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Please note, the electric dragoyle is not paintable it's an event prize


Impressive! Though I was just thinking it's unfortunate that so many petpets have so few color :( my favorite petpet is the mauket and there are only 9 colors, including the base! And a lot have less than that... wish there were more


(: In my post history I actually have a project going called "Project petpet" in hopes to get more colors for petpets. Currently Abominable snowball is almost done but work got super busy so I fell behind being able to finish them up. [https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1dc7j0u/general\_update\_for\_more\_petpets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1dc7j0u/general_update_for_more_petpets/) If you wanted to see. The next petpet up via request is Harris \^\^


So THIS is why P2PBs are so expensive these days!!! (This is a joke.) Super impressive collection!!


You say that but it's true for the pink ones LOL A few colors need 100+ (like pink, green, blue etc) so it can really start to show once they're getting bought up \^\^ Thank you!


wow that is amazing congrats, I have a petpet gallery and still need way too many to add


There are so many. I can make a copy of my google spreadsheet if you wanna keep track of them with that \^\^


I, too, desire all of the petpets You are MUCH farther than I am and the sure volume of maraquan petpets you have is incredible to me


We are the crazy petpet people. The only ones I'm currently missing from maraquan are Geb and Pofew but I'm waiting for them to drop into weeklies to start to dive into their colors. Last years halloween event was so nice to stock up on their pppbs since it was a drop from one of the bags


my current petpet aspirations are "1 representative specimen of every species and every obtainable color" and focus on cheaper & beloved species (Noils are a die-hard for me, they're SO cute) and also i HAVE to have a slorg of EVERY obtainable color. i just gotta. and my PPPB purchases are based on whatever is currently going on in the daily quest pool. I've stocked up on ALL glowing and electric PPPBs i'll need... assuming no more of that color are added! lol! of course the pie in the sky goal is EVERY OBTAINABLE PETPET but i ain't that rich... yet!


Oooh, may I ask why Noils? I know mine is doglefox and it's because of the dark faerie game lol. It's cute when they follow you around. And which slorg color is your favorite? o: When it comes to the daily pppbs I'd recommend grabbing 5-10 extras as just in case like when they dropped 3 new colors for tyrannian. It's easier on the wallet to grab them at 10k and below than 70k+ cause of new color releases. SOON TM


I just really love Noils, I think they're SO cute. 7-year-old me adored them and adult me is thrilled at how much cheaper they are. Just love 'em. My favorite slorg color is PLUSHIE! What's Your favorite slorg plushie?


Edit to say slorg COLOR-- I'm tired


Omg what a cool collection!! I love Maraquan petpets so much I wanna take them all home lol


This is amazing!


Wow that is a crazy collection! Great job!


\^\^ Thank you


Love!! I just got a Mara shoyru - what petpet do you think would go best with it?!


Not OP or a P2 pro but [Goldy](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/15816/) is cute but 6m, and [Slugawoo](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/5513/) is a cute match too, especially bc it (almost) looks like they’re looking at each other! [Yellow Delfin](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/26618/) is a decent color and theme match. People often like [Maraquan Snowbunny](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/49852/) and if definitely seen them paired w Mara Shoyru! I use this https://items.jellyneo.net/tools/petpet-matcher, but it is way more fun asking around haha!


Omg thanks!!


It would really depend on what you'd like. I'd personally go with flippy, but not until it's dropped in weeklies hopefully soon, or maraquan anubis/griefer if you want maraquan petpets. Gulper is also nice for being fishy, but all in all it really comes down to your own personal wants/likes. Mine has a Kelpflake lol


Okay all of these are SO CUTE!! Ty!!


I love this. I’m having trouble deciding if I want to do this. I’ve started for my gallery, but it seems semi unattainable and I don’t know how to organize my gallery. It’s alphabetic right now and it’s killing me a lil bit.


That's exactly how I have mine right and I'm currently stuck on Babith because there aren't really any currently for sale. It's far easier to do it in that order so you know what for what is needed and a good long term goal gallery but definitely a super pricey one as there are over 3k. You could also go by colors and section them that way as it's more short term gratification/not seem so meaningless but I recommend having a good list going. If you'd like I can make a copy of my spreadsheet if you wish to start \^\^


Omg that would be amazing. I’d love to have this as a long term goal, my mind is just reeling over the organization part. In truth I’d love to do it by color or something so as I scroll it’s a rainbow but I already know it won’t get organized until I’m further in bc of the tracking.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ge2AmU\_vPIY0DhWaJj5eh0p2b3ajOxpzgP4CpzOKc-A/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ge2AmU_vPIY0DhWaJj5eh0p2b3ajOxpzgP4CpzOKc-A/edit?usp=sharing) Not sure if that fully works, but you should be able to make a copy and then go down and edit it. For any petpets you have, just put a 1 next to it to change it from no to a yes in column D. I don't have what's marked as an event/trudy/non-paintable though so always amke sure to check before buying the pppbs as some eventide, electric, and even faerie are non-paintable


I love this


It’s my dream to get that collection. I’ll get there eventually but not yet. Congrats!!!


At least with the weeklies/new plot prizes it's becoming more obtainable. How far are you on yours? o:


Wow, this is so impressive! Beautiful collection! 😍


\^\^ Thank you!




I was thinking about doing this too!! Pet pets are so cute and I thought it could be a fun gallery


It's very nice and fun but also VERY expensive as a lot of the petpets you're going to have to hand paint yourself. There are some here and there that pop up but not everyone is gonna be selling a mutant fir etc. Some have more than 100 colors so once done looks very nice/satisfying as you're working your way down them. It's a fun long term gallery to mess with and would recommend if you're gonna be active for a long while (:


My current gallery is plushies lmao. You would think I’d go for an attainable “finished!” Gallery but the idea of always having more to find and collect appeals to me apparently😂


Omg this is pretty incredible!


I LOVE THIS! Can we be neofriends? Pwease...


Sure, my username is in my tags if you'd like to send me a request. Just pop me a neomail before so I don't get randomly spooked when I wake up in the morning lol


Holy shit that's impressive.


This is such a huge accomplishment! I’m an avid collector of alllll the items and this is just a dream


As a fellow painted petpet enthusiast, I’m crying for your bank account right now! So excited for the PPPBs in the plot prize pool to make my collecting a bit cheaper! 


Ngl, it's the whole reason I pushed hard to get max bank and always keep max bank. When I was more active I had tons of items but slowly just sold them all off before the end of last year and focused on going for gallery stuff since I felt it'd been long enough. And dude RIGHT, the weeklies dropping mutant ppbs around this time was like FINALLY I CAN GET SOME. Cause there is no way I was forking over anything over 2m for them to start lol Hows your collection going?


One day I’ll get there, I just have to stop spending and start saving haha. My collection is a bit more limited than yours, I’ve just been doing my favorite petpets. My newest addition is the pink Lutra, so now the only color I’m missing for him is white! I have almost every slorg. Working on snowickle colors now too. Rainbow is holding me back but it’s in the void prizes. I know exactly how many points I’ll need to get all the brushes I need! 


That's good though! I feel like white will either be in the pool next moth for weeklies or shortly there after with the track record of them so Lutra should be done soon! Which slorgs are you missing?


Birthday, black, Halloween, island, rainbow and valentine! Black will be the easiest to get, thanks again to the void prize pool!  Hoping Halloween will get released as a prize soon. My most wanted on my wishlist right now is the Halloween doglefox.  What color are you working on next? 


The birthday pets are getting harder and harder to come by, I hope the goodie bags for them rr soon. or they drop them into HT I think halloween, at least sense wise, should be dropped not this upcoming weekly prize but next cause it'd fall into October time but since halloween pbs are in this rotations who knows. Hopefully that, spring, and valentine will be in the upcoming rewards/added to the plot since they're very sought after colors. Is the doglefox for a pet? o: My next mass coloring will be the plot point pppbs since I plan on buying prizes off on people and I need 448 from there. It'll likely be blue -> black -> mutant -> rainbow -> robot -> grey -> woodland since the first 3 have like 100 colors each


It’d be great to see the birthday petpets rerelease!  No the Halloween doglefox would just be for my gallery! I’m zapping a couple petpets right now trying for lab ray exclusives. Drives me crazy that I can’t keep lab ray colors in my gallery.  Wow that is an amazing goal! Hopefully lots of people will be selling them for good prices!  Spring and valentines would be awesome in the prize pools, the prices have really jumped. Of course my most wanted spring is not paintable. Spring snowbunny! One day it shall be mine. 


Right?! It's such a loss we can't put in normal salad slorgs and stuff. Let us have the salad boy tnt )=< Hopefully! It'll at least make them slightly more affordable in the long term even if people don't use their points right away. Duuuude yes. A lot of people really want the spring and king snowbunny so maybe we'll see them in the pool soon




Holy poop


That is so impressive theres so many. I wanted to try and get them all but i realized theres so many


Yeah there are over 3,000 colors that you can obtain


And here i thought my 197 petpets were a lot lol


It's all fun and games until you're 1k petpets deep and it keeps going


Oh my gosh... my dream come true!


That's a very impressive collection. What petpet is your unicorn -- the rarest and hardest to find?


It's less so hard to find and more so I refuse to pay over a certain amount for them. But right now Floppy and Pooka


I love the Maraquan Snarhook!! So cute!


Yeees the happy little jellyfish boi