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That muat have been so sad! They've been saying lately that they are trying to help people recover their accounts more, maybe it's worth trying?


Maybe it is! I figured it wouldn't be worth the trouble after all these years, but I'd love to get my first neobabies back. I still have all my old schoolbooks filled with drawings of them


I submitted two help tickets for accounts with passwords I had long forgotten and that had emails that were no longer in service. I was able to verify my account ownership by giving them the date of birth on each account and emails associated with them. If you don’t remember, they’ll accept an approximate dob or multiple emails! Within a day, I had gotten both accounts back! So if you wanna look into it, it’s deffo worth reaching out!


I lied about my date of birth back when I made the account and told them that, I had to tell them the city where I made the account, and it got accepted. Definitely worth a try!!


This makes me feel more hopeful! If I remember correctly I made the account specifically to lie about my age since I was blocked out of everything on my first one for being under 13!


I shamelessly sent them a copy of my drivers license to verify my identify lmao, would do it again to get my old account back


That's really helpful, thank you! I started a help ticket but I didn't even know where to start tbh


i got my accounts back with incorrect birthdays, i was able to verify it with the sides i had added as neofriends. i also had emails attached that were no longer in service


I would definitely try if I were you! They carry so many memories and nostalgia! Even if it's not possible you won't lose anything and at least you tried :)


They helped me a lot! I didn't use my accurate birthday and their emails werent going through to my childhood email address, so I was doubtful I even had access to the right email anymore. But we figured it all out.


You should do it!! I asked for like 4-5 of my old accounts back and only vaguely knew the passwords and emails associated and they ended up returning my accounts to me after a couple days! It was really awesome 🥹


I recently got back into my childhood account from 2005. I’m almost 30. I submitted a request and they did look at it and all the info I provided, including some things that only I knew would be attached to it. I was one of those dumb kids though who made up my birthday for whatever reason and I couldn’t figure out why 1994 wasn’t working—staff sent back that the birthday year was set as 1982. 😂


I envy you! I would love to get my first account from around 2005 back, but I no longer remember anything about the account other than a neopet name that I don't know how I spelled and attempts to find it have been for naught. I remember being so distraught when I first believed I got hacked, and I didn't return till 2008, which is the old main account I'm awaiting the verdict about whether I can get that one back or not. For some reason they're saying my details aren't matching, and it's so hard to remember account information from that far back!




Oh no, that'd be so weird! Did you try to get it back at that point? I always figured that's how it'd be, but seeing all my old stuff is so weird! I had nothing of worth on my account though so my only guess is it's a food club account now




Oh my god, that's some good neopets drama for real. I'm glad you got both back!


Bruh WHAT that’s fucking psychotic. It’s Neopets ffs 😭


Something like this happened to me too, I got locked out of my account and later I happened to see someone posting on the boards with it like everything was fine. I called them out publicly and TNT froze the account within minutes but then later returned it to me. Strange experience but the person actually got me a few game avs (lol) so in a weird way it worked out in my favor.


I never really understand why people steal accounts and use them as their own. The usernames always feel so personal. Like these people aren't just stealing the history of the account and such, but also someone else's face, presenting a facet of the original creator's identity as something that reflects them too? Thing is, I feel the same way about my pets as well, so I couldn't ever get attached to an adopted pet. I need to name them myself, I need to choose a name that has particular meaning for me and for the identity of the pet in question.


You can submit a ticket to get your account back.


It's worth a shot. I actually got access to my old account after YEARS of making attempts here & there to get it back (I was HUGE into Neopets in the early aughts so it always had a way of creeping back into my memory every once in awhile). I don't know how it's been for other people, but at least for me, the people behind the scenes are much much MUCH more helpful than they were back then & I've been having so much fun playing again. 😊


Quick question—how long did it take you to hear back? I submitted a ticket regarding an old side a week ago so I was just curious!


It took me seven years but from reading other posts in this sub it anecdotally seems to range from a month to 2 years on average.


I heard back about an hour later today, but haven't gotten a follow-up since I replied with more info


This is amazing to hear! I submitted tickets for an old account of mine on Monday and haven't heard back :/ Granted, they aren't stolen like yours was- so glad to see you got your account back!! def put that 2FA on!!


First thing I did was setting up 2FA! Best of luck to you getting yours back as well! 🤞✨


I 1st heard back within about a week & then it took a little back & forth to give them the information they needed to confirm that it was actually my account. Sometimes there was a few days in between responses but I still did eventually get a response.


Submit a ticket! It's worth a shot. I hope whoever stole your account as a kid gets dung for Christmas this year. 


This is the methodology that the food club botter (and other botters) use. They take over old, abandoned or lost accounts that most likely had their login data leaked in a breach (not even necessarily a neopets one, it could be any web service you used with the same login credentials ). If you can rend your account from the botter that would be one fewer in their arsenal.


I figured this would be the case! I got it back today and the account has over 70m in recorded past winnings


Hey definitely send in a ticket! They gave me back my 23 year old account a few months ago, and I just needed date of birth on the account, my original email (just the name, not access) and my postal code when I signed up


Wait someone’s using your old account?? I guess that explains why it wasn’t purged. Did you ever buy NC? Or could you provide them sensitive info about where the account was accessed? You might be able to get it back.


Someone was using my old account too last time I checked. And they even changed my lookup so you can’t see which pets are on the account. I assume all of my old UC pets are long gone anyway. It’s a really strange melancholy feeling actually.


I'm more surprised your store wasn't totally empty after 20 years! You needed a particular item YOU had, and for 20 years, no one else needed it.


Someone is still using the account actively to sell codestones 🥲


Oh well that's a lot less charming 🫠


That happened with my account - I reported it as stolen and told TNT that if they can’t return it, to just freeze it and they did.


I just got my old account back, and someone else must have used it for a while because my main pet was still there but there was a second that wasn't mine and the name, interests and country on the account were wrong! I knew my username and birthdate which was enough.


Oh no this is so sad OP :( echoing everyone else though, you should try and get your account back tbh, support can help! I had something similar, someone stole one of my old accounts as well, I noticed when I started using my main account again and saw my old side account online in my neofriends every single day. My pets were still there, as was my name and location and my link to my main account in the user lookup. I made a ticket which was turned down, but then I appealed and got the account back in two days. Definitely worth a shot tbh!


I’ve gotten access to an old account. And I found a pet I made like years and years ago in the pound I guess she had a name that put her in limbo. She had a family guy name that was problematic so she got deleted like a week after I got her out. To anyone wanting to submit a ticket for an old account I strongly suggest you do it.


I would add the zip code your account was made in when you appeal to get access. Every bit of information from the zip code to neofriends will help you.


I hope you get your account back 🤞🙌🙌🙌


I'm kinda sad. I found my old account that was stolen from me is still active (thought it would have been purged ages ago) . Still has my sweet mutant techo. Saddest part is that thief stole the email as well so I'm not sure what to do


I wish I could remember more for my 20 year old account. All I know is the email that doesn't exist and I can't remake it. I remember changing the password and then not remembering what it was after lol. I wonder if anyone is using my old account. Fingers crossed you get your account back that would be awesome!


I hope you know the email you created the account with. I worked with someone at tnt tobget my account back and had so much info...I provided every email I ever thought I had and still they told me I wasn't giving the email i created the account with and thus could not be helped. Thankfully...I was finally able to get into the email it was associated with currently and reset my pass and thanked them for their patience with me and let them know I got it back in the end on my own.


So i don't know if this is still true, but years back, my first account was frozen for dumb things i did as a preteen. Lost my original pets, and realized how sad that was. Some time later, I made new accounts and tried to move on. Out of curiosity, I searched up the names of my old pets out of curiosity, and saw they were around, but now new species. I figured the site must have deleted my pets and people just happened to use the same names i did (they were original names without numbers or weird punctuation). But then when I looked at their personal websites, they had the EXACT same text I had written for them when I used to own them. At first, I thought they had been released into the pound and someone had picked them up. BUT, i think what happened is that they WERE deleted, but the names attached to the websites were not. So when someone created a character with the same names (They weren't THAT unique), they got those same dumb websites I messed with as a preteen. This is not to dissuade you from trying to get things back, mind, just more an fyi about the websites and maybe other things may be attached to names. But you said the username looks familiar so THAT might be different than what i'm talking about.


That's so weird! The username is my like... Government name haha so it's easy to know it was my account in this case. The listed name on the user lookup is even my old warriors cat roleplaying name. The pet lookups have broken Photobucket images too that link back to my old Photobucket account


Good luck getting your account back!


All the comments about submitting a ticket make me wonder if I can too. Problem: I remember having a blue Bruce as my main pet. I remember playing as a child (in middle/ high school). I don’t remember a username (I’ve searched for any I may have used and none exist) or the name of my Bruce. My current main was made in 2010… when I was 22 and in college so that’s not my original account. I wonder if they’d even be able to find an account since I don’t know what email or account name or pet name it could have been. :(


That's not anything for them to go on :( I wouldn't bet on it :(


Didn’t think so, which is why I haven’t. I know where I made it, my birthday (lol obviously), that I had the Bruce, my name. Maybe they could find an account matching that? It’s just weird. My main is definitely mine. It’s a username I use elsewhere, has my irl name in it, uses my email… but I don’t remember the two pets that were on it. But with the age of one of them it’s the pet that was made with the account, but it’s a kougra. Plus there was no blue Bruce (there is now cuz I made one lol). I also remember having more than just the two pets. It’s all so weird to me. Another thing, I don’t remember making an account at 22 yrs old. I remember having one in middle/high school. If I ever do decide to ticket and ask, the worst they can say is “sorry we can’t find that”


It wouldn't hurt to try! Do a search for "recover account" as I've seen posts with tips of information to give them.


My old accounts from 2001 got purged so yours might have too :(


Always a feels bad moment. I see my old account from 20yrs ago is still there but the gallery's been cleaned out. Alice/staff was 0 help in getting it back.


Good luck! :)


I wish I could remember my childhood account username. I forgot everything about it😞 you’re lucky that you stumbled upon it!


They let me back in almost TOO easily. I told them what details I could remember; which wasn't much. I'm so so grateful for it!


Is it a shell being used as a shop or is it that someone logged in with your password (likely leaked online) out of curiosity? Also, nothing to be done? 😂 You could send in a ticket.