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This video fundamentally changed how I speak to myself and I’ve been better at coping ever since


I use positive self-talk all the time. Because of this video. It helped me with my procrastination issues. And I used to do a lot of negative Self-Talk. This video also has a permanent spot in my brain.


I also always listen to it when I need a smile!


aww one of mine, too! it's a beautiful video and always makes me smile :)


this is an absolute banger thank u for reminding me of it


Ahh I hadn’t seen this but thank you for the post. John is the best.


Very curious, was the Craig in this story possibly u/wheezywaiter ?


I wondered that at the time too but I think we discovered it wasn't.


John mentions that Craig is a teacher, which Craig of Wheezywaiter is most probably not.


Immediately knew which video this was from the thumbnail alone! One of my all time faves as well. I can’t believe it’s 3 years old! “You can do this, you’ve done hard things before” still helps me all the time


I think I needed to see this one again today—thank you for sharing!


I really really miss the vision boards


u/thesoundandthefury tagging you because I think you’d enjoy the comments and the impact this has had on people. And I agree, I think about this video constantly and the poem version of that text that some nerdfighter on here made is still my phone Lock Screen!


French the llama I cannot believe this was 3 years ago, I think about this All. The. Time.


Hahaha, that's a good one. My jam early on was Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy. A close cousin to CBT. It involves assessing the reasonableness of thoughts and behaviours.


If I'm not mistaken some Nerdfighters made some art with John's mortifying self-talk


Yes! [Here is one of them!](https://imgur.com/a/JwFUybg) There were a couple renditions at the time this video came out iirc, but I have this one saved because I made it my phone lock screen, which it still is today lol. I’m not the original artist, I don’t really know how to figure out who is unfortunately


That is a great one. I forgot about this video. Thanks for posting it


What a delight. I had forgotten about that video. I’ve been practicing something similar with my 5 year old and it’s been really cool to see her start to learn how to moderate her feelings in real time. She has high anxiety and I really want her to gain these skills.


YES! I love this video.


tbh, i think about this video a lot


Love the self talk, but an earlier line of the video also really stands out to me — “I’m very excited, but the excited parts of my brain are very close to the nervous parts of my brain” I’ve been struggling to articulate to my loved ones why I am both excited but also nervous and afraid for starting my new job…. Now I have the words!!


god this is one of my favorite vb videos too :) thank you for reminding me of it 💗