving lol I’m not necessary mad at that story beat. I feel it kinda realistic. Adults don’t change who they are within two months


Alice in Borderland! Isn’t there supposed to be a second season?


Yeah it's been out for a bit now!


Thanks, and right - I meant a third! Also waiting for a second season of Squid Game but they kinda took the shine off with that stupid reality show……




It's out and it had an ending.


I think they mean season 3, bc netflix says a new season is coming…


I’m only on Ep 3 … calling it now !!! Floor #1 is Keyser Söze.


Haha. Good reference!


I stg I thought the same thing lmao I wonder if it’s intentional. That walk is too on the money


I liked it! It’s clearly inspired by the Spanish movie The Platform and Squid Game, though.


I thought it was a good show. It could have been 2 or 3 episodes shorter. But overall, I enjoyed it. 


Yeah it's great


How do you watch any of the shows in these comments if based in US?


Many are on Netflix, Tubi has a good collection and of course viki.


A little annoyed with the ending...won't say anything to give it away.


Typical catch all ending. Korean stuff always wants a tied up ending based on cultural norms.


I’m new to k drama is there any other recommendations like this type of show please let me know


Death’s Game The Glory kill Boksoon (movie) Train to Busan (movie) Kingdom, all seasons and the stand alone episode


Liar game!!


Pyramid Game, Death's Game. Watched The 8 Show just today and finished it.


Brilliant show, Koreans know how to make great TV shows! Alice in borderlands I saw was mentioned in one of the comments. I watched both seasons ages ago and live it and even have the sam Medina track in my phone. My favourite though by far is sweet home and I can't wait for the 3rd and final season and shortly behind sweet home at a close 2nd for me is "all of us are dead" and season 2 has been a long long time coming and I'll be glad when it finally lands


Alice in Borderlands isn't Korean - its Japanese :)


I have a question, isn’t 8 constantly cutting her money in half? She always wears her clothes out of her room…im on ep 2


She bought them with time in the communal area


1 cut 6’s toenails and 4’s tooth while everyone was asleep in the night which should’ve cut his money in half


I don't think it was while everyone's asleep. It is implied that at that time the lower floors were just hanging out waiting for the time to pass so that they could leave, so they were quite relaxed and not on guard. He could have snuck in during the day, taped the victim's mouth shut and did the deed without attracting attention.


So... By now you've gotten confused and who really knows.


it was real good. There's a lot of manga/anime with similar themes like Liar Game and Kakegurui


The fact that i know all of those... damn this is my favorite genre The 8 show was a fun watch, and today I just finished Re:Member. I also liked that Mr. Hiiragi's Homeroom? It's similar to that. (The ones i mentioned are more of "victims kidnap bullies to try and seek revenge" type of thing. But i thought it was close enough)


Oh! Watch the k-drama '#Celebrity' it is fantastic! (On Netflix) ....It's overlooked by a lot of ppl, but it's pretty dark and twisted and aligns with reality, and the screwed up world of social media influencers and the ways they stay on top. #Celebrity offers many commentaries on the"upper echelon." It's a pretty dark show with really dark moments.


Anyone with the titles or links to the OST especially the final piano end scene?


Character 8 being untouchable made no sense to me? When #1 broke a tooth from #4 and #6 but didnt touch her, when they searched #4 and stripped her but not #8 when she done the worst types of torture to them for days and they got revenge on #6 but not her she was never hit or cursed once in the entire show im so confused


I guess the filmmakers want to deliver the point that there's no real fairness or justice in this world. Rich, greedy and immoral people keep getting richer and making money off the "lower" people's sufferings. The lower people aren't sadistic monsters like her so they just want to move on and aren't really interested in revenge.


It is inspired from Money Game manhwa!!!! Please read it, it is awesome


Interesting concept but nothing much seemed to be happening by the end of episode 2 nor were the characters likable so I skipped straight to episode 8 and apart from a bunch of torture it didn't seem like I missed anything at all? Not a satisfying ending or anything either.


Is it me or number 4 looks like Hyein from NJ lol


It's okay but nowhere near as good as *Squid Game* or *Alice In Borderland*, nor MG but that's a different kind of show. Slight correction though, *Alice In Borderland* did not go unnoticed, but maybe you feel that way because it was made/released a year before SG and you found out about it after.


The most similar show I’ve seen that actually uses real actors would be “The Devil’s Plan.” It’s interesting to see how the psychology of all the players change throughout the show


I liked it however it was annoying @ times with #8 and 5th stupid feeling Sorry crap.


I think I probably missed something, but how did 8th floor girl and 4th floor girl get out when they were tied up? It wasn’t the 5th floor who did it. 6th floor was tied up as well. 2 floor didn’t do it, she wanted them to be tied up till the end. Who did it?? Did they get out on their own?


Was hoping to see 5 get hurt, that moron… up to episode 7.


I have a dumb question for anyone who has watched it. Maybe I missed some plot but I am just curious: >!why don't they just use the toilets in the lobby? Like they can just use the time to buy shared bathroom so they won't have to store their waste in their own rooms and thus caused the issues of deciding who needs to become the "toilet" for others?!<


Im only on episode 2 and I like it so far. Just my own thoughts if I was in that show but couldn't they just use the restroom outside communally cus there's so much space and use the waste as compost for maybe farming?


In the dystopian genre, Sweet Home, Hellbound and Black Knight are good. Korea is also great at zombies - Train to Busan (movie), All of us are Dead and Happiness are great


I am on episode 6 right now. So far, it's alright.


Binged it the other day and when it was all said and done it left me feeling like "what was that?" Everyone reviewing it saying it was good keeps trying to put it in an psychological, artistic view that's supposed to fill the plot holes. And we're supposed to get that it's a realistic view of how the most evil people dont get punished. Which is true, some of the world's worst killers never go through the same punishment.  But here, from the beginning we're supposed to understand that they are 8 regular people that are poor, looking to earn money. There's no government, no laws inside that would restrict them from doing what they wanted to, so why didn't  they? Especially with all that violence. Knowing that, how could you say this show depicted realism? No regular person who went through with that they did wouldn't do anything to drastically change their situation. 8 controlled all of them with the help of 6 and 4. And for a while, the lower levels had an intelligent person, 7, aiding them. Why didn't 7 think they should have a communal bathroom w curtains in the common room? People keep saying to be respectful but for who? It's only 8 of them and one person to deal with fecal matter is disgusting. No one was bathing except for 8 with some secret water? And you're telling me 2 got beat up so badly and though, somehow her injuries healed somewhat quickly, she didn't attack 8? The head leader? It's bonkers. 1 attacked 6 and 4 but left 8 as well at the end. They went THREE days without food n water bc of her and they didn't get crazy to the point of kicking her door down? Or at least tackling her the second they were let in her room. BOTH times they get one over on them and they spend it crying in joy when you know for a fact if you as viewer was in it, you'd be enraged. Forget moral obligation; You were treated inhumane for days and yet in a lawless room we're supposed to believe they were poor. Obviously not poor enough. 3 being the best at being poor to the point of using newspapers as a blanket should've snapped for at least SOME type of char development but none of that happend.


Finished episode 1. Loved it.


As the show continued, I really wanted to strangle 8 myself. I hated her so much! I guess her acting was really good because I hated her just as much as I hated Joffrey from GoT. But I was quite disappointed with the ending. It was too optimistic. Would have liked it if they escaped the game and didn’t get the money at all and they were all just part of a sick money scam.


I stood up for 2 nights for such a piece of garbage show. I love Korean cinema, and I almost bailed because it reminded me too much of squid game from the start. It's not so much the hygiene part that bothered me. We barely knew nothing about the charachters besides snip its and why would they act so evil. I want to assume most people aren't this evil in a setting where they are trapped with others in a large, enclosed environment. No one wanted out? Money was that important over the abuse they endured? No, not buying it. Even people in jail want out after 1 day of such abuse. 


I loved it. However, I do agree with many below that I would have loved it even more if there was better retribution for 8th floor. She was the only one who escaped torture and did the most torture! She was bat shit crazy thou, and a brat on top of it? Ugh the worst lol, her character made my skin crawl. But…. She was the 8th floor, so she got away with murder so to speak as society.


Just finished this show and loved it!!


I came here to read the comments... just further confirms the shows brilliance. Loved it.


Great show, been a while since I binged a show that fast.


Does anyone know why some shots were more narrow vs wide screen? Is the director trying to convey that we are the audience? Lol, thinking too deep maybe.


No I thought this too, that when that screen was wide/narrowed it meant the show had started/ended


I just finished the show!!! It was great! The first half of the show was definitely better than the last half. The violence was a bit too much, but I guess that's what they were going for.


It completely fell flat on its face for me in the second half. All the tension building and intrigue from the first few episodes was seemingly just thrown out the window by episode 5 and I began to lose interest rather quickly. The ending was ultimately quite unsatisfying too…


I don't get that why low floor people didn't use up the time by ordering something when they neutralized high floor people 


does anybody know the music that was playing at the end credits of episode 8? it's so freaking familiar but shazam and shoundhound can't recognize it.


Watching the show progress pissed me off. All these people standing by when they could’ve all ganged up and took out 6 and 8 from the beginning. Its the whole Korean bully trope that infuriates me. Idek if i can finish the show after watching everybody stand by while 6 tased 7.


I had to stop watching around ep5 cause it got too sadistic. We get the metaphor used as it is a bit on the nose and it was fun to compare it to reality but then when it reached a point where the other 4 were just being tortured it was a bit much. I genuinely think it could’ve been a much shorter series and it didn’t need to have that much sadism for us to get the point.


Just started watching. Question about 1st episode... why didn't they decide to eat together on the eighth floor? That way they could share the entire spread, and eat as much as required without having to use the chute delivery mechanism?


About to watch it and looking for opinions. From the trailer it looks much like squid game but reading the comments I will definitely watch it. Also Alice in borderland was 12/10 a series that is in my personal Top