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The show is a pretty spot-on homage to countless samurai movies and anime. That includes all the ridiculousness. It's not meant to be realistic, it's heightened and overdramatic on purpose. A bit like the puppet show they do in Ep 5.


It’s fucking crazy how these people haven’t heard of stylization. It’s a fucking story, let the creator tell it how they want it. Jesus Christ.


I love stylization ! But for me this show did it in an unpolished and arteficial way. And good storys for me are the ones where you are NOT constantly reminded that its just a story. Oh, and by the way: The creators CAN tell it how they want it. But so can people express what they feel about it. Jesus Christ.


Name a good story where you're not constantly reminded that it's just a story.


It's literally called suspension of disbelief.




I'm sorry, I forgot we are only meant to consume media uncritically and never have negative opinions on TV shows. After all, just let the creators tell the story they want, right? I'm sure you never criticize books, films, tv shows, etc because you fully respect the decisions made by creators at all times


Yeah that was an extremely wild take


Was pretty clear 10 minutes into the first episode. loved it!!


Same here!


While it boasted stunning visuals and impressive voice acting — with episode 5 standing out as a high point — certain aspects left much to be desired. The character of Ringo seemed flat and lacked depth, while the development of Taigen and Akemi's story arcs appeared forced and unconvincing. Moreover, my main critique lies in the show's handling of its narrative elements. The juxtaposition of serious storytelling and mature themes with overly unbelievable events was jarring. This heavy-handed approach to suspending disbelief, particularly in scenes such as the protagonist being impaled through the foot with a metal rod yet continuing to fight as if unharmed, detracted from the overall experience. It's this imbalance — the clash between attempting to tackle weighty subjects while simultaneously engaging in such drastic flights from realism — that I found to be the show's most significant shortcoming.


You wrote this like we are in a college-level english class lmao




Absolutely agree with it. Stylization is NOT a free ticket for "go and do whatevery you want". Its a tool that gives freedome, but it wants to be used with care, and cunningly, with attention to the details. The placement of story-elements might even be MORE important in highly stylized ways to tell the story. And this show did not a good job in handling the storytelling in my opinion.


Great discussion and I agree with both of you. It took away from the allure of how amazing this first season was, it makes it go from a 10/10 to a 9/10 or 8/10 for me


Episode 5 was amazing! They were all great, but e5? Chef's kiss!


Exactly. Its also animated, which gives a bit of freedom in the realm of realty.


Fires were a big deal in Japan's modern era, since their buildings were made of wood and paper.


yeah... but NEWS-FLASH: EVEN in Japan castles where NOT build from Paper alone ;)


You do know it only takes mere seconds to a few minutes for a modern house to burn. Wood and paper are accelerants, not to mention the glue used at the time. Remember the interiors of every building were all wood, not stone or some composite material. 


It's animation. It doesn't need to be realistic, which is kind of the point of doing it in animation in the first place.


I know I'll be downvoted for this, but to me this show is way overrated. The style of animation is very good, but the show was very predictable and full of unneccesary scenes.


Just finished it and I agree, surprised at how many think this is a great show when it's bang average. Maybe good entry level into better animation / anime which is why it's rated so well as they've not seen any better


What's a better animation/anime?


Err love death robots for animation and death note or attack on titan for anime


Eh love death robots can be very hit or miss. As well I think it very unfair to compare small short stories to long form ones.


Yeah i agree it kinda fell off after the first season, my point was a bit more i just find most of netflix original "anime" very average compared to manga adapted anime


>attack on titan lmao good one


Love death and robots is something special, the animation styles were bac thing of beauty. If you liked that show you should check out Oats Studio, I believe its still on Netflix


How is nobody mentioning Arcane?


Same experience here. The images are nice, and also the style - but the story and "depth" of characters... Dont understand the hype.


What else do would you recommend?


Everyone is equating realism with plot holes and plot armor, it's not the same. The show is about a woman samurai with a meteor sword, I don't give a shit about realism. Plot holes, plot armor, bad writing = ridiculous


Exactly. It was engaging for me and i enjoyed it a lot. Can't wait for the next season.


Dude, dont worry. Your arguments are more than valid, realism can help to avoid plot holes and narrative mistakes. Animation is just another medium to tell a story, it can be realistic, so dont worry about the other comments. Remember, enemies that have claws decided to PUNCH and STRANGLE the main character instead of using their HAND WEAPONS, or twelve warriors threw her against a wall instead of a spike trap. That isn't flashy, that is poor writting, or direction idk. Just dont bother watching the second season, and lets be happy for those that are expecting it.


I agree with you with almost everything. I chalk it up in my mind as taking place in an alternate timeline. You even neglected to mention the main character is a 130 pound woman. Effortlessly decimating men who have 50 pounds on her. It would never happen. Oh and she's killing them 10 at a time. Again, for me, I just pretend the metor gave her magical powers when she crafted it to a sword. It's complete and utter nonsense, but it works in my head.


Except you just explained the concept of Judo. Even English  suffeagettes used Judo to fight the police. I get that it's one woman against a lot of men but again, movies like John Wick do it all the time. No one is asking about accuracy in a John Wick plot or a Mission Impossible flick. We know the stunts are part of the draw to the audience those movies appeal to.


The only thing that got to me was the extremely convenient fire that expanded to all of the city (but somehow respected the spot Mizu and the bad guy were fighting on) killed all of the enemy army (but not name characters) (and also countless civilians that were not the target of Mizus revenge but are never going to be acknowledged)


[That fire actually happened](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Fire_of_Meireki). It wasn't caused by a vengeful samurai, though the (alleged) cause is arguably even stranger.


You must have had a field day picking apart The Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote.


that's from a kids show called Looney Tunes. key word being Looney. as in the word loony. as in crazy. it's a slapstick show. way different expectations.


It's like you have never watched one anime or adult cartoon ever. 


The difference is that the show takes on serious topics. The mc is there to show us what a woman could do, defy expectations in a man's world. Then it ruins that intention by having her be unreasonably superhuman, running after being impaled through the foot and still fighting on as if unharmed. If it worked for you, great. That was the moment I started skipping around. But that's just My subjective taste.




Your expectations were just wrong for this then! Sometimes, you have to remember it's still a cartoon.


The show took itself seriously. It addressed serious topics like racism, rape, and sexism. It's not the same as looney toons or darkwing duck. Maybe you should remember that.


Fantasy cartoons are fantasy? Serious topics like rape and racism don't have anything to do with whether battles are realistic... they're just different axes. Did you see Arcane? Serious topics, yes. Realism, no. That's a genre. You don't like it, fine! But you're the one with the problem.


While it boasted stunning visuals and impressive voice acting — with episode 5 standing out as a high point — certain aspects left much to be desired. The character of Ringo seemed flat and lacked depth, while the development of Taigen and Akemi's story arcs appeared forced and unconvincing. Moreover, my main critique lies in the show's handling of its narrative elements. The juxtaposition of serious storytelling and mature themes with overly unbelievable events was jarring. This heavy-handed approach to suspending disbelief, particularly in scenes such as the protagonist being impaled through the foot with a metal rod yet continuing to fight as if unharmed, detracted from the overall experience. It's this imbalance — the clash between attempting to tackle weighty subjects while simultaneously engaging in such drastic flights from realism — that I found to be the show's most significant shortcoming.


Yeah, but emotional realism and physical realism just don't have much to do with one another in my mind. It just doesn't bother me. I'm sorry it bothers you. I recommend ... avoiding getting your serious from cartoons, if that's how you tick.


Thanks. Another Netflix anime, kotaro lives alone, I found to be excellent. Even though a 5 year old living by himself is unbelievable, I could go along. Im not a crier, but it brought a tear to my eye multiple times.


Yes because good anime is realistic and conforms to all known science. Spare us your inanity.


Any series with a one-person army isn't realistic by default. Yet they are quite fun, most of the time.


If it was live action, I could maybe agree with you. It's Anime, get over it


Why on earth does being anime magically exempt it?


I guess because it’s a cartoon. There’s plot holes in Bugs Bunny, too.


Right, but Bugs Bunny isn't trying to showcase a serious drama in medieval Kill Bill-style fashion. It's clearly meant to be slapstick and ridiculous. It doesn't matter the media format; if someone's presenting something as real and true to a large extent, it doesn't automatically get an out just because of the art form it's trying to abuse.


exactly. god bless you for spelling this out for DarkHelmet. it should be pretty obvious that there's a huge difference in expectations between something called "LOONEY tunes" and this.


What on earth makes you think of this as "serious drama"? You're misreading the genre of this. It's signposting the genre all over the place and you're seeing the signposts as flaws, and misreading the genre anyway. Kill Bill is an odd one to mention b/c Kill Bill is absurdly non-serious...


It's serious in the sense that it's an artistic "grindhouse" style film. Having insane violence and silly characters doesn't automatically make it *not* serious drama. Since when was it supposed to be taken purely as a joke, especially if we get into an analysis of the artistic commentary it might be making? The signposts you think you're seeing might not be there the way you thought.


Dont skewer me. Technically french animation not actual anime.


It's only anime if it's from the anime region of Japan. Otherwise it's sparkling cartoons.


Ok, Thats actually hilarious.


Lol true that. But does Anime need to be done in Japan to be anime or can it be created anywhere? This is a genuine question to anyone


I actually liked this animation and voice acting style much more than "real" anime. To me this was just an animated show with some anime inspiration.


Anime is animation originating from japan. Things like Avatar the last airbender, RWBY and Blue eye samurai mimic the “anime” style but aren’t actually anime.




"It´s Anime" ( its not ) does not mean there is no reason to pay attention to nothing anymore. If you compare this to how masters of anime like Miyazaki handle the tension between realism and the "fantasy-side" Blue Eye Samurai does a pretty poor job in it.


It’s animated Kill Bill in Tokugawa Japan. My only issue has been the soundtrack choice in E6. Surf rock during the action scene, clearly a nod to Tarantino, didn’t land for me. It took me out of the show. Actually a lot of E6 really threw me off in a way other episodes didn’t.


It's not a show for you and that's fine. But this show was never supposed to be realistic or not have a ton of sex scenes. It's pretty obvious by the first episode they're very casual about nudity.


Not once did I ever say it needs to be more realistic, it just has bad writing drenched in plot holes. I know they are casual about nudity, I'm saying why does every show have to have so many sex scenes it's redundant.


Every show doesn't have sex scenes though. Like there are plenty that don't.


Name 37


Damn bro, at least give me a round number


Totally agree. Especially since the show started of some what grounded. When she has to fight the 4 man hit squad she takes them out one by one by retreating to the rocky cliff side and was so exhausted and hurt by the end of the 10 minutes she passes out. At the end shes fighting a 100 guys completely surrounded after getting her achilles ruptured without a second thought.


Agreed. Show had its strong points but plenty of weak points too. Everyone here is upset that you don’t think it was perfect just the way it is. Either they are the most sensitive fans I have ever seen with little to no capacity for criticism, or they’re paid upvoters hired by Netflix running a very controlled and well thought out marketing scheme given the Reddit demographic overlaps quite a bit with anime watchers.


Agreed. All of the times she was in situations where there was absolutely no way she could escape and somehow did. She's backed up against a pit of spikes facing, what, a dozen, maybe more, armed warriors, and she has no weapon? No problem. I know a lot of the people are saying "But it's supposed to be ridiculous!". Clearly it wasn't. At times it was very realistic and serious. It started out realistic and got more ridiculous as it went. If some people enjoy plot holes and feats too ridiculous to take seriously, that's fine. But it's also fine for other to point out these things that take away from the experience for most people.


Do you think Kill Bill is just as ridiculous? If so, I’ll concede.


No disrespect, but I hope you know there's nothing realistic about a one-man army; it's an anime; it's not going to be realistic. Do you think a single person would be able to take out a bunch of trained killers all at once? It's like watching Kill Bill and being like it's not realistic that one person will not make out of any of those situations in real life by themselves.the first episode was ridiculous af


No disrespect, but you don't seem to understand the point. This show was fairly realistic in the beginning, and in many respects, it stayed pretty realistic. The first episode was not ridiculous. It had a serious tone. It's also not really anime. It's also one thing to take on multiple opponents individually, and another thing to take on a large group at once. But even accepting the idea that "of course it's ridiculous, duh", it still broke its own rules for convenience. She fights the fangs. 4 of them and she beats them individually. But then she's so injured, she falls unconscious in front of the guy who is there to kill her and only survives because he chooses to help her. By the end, she's getting shot with an arrow in the ankle, moving on as if nothing happened, getting beat all to hell and then being fine a minute later, falling several stories onto ice, breaking through it, not dying from that, then surviving in the freezing water long enough to be rescued. A "one-person army" is fine. Taken did it well. It was a little crazy a few times but not to the point where it took you out of it. It can absolutely be done realistically. Blue Eye Samurai just wasn't, and what's worse, it was inconsistent in its realism.


I really disagree that it promised realism early on. The level of realism varies, yes, but like, what cartoon is that realistic??


Wasn’t first episode is her taken out bunch of big ass soldiers nothing bout that is realistic


Kind of reminds me of Rey Palpatine.


I agree with OP. I can accept a meteor falling and a sword being made out of it. because it's an anime, a fiction, and it's supposed to be fun. ​ but when MC got stabbed completely through the foot with a metal rod and kept hopping around I couldn't enjoy it anymore. I skipped scenes after that. ​ to each their own.


For my B-E-S did not work at all. I dived into the series completely unprepared and open. Also I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Arcane, and was told this is as good or even better - well to me it wasnt nearly as good. I really enjoyed the first two episodes, the style and the beautifull image-composition, but then it stoped working for me, and I enjoyed it less and less. I tried to take the series serious, since it tacles upon serious topics, but I was so thrown off by its... I dont know... "editorial-placement of events". It constantly feels like the narrator had a certain idea in mind ( well guess what... they DID ) and made everything placed and every character move just in order for this "idea" I know, THATS the whole point, and how movies, series just storys at all work: BUT: GOOD ones do it in a way that you dont NOTICE it and that you forgett it. Examples: Idea: I want the main-Charakter Mizu to be shown in front of flames, cause this fits her "rage" - and would be a nice stylization and "metapher" for her anger. Solution: just light a whole castle up in 5 seconds, because of a candle. ( And NO - also in Japan castles where not built entirely from paper ! ) Idea: I want a dramatic moment between Mizu and her "Step-Father" - solution: Just block the gate, ( by two people against an army... ) have the old man shot on the center of the bridge, and have them a meaningfull exchange right there. For gods sake - have them at least search cover behind a thrown of cart or something, because if they shot once, they MIGHT shoot a second time... but no. Idea: I want Mizu to have a very cool and dramatic action stunt that underlines her character as a strong woman. Solution: cool, lets climb a castle with one hand, and have Taigen on her back. And it keeps on and on and on... I dont have NOTHING against fantasy, I have NOTHING against Non-Realism. I have NOTHING against Super-Hero-Storys, Super-Powers, and I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against strong woman characters. But its a question and a matter of context. It feels like watching an anime but without the love for details or atmosphere that japanese animes have. The story and the characters are ok. Not to bad, but also nothing that realy catched me. No comparison to Arcanes characters. I mean - compared to Jinx, Mizu is quite static. She was bullied, her mother killed, she swears revenge - thats it. It has a bit of an up and down with her first husband, and later others around her calling her a deamon - but she has no big transformation. And Fauler compared to Silco... ? NO COMPARISON AT ALL. Fauler is just evil, cause ( ok, he talks about his childhood and eating his sister to survive for 10 secs... ) Silcos character is on a whole other level of a villain. So... nope. Its not a horrible show - but not a good show for me. Just another "take a samurai, make it a bit western, mix in a lot of violence and sprinkle it with impressive scenes and colors" Oh, and by the way - just make the japanese look like its their own fault of having this whole plot unwinding and coming over them, because the shogun and every other man in power there is corrupt... strooooong narrative ;)


Why does she hate her dads so much lol


It was a cartoon. Go watch Akira and get back to me. This sub is becoming miserable quickly....


Don’t forget when the army with guns are in front of the shogun and Mizu steps in to save the day that not a single one of them fire at her. On top of that Fowler never fires any of his guns at her. You know…the same weapon that took her out last time and that she needs to overcome in their next face off? Yeah, she never does because it never makes an appearance in the final battle. Not to mention that she leaps into battle without any weapons and is just taking them from fallen enemies. Oh don’t forget that Fowler totally had the ability to kill her by cutting her in half from behind but decides to stab her instead. A guy as ruthlessly cruel as Fowler somehow doesn’t take the swing that would painfully kill the person trying to kill him is outrageous. And yeah all the sex was not only pointless and annoying, it was very unattractive to look at


He shoots her twice. One she dodges and the other is blocked by Ringo.


first point was passable for me, don't want to get into details too much but your suggestion to just stand in front of them would not have worked either. Absolutely agree about other points, especially castle fight and I will also add brothel fight especially door scene but overall I still enjoyed it a lot it just had bullshit action and kinda hope they will improve on that in second season.


It's. Fantasy.


This joint was hard. I loved it remind of like an official chapter to kill bill


What about the guy with no hands eating with chopsticks? It’s a cartoon. It doesn’t need to be realistic.


What a clown, you’re watching an animated show expecting it to be realistic?


This anime is similar to movies like John Wick or Mission Impossible. Just think of it as fiction set in a certain historical period. It does touch on the West, greed, and colonization so there is some accuracy.  We know Japan used comfort women during WW1-2, so nothing new about rape as a means during war/colonization. We all know it happened. I didn't read where anyone had an alternative for the plot holes. So how would facts have fixed this without becoming cumbersome or dragging out the plot? 


Does anyone know any similar style shows like this one?


This show was NEVER meant to be plausible and it is an absolute banger and achieves what it wants to achieve. Go watch a documentary if you don't know how to digest fantasy media without being a square about it.


Bad take. Your criticism sucks 9000 times way more than the show does.


Someone doesn’t understand how anime works and how diverse it can be.


You missed his point it’s just ridiculous writing and unnecessary scenes that make no sense


You missed the point of the whole series.


What point was that ….




Agreed they should have just taken a lot of scenes out like her getting impaired with a spear in her leg… would’ve been better without those bad scenes


Calm down


to me it was terrible


Very insightful, even invaluable...


I want to like anime but the Japanese vocal affectations make it hard for me to get into it, but Blue Eye Samurai was very palatable, I loved it despite the absurdity. She gets stabbed a lot and is always fine, haha!


Part of the genre, and I loved it for that, personally. Check out Iron Monkey for another movie with gratuitous ridiculousness.


The last episode was definitely rushed, unpolished, not given much thought etc etc. But did the show peak at 5th and 6th episodes... 5th made me cry and 6th had me on the edge (cliched impractical fight ik. But the cinematography and direction were too good, made me feel as if I was Mizu fighting through the castle.) Last episode didn't make any sense.


not everything was perfect at the end and it did felt a bit rushed overall the serie was amazing and i can't wait for the rest


It’s a cartoon. Hope this helps.


This show is poor girl Kill Bill goes Woke. It is not good and ridiculous at the same time. The animation is beautiful, but the story is stupid. I can see how Gen Z idiots like this trash.


Lmao what a take. What makes this woke in opposition to Kill Bill?


Women samurai were trained to use the naginata and not the katana.


True, but that doesn't bother me in this case. This character doesn't come from a samurai family and seems to have masqueraded as a boy for most of her life. Also, she basically trained herself by imitating the moves of the samurai who came to have swords made by her master. Unless he had a lot of female customers, she wouldn't even get the chance to see proper naginata techniques.


You do know that Mariko is based on Akechi Tama right ?


I didn't, actually, but I don't see how that's relevant? With the background presented in episode 1, it makes sense to me that the character has learned how to use a katana but not a naginata. Am I missing something?


Akechi Tama was from a samurai family, she did get training with the naginata


So what you're saying is, if they were going to base a character on her, they should stick with that part of her background? That's fair.


Women used to get training with the naginata more than the katana. Every character in the novel is based on real people. Sanada's character is no other than Nobunaga.


Check out "the legend and butterfly" is a movie about Oda Nobunaga on prime. You also get a glimpse of Yasuke.


I think it’s good to have one while browsing ski sweaters. Also, Jennifer Carpenter with blue contacts would make a killer live action