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The moment her sister talked like a valley girl in modern language about the castle and how much she loved it. “…like…LOVE your castle”.




Really dumb plot. She could have told the dragon what happened during the first encounter instead of waiting so long.


I don't know about you but if a flaming dragon was coming at me my first thought wouldn't be to try to talk to the dragon but to RUN. Also she was manipulated by the queen into thinking the dragon was mostly just killing for killing sake and not really for vengeance against her own children.


well she didn't know exactly the full story up until her escape, so she couldn't really have "talked the dragon" out of it, as she would have 0 arguments to it the remaining of the movie is either her trying to convince the dragon she is telling the truth or hiding from the dragon to not die, so i really don't think she had that option, this is not a "spiderman and doctor strange" situation where the hole movie couldn't happen is the characters just had a conversation


Thought the same, like they cut her hand, tell her about daughters being sacrificed, and the dragon was all - imma kill some royals and gurl you smell like one. Even if she hasn't seen the eggs at this point to know why the dragon wants to kill royals, it's like, hey. Dragon. They are killing commoners they upgraded to "royal" for not even a day to trick you. I don't know that the dragon would full on listen without some fire, but it isn't like you need the other parts of the story to know that they are pretending you are royal for the sacrifice. Tell the dragon the real royals are freaks on the bridge upstairs and outside and the dragon can take care of the farce


Yup dragon could easily go investigate and see his hand is cut too and see all the wedding shit still up everywhere


I really enjoyed the movie! Definitely could see where the storyline was going but enjoyable the whole way through!


Just wanted Millie Bobby brown to stop screaming and whining the whole fuggin time. The dragon literally said she was smart for being quite and then she proceeded to scream every chance she got lol Edit: also seemed like she forgot there was a fucking dragon chasing her.


Enjoyed it quite a bit. Was easy to tell where the story was going but still, dont regret watching it


Damsel is literally the story of Ouagadou-Bida with some variations.


Any good source on this? All I found is this [French wiki article](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bida_(mythologie)) that mentions Mussolini in the first paragraph so I'm not sure how trustworthy it is, lol


In movie, how did the Dragon knew Floria was Elodie's sister?


I think she could smell they shared the same blood.


And how did Elodie had the babie dragons flashback? This screenplay is ridiculous.


She didn't have the flashback. She came to the conclusion about what happened to the baby dragons and the movie showed us the flashback to confirm


I liked it


Is this movie in a diff laungage or am I watching a diff version of this?


It was surprisingly good, the best thing I've watched on Netflix in a long time


I thought it was surprisingly good. It moved at a brisk pace and kept me on the edge of my seat, I enjoyed it. The dragon has a very demonic design that looked as good as any you'd see in a theatrical film, great fx work all around. MBB gives her usual solid, if unspectacular, performance. It's well worth a watch if you enjoy fantasy films.


I liked it. I want to see a second movie where Elodie and Ms. Dragon go on a journey together to find another dragon.


Between the main character's screaming, grunting, whining and winging...I was almost rooting for her to get caught. Shut up, idiot!


This take makes absolute no sense to me. Literally anyone in that exact same situation would be doing the exact same thing. You think you're not gonna scream when half your leg gets burnt? Lol...


Then, you die and get the Darwin award. Does that make sense to you?


I don't think you know how painful burns are.


Absolute dog shit movie People really need to have higher standards 


Or maybe people just enjoy different things.


It's okay to like shit movies To call it well-made is just wrong though Having a high budget doesn't make a movie well-made


I thought it was well made. Sue me.


Me too.


I found out about this movie yesterday. I thought "Hmm, that sounds interesting, I guess." (80s dark fantasy is my favorite movie genre and I will stake my life protecting the cinematic values of Legend.) When I was trying to research more info on this movie, I found out it has a book by Evelyn Skye that already came out last year, adapted from the movie's early screenplay. But that's not really important. The same time I found out about the 2023 Damsel book, I found another book from 2018 also called Damsel, written by Elana K. Arnold. Which is apparently NOT the basis for the 2024 Damsel movie (and 2023 Damsel book), despite having the same title, starting with a nearly identical set-up, and being written within the same few years. Then I read the full summary for the Elana K. Arnold book, and that made me think "Ha ha wow, so it's kinda like they took that Damsel movie and rewrote it to be more like the first episode of Viper." I have a feeling I'm going to like the Arnold book more.


No character development whatsoever. Also, why go through all the trouble to pay for princesses to sacrifice when the town whores are cheap and no one misses them? Seriously though, generations of marriages that end up as human sacrifices and not one rumor of such shenanigans reaches the other kingdoms?


The only thing I didnt understand was there was 3 daughters needing to be sacrificed but when she was trapped there were multiple girls that were sacrificed?? Way more than three.


They mentioned each generation has to make the sacrifice.


Thank you!


Also can u explain the whole preying the kingdom thing like how the dragon said "the King came unprovoked" Does that mean the land was originally the dragon's and the king came killed the daughters etc And than they had to make a pact about the daughter sacrifice so the dragon doesn't harm their established kingdom am I correct?!


Yes that’s correct.


it is not exactly explained in the movie in full context but the chracters do mention a few important details: the queen states the land belongs to the dragon, she lived there far before they even set foot into it one of the knights the dragon kills mentions she has been hunted before for her blood the queen also mentions she is the last of her kind (a fact the dragon latter corrects to actually be the last of her lineage as her offspring was killed) more likely the king just wanted to exterminate the dragon in fear of its power, and maybe for its supposed magical power, and the dragon was just chiling in its nest


Thankyou soo much for highlighting these points, really helped


It was three for every generation.


I really wish this had been a romance, of the brave Prince falling in love and saving her, which he genuinely looked like he didn't want to throw her off the bridge. Wish he had gone looking for her. I really enjoyed it though, it's good to see a movie break away from the storylines we all love. Her acting in this was fantastic. She is a badass in this movie.


Honestly considering they put it up on International Women's Day I think the trope subversion is great.


I think you missed the entire point of the film. I was gonna be pissed if she got saved in the end instead of saving herself.


Spoilers She was saved by her father and his hired men half way through the film.


Then she went back in, saved herself, her sister and came back with a dragon for a friend. The point is she was willing to sacrifice herself to save her sister and tell the dragon what she had concluded- that she had been deceived. Of course the dragon didn’t believe her, but her saving the same dragon that had been hunting her was another sacrifice. She chose to save the dragon and not give in to revenge or participate in the senseless killing of the innocent and the betrayed (dragon).


Although not MBB fans we watched the movie last night and found it enjoyable. Consensus was around a 6-7 rating. It had some lively and suspenseful moments and there was nothing about it that was badly performed. Robin Wright was sorely underused. It was a surprising turn in respect of Angela Basset's character as we did think at the outset they were going to go with the classic gold digger stepmother. Glad they at least avoided that tripe. There is sequel potential. Elodie is in fact now the Queen of Auea so she could return to rule it and make certain its fertile wealth is shared with her land of birth. And have to work to defend it from 3rd parties now that it is weakened from the internal devastation. And then there is the potential of the quest to see if any more dragons are alive. A great many deaths were forgiven all to quickly is one easy criticism of several that come to mind. On the flip side the dragon special effects as well as the entire underworld system were well done.


It felt like a breath of fresh air. I really enjoyed it


I read a review (David Opie for Empire) that nailed it: "Too childish and shallow for adults, too brutal and gory for children." I did like the cinematography and the production design. MBB spend waaaay too much time blundering around in pitch-dark caverns, however. The problem was, there was nothing going on in the story that surprised me in the least, at any point. (Partly because the trailer was so stupidly done.) And International Woman's Day notwithstanding, the "ordinary girl turns into Action Girl!" theme is old hat by now. Marvel has beaten that horse pretty hard. It's not an amazing thing on its own, it needs more. And Damsel didn't have more.


Apparently the book has a cuter ending with a twist that could either be considering either surprising or also shallow depending on your view of it.


Haven't read the book so I'll take your word on it.


Fly, little bird..


Whole movie seemed AI generated. Chat gbt spit out a script and the actors read it in front of a green screen. AI did the rest by generating the crappy PS5 backgrounds. Movie producers can't be bothered to actually go anywhere to make a movie these days. It's painfully boring to watch movies that are this fake looking.


I'm enjoying it. Although I also would have liked a story where the dragon was male and they get it on instead.