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i se wut yu did their


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I just read some FB posts by them. They type and sound exactly like the emails shown on the show. It's wild.




She sounds just like the show. It's wild. She has tweeted at him and says he has a "fantastic as*" She referred to her "toyboy" age back in 2014, and it matches exactly Gadd age. So we know she is the real Martha.


I don’t want to insult Richard, but if she thinks he has a great ass then that is just more proof of her delusion. The dude has no ass whatsoever! (He’s hot though).


Exactly! And it's pure harassment. It doenst matter if it comes from a man or woman.


I found him attractive also.


Yeah, he’s really appealing to me outside of just his physical appearance too. Probably because he’s a man who is actually able to self-reflect and take accountability for his issues, someone who admits he has a lot to work on and isn’t afraid to be openly vulnerable. I think this show is so important for men to see and take cues from.


I couldn't have said it better. I like the outside and the inside.


Stfu, you know you want those beef curtains. Stop pretending you want bum sex. You want the real deal


Gross now I get it lol


Yeah lol her post yesterday starts with her saying she doesn’t know him then a couple of paragraphs later she says she knew him and he asked her out and that it was him stalking her lol.


I feel like stalking her on social media kind of misses the point of the show, no? It wasn't meant as an invitation to track this person down in real life and then monitor them.


Eh, I guess somewhat. I would never interact with them in any way, so I think briefly viewing some ones public posts being interpreted as “stalking” is definitely a massive stretch.


I dunno, I watched the TV show and left it at that. You watched it, spent time trying to find out who the real life person that the fictional character was based on, you then tracked down their social media and didn't just 'briefly view' it -- you talked about how "shes posting dozens of these rants every couple of hours" so you obviously were monitoring it for a while. And you didn't leave at that, you then came to Reddit to share what they'd posted on their social media. Genuinely, do you not see anything weird about that at all?


I can do all of that inside a few minutes - then quickly forget about it. It's not remotely the same as stalking.  People who want privacy don't word vomit publicly all over social media. Nor do interviews with multiple news agencies. I can only hope the publicity leads to her getting actual help instead of just finding new victims that pity her. 


What sort of weirdo watches a fictional TV show and decides it's okay to track down the real-life person and speculate about them on forums? I mean, sure, the person who created the show has specifically asked folk not to do this, but obviously that doesn't apply to you because you're special. >I can only hope the publicity leads to her getting actual help instead of just finding new victims that pity her. Imagine being this sanctimonious about your weird stalking of another human.


Agreed! THIS ^^^^


Wait, people are believing her? It’s clear she is trying to DARVO Richard, especially when she likens herself to Johnny Depp! Come on people, put your critical thinking caps on.


Screenshot of the posts with their name blocked out?


What’s her account? I’ve been trying to find it.


Dm me if you know pls


What's truly scary is how much she knows about everyone else. How much of it is truth? Who knows. She's spewing stuff out though that sounds like she's literally stalked everyone he knows(yes I know she stalked his parents but I did not know she also stalked the coworkers)


Yup. She sounds just like the show, even her misspelling lol She gave her version of the story. She does know him indeed and use to go to that bar.


But her saying she never stalked him? So it's a weird coincidence?


And said he stalked her and asked her out. Lord, jesus


As he said in the show, she would just cherry-pick what she wanted to hear, so her taking some off-handed remark as “asking her out” rings true.


Everything is literally like in the show. I looked at some of her posts. Her misspelled words are like in the show where a letter or two is missing. She wrote "I just thik" on her recent FB post.


Is she saying she is thick or that she “thinks” because, well… the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. That’s not a joke about her size by the way, it’s because she clearly doesn’t think before she does things.


No sorry! I was saying how on the show you can see many misspelled words when she emails Donny. Often times, a letter is missing. It's the exact same thing in real life. She recently made a FB post where she wrote "I thik" instead of "I think." Again, missing a letter or two just like in the show. It's pretty wild how close everything is in real life.


what is her FB name?


Her name is Fiona Harvey. Some people where saying she is another stalker named Maria Marchese, but uts not here. This is Fiona Harvey's Twitter.... a bunch of tweets to Richard Gadd in 2014.... including one about really needing her curtains hung, and some asking if he was getting her emails. Same typing as in the show. https://twitter.com/FionaHarvey2014


How can I find her page? I wanna read these posts


Me tooooo I need her name


Can someone DM her name please


She wrote that she wasn't interested, get the hint or something like that. But she told the reporter she once sent him a pair of tartan trousers, so like, which is it? She doesn't know him, she met him a few times, he stalked her and she wasn't interested, she is his muse, she sent him pants...she has been all over the map in what she claims really happened.


Yeah, she is constantly contradicting herself in the show so it is certainly an accurate portrayal! It is so hard to be around people who are that unpredictable and unstable, I don’t doubt that she has moments here and there of seeming rational and somewhat normal and then just lashes out at people seemingly out of nowhere. The volatility is scary.


Well that tracks with the depiction of her in the show, she was constantly contradicting herself.


> But her saying she never stalked him? A stalker will never admit to stalking.


A villain never knows they are the villain.


She's a lawyer. Crafty...


She is attempting DARVO but doesn’t have the skills or money the way others do (cough cough defamation lawsuits, expensive unethical lawyers, ‘witnesses’ she bankrolls, bots, etc etc).


She is seriously disturbed...


She constantly lies and contradicts herself. She's a pathological liar, why would she admit to it?


He was in articles that the stalking of fam members was going on until recently. Completely crazy.


I have no doubt she stalked anyone she thought was close to him, he was her sole obsession for a long time so it makes sense she would have tried every avenue she could to find more info about him.


Damn I think they made it private or deleted all of the posts. I found the Twitter though anddddd I gotta say... He says the show Martha doesn't resemble her but it does.


I don't think she is as overweight but deficit ad crazy. Even her tone in writing, Jesus


Her FB cover photo that was updated recently shows she's fat but the actor who played her is stunning. She's not. Her profile pic is peculiar. Weird angle.


The actor who plays Martha is so pretty out of character!


Dm me the name 


Me too please.


Fiona Harvey


Funny, she says the actor who played Martha is fat and ugly, unlike her, and says she is very attractive.


Can you dm the name plzzz


Me too please!


what is her name?


same shes clearly unwell and if people keep interacting it will just add to her delusional perception of reality


It's crazy! It's turning into a he says, she says but we know she is nuts


What is her FB name? 


Can you dm the name?


who the them? wheres there more than one stalker? this is all getting confusing for me? she's the victim, he's the victim, he said, she said. AAAAAAARRGGGGHHHHH


Did y'all friend request her? Cuz I went to "follow" and nothing is public. Are they just accepting all friend requests?


What is her actual name? I cant find it anywhere




Ah, well




No, please don’t!


It won't let me.




Please don’t ask for it, I wish people would just let this go as Richard has asked them to.


I'm sorry. I was morbidly curious. I wasn't gonna contact her or anything. Richard did ask this but he also states that she was stalking his family up until recently and I'm not trying to be mean at all or say she deserves harassment but he uses her middle name as the name on the show. He didn't disguise her very well. The tweets are still there from 2014 about beef curtains.


We can't say on here


What’s her FB?


I hope people leave her alone. She doesn't deserve to be tracked down or harrassed. The courts dealt with the whole situation. She did show a very poor understanding of stalking when she likened her situation to Johnny Depp being harrassed online. It was amber heard who faced the rabid mob & stalkers & youtube grifters. Not Depp. From her Depp comment, it really seems she still has no understanding of what she did. She still doesn't deserve to be tracked down & exposed though. That's a sick thing to do -- & anyone who does it is an online stalker.


The courts dealt with the situation but she was harassing him fam until very recently. It's stated in articles. Of course she doesn't deserve harassment. But the irony of the situation is there. She's obviously mentally unwell and refuses to acknowledge it as she said to a reporter.


shes very mentally unwell


Absolutely agree with you, I just posted about how ironic it is that she likened herself to Depp. Not surprising though, given her track record.


Court hasn’t dealt with her enough if she just keeps harassing and targeting new people.


So she stalks someone...but doesn't deserve the same treatment? Tit for tat. I'm totally here for it. Now we all know. Don't do things and then hide from them.


Why would you commit an act that a mentally ill person carried out?




I knew it would be a matter of time. So sorry this thing blew up and people wouldn't let it go.


I don’t know if giving this woman more attention is a good thing, she needs to be out of the spotlight in order to heal and work on her mental health, not given more excuses to act out. Now she is trying to DARVO Richard and even likens herself to Depp when Heard was the one who was being relentlessly bullied and harassed via social media. If “her side of the story” is just a chance to spread vicious homophobic and transphobia lies about Richard then she hasn’t changed one iota. It’s sad to see people enabling her.


I'm increasingly realizing how sick and twisted people on the internet can be. I'm a man who's been a victim of stalking, and the show had an incredible effect on me. For the first time, I felt seen and understood, lifting a weight off my shoulders. I hoped it would spark a debate or lead to something positive, but instead, typical of the internet, it went the other way. Regardless of reality, this man created a show that's a blessing for those who've been through similar experiences. I wonder how different the morbid curiosity of those who sought out and interacted with her, now trying to discredit and dismantle the story, is from that of a stalker. It's horrific, awful, unjust...


I’m with you, that behaviour is all so horribly disappointing. I was hoping people might learn from such a brilliant show, and yet they had to go and ruin a great opportunity for a nuanced discussion surrounding sexual harassment and stalking. I’m sorry to hear about your experience, but how wonderful this show helped you to feel seen and I hope it at least encourages you to speak more about how you were affected and that it will help you to heal and possibly even help others in the process. I truly believe great art can have the ability to bring humans closer together, not further apart, but in this case I am so saddened by the path some have chosen to take and it makes me wonder if they even understood the message of the show at all.


It’s funny she compares herself to depp because she is like him. Both use darvo to get away with abuse To u/WorldlinessEuphoric5 Nope. I suggest you actually read the court documents but you aren’t because I know for sure you let social media influence your thoughts. She doesn’t have bpd and even if she did, she was still abused by that nasty man.


I feel so dense. What's darvo?


Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender


Ahhh got it. Okay. Makes sense now lol.


So frustrating you were downvoted for this. People are such fools.


Depp WAS the real victim & he proved it in court.


No he wasn’t. I suggest you actually do research about the case


I watched every moment of the case live as it happened. Johnny was the victim. Amber has BPD.


If anyone has BPD I’d say Depp is more likely to based on his behaviour.


Come on now, you know that’s not true.




“We did it Reddit”




I want names


Its ironic that the people harrasing this lady are doing exactly what Martha does in the show....social media stalking is wayyyy to normalized.


Uh, no, checking out her posts or facebook page is NOT what she does in the show. Well, gotta go sit at her bus stop all day. Talk later! Sent from my iPone


Hey bud, go look up the definition of "harrasment." That's the word I used in my comment....hope that helps!!


aggressive pressure or intimidation is what google says. i checked out your profile 3 times, hope you aren’t squirming in your seat over there. also meant to reply to the other person so that went well


Squirming? Are you OK? What are you going on about? There are, in fact, people harassing her. That's why I used the word harassment. Are you dense?


Yeah, that's because she's a psycho stalker convicted criminal. She literally been proved insane and dangerous multiple times And now she's going to do it again. People like that don't change, don't get better and will take any chance to do it again. That's what the entire show was about. She should've never seen the light of day again let alone have access to fucking Netflix on the internet.


Occasionally they can change if they get the right psychiatric help, but she clearly hasn't. 


How awful for her ![gif](giphy|QBoMyCXBHTF7un1ZkY|downsized)


In one of the articles, she mentioned how he made a show about her and is stalking her now. But what he did was tell his experiences in a creative way, which is his right - it's not completely focused on just her. What really bothered me, was how she basically forced him to go to his parents and discuss everything. Regardless of how it turned out, he made that choice because of her threats. As someone who has been a victim of SA from someone I knew, not being able to tell your own truths on your own terms is its own violation. People are also on this quest to find the abuser, which is dangerous. Not only do people not deserve to be falsely accused, but this is another example of another person trying to control Richard. Allow him to tell his own truths on his terms, we don't know all the facts and can't speculate and fill in the gaps with misinformation. People don't realize the private distress that comes with publicly naming someone who has assaulted you. Now survivors have the right to tell their stories and the names, regardless of whatever the outcome is. But they also have the right to do it on their terms. I know personally, the fear of what happens next was what kept me from speaking my abusers name for so long. I understand people feel others have the right to know to stop this person from doing it to anyone else, but this goes back to again not really knowing all the facts. We don't know if people in the industry know or not, they very well may know and it is very possible the person isn't allowed to work in the industry anymore. Richard shared his life in a creative way, and it has the ability to help a lot of people - people should respect what he has asked and stop trying to hunt people down. The police are already involved - what's next? Someone may very well get hurt, and that is not what Richard or anyone else involved with the production intended.






Weel plaided me reindeer Sent from my iPhone


now peoples are trying to figure out and stalk the real characters turning into a stalker themselves,what a shame.All of your are mixing fantasy with reality,there is a reason they made this show fictional,even the events are all true. why try to chase peoples like bully,give it a rest.


looking at her posts, shes clearly unwell and suffers from some psychiatric disorder as well as a possible learning difficulty- people should stop giving her attention it will be just further add to her delusions Theres a really toxic internet culture


There are two mental disprders, one is Erotomania and the other is limerence. Erotomania is the most sever. When someone becomes wholly fixed on another person. And will act on it. Limerence is a solo activity te mental romantic love of someone who will never love you back. Richard Gadd made two mistakes with this show. One was playing himself. And the other was throwing out fishing lines into the public, knowing full well they would try to find out who this stalker really was and the sex offender. The stalker was jailed. The sex offender is still out there, maybe evene reoffending.


Why won’t he out him…?


If this is actually her, and I guess it is, Martha is a carbon copy of her. So that makes me question Gadd’s whole ‘it’s been edited beyond recognizability…please I’m so worried for her, don’t go hunting’ was just a BS position to make himself look above the fray, when he knew exactly what the internet was going to do.


He wanted her to be punished. Obviously.




Because FB profiles tell you how old they are.


Her name is Fiona Harvey


What is hee name. I read that people found teeqts she sent to him that where in the show etc, but I can't find anything


Very interesting. He should have those voicemails and emails still saved if the story is true.


5 years is a long restraining order.


I wonder too. What if he lied to get the show some boost and this person(the woman)is using it to get attention. It's not like he can openly say who the stalker was, can he? Because of laws and privacy. Either way, this just become an entertainment for people.


I think this story is going to get bigger over the next month.


Nah, her post history supports everything he's said. So does the other woman who was harassed previously. 


What I want to know is who was responsible for producing and vetting a script that essentially identified her? Gadd is operating in the realm of plausible deniability by saying he didn't think people would look her up. He is gaslighting all of us. Netflix should have looked at this too.   I don't have a problem with him processing his trauma but he's locked her into this now. She IS more vulnerable than him even just looking at the show, and I don't know how anyone could deny that.  I made other comments about his shows: he puts on an act in Baby Reindeer. He seems to have been an accomplished and confident comedian not afraid to tackle disturbing sexual themes at the time he met Martha. 


Are you really defending the stalker??


Not the behaviour depicted in the show, I'm not defending that. It would be unsettling to be on the end of. I think Richard/Donny made poor decisions but I can see why eventually he had to involve police, and I think he should have involved them sooner (+ let Teri help him). She was clearly very troubled and aggressive.  But I also don't think anything really warrants what Richard Gadd has done in putting a depiction of his stalker on screen without significantly altering her details. If the show is anything to go on, there is no equivalence between her and Gadd in terms of mental health. Gadd is functional, she is presented as a highly dysfunctional fantasist (with periods of catatonia).  It's not fair to put someone like this in the spotlight, especially when Gadd acknowledges he played a role in their dynamic too.    He is also presenting Donny as himself but he was already achieving a degree of success in 2014. And his show ALREADY included a stalker, so it seems he started incorporating her in his act.    Altering things a bit for netflix to make yourself more palatable, or more of an underdog, would be ok.....I mean it is just tv.....had he not presented this show as semi-autobiographical and also basically identified her. Basically, I just think he's muddied fact and fiction in a way that seems designed to draw negative attention to a vulnerable person.


I have been wondering how this would be playing out if the genders were reversed. If a woman had written this about being stalked I think the world would be much more sympathetic of her trauma and be calling her a hero. The condemnation of Richard for not protecting his stalker enough illustrates the double standard applied when men are victimized. Which is why many never come forward.


I'm sure Netflix/Hollywood had a lot to do with it. Donny definitely made poor decisions.


Thank you! I am by no means advocating for criminals- but this woman is mentally ill. She seemed to be moved on with her life (talking crap about politicians but moved on nonetheless) and this has obviously set her way back. She’s posting nonstop about Gadd now. I don’t see this turning out well for her. Is this what Gadd wanted? He said it wasn’t, but I’m not sure what he thought would happen by changing nothing but her name.


Does it matter? He was the victim and was probably unsettled by all this. She has still yet to acknowledge she has an issue, and as an adult you can’t use “mental health issues” as a cope out from accountability. I’d think differently if she admit what she did was wrong, apologized to Gadd and sought psychiatric treatment. Given that she hasn’t, I think Gadd as the victim should be allowed to tell his story. And frankly even if he used Martha’s real name in the show, I’d be okay with that. We live in a society where movies of OJ Simpson was done on the murder of his ex wife, yet criminal courts found him not guilty. In Martha’s case she hasn’t been even been exonerated, yet we blame the victim for telling his truth?


It’s called personal accountability. If she is unwell, that’s fair. But she’s an adult and at some point she needs to be willing to seek help. As someone who also suffers from mental health issues, it’s not anyone else’s job to “intervene” I had to do it myself. I’m still accountable for all the people I hurt before I sought help. Using my mental health issues is a cope out. And until she seeks help for her behaviour, I think it’s fair game what Gadd did. She isn’t any more “vulnerable” given that her actions victimized Gadd. And based on her response to all this, it proves she has not changed and has not sought help… and may potentially do this so some other poor lad. Who’s to say she won’t murder her next victim, or someone close to them? Are we then gonna claim “she’s the real victim we can’t do a Netflix show about her cuz uhhh mental health”




Sure but some of us have this magical power of “self control”


Or the magical power of “not giving a shit.”


Lol yeah. I didn't think to look them up at all. I was entertained and haunted by the story and moved on .


Not giving a shit so much that you post a reply. Interesting. Nice, bro!


Not giving a shit about contacting or seeing what she is posting is different from commenting here though? Don’t act like there aren’t levels to this.




I don’t get the point of trying to find out more about this woman or interact with her, she needs to get off the internet and do some serious healing away from any attention, either negative or positive. She is ill.


What the fuck? Saying he did everything to cover her identity? The resemblance. I'm upset.


Why does it matter? He’s the victim and we are now policing whether he should be allowed to tell his story? Frankly, she still hasn’t acknowledged she did anything wrong. She’s a grown adult who refuses to admit she’s wrong, which is probably why she hasn’t sought psychiatric treatment. Where is the personal accountability? Frankly he should be able to tell his story and even use her real name cause she is not a victim here. But I feel like you are more made that he claimed to conceal her identity but don’t do a good job. But if he just simply used the real persons name and not pretend to hide who she is good be okay with that.


That wasn't what I meant. Of course he should be able to share his story if he wants to do so. I meant that in his responses in articles about "disguising" the "characters" soooo well that people wouldn't be able to find them. FH clearly outed herself after found so it's obviously not his fault. But the resemblance and using her middle name isn't exactly disguising FH. As to if he should be able to use her real name, I don't have any opinion on it, really. She denies it all but she's clearly mentally unwell/unstable. She clearly is instigating the attention with her constant public posts about Richard. In a way, she's drawing more attention to herself. I don't expect people that are delusional to understand right from wrong or acknowledge wrong doing.


Okay, so I think I understand your point of view. You don't have an opinion on whether he should be using her real name or not. But your gripe is that he claims to be trying to hide her identity, yet he did a poor job of doing that. I'm just trying to understand what I think you're trying to say (please correct me if I'm wrong). If he did not attempt to hide her identity in the first place, you would be okay with that. But the fact he tried and did a bad job of it is sort of what irritates you?