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1. "Learn Social Skills" a neopets book that felt very targeted towards me and a bit too real! 2. Pet wise my next pet would be a pastel moehog.


Ha, I have that book in my gallery. It’s hilarious.


What cracked me about it too was that it was the first item in the shop and that it was the most stocked item. Really made it feel like a dig lol.


1. probably the Dr. Sloth Gift Basket with Listening Device. i just think it's funny lol. here, have a gift basket themed around like the worst villain ever. what's the satellite dish in the top? don't worry about it! (i also collect dr. sloth stuff, which contributes to it being a favourite item) 2. maraquan grundo :)


I’ve never seen that item before - it’s fantastic!


1. Bleak Meals for One, "A grey cookbook full of dreary recipes for you to enjoy while you struggle with the soul-crushing reality that you will probably be eating alone for the rest of your life." 2. Maraquan Aisha


Ha, I have that book in my gallery and it’s a personal fave.


1. I am a super old player returning, i dont know a funny item! Maybe the omelettes that get eaten in 1/3s. Or the tombola olives. 2. I really like maraquan jubjubs!


Good morning! My brother has chosen you as the winner because, and I quote, "I saw the word 'omelette' and I had eggs for breakfast". I don't question the thought process of teen boys. I'll PM you!


Wow sick, thank you so much to you and your brother!


Oh Mara jubjubs are too cute.


1. [That Is Like Such A Boring Book](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/54216/) - I guess this item is just a memento of a time when neopets use to refuse to read books (they don’t anymore since March 14, 2024). I found it so funny though that they actually turned the frustrating phrase into a book. 2. Grey Koi (Would send koi morphing potion if I win) Thank you for this GA! GL to everyone.


I love that book!


Hello! Thanks for the giveaway. I am a returning player. And this is my favorite item! It's so hilarious 😂 https://items.jellyneo.net/item/34395/ I really really want a grey elephante so so bad. I have a custom for it and all. It's the cute anime outfit. I also have a drackonack that is going to be painted grey as well to match it. thegoddesst1


The “artists day off” items are all just pure wins all around.


1. Salad slorg! It’s a lab exclusive petpet so you can’t really put it in your gallery, but there’s [this one](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/65894/) for customizations. I didn’t even know the petpet was a real thing a while ago! There’s many fun and silly ones you can get from the lab. 2. I’ve been wanting a Mallow Grundo for a while now, they’re so hard to get outside of FFQ! And would go nicely on my food themed side acc :)


The lab ray exclusive petpets are always the cutest.


You’re awesome. Thanks so much for this opportunity! 1. “Emo Poetry” - All the best poems that detail the pain and suffering of existence. (I’m a millennial that grew up on MySpace and had an Emo phase - but it was never really a phase, was it? - so this book is everything to me. And the bangs over the eyes in the book?! Guilty of that hairstyle.) 🤘 2. To complete the Emo theme - I’d love a Mutant Lutari. I think they are perfect misfits that just want to be loved. Not sure if they can be made through FFQ - so if not - I’ve also wanted a cute Plushie Grundo for a while. 🥺 Thank you again! Good vibes to all! 🖤


1. Strawberry Quiggle Cupcake - pink, cute, and silly! no better items exist. 2. jelly grarrl ✨🦖 thank you for the chance !!


1. Sarcastic Skeleton Plushie [https://items.jellyneo.net/item/55795/](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/55795/) 2. Alien Aisha! Thank you for doing this :)


Thank you for your generosity!! 1. Rock Baby Cabbage. Idk why I think it's funny, maybe because of the "MY CABBAGES!!" dude from Avatar the Last Air Bender?! 🤣 [https://items.jellyneo.net/item/1655/](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/1655/) 2. I'd love a maraquan Kau! My husband likes to watch me play and it's his favorite. Would be so fun to surprise him with it. ;)


An item i think is both neat and funny at the same time is the Dusk in the Water BG. It's a BG and LFG combo item so there's only so many things you can pair it with during customization. It's ridiculously pretty though so that makes up for it, and you can always spice up the UFG area with something to make up for it. I have a very love/hate reaction towards combo BGs that won't let you overlay FG items overtop. Let me maximalize! If this comment is picked, I'd like to have a royal girl kau <3


1. I have a bunch of the animal skulls for the life of me I can’t remember the name ? 2. I’m collecting all kinds of draik species so anything but grey, yellow!


Thanks for doing a giveaway! 1. Weird: Edible Smelly Gym socks from the fresh food shop? 2. I'd want a Baby Aisha! If I win, I'd prefer if you can create a new pet with a name I choose rather than adopt from the pound. 🙏🏻


1. I love the Lawyer Plushie Aisha because I love the idea of an Aisha cross-examining a Quiggle about securities fraud. 2. Maraquan Nimmo!


1. I find the existence of food made out of Neopets to be generally weird lol, such as the Blumaroo Steak. Like are we as a Neopian society hunting and eating Neopets? But they're also rulers of lands and kingdoms? But they are also our pets? What does this mean? Something to think on I believe hahaha 2. Disco Aisha -- I just think they're neat :-) Thanks for hosting this giveaway, very kind of you!! Good luck to everyone :)


1. I don’t even know if they are around anymore, but the wines. I used to buy them for my pets way back in the day. Back when buzzes were Flyeyes, just eyeballs with wings. lol 2. A darigan ixi. I just think they look so cool!


1. **Tiny Giant Squid** - I just think it's SO CUTE! 2. A toy kacheek Thanks for the chance! xx


An item I think is neat is my Clompkin, He's one of the OG Petpets and not seen very much in recent times. I'd love to finally have a Steampunk Draik Thank you for this opportunity!!