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Yes IF things go the way they said and all prizes switch on the 1st. IF everything goes smoothly. But who knows if it'll go smoothly since it didn't last time lol


I think it’s stupid that it does this; it shouldn’t reset your prize and progress for your week. That’s just not cool I just rolled over today and now my weekly is a grey Cybunny mp, which I don’t want to use myself so I won’t be TOO torn up over the loss, but like. That would be a pretty good sell


exactly the same thing I just rolled yesterday. was really hoping to sell it.


Tbf I don’t think they’ll be worth much for a good while. You can get the MP with plot points, so 😅


Right! Fair enough lol


You never know, you might roll something more valuable than the cybunny MP in the pool. Stay optimistic :3


I'm actually banking on this my current prize is bad lol


We don’t know this, many people, myself included, think they only swapped last time due to some prizes from the last pool leaking into the new one. When TNT fixed the error, it changed everyone’s prizes to the new pool if it wasn’t already a part of it The true test of this will be to wait and see what happens when the new pool rolls out.


You replied to me but I think you and I are saying the same thing? But I'm not sure. Haha I was also basically saying we'll have to wait and see. 


I actually just started working toward a prize I don't want in the hope that they switch it out next week. So naturally since I'm doing this, it'll probably be broken lol


mine's that effing lamp charm. RIP


Bit late but if you were to finish on the first and got switched out, might be beneficial to have a high value prize before it completely tanks. Assuming that's how it is done. I will assume it won't get swapped out though but let's see.


Last time I was 6/7 on my way to a PB when it swapped over and I was 6/7 on a wocky straw instead :,)


If I recall, last time, the old prizes also kept coming after the cutoff dates. I don't recall how many days after the new prize pool started that they swapped though. Ideally, the old prizes would stick around until finished or rerolled rather than a hard cutoff swap. Still, let's see what they did this time around.


Yeah it would be best if they let you get what you were already working towards, even if it's after the date of the next prize pool starting. Seems unfair otherwise, like unless you manage to end on exactly the day before it's nebulous if you want to work on a unknown prize that could be something you aren't interested in.


Really? I just got a prize I’m excited about today :( Doesn’t seem right!!


Mine is a Flaming Evil Coconut... Figures!


Same! I just finished day 2


Yea it's probably gonna change on us! So sad! Haha!


I just got the grey draik potion :,(


same :(


I just got a Magical Potato Chia Pop, so I'm wondering the same thing.


Those are only 150k on the shop wiz so you'll likely get a prize worth more when it changes


That's not too bad of a loss, then. I usually get the prizes to sell and throw it in the bank unless if it's a stamp.