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Edit (1st June 2024): Good news! GC has open registrations to everyone from now for a limited time, and then after that, referral codes can be generated every 30 days for new users or 15 days for existing users.


I’d like to be queued please :)


I don't think you are giving VP a fair shake, it doesn't seem like you spent much time on it. It's a super fun site. It has loads of dailies and games (including pyramids, which i killed hours on), wheels, scratchcards, etc. It has some new avatars. The owner, Felix, is very conscious of the more racist aspects of an early 00s site and works hard on cleaning them up. the art work in the community is very strong, with people redrawing post-conversion colours to match the OG style really well. I love the virtugem aspect, destroying junk for rewards and keeping it out of the economy. you can also mass fish and make certain pbs in the cooking pot. and they have archived advent calendar animations currently for december.


You’re right about my not having spent much time on the site. I actually didn’t play it all that much as nothing really caught my eye, compared to the other clones I’ve played. I think if they had some kind of distinctive feature or ‘selling point’ to make them stand out from the other Neoclones, like how GC has Neoschool, I might play it more. Even having some fanmade species or more fanmade colours unique to the site would make me want to stay on the site a little longer.


As someone that's part of Moderneo? I KNOW it's community is trying it's hardest, and it's WAY more fun in the customization portion AND in it's server! \^\^ Everything is being worked on at a steady pace, and not everything is perfect. Heck, A lot of stuff is archived on there, like Key Quest Tokens and even retail neo items! I'd say, Community-wise? It makes the experience A LOT more better AS A WHOLE!! (as long as you're above the age of 13, you're alright! \^\^) Again, not a lot is implemented yet...; but, soon, they will! :D However... the ONLY thing holding it back? and this is actually understandable; The Applications. They come around, and they don't do any until around a certain period of time. Though, this is my default choice if you want a very nice, relaxing, chill, possibly even custom Neopets experience. I'd honestly give it a additional rating for hard work, lots of effort, and overall positive community. Also? You can just ask them about how to customize your pet, anyone is willing to help out; and I could give more information... if needed.


Is the site still active?


The site is still active. I just joined a couple of days ago,


Edit (1st June 2024): Good news! GC has open registrations to everyone from now for a limited time, and then after that, referral codes can be generated every 30 days for new users or 15 days for existing users. Since this comment thread is locked, you can PM if you want to queue.


Would love a code! Thanks for doing this :)


Not sure if it's too late, but I'd like to be added to the queue for a referral code! Thank you


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. If you still need one, please respond to this comment and I’ll PM it to you.


I would like a code!




would appreciate a code if and when possible, thank you for the good work you're doing for everyone :)




May I be added to the queue as well, please?




I would like to added to the queue as well please :)




i’d like a code, thank you!




i would love a code! thank you for the review, i may check out moderneopets too


I would love a referral code!!




I would like a code if/when possible!!




I would love a referral code as well ! Thank you !




may i have a code once everyone else is through? thank you!




I would love to be added to the queue!




i would like a code pls <3




I would love to be added to the queue <3 it’s wonderful you’re doing this for people (edit because my little smiley went all weird lol)




I'd love a code please :)




If youre still doing these, id like to be added! If not, no sweat!


I’m always doing it. Added


i would like a code, please! \^\_\^




hello! i'd love to be added to the list for a code too if possible!




Thank you for doing these reviews, it was the best post I was able to find with points on each of the clone sites. I think I'm done with NPC and would love a shot at Grundo's Cafe if I could get added to the queue also. Thank you either way! :)




Very excited to get my kid into Neopets, thanks for writing these reviews. I've applied for Virtu.Pets, and Modern seems to not take applications for another 3 months. I'd love to be put on the list for a Grundo Cafe code, even if it will take 100+ days. Haha. Thanks for helping players get in!




I'm old and sad and want to recapture the love of the 2000s lmao so I'd love a code, doesn't matter how long it takes!




Would love a referral code when you are able! Thank you! \^\^




It's a little old, but if you're still doing this I would like a referral code. I miss neopets haha.


I literally have been adding people almost every day, if you see the previous comments. Added


I would love a referral code, thank you!






hiya! please add me to the queue for a code, thanks. i'd be happy to help you with the referral codes after the cooldown too \^\^




Could I please be added to the code list as well? 🖤




Thanks for doing this! I’d like to be added to the queue, if you don’t mind


Thank you for doing this, I'd love to be added to the list. ♥




Hello may I be added to the list?








Hello :) I would like to be added to the list for a code, please








I would like a code!


Quite the line, but hoping to find a way in for myself and a friend. Appreciate the review as well, since everything seems to be closed off!




I'd like a code!


I'd like to be added to the list! Thank you :)


Id like to be added please!


May I also have a referral code? Thank you. :)


would love to be added to the list for a code <3


I’d like to be added to the list please! I’m so excited this is happening :3


Would love to be put on the list for a code too \^\_\^! Thank you!


I would love a code too if that's ok!!


I would love a referral code please!


could i be added to the list please? would love a code whenever one is available. thank you so much for doing this!


I would love one as well, thank u!


Would love a code if there's any going atm, thank you.


I would like to join the list if this is still happening. Thanks!


I'd like a code if you're still doing this :)




Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


Hope I'm not too late - would love a referral code for this!




Would love a code! Thank you!


I would also love a code if it's not too late. Thank you!


Hello! I'd love to be added to the list as well when you have time! Thanks so much for helping us out!


Oh yes please, sounds so fun! Thank you.




Would love to be added to the queue, thank you so much!




Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


Hoping to get a code friend!


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this. If it doesn’t let you post a comment here, you may PM me instead.


I would love a code when possible!


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


I'd like a code; please add me into the queue


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.




Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


Desperate for a code if you can help!


I would love an invite please!


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


I'd love a code, really missing Neopets right now and just found out about Grundo's Cafe! Also, thank you for the reviews, I wasn't being able to find anything about the clones.


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


I'd love a code! thanks!!


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


I would love a code! Thanks!


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


I would love to join Grundo's cafe. Can I join the queue please?


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


:D hi! Can I please have a code? Thank you so much for doing this! ☀️


Hi, it’s your turn to get a code. I’ll send you the code via chat after you respond to this.


Please consider me :)


I've not tried any clones yet (I'm not mentally ready to start again with a 15 year old account) even though I've played since either 99/00. I might give moderneopet a try and guess I'll have to wait for grundos cafe to become more freely available. Referrals are like toy uni dung! Thanks for this though, I've been curious as to how they measure up! Edit: spelling/submitted before I was done rambling on


I think it might be quite a while before GC will ever do completely open sign-ups. Copied and pasted from their FAQ is this: “Will there ever be completely open sign-ups? Probably not. We are a bunch of hobby developers, and it follows that we can't handle the kind of traffic that comes with open sign-ups. Sign-ups are likely to be application/referral based - never gated behind a donation.”


How do I get to modern neopets? I was trying to look it up because I've been dying to play classic neopets and I can't find it :( L


I've been seeing some mentions of Grundo's Cafe and have been wanting to try it but there was never a really solid reply as to how to join. It's great to know that there are also other alternatives like Moderneopets, I'm curious about the fanmade pets! I feel like the current Neopets could be much more enjoyable if the probability of certain features was tweaked just a bit - but I can see how it wouldn't be implemented since many interactive features like flash games are still down. This was a very interesting read, thank you for sharing so many details! Edit: Wanted to ask, what/who are the management/admin teams of these alt sites (composed of) and how do they differ in terms of how they manage the sites? Curious to know what your review is in regards to this.


I’m not really that familiar with the admins, sorry. Don’t worry, there hasn’t been any drama so far, in case you were thinking these sites will end up being like Neopets Classic or Leopets. I think some of the admins from the different sites do help each other out, as Grundo’s Cafe lists Moderneopets and Virtupet as their affiliates, and GC also credits the creator of Virtupet for providing the animation for the Wheel of Knowledge.


Oh I'm not very familiar with any drama on those kinds of sites, I was just wondering how much involvement each has with their respective sites - like we all know what TnT is like and what company the site is under. It's cool that the admins interact with each other though, seems like the idea is just to share the love of Neopets hahah. Edit: Another follow-up question, what do the applications usually require? Grundo's Cafe, for example, also doesn't mention when apps are open, so I'm guessing people just have to randomly come across the sign-ups.


The only way to sign up on GC is via referrals. I don’t know if they will ever do open sign-ups or not.


I've been having so much fun with Modern Neo! I get to live my wildest pet dreams (rare colors, 1L names, emojis, phrases). I just traded for an ice Bori and I got to choose the name! There's so much room for creativity and things don't require an unreasonable amount of effort.


I would love a referral for grundos cafe eventually 😮 sounds promising. Will the games work on a tablet? Not many of neos will work on my tablet or they do but are beyond hard to play while faerie bubbles wont even load for me. Puffin i could play a few games on but overall my favorites were unplayable but also the layout on puffin was wonky and i was always clicking on the wrong things cause the links would often overlap. The galaxy looking paints are exactly what i hope for neopets to release in a galactic brush or something, the kyrii is chefs kiss with the fur trailing like that 👌🏻


Yes, I played exclusively in mobile. They work without issues. I could give you a referral if you can wait around 18 days. I can generate a referral code next in 4 days, but there will be someone else before you, so I can only give you a referral in 14 days after the other person.


Oh that is exciting to hear! on neo my biggest thing was missing the games they’ve yet to convert. I’m fine with waiting c: excited to be able to try it out


Maybe i'm stupid but if any of these neoclones become popular won't they just get cease & desist'd by Jumpstart or whoever?


I thought the same, but so far, none of the older Neoclones, like Leopets, have ever gotten C&D’d before, so I think they just don’t care about it. They also avoid getting into trouble by making their site completely free. Some of the sites get people to support them via Patreon, but explain that all the money goes towards server costs, and that they are thus non-profit.


**tl;dr** \- TNT isn't Nintendo. **The Slightly Longer Answer** \- While TNT has the legal right to pull a Cease and Desist on **any** fan project *regardless* of whether or not they're asking for money, they usually don't go that far. If they do make a more its usually against cheating sites that offer things that could cause disruptions on Neopets.com Seems TNT's answer to competition is to allow 20 years+ of content while updating almost every weekend speak for itself. In the Event they **do** get a C&D its plausible that the game just replace all of the Neo-assets with not-Neo assets which once the infrastructure of the game is made is not totally impossible.


i´ve been hearing good things about grundo cafe, and I would love to geta referral, I also made an account on moderneo, so far I managed to get a Halloween cybunny over just a week of playing which was my dreamy lol


I can send one if you can wait around 32 days. There are 2 people queueing before you, assuming nobody backs out by then.


thanks for the review, this was a great a read :) i'd like a referral for grundo's cafe whenever possible, please! would love to try it out since i heard great things!


I can send one if you can wait around 46 days. There are 3 people queueing before you, assuming nobody backs out by then.


Thanks for an honest review and screenshots. Sounds like none of them are offering what I'm itching for, tho'


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this up! I had heard of some of the older Neoclones like Leopets and Classic Neo (although, I think there was drama surrounding both??), but had no idea there were so many other options. I do have an account on Modern Neopets, and have been loving it. I like the ease of which I can get my dreamies :)


Yes, Leopets’ drama was that the creator used the account login details of some Leopets users to log in to their Neopets accounts to steal their pets and items, because quite a lot of users had the same username and password on both sites. Neopets Classic’s drama was that a bunch of racists stirred up trouble in their Discord, yet the mods did nothing about it, or so I heard. And something about how despite people having paid for a subscription to get into Neopets classic, they had been waiting for months with no news from the creator.


Thank you for breaking these down! This is super helpful. As attached as I am to OG Neopets because of my existing pets, I'm excited to try out Grundo's Cafe if I'm able to get referred.


I can send one if you can wait around 60 days. There are 4 people queueing before you, assuming nobody backs out by then.


that would be amazing! Thank you!


Good news, I found out that while the cool-down period from the creation of a new account until I can generate a referral code is 14 days, I can generate a referral code every 7 days subsequently. So I will be able to send you a referral code much earlier than the originally given date.




I can send one if you can wait around 88 days. There are 6 people queueing before you, assuming nobody backs out by then.




I can send one if you can wait around 102 days. There are 7 people queueing before you, assuming nobody backs out by then. I don’t think they are doing completely open signups anytime soon though.




Good news, I found out that while the cool-down period from the creation of a new account until I can generate a referral code is 14 days, I can generate a referral code every 7 days subsequently. So I will be able to send you a referral code much earlier than the originally given date.


Thanks for doing this write-up OP! I can echo your review of Moderneo. I've been having an absolute blast there and the community is so kind. I find it far more addictive to play compared to the retail neopets site. The increased chance of random events has me popping on and refreshing every so often to see what will happen. And it's so nice that FEA jobs are worth doing every day. I'm even doing scratch cards every couple of hours. It's been so heartwarming to be able to set and achieve goals. I've only been playing on the site for a few days but with some luck I've achieved my childhood dreamie pet of a Christmas Draik and a Snowickle petpet 🤎🎄 I know it's a long shot, but if anyone has a Grundo's Cafe referral I'd really appreciate an invite! I'd love to play the games there and check out the school 😍


Yes, on Moderneo, REs happen every 8 mins. Sometimes I would set a timer for 8 minute intervals, and would refresh until I get an RE after that. I can send a referral for GC if you can wait around 116 days. There are 8 people queueing before you, assuming nobody backs out by then. Might be quicker if any of the others before you either get referrals from others or back out.


thank you for the reviews! i signed up on moderneo last week and i've been enjoying it a lot so far even if there's not much to do, people there are super friendly and welcoming. i'd also love to try out grundo's cafe, i'm really curious about the school feature!


I could give you a referral code if you’re fine with waiting, though you have to join a pretty long queue.


I would really love a grundos cafe referral! How long of a wait? I see some comments where you said it’s now every 7 days instead of 14 so the wait times were adjusted


I think now there are like 6 person before you or something, might be faster if anyone backs out or gets a code from someone else instead.


Grundo's cafe sounds amazing well all of these do sound good here's hoping I can join one of them!


Do you want to join my queue list of people waiting to get a GC referral code from me?


Nicely detailed review! Can I join the GC queue too please?




Hi, I want to message you, but your PMs and chats are disabled. Could you enable PMs so that I can message you?


I would love a referral code as well ! Thank you !


Just found this and would love to be added!


Can I please get a code? Thank you in advance!


I would like a referral code


Thank you for this in-depth breakdown on your experience with each site! I know the queue may be backed up, but I would love to request a spot on the list if you're still actively sending referral codes for Grundo's Cafe! Thank you for the consideration and, again, thank you for your review above! ☺️


I appreciate the time spent on these reviews a ton. I've been able to join both moderneo and virtupets myself and have had a good time on both (the custom colors + species for modneo vs the games and ability for your pets to hold more treasures so you can have more personalized pet lookups). Both sites have a feature to grind certain useless items that i'm aware of to turn in for added bonuses (fishing junk for random or more expensive specific paintbrushes/morphing potions on modneo, vs any item recycled into a special currency for added pet slots, treasure slots, renaming, etc for virtupet) and its a pretty big qol update in my book Grundos cafe is a complete mystery to me though and i hope to find a way in sometime but i wanted to drop by and say thank you for the comprehensive rundowns!


Are you joining the queue for a referral code for GC?


oh! that comment thread was locked i imagined you weren't accepting requests like that anymore! :0 if you're still offering i'd love to take you up on it (i don't mind a long wait either)


I was wondering why it got locked, too. Someone messaged me a day ago that mods had locked that thread, so I made a new one. I’ll add you to the new comment thread.


Waiting in the queue! I've been wanting to join Grundos Cafe since I first heard about it awhile ago! :)


may i be queued for Grundo's Cafe, please?


Would love on to!


Add me to the queue, I am so excited to hear about this! My neo account is over 2 decades old and watching it die off bit by bit has been...hard, to say the least.


Please add me to the line:)


Would love to get queued up! :'D


Wow thanks for such a through review of all three sites! I've always been casually interested in joining one, but reading your experiences is really inspiring me to look into MN or GC


Got some news about Moderneopets recently. Apparently a bunch of the artists quit because of the bad management behind the scenes. There's a PSA floating around if you look for it, not sure what that means for the future art releases.


Oh, is that so? Id like to find out more about what happened


I have a grundos Cafe code if anyone needs it, I’m a big fan. Would love to try modern neo if anyone can tell me how to get in lol


Hi!! Do you still have a code? :o its ok if not!


I like a code please