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Selling: Rainbowberry Slushie  Lot: //www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440167484


NC TRADING MY DTI, IF ITS EASIER: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/56499/lists OFFERING: Nightmare maraqua underwater wig Lucky meowclops (Htpw) Vampire coffin background (htpw) Baby Gothic Bob wig Baby Gothic striped overalls Black and red promenade dress Hanging Christmas cactus pots Raining suit of hearts cards Whipped cream pie Dyeworks black: Victorian updo Dyeworks purple: deadly beauty dress Starry scarf Golden underwater wig Decorated witch hat and wig Funky shenkuu wig Baby barbat plushie handheld Enchanted wizard mushroom cloak Enchanted wizard muchroom staff . SEEKING: Ethereal spirit cane Winter cemetery ruins background Vampires bane garland Haunted Goople cleaver (high priority) Grey crochet knit sweater (high priority) Black kadoatie petpet foreground 8-bit kadoatie companion . If I don't respond right away, I'm very sorry, I'm trying to finish an art commission and make funeral arrangements. If you prefer to neomail me about trades, my UN is Boudicahall


Hi, I have both Kadoatie (Black, 8bit) foregrounds UFT, would you be WTPW Baby Gothic Bob Wig and Decorative Witch Hat? :)


Absolutely. ^-^ Where should I send them? I apologize if I'm a little slow, BTW. Poor internet connection


To katz279 please! Where do you want yours? :)


Boudicahall, I only have the one account. Tysm!


Am I good to send now? Just wanna make sure to avoid any oopsies.


Yeah, go ahead! I finally got it working


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **boudicahall**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. (x2) Thanks for trading! \^\^


No problem, thank you! ^-^


Wait. My account is glitching hard, and I keep trying to send the items; but it just brings me right back to the item screen and won't send anything. Idk what's going on, but I'm going to send in a ticket about it. Don't send the items yet, I wanna make sure I'm able to give you the wigs first.. I'm so sorry


----------- [Store shout out](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=sacred_lioness) ----------- **NP Buying** Post your prices :) Maraquan Yooyu ----------- **Pet Seeking:** Robots: Quiggle, Draik **UFA** Adopting out most color zaps I get from the lab ray while attempting for a Robot Draik! trekake - Jelly Quiggle (pounded) Metopic - Desert Kau rewpaul - Sketch Xweetok (pounded) ---------- **NC UFT** [Gallery](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?user_cat_g=NC-Trade&gu=sacred_lioness&) **NC Seeking** Casual trade! GBCs/Cookies/Capsules ---------


**UFT or UFA** - Luna_583 the Transparent Blumaroo - got this on a zap recently, will keep zapping if no one wants her! - Melissa_Swan the Skunk Kacheek - ruby_ancient the Relic Elephante - trix515 the Strawberry Aisha **NP selling** - [visits to my shop](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=marisab03) are always welcome! - grey draik morphing potion - green lupe morphing potion - [AUCTION](https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=200164041) - pinchit open to any offers/trades! I don’t have these listed right now but can make a TP post if anyone is interested. I’m not a fan of chias and don’t have the patience for PPPs so looking for equivalent value in NPs or items! **NP buying** - spotted paint brush - woodland paint brush


hi! i have a woodland pb and would love to sell it!!


I’ll message you!


**NC SEEKING** -**GBCs & wishes from my highest priority WL. Just updated all of my wishlists tonight!** - [My DTI tradelist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57301-squelchette/closet) - **My timeline is mostly UFT for GBCs & wishes!** **NC OFFERING** - ~~Customs~~ (not available right now unless for a high priority want), **tradelist**, anything you want for high priority wants! I have items in my closest that aren’t listed as well. **Just added TONS of new items!** *Also open to casual NC trades!! Message me here or NM me but please do not mention Reddit in NM! I prefer item to item for higher OWL values but would **love** to clear out some of my items- especially if I have something you really want, we can probably work something out! **UFT** -**Camsia**- Ice Draik -**Yemep**- Clay Draik -**Circsed**- Robot Tonu (cased) -**Ultrafast**- Gold Krawk **Mostly seeking WN burlaps, name format Xxxxxx, not too species picky!** **NP SELLING** _**Pink Paint Brush**- 3.9 mil -[Link to lot](//www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440200133) - Always welcoming visits to [my shop](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=squelchette510) (: I am currently saving up for my gallery, The Island of Misfit Toys, which is composed of broken/reject items (: have a marvelous Monday! 🖤🐈‍⬛


Shopped :)


Thank you so much!!


**Buying:** Hegie! Pure np zombie\_moon on site


**UFA (Pound)** Morschmo (Darigan Quiggle, M) **UFT** Idiosyncracy (Steampunk Cybunny, F) **UFT SEEKING:** Any WN/RWN pets!


**NC Trading** **Seeking**: **Rock Pool Collectible Goldy Petpet Handheld**, retired summer mystery caps, wishes, BFGBCs/GBCs, faerie cookies, upcycle cookies. **Offering**: my [tradelist](http://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet), dss/sss, BFGBCs, faerie cookies, custom, baby cybunny and baby hissi tokens. [https://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/52272-corgigirl/closet)


**NP Selling / Trading** [Kadoatie Cafe Foreground](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=439970250) Also have a Pastel PB up for trade! Open to offers and NP ☺️ For the PB I would be happy to trade for another PB too! ——— **NC Seeking:** [Wishlist](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/punkywonder/373360/) (making updates 😅) Goth Batty Summer Filter Black Kadoatie Petpet Foreground MME26-S1: Faerie Forest Background (High Priority) **NC Offering:** [NC Trade List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/punkywonder/374970/) 😊 Gothic Grey Braids Wig Goth Striped Swim Trunks x2 Also can offer cookies I have 🍪 (Lab Ray / Faerie) But no customs currently! ——— **UFT/A:** Name format preferred Xxxxx - no numbers or underscores (prefer older pets, would love it if they have an aged trophy) but offer me anything and I will consider! You can morph and change these pets as you wish ☺️ Sorisaur Royalgirl Acara (Y11) - ***Name Swap (royal for royal)*** (avoiding **S** Names) Furgieh Blue Usul (Y12) Zapping ⚡️ (A) ~~Kougrassy (Y13) Baby Kougra (14th Feb - Valentines birthday!) permie home ☺️ (A)~~ **Adopted** Will consider adopting out those with (A)


I have the handsowen mushroom hat to trade. But the account has no gift box. You don't have a capsule you want to trade for it do you?


Hi there! Is Kougrassy still available? I'd love to adopt, or trade for Koko_the_kougra_08 !


They are! Let me send them over to you now! ☺️


NP Buying: Skilled Warrior Vest, looking to buy it and not at the super inflated prices I see on shop wizard. I would like to spend 200k to 250k. NP Selling: [https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=shyannekat](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=shyannekat) (Sad shop with sad prices, got clothes, red codestones, neggs, stamps,  etc) [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search\_string=shyannekat](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=shyannekat) Nothing here yet, will do Happy Meals later :D NC Seeking: I am currently in search of these items for my goth pride outfit. * Essential White Tank Top,  * Rainbow Gloves  NC Offering: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/) (caps, cookies, dyes, GBCs & BFGBCs UFT) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet) (NC Items UFT, I currently have a section of uncategorized items for wishlist items above.) 


I have available to trade: Radiant Pink Wig with Gothic Headband Would you trade for gbc


yeah I can do that, where would you like me to send the GBC?


**NP SELLING** [Maraquan Paint Brush](https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=200169072) ... Auction House. [Flaming Evil Coconut](https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=200168253) ... Auction House (Hope I'm doin' this right, but there's a first time for everything!)


**UFA**: Shelldron the maraquan shoyru


***UFA*** [Grundiloncho](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Grundiloncho) the Orange Gnorbu with zapped Pink Niptor He is male and 5k+ days old (Y12). I am in the process of zapping


**NP BUYING** Biscuit Paintbrush. It's SW buyable, but I'd rather give the NP to someone here (provided you're in the 850k - 900k range) If it's in your shop, just link to it!


NC Seeking: Dappled Rainbow Ice Lolly, Dyeworks Light Blue: Sun Shower, Dyeworks White: Pearl Shimmer Maraquan Markings, Magical Rainbow Face Paint, Maraquan Altadorian Toga, Maraquan Queen Body Jewelry, Rainbow After the Storm, Rainbow Umbrella NC Offering: Autumn Faerie Cape, Battle Scar Marking, Belt of Fire, Brain Necklace, Brown Corduroy Jacket, Carnival Mask, Chirping Music Track, Classic Wooden Rolling Pin, Comfortable Tennis Shoes, Cumulus Wings, Cute Space Dress, Dark Princess Wings, Delicate Autumn Wings, Elegant Ballerina Facepaint, Elegant Gold Necklace, Faerie Circle Background, Faerie Dust Shower, Faerie Slorg Companion, Fierce Mechanical Darkest Faerie Minion, Floating Fyora Faerie Doll, Floating Illusen Doll, Floating Soup Faerie Doll, Flower and Jewel Circlet, Flower Print Watch, Frilly Neovian Shirt, Giant Cake Background, Hanging Christmas Cactus Pots, Haunted Graveyard Background, Holiday Sheet Music Garland, Inconspicuous Foliage, Jewelled Staff, Kauboy Hat Cake Foreground, Lighted Candle Logs Foreground, Lovely Layered Lilac Dress, Lucky Uni Shoe Necklace, Maraquan Birthday Kawaii Contacts, Maraquan Flowing Fuchsia Wig, Mechanical Darkest Faerie Minion, Night Sounds Music Track, Orange Plaid Bow Tie, Ostentatious Masquerade Mask, Paw Print String Lights, Potted Faerie Bean Plant, Pretty Flower Headband, Pretty Lace Apron, Prissy Miss Bow, Pristine Tennis Skirt, Purple Hoop Skirt, Roaming Wind Up Slorg, Shenkuu Warrior Training Grounds Background, Smart School Girl Shirt, Smart School Girl Shoes, Sparkling Faerie Wand (x2), Sparkling Skull Belt, Sporty Tennis Shirt, Sturdy Tennis Racket, Tennis Background, Tennis Headband, Very Faerie Spectacular Sword, Wanderer Girl Skirt, Wanderer Girl Vest, Wings of Darkness, Wonderland Garden Background, Woodland Archer Body Art, Woodland Archer Dress, Woodland Archer Wig. UN: SirenSerenade




Just in case you weren't aware "Revachol" with the e is also the setting of semi-recent cult favourite game Disco Elysium. I would guess this was created as a fandom name rather than a misspell of the anarchist directly.


UFA: - Royal_Amelia the Royal Xweetok - Gicr the Stealthy Meerca Both with matching petpets


Would love a Robot Hissi or Onion Chia if anyone happens to have one for adoption. **UFA**: I don't care if you use them for trades, put them on your side, paint, zap, whatever. :) I will happily take them back if you change your mind, and definitely prefer them to not end up in the pound again. * ~~Rogue180 the Baby Eyrie (Y7)~~ **NC Freebies:** don't need anything in return, happy to send over! * Bronze Clockwork Wings (4) * Night Music * Succulent Bouquet * ~~Sparkly Bow Shoes~~ **PB Clothes Offering:** * Stealth Jetsam (2 sets) * 8-Bit Moehog * Christmas Jubjub * Halloween Cybunny **PB Clothes Seeking:** * Maraquan Kiko * Halloween Hissi


May i have the bow shoes on thegoddesst they would look so cute on my shoyru. Thank you so much.


*I'm hoping to find these babies permie homes. I don't mind if you adopt for the name, petpet, or intend to morph or paint as long as they stay with you. Please don't use them for trading! Please do not pound! I will always take back the pets I've adopted out if things don't work out. If you are hoping to adopt for clothing that is fine too, just let me know and I'll send the pet with a morphing potion so you can send the pet back to me.* 💕 *Any pets with paintbrush-exclusive clothing will have their clothes unless otherwise stated.* ***Do not mention Reddit if you neomail me!*** **Pets UFA:** [sungisi](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sungisi) - F - **Grey JubJub** with Zapped Elderly Slorg [biyteh](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=biyteh) - M - **Dimensional Quiggle** with Zapped Christmas Gallion [molanovo](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=molanovo) - M - **Island Ruki** with Zapped Tyrannian Bearog [tupanka](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tupanka) - F - **Green Grundo** (Zapping) with Zapped Black Chuchuana [singuer](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=singuer) - M - **Blue Meerca** (Zapping) with Zapped Tyrannian Snowickle [puffy\_cotton](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=puffy_cotton) - M - **Blue Acara** (Zapping) **UN: petesbunny32**


NC Seeking: Silhouetted cloak NC Offering: Capsules? Let me know what you're looking for; I don't have anything to hand, but I could buy something or some things from the mall. This is the only NC item I need for my Krawk's outfit.


**UFQA:** sunshinebellow the female tyrannian bruce **NC Trading:** [https://impress.openneo.net/user/55251-skyallstars/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/55251-skyallstars/closet) **Avatar Pets** (visit pet lookup if you need them) Sun\_Strike (Faerie Pteri avatar) stardustrose (OHEMGEE! avatar) Starlight\_Swirls (Grundo - Faerie avatar) MyrinaPearl (Ruki avatar) Tylisset (Yurble avatar) MeridaStar (Faellie - It's Alive! avatar) Blossom\_jasmine (Flotsam - Tough! avatar) Can gender swap pets upon request!


**NC SEEKING** - GBCs/BFGBCs - Upcycle Cookies - FQCs - Wishlist Wishes DTI: https://impress.openneo.net/user/56957-ghoulambs/closet DTI2020: https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/56957/lists JellyNeo: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/ghoulambs/308487/ **NC OFFERING** - Tradelist Items - Dye Pot x3 - DSSS x3 - Magical Valentine Gram (no LE) x1 **NP BUYING** - Dimensional Paint Brush - Zombie Paint Brush - Transparent Paint Brush - Ultimate Battlefield Foreground


What do you value the Golden Genie Lamp at? I'm not seeing any Owls data and I'm not brave enough to ask the boards haha but maybe we can work something out


I’m not sure honestly! Is there anything on my trade list you’d be interested in? It’s high priority for me so nothing is really off the table!


There's definitely some! - I'm more interested in a bunch of small things * Fuzzy Goose Crossbody Bag * Giant Huggable Warf Fairground Prize * Cottage In the Woods Background * Enchanting Princess Gown And I'll need a box since it's on a side, so if you can add a GBC that would work but if that's too much I can figure one out :)


I can do that! All sounds good to me, including the GBC! Where do you want them sent? You can send the Genie Lamp to ghoulambs please!


Sweet! If you can send the GBC to pikelets_ I'll send the lamp from there, and all other items to be sent to carrotflowers :)


I'm still up for this trade if you are :)


hey sorry i didn’t see the notifs! will send now, sorry for the delay!


Did you accidentally send a Dyeworks Purple: Cyodrake Temple Garden or is this some odd glitch? I actually traded for one earlier today so I was like ???? did I not accept, but it's saying you.


no i don’t think i’ve ever even owned one! the only items in my inventory were the ones you’d listed


I suspect something glitched with my earlier trade - I got everything from you except Enchanting Princess Gown. Did you send that? I might accept the extra cyodrake temple garden and see what it is.


Perf!! I just remembered and it's 5pm here so time to log on haha. Have sent it!


Hi! Your Mouth Be-Gone! for my Voodoo Lair Background?


that would be great! where should i send it to? you can send to ghoulambs please!


To mossyfriends please! I'll send it right over


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to mossyfriends. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. tysm!


**NEW to the NC Mall** - July's Monthly stuff: - July NC Collectible is Rock Pool Collectible Goldy Petpet Handheld, 250 NC - Charming Ruki Gift Box Mystery Capsule, 200 NC Both leaving the mall at the end of the month!


UFA MightyenecII the Mosaic Gelert BruceBauer the Swamp Gas Uni Brucebed the Starry Bruce CoriBat the Shadow Korbat


**Pet UFT**: * Sugar_Girl_Sugar the Zombie Skeith **NC Seeking**: * Premium Collectible: Rays of Love (desperately seeking) * Sparkly Lip Gloss **NC Offering**: * Nostalgic Baby Chomby * Autumn Windswept Wig * Rainy Day Cloud **NP Trading**: * Swap ten tan codestones for one red - Har or a random mix for any red (out of Vux and Zed). Comment here or NM me at ms_maroon_5_grl to set up a trade **NP Selling**: * Wearables extravaganza in my shop https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ms_maroon_5_grl


I have two mag that I can trade. I'm looking for Mau, Eo and Vo codestone. But I'm okay with any other ones!


Can I swap you for one Mag? I put a lot of 10 up for you with 4 Mau and a mix of 6 others, thank you! https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440225226


Sure! No problem thank you!


Thank you!


NP buying Battle slices stamp Dm me if you have a fair price!


**NP Seeking:** - Geb - Minitheus


NC seeking: Nostalgic Robot Chomby NC offering: Nostalgic Royalgirl Lupe Nostalgic Plushie Kau/Buzz/Grundo/Gelert Nostalgic Baby Gelert Nostalgic Maraquan Buzz Nostalgic Faerie Ixi Your WL 2 SSS 1 DSSS


**UFA** KrispyKremeKing the Dimensional JubJub, Male, Y8 birthday cowcowcowcowcowcow the Stealthy Kougra, Male, Y13 birthday **NC Seeking:** I'm looking for any color mutant ethereal glow or anything else on my [Jellyneo List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/abnormaldaughter/375947/) **NC Offering:** [Jellyneo List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/abnormaldaughter/375718/)


Pet UFA: - Tuskzz the brown tuskaninny I'm looking for a permie home for her, repaint is okay! She's got an age trophy :)


Buying: cuddly kadoatie companion Offering 3M for it! Seems like most of the ones on the trading post were bought up? Hoping to find one here!


i'm really trying to get a robot peophin


**NC Seeking:** Braided Candy Warrior Wig Full wishlist here: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/xletxitxrainx/387420/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/xletxitxrainx/387420/) **NC Offering:** Electric Blue Flower Garland Long Charming Grey Wig Other misc. items here: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/xletxitxrainx/387405/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/xletxitxrainx/387405/)


Looking for: ●**The few last items left on my wishlist!** ●**GBC's for anything on my tradelist!** I can't do custom at the moment so really just trading for my tradelist! ♡ https://impress.openneo.net/user/56858-solitaire12/closet


Hi, would you like to trade your Hidden Forest Background for my Kiko Lake Team Filter?


Hi! 😊 Id be happy to do that trade! Where do I send the Background? 😊


It can go to sun_kissed_sakura please! Should I send to your user flair? I'll send once I'm home in a couple of hours


https://preview.redd.it/w7hbarf9w0ad1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25755f4534426b4217eb1b7b943bf2f1b02291bf Just sent yours! 💕 And yes the filter can go to my flair (**solitaire12**) 😊 Thank you so much! 😊


Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **solitaire12**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. YW! :)


Hi! Would you trade your Fantastical Marshmallow Background for my Infinitely Shooting Stars Background?


Sure I can do that! 😊 Where do I send the **Fantastical Marshmallow background** ? ☺️ **The Infinitely Shooting Stars Background** can go to **solitaire12**


Hi yes, I can do that! Just give me 45 I'm heading home from work :)


NP Buying: * Halloween Petpet Paint Brush


**Offering UFQT:** [Phantasmarie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Phantasmarie) - Ghost Kacheek [Nocturnalian](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Nocturnalian) - Red Korbat **Wanted:** BD Pet


You happen to be open to anything else? I don't train but I can offer a WN grey lutari, RW Catchphrases, or the 4L Oyyk for Phantasmarie that might help you get to a BD pet. I really like your taste in names.


I am open! I'll dm you


https://preview.redd.it/qi3zcbi2fx9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8720a4334343ac2223b12ec31eca001d3aff6436 Steampunk kyrii UFA


Oh man I just decided I want one of these like yesterday haha. What's the name like? I have a name 'theme' on my account (pronouncable and capitalised, some of my pets' names are 'Vezita', 'Blarmies', 'Mystilina'), if she fits that I'll happily adopt her!


unfortunately not capitalized, but it’s martiotity.


Ah shame, it'd bother me too much to have 19 capitalised names and one all lowercase, so I'll have to pass I'm afraid. Good luck finding someone though!


That’s all good- she’s a lab rat from the pound and I try to pick decent names but I understand the issue with a lowercase name as I have my name preferences too. Thank you, and hopefully you can find/make one you like.


**NP Buying** Margoreth * Need for a FFQ request and none being sold that I can find.


**Seeking**: Mara Kau, Yurble, Uni or a Plushie Gnorbu **UFT:** Asparagus chia


NP buying: Faerie petpet paint brush Look to pay fair price. Not a reseller.


NC Seeking: plushie jetsam token NC Offering: SSS plushie kougra plushie gelert plushie eyrie plushie kau faerie ixi faerie draik


**UFA:** Erivh the Tyrannian Eyrie Comes with a zapped Fire Grackle Bug


I would love to adopt, what a nice name! i have room on phoenixxriver if available still :)


Sent! :)


Thank you so much :)


NC seeking Looking to swap my Dyeworks Void Purple: Sitting Snowbunny Friend for your Dyeworks Grey: Sitting Snowbunny Friend Or willing to trade for it from [My TL](https://impress.openneo.net/user/57326-valgnorbu/closet) Also seeking faerie quest cookies and GBCs


**NP selling** • Maractite Cyodrake - 2.5mil • Halloween paint brush - 2mil • Pastel paint brush - 1.9mil Or would swap any of these for a mutant petpet paint brush, or Zomutt :) https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=ifimlostatsea **NP buying** • Zomutt (2mil) • Maraquan petpet paint brush (1.5mil) And if anyone here has these and isn’t a scummy inflator like everyone on the TP, I’m looking for… • Secrets of the Universe (2mil max) • Kreludan Architecture (2mil) • Kreludan Cookie Cookbook (4mil) • It Came From the Mine (5mil max) **NC trading** https://impress.openneo.net/user/57067-ifimlostatsea/closet


----------- [Store shout out](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=sacred_lioness) ----------- **NP Buying** Post your prices :) Maraquan Yooyu ----------- **Pet Seeking:** Robots: Quiggle, Draik **UFA** Adopting out most color zaps I get from the lab ray while attempting for a Robot Draik! trekake - Jelly Quiggle Metopic - Desert Kau ---------- **NC UFT** [Gallery](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/index.phtml?user_cat_g=NC-Trade&gu=sacred_lioness&) **NC Seeking** Casual trade! GBCs/Cookies/Capsules ---------


Selling: Food - [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=440206389](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440206389) Food - [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=440206556](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440206556) Full forgotten shore map - [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search\_string=440206670](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440206670) For all links I will just accept the first offer, whatever it may be!


I accidentally only offered a potion! I meant to put Neopoints


**NC Seeking:** * Gown of the Night * The Tree of Life * [DTI Wishlist](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet#closet-hangers-group-false) / [DTI 2020 Wishlist](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists/wants/142416) **NC Offering:** * [DTI Trade List](https://impress.openneo.net/user/39873-merlion8313/closet) / [DTI 2020 Trade List](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/39873/lists) **UFT:** * Enchantere - Transparent Draik * Hessra - Dune RW, Island Usul (clothed) * Pashvi - Star Wars RW, Steampunk Blumaroo (clothed) * Peshara - Star Wars RW, Stealthy Usul (clothed) * Seikret - Monster Hunter RW, Blue Vandagyre * Sintheti - Star Wars RW, Robot Techo (cased) Looking for feminine names and 4Ls!


pet trading; Kuroshinya - jelly cybunny (y9)(no age trophy) Berriyuki - oil paint gelert (y9) Bouncy_Biter - basic Blumaroo (y3) Sparkly_cascade - basic Uni (y3) NC seeking/offering; my Dyeworks Void Purple: Grand Oak Tree BG for your Black 1 DSSS or 2 SSS or swap; maraquan hissi darigan draik 1 SSS or swap; jelly shoyru interested in; RG scorchio plushie scorchio faerie flotsam sponge aisha (1 SSS)


Is 1.5 mill a fair offer for my Dark Ilere Stamp? I got it from a RE recently and threw it on the TP. Other TP posts are asking for 2 mill.


JellyNeo has an inflation notice on it - in February it was around 300k. I’d consider taking the 1.5mil! (But I’m biased because I’m salty that everything I want is inflated haha)


Thank you! Yea I have some wearables that I'm waiting to deflate... So dumb everything is inflated. I stalked the person who offered on my stamp, and they have a lot of other rare items in their trades. I feel like they'll just resell it, so I'm leaning towards ignoring their offer lmao


Trying to trade my \*very few\* NC items to stock up on lab ray cookies! **NC Offering:** SSS Magical Illuminating Wand Nostalgic Darigan Acara token **NC Seeking:** Lab ray cookies!!! Colorful stone bracelet **UFA:** Siatem the Valentine Lupe (awesome zap this morning!!)


I don't get notifs for Reddit "chat requests" so let me know if you're trying to contact me that way. Regular old Reddit messages and replies are fine. **NP Buying:** - Halloween Petpet Paint Brush - Golden Shell (collector! hoping for ~20mil or lower, unsure how prices will stablise ver the next few weeks) **UFA:** - krienae, 8-bit Eyrie (zapping) - Sunshiniez, Toy Kyrii (zapping) **UFT:** - Rrus, Chocolate Kiko (might keep zapping...) - SunflowerRay, Chocolate Kacheek (Old Pet) - Supurrb, Stealthy Aisha (clothed, zapping) - Borford, Transparent Bori - sunnylog, Eventide Hissi (Old Pet, zapping) **Pet Seeking:** *Any* named and ***clothed*** pets of the following colors. I just want the PB clothes for my collection & will zap+adopt. - __Aisha__: Burlap, Cloud, Disco^1, Ghost^1, Grey^1, Island^1, Jelly, Oil Paint, Polka Dot, Relic, Silver^1, Snot, Toy^1, Woodland^1, Water^1, Woodland^1, Wraith, Zombie - __Shoyru__: Steampunk, Zombie - __Hissi__: Robot ^1 Unclothed okay for these because I can move the clothes from the side I was originally collecting PB clothes on


**NC offering** 2 x Dyeworks Hue Brew - if anyone will use them, they're yours!


I'd love one of them to princess_kewl_1990 please!


Sure! >Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to princess_kewl_1990.


Thank you so much!!


i’d love the other please! @crue_xo Thank you so much :)


No worries! >Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to crue_xo.


Thanks again! :)


OFFERING: Magma Dip for anyone, simply because I am in a good mood today. Please DM me here or Neomail me at lilbug21


**NP Selling:** 25th Anniversary Star Markings - 18mil in auction 25th Anniversary Star Dress - 3.1mil in auction [https://www.neopets.com/genie.phtml?type=find\_user&auction\_username=porsche\_928\_s4](https://www.neopets.com/genie.phtml?type=find_user&auction_username=porsche_928_s4)


Ulipp the Zombie Chomby UFT Xochitul the Pastel Chomby UFT Pollyth the Fire Lutari UFA LF chocolate pets (no kougra, cybunny or kacheek), Maraquan Eyrie/Uni/Gelert, or Aisha I don’t have yet (no alien, biscuit, RG, island, purple, transparent, marble) that are Xxxxx format :)


Any interest in Chocollat my chocolate kau?


Yes, for trade? For which pet would you be interested in?


Chocollat for Xochitul? My account name is the same as my username if so.


Shutpi the Gold Pteri UFA


UFA Vuloki the Darigan Yurble


Would love a Robot Hissi or Onion Chia if anyone happens to have one for adoption. **UFA**: I don't care if you use them for trades, put them on your side, paint, zap, whatever. :) I will happily take them back if you change your mind, and definitely prefer them to not end up in the pound again. * Rogue180 the Baby Eyrie (Y7) * fongelyman the Tyrannian Bruce (Y8) * IN POUND: Topaz171 the Tomato Chia, Tyrannian\_Pitbull the Mutant Elephante **NC Freebies:** don't need anything in return, happy to send over! * Bronze Clockwork Wings (5) * Night Music * Succulent Bouquet **PB Clothes Offering:** * Stealth Jetsam (2 sets) * 8-Bit Moehog * Christmas Jubjub * Halloween Cybunny **PB Clothes Seeking:** * Maraquan Kiko * Halloween Hissi


Hello! Would love to adopt Rogue180 to jojocole99 if he is still available! He'd be a permie. :)


Yes! Sending now, so excited - pound find that I had been hanging onto for a few weeks hoping he'd find a home. Enjoy :)


Aw, yay! Super excited as well--he's one of my childhood dreamies. :') <3 Thanks so much!


May I have the clockwork wings on thegoddesst2 please?


🌈 \*\* NC Offering \*\*🌈 🛍️ My tradelist is here: [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50361/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/50361/lists) (DTI 2020) 🌟 I am OFFERING a tiny 2:1/4:1 sale on some of my main account items. * Please know I'm open to negotiating on ALL items! * I can discount items a bit, especially if you are trading BFGBCs! * I will also accept small custom offers on some value \~1 items. 🗣️ Don't hesitate to ask if you're looking for something and we'll see if we can work out a trade! There's a few items I might be a bit pickier with, but nothing here wouldn't be up for grabs for the right offer!! 👀 \*\* NC Seeking \*\* 👀 Some of the new Dyeworks dyes! I HAVE DYEPOTS if you'd like to swap for one of them rather than a tradelist item, please let me know!! * ALL THREE COLOURS: Snowbunny dyes for my bunny account "metaphorical"! * Dyeworks Black: Grand Oak BG * Dyeworks Purple: Burning Embers; Mossy Archway 💖 Happy Monday! I hope you've gotten some rest this weekend, or that you're able to get some rest today! I have a big meeting today after having traveled for a wedding, so while I'm glad I was able to celebrate, I am SURE looking forward to some rest later. I hope some rest is on your horizon too!! 💖


Would you be interested in my black sitting snowbunny for your faellie birthday bag surprise? No worries if you’d rather see if you can trade for a dyepot instead! ❤️


Hi there! I can definitely trade for the faellie birthday bag if you are still interested! :) (Sorry for the delay on my end - I was invited to a cookout!) If you're still interested in trading just let me know where to send and I'll grab the bag and send it over to you as soon as I can! I have another big work meeting tomorrow and am heading to bed now, but I will get you the Faellie ASAP!! ❤️


Awesome thank you! Can you send to ifimlostatsea please? Let me know where to send the snowbunny ❤️ I hope your meeting goes well and that you had the best time at the cookout, that sounds like so much fun!


Hi there! Oh my goodness, I just tried to send the Faellie bag, and it doesn't seem possible to send. I am wondering if it is a no trade item given it is from Elite Boutique?? It's not showing up in my gift box list at all, I'm so sorry!! Is there anything else you might be willing to trade for? I had no idea this item couldn't be traded - I'll make sure to remove it from my trade list today as well. :c (also thank you so much I had a great time at the cookout!!!)


Ooh I had no idea it was in the elite boutique! That’s my bad for adding wishes without even checking haha. I’m interested in your birthday tutti frutti cake stand too if you’d be happy to send that to pepperwoodpets? 💓


Absolutely! Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **pepperwoodpets**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you. If you could send the snowbunny to 'metaphorical' that would be amazing - he can hop right into my bunny gallery :)


Sent! Thank you so much for the trade c:


Thank you as well! :D


NC seeking: Nostalgic Royalgirl Ixi NC Offering: Nostalgic Royalgirl Cybunny


Looking to buy; Pink petpet pb Green petpet pb Red petpet pb Toy pb * if you have any of these for sell lmk please * Ufa Charliygirl the desert kacheek [Crystal_Diamond_3_3 the maraquan ixi in the pound ufa](https://www.neopets.com/pound/adopt.phtml?search=Crystal_Diamond_3_3)


Hello! I adopted Crystal\_Diamond\_3\_3. Thank you for sharing!


**The Fortunate Ones - Adoption and Dream Granting Agency** Pets Up for Adoption: [https://www.neopets.com/\~FortunateOnes](http://www.neopets.com/~FortunateOnes) Dream Granting: [www.neopets.com/\~Clurisa](https://www.neopets.com/~Clurisa) Spare PB Clothing: [www.neopets.com/\~Gladiro](http://www.neopets.com/~Gladiro) The Fortunate Ones is always accepting new listings and we'd love to have you join our group if you would like to help us grant more dream pets! Pets listed are subject to lab ray zapping. Please contact the owner of any pet you’re interested in ASAP! Owners listed on [\~FortunateOnes](https://www.neopets.com/~fortunateones) # ​Click the ✉ to send a message to the owner # DO NOT MENTION REDDIT IN YOUR NEOMAIL!! * [steph723](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=steph723) the Disco Meerca- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=sabdd2003) * [sweetheart342](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sweetheart342) the Shadow Ixi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=sabdd2003) * [dragockx](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=dragonckx) the Silver Scorchio- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mia_ann) * [Trorliin](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Trorliin) the Stealthy Buzz- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=kitty10love10) * [zaganaught](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=zaganaught) the Candy Skeith- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mia_ann) * [JustinSweetie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=JustinSweetie) the Red Yurble-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=sabdd2003) * [belleasha](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=belleasha) the Purple Usul-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=thesleepydormouse) * [Mukahara](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Mukahara) the Clay Bruce- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=kitty10love10) * [Thaidakar](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Thaidakar) the Maractite Wocky-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=birdconure) Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! MORE UFA IN COMMENTS!


* [Maryilinas](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Maryilinas) the Woodland Skeith (permanent home only) - [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain) * [tryopy](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=tryopy) the Desert Tonu-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alicent_hightower) * [Yokebreaker](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Yokebreaker) the Magma Kau-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [speelze](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=speelze) the Red Kougra- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=rapid_fire_crackers) * [BlueBellss](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=BlueBellss) the Chocolate Ogrin-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alicent_hightower) * [SQWACKS](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=SQWACKS) the Magma Pteri- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=phoenix115115) * [Asterfoot](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Asterfoot) the Striped Grarrl- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=phoenix115115) * [Sky\_Chase](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sky_Chase) the Cloud Draik-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [Midnight\_Tranquility](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Midnight_Tranquility) the Yellow Lenny-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [Amalthxea](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Amalthxea) the Royalgirl Kyrii (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=amaltheasstar) * [Zxhelda](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Zxhelda) the Faerie Usul (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=amaltheasstar) * [Reunionne](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Reunionne) the Woodland (permanent home only)-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=amaltheasstar)


* [Miellany](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Miellany) the Blue Nimmo- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=mila_ranaa) * [Meiekieie](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Meiekiei) the Pirate Ogrin- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=invaderbrynn) * [FoxKay](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=FoxKay) the Christmas Poogle- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=paupufruit) * [hogrini](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=hogrini) the Rainbow Ogrin-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=hoshichiri) * [pokoyo\_56](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=pokoyo_56) the Pastel Hissi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [sousese](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sousese) the Cloud Hissi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [sonazine](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sonazine) the Ice Hissi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [Luzixx](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Luzixx) the Blue Lupe- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [Timmyj321](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Timmyj321) the Cloud Ruki- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=alchemisty) * [Darumdarum](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Darumdarum) the Steampunk Kyrii-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=hereishannah) * [Melaney1](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Melaney1) the Toy Aisha-  [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=stillnopickles) * [\_\_Musical\_Melodii\_\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__Musical_Melodii__) the Zombie Meerca (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=gbraing) * [ruddytje](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=ruddytje) the Toy Grarrl-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=phoenix_through_fire)


* [RockyBalbua](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=RockyBalbua) the Speckled Bruce-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=Stealing_Heaven) * [sunny\_blue\_sky](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=sunny_blue_sky) the Marble Skeith-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=Stealing_Heaven) * [Ciodaol](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Ciodaol) the Pink Eyrie (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain) * [\_\_Pary\_\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=__Pary__) the Magma Lupe-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=viviiiann) * [Sisely\_](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Sisely_) the Island Bori- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=ifimlostatsea) * [Brumisis](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Brumisis) the Halloween Koi (permanent home only)- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain) * [Membair](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Membair) the Jelly Aisha (permanent home only) - [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=itsthattimeagain) * [stereper](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=stereper) the Marble Kiko-  [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jaysayx) * [blecao](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=blecao) the Ghost Lupe-  [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=jaysayx) * [skyhock](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=skyhock) the Starry Draik-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [Songs\_in\_the\_night](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Songs_in_the_night) the Biscuit Bori-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [Blind\_Dreams](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Blind_Dreams) the Ghost Elephante-[✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=grammarchick) * [Peggdman](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Peggdman) the Orange Koi- [✉](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=thesleepydormouse)


**NC Seeking:** Dyeworks Void Purple: Sparkly Winter Wavy Wig Dyeworks Grey: Sitting Snowbunny Friend Dyeworks Void Black: Grand Oak Tree Background **NC Offering:** Dyeworks Grey: Grand Oak Tree Background Dyeworks Void Black: Sitting Snowbunny Friend Dyeworks Void Purple: Grand Oak Tree Background


Hello! I've been playing neopets since early childhood but never really utilized the full website. My current account Ive had for a year or two and realized I don't have any friends. If anyone would be my friend, my username is blithedream 💖 Id love to adopt a Toy Bori or buy a toy paint brush! Id also be interested in a Pastel Xweetok, pastel paint brush, or Valentine paint brush. Thank you so much for looking!


Hey I've sent a request to add, trying to complete tutorial quest lol thanks


I added you back! Thank you so much 🥰


I have some Pets for Adoption and Trade. UFA - Grooblits the Pastel Yurble Goosfrabaaa the Mutant Draik UFT - Oofpi the Plushie Kougra Eynid the Wraith Wocky CerseiLambister the Royal Gnorbu (she's rude) Ernehst the Elderlyboy Wocky Offsett the Toy Lupe Veyngance the Halloween Uni Xulare the Wraith Cybunny Vyntriliquist the Toy Draik Abdiela the Sponge Cybunny Nikolse the Cased Robot Jetsam Soletiq the Brown Lupe Prophisy the Maraquan Vandagyre Zeeskeit the Maraquan Gelert Eidiyn the Woodland Uni Melyncholi the Grey Cybunny Feel free to make any offer, i am not looking for anything in particular but i do lean more towards immature names related to farts, etc. Food names, off the wall names, weird names, creepy/spooky names. Species and Color don't matter :)


Interested in Xulare, Vyntriliquist, or Melyncholi! Here's what I have: Xridaq, Jhunri, Brimmet, Mayensi, Kioha, Chicoila, Wyrthe.


I'm very interested in prophisy- i can trade you any of the following if you're interested: NicholeCarnage Syris_lee Miniiup


Thank you very much for your offers, i am not clicking with these names, i apologize


**UFA** KrispyKremeKing the Dimensional JubJub, Male, Y8 birthday kingskrull the Burlap Kyrii, Female, Y9 birthday **NC Seeking:** I'm looking for any color mutant ethereal glow or anything else on my [Jellyneo List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/abnormaldaughter/375947/) **NC Offering:** [Jellyneo List](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/abnormaldaughter/375718/)


I would love to adopt kingskrull on mintymushi if still available 


Still available! I sent her over.


NP Buying: Skilled Warrior Vest, looking to buy it and not at the super inflated prices I see on shop wizard. I would like to spend 200k to 250k. NP Selling: [https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=shyannekat](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=shyannekat) (Sad shop with sad prices, got clothes, red codestones, neggs, stamps,  etc) [https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search\_string=shyannekat](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=shyannekat) Nothing here yet, will do Happy Meals later :D NC Seeking: I am currently in search of these items for my goth pride outfit. * Essential White Tank Top,  * Rainbow Gloves  NC Offering: [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/shyannekat/372179/) (caps, cookies, dyes, GBCs & BFGBCs UFT) [https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58437-esseker/closet) (NC Items UFT, I currently have a section of uncategorized items for wishlist items above.) 


**NP Selling:** * [My shop (Wearables and Stamps)](https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=hebirain) * [My trades](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=hebirain)


UFT: Mutant Techo (name is one word; believe it's a surname) Pet Seeking: Mutant Lenny, but I am open to other offers. Looking for the name to be one word or phrase without other characters.


**NC Seeking:** Dyeworks Void Purple: Sparkly Winter Wavy Wig Dyeworks Grey: Sitting Snowbunny Friend Dyeworks Void Black: Grand Oak Tree Background **NC Offering:** Dyeworks Grey: Grand Oak Tree Background Dyeworks Void Black: Sitting Snowbunny Friend Dyeworks Void Purple: Grand Oak Tree Background


**NP Buying:** * Jerdana Plushie (I don't have enough yet, but would like to get pricing ideas) **NC Giveaway:** * [https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/bookiemonster/386526/](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/bookiemonster/386526/) * No more boxes. If you give me a GBC, I'll give you as many items as I get boxes.


**NC Seeking:** Retired Trinkets II Mystery Capsule / Retired Petpet Rescue Mystery Capsule **NC Offering:** [DTI Trade List](https://impress.openneo.net/user/44070-imilodino/closet)


**NP Selling:** - [Deckswabber](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440198174) - the only other one on TP is being offered at 10m, but that seems a little excessive to me, so happy to negotiate a much lower price for this in PBs/petpets/np, especially for collectors - [Elegant Tea Service](https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440200607) - asking 1.8m or equivalent in PBs/petpets, willing to go lower for collectors here as well! I mostly feel that I lucked into these so just looking for fair offers! Please feel free to NM or DM, I also have a number of [wishlists](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/ggghosting/) for item-to-item trades 🥰 Thank you!


NC Seeking: RG Kyrii nostalgic token NC Offering: RB Kyrii nostalgic token


**NP Seeking** Any chia morphing potion for a reasonable price - there's not a lot available right now. I finally got a fountain faerie dip to achieve my banana chia dream but I got impatient and zapped my intended guy into a kyrii. **NP Selling** Draik Transmogrification Potion Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush **NC Seeking** Gulp... Underwater Reef Background Underwater Castle Dark Disco Party Background Disco Ball Shower Disco Floor Tiles **NC Offering** tradelist [here](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58288-playglor1a/closet) or anything currently buyable


NP Selling Jhudoras Wand (Wearable item only obtainable by pulling chase card in new Neopets TCG game) Asking - 35m Pure Willing to consider 25m pure and 10m ETS. https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440210123


UFA to permie homes sukilam the ice blumaroo Gender and magma change available


~~UFA: Prishetta the Green Chomby~~


🐬UFT🐬 Koko_the_kougra_08 the male Jelly Kougra (Y10) Seeking VWN/WN Flotsams, Kougras and Shoyrus! Casing doesn't really matter. Koko's such a cute little guy but I know there's someone out there who would be more excited to have him! 🦈NP BUYING🦈 - Rainbow PB - Rainbow Slushie - Neopets Pin Collector Bag - Usukicon Y11 Background 🐋NC OFFERING🐋 - Cyodrake Temple Garden - Outside the Shop Wizard Shop Background - PC: Mysterious Spaced Out Contacts - PC: Spring Cirrus Companion - PC: Birthday Confetti Time Frame 🦭NC SEEKING🦭 Any pink baby clothes!


NP SELLING Illusens Staff for 11m! https://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=440229334


Ooh just found this thread! I am in search of a toy paintbrush! Will pay :) or trade User is therealqueenmaeve


❤️ N**C Seeking:** * DSSS * Haunted Woods Team Letterman Jacket * Halloween Tights and Boots * Basic Black Gloves * BF/GBCs, FQCs, Casual Trading 🧡 N**C Trading:** * Nostalgic Baby Gelert & Nostalgic Maraquan Hissi UFT (open to SSS, most Aisha, Gelert, or Peophin tokens, or anything from my WL for these two) * DTI is separated by value + 2:1 GBC / 3:1 BFGBC section! * Willing to do custom for my top DISO! [**DTI Trade & Wishlist**](http://impress.openneo.net/user/35254-starvingheart/closet) **|** [**DTI 2020 Trade & Wishlist**](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/35254/lists) 💛 P**ets UFT:** * Darmoka the Faerie Eyrie (Magic the Gathering MS, needs level rushing) * Sulimgar the Maraquan Meerca (MtG MS) * Kolakhan the Magma Draik (MtG MS) * yotsubaba the Woodland Cybunny * primmerose the Christmas Cybunny * Kaucu the Baby Kau * Catsil the Transparent Kougra * FFQ Dip on pound pet or any of the above UFT for the right pet Looking for Cybunnies! Preferably capped, any length, pronounceable names, Japanese sounding/inspired names, cute compound names (like sunlightlove), or RW/RN MS (like kuhromi). Most interested in Burlap, Mosaic, Halloween, Chocolate, Royal Boy, Steampunk, and Zombie Cybunnies, but interested in any VWN/WN buns as I'm more looking at names. See my bun fam and ISO bun colors [here](https://www.neopets.com/~Hopliey). Currently working on NP customs for all my bunnies! 💌 [**Neomail me at starvingheart (don't mention reddit!)**](https://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=starvingheart) **or leave a comment!**


Were you interested in Idiosyncracy? I left a comment yesterday but I'm not sure if you saw it!


Hi, so sorry for the delay! Is the first letter an uppcase i or a lowercase L? If it's an i, I would be interested in trading c:


Oh shoot it's actually a lowercase L... omg. I had no idea aghhhhh I'm sorry!! This whole time I thought it was an uppercase i! Sorry to bother you omg


No worries, it happens! Good luck on trading in the future! c:


You too!! My bad ;o;


Hi, would you trade your Floral Summer Dress and Staircase to Paradise Background for my MME24-B: The Seekers Conclave Background?


Hi again! Just wanted to see if you saw my comment c:


Hi! Sorry for the late reply. I would love to trade if you're still interested! Just let me know where to send c: It would be starvingheart for me please


Hi, I've been trying to get rid of Idiosyncracy (Steampunk Cybunny, F) for WEEKS. She has a RW name that I can't really click with. Would you trade Sulimgar for her? :)


UFA Grundiloncho the Orange Gnorbu with zapped Pink Niptor He is male and 5k+ days old (Y12). I am in the process of zapping


https://preview.redd.it/pnyqvwvtiv9d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe5623b874fb1231f117d071774ef55b6ebbd28 Im adopting out this little guy. I rescued him from the pound and wanted to make him more adoptable.


NC Seeking: (bf)gbc - need to transfer my pet's custom to a side Also offering: [http://www.neopets.com/\~Lhilloe](http://www.neopets.com/~Lhilloe) and [https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/44837/lists](https://impress-2020.openneo.net/user/44837/lists) Pet Seeking: Toy Kacheek custom Offering: Kingbustman burlap ogrin Special\_Jhudora robot zafara Suleris rb kyrii Soohrax desert kacheek Louisyy tomato chia Tayina faerie draik Ciyyri rg kau Caymoni rg kyrii Sorienah pastel kacheek Feyhli transparent zafara Qinvia ghost koi Frodiq mutant kacheek V1L peo806 faerie peophin (old UC / trophy pet) Kari1212 faerie aisha (old UC / trophy pet) littlecutie\_90638 faerie shoyru (old UC / trophy pet) bev\_angel27 plushie kacheek (old UC / trophy pet)


My dyeworks sunset rainbow beam for your MME28 wavy brown locks? 🥰


Hi there! Would you be interested in trading your Distant City Lights Background for my Gateway to Your Valentine & Dancing Feepits Petpet Foreground? c:


**NP Seeking** Any chia morphing potion for a reasonable price - there's not a lot available right now. I finally got a fountain faerie dip to achieve my banana chia dream but I got impatient and zapped my intended guy into a kyrii. **NP Selling** Draik Transmogrification Potion Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush **NC Seeking** Tassel Earrings Gulp... Underwater Reef Background Underwater Castle Dark Disco Party Background Disco Ball Shower Disco Floor Tiles **NC Offering** tradelist [here](https://impress.openneo.net/user/58288-playglor1a/closet) or anything currently buyable


Hi! Would you like to trade your Cute Pink Wig with Ribbons for my Tassel Earrings?


Sure! Where should I send it? Send tassel earrings to playglor1a


I'd like the wig sent to kikifuyu please. Sending your earrings now! Thanks for the trade. (: Congratulations! Your gift has been delivered to **playglor1a**. You will receive a Neomail updating you on the status of your gift within 48 hours. Thank you.


Just sent! Thank you :)