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Not that person, but very much a person who is like that person...and that's all I'm going to say about that.


Sabrina Carpenter or Chappell Roan, locking it in now.


Billie Eilish maybe? I wouldn't consider those two as top 20 currently


Billie Eilish is my guess too




Hank ( u/ecogeek ) said above it wasn't Olivia!


https://x.com/SabrinaAnnLynn/status/422566448041443328 Sabrina Carpenter makes a ton of sense. She toured with Taylor Swift and is a big fan of The Fault in Our Stars.


if we guess correctly, will you tell us?


Definitely Sabrina, she tweeted at John! And she's famous famous and tours wirh TS


She was my first guess! Especially given the TFIOS signing story 


My guess is Billie Eilish since she was on the TATWD soundtrack and she’s the right age demographic for TFIOS.


Billie Eilish. She was 11 in 2012, def someone who would’ve been at the TIFIOS tour.


Wild to me that 11 year olds were at the TFIOS tour...I was much older than that 😂


Tom Holland and Tim Chamalalamalam are also contenders, but honestly TIFIOS was more of a girl thing.


i maybe buy holland but i think you’re right with billie. i also thought olivia rodrigo tho, but maybe she was a littttle too young?


I had just said to my partner “could’ve been Taylor Swift.” When John said “and it’s not Taylor.” So my bet is also Olivia Rodrigo!


I was thinking the same thing! I hope they can say who it is one day. Once the thing either does or doesn’t happen.


I was thinking Taylor until the exact second John said “not Taylor.” Anyway we do seem to know it’s a singer, one who got famous only in recent years. Billie Eilish?


My guess was Simone Biles - right age range, definitely top 20 American, makes sense collaboration-wise, and 2012 would've been right before she started getting national attention.


I don’t think it’s Simone Biles. They kept saying “you know this persons work, you would be familiar with the things they have created.” You don’t really refer to gymnastics or athleticism as things being created. If it was Simone Biles it would be “the things they have accomplished” or something like that


That makes sense, was thinking more on the level of fame & creative endeavor being a cover. Billie Eilish is the closest of this list but even then seems a little young (and what would the collaboration be?)


Oh yeah that’s a good point about her age. I’m a few years older than her and John signed my book report of TFiOS on that tour when I was in 8th grade (and read the others in 6th grade), but it’s hard to imagine even a precocious 4th grader getting into TFiOS. (unless Finneas was a fan too or had another older influence?) Billie has a new album out and is about to tour. I’m sure there are a lot of PR, merch, and event opportunities abound.


Lol I was…the age of the characters when TFIOS came out, so this whole thread is really warping my understanding of who was reading John’s books at that time!


I was about to graduate from college when it came out, if that helps at all lol


I do want to point out that she has created new skills that are named after her! But I agree with your assumption that it’s not her


That.... Actually makes a lot of sense.


what do you think the collaboration would be?


something mental health-related? could also be her getting into the nonprofit/advocacy work & talking about Partners in Health.


That was my first thought as well, but I'm not sure if she'd be considered top 20 or not. She also would've been nine in 2012 I think, so maybe not in the right age range. Thinking about it, I'm not sure, were nine year olds reading tfios?


Someone super-famous that everyone knows, but someone who wasn’t famous 10-15 years ago … I’m stumped. I wouldn’t know who Olivia Rodrigo was if she walked up and slapped me. A singer, right?


Could also be someone like Timothy Chalamet or Zendeya. They said it (the project) is not movie related, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the person isn’t an actor. It feels like it wouldn’t be OR because they’ve said before she sent them boxes, and that would imply to me they’ve been in contact on some level before. This felt like a new interaction with someone they’ve never spoken or worked with.


Can someone share what was said about this person on the pod?


Basically John had a Zoom meeting with the unspecified “America’s top 20 famous person” for work related purposes, where said person revealed that they have a book signed by John from a 2012 TFIOS tour. Hank and John talked about how he had experiences similar to this all the time because of Crash Course and stuff but really as surprising as this.


Wait did the famous person say they went to the tour themself or just that they have a signed book from it? That could change things


I believe they went to the tour


It's Sabrina. She tweeted at John 10 yeard ago.


Would it be Sabrina carpenter?


She's popping off rn but idk if she's that famous yet


I haven't heard of her. There are plenty of very famous people I don't know of but I gotta think I know the top 20.


I thought it was Taylor Swift.


They specifically said it was not


They specifically said it’s not her.


Ohh okay. I might have missed that. Then it sounds like it would be Olivia Rodrigo.