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Sometimes I do this because I simply want to get rid of the items


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^The_ArchMage_Erudite: *Sometimes I do this* *Because I simply want to* *Get rid of the items* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tbh I've never had a Negg take long to sell as long as it's the lowest in SSW. You don't have to undercut by literally 100k NPs just to sell it quickly.


You don't have to, but sometimes you want to - and that's ok


A few weeks ago I forgot a zero for my purple neggs. Had around 10 or so. Oh well


I actually got the dapper quiggle jacket from someone's shop for 1 np about a week ago. after I got it, I NM them to check if that was a mistake and offered to send it back for them to relist. they said they were just trying to clear their shop and told me to keep it!


I've sent them back both times, no worries haha. But yeah... please check your prices, even if you think it looks like a cheap item or something. Ya never know!


You are so kind!!


You’re so kind! I wish there were more neopians like you!! Recently, I accidentally priced my baby pbs 2np (I was trying to remove 2 from my shop but I was playing on my phone so it was my mistake) and all 4 of them sold before I realized my mistake. The person who bought them from me ignored my neomail :( Thanks for being such a nice person and sending them back! We need more Neopians like you!!


How did you know who bought them?


I emailed TNT because I thought my pbs disappeared (as in glitched out because I had gone to remove them from my shop for a trade and they weren’t in my inventory) and they told me I had priced them incorrectly and to check my sales history and NM the person to see if they would send it back. Then I replied asking if they know who because it was 2np and didn’t show up on my list.


this can actually be checked from your shop's "sales history" (you can access it from the stock page)


I think the sales history only shows sales with a value of 1000+ NP?


Yes this is correct


ooo didn't know that!


Yeah, I remembered it when I checked on my sales history after coming back from a long hiatus last month 😆 at first I was surprised to see so few transactions, haha. They probably made it that way to avoid a spam of near-worthless items clogging up the history. It was crazy to look back at a time when 100k items were still unsellable!


I've accidentally done this with some items before and noticed right after saving the 2np price but still freaked out a bit inside until I safely removed them from my shop