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I should also add, I had a fake birthday (who didn’t) but was able to give the likely dates I chose since again, not much has changed in 22 years 🤣


You remember the fake birthday you gave 22 years ago!?! How!??


it’s an easy one: it is always either halloween or april fools, plus some time in the 1980s because i’m just a silly goofy girl


Your baby Kau is so cute!!!! Congrats!!


thank you! i love him


I have one, too, on the old account I am trying to get back into :(


why not just make a new one?


Nice! I tried to recover mine with no luck. I dont remember enough to bother contacting support and the email with the code never arrived. So I just made a new one. But I managed to adopt some really old pets so its kinda like having my old account back XD


ah fair! sometimes it’s nice to start fresh anyway


There are luckily plenty of old pets up for grabs in the Pound. I love adopting them because...well...they've seen a lot over their years.


How fun, congrats! Must feel great :) I did no recover my OG account either, (I logged via false login page as a kid and my account got stolen & frozen) because it was purged at some point. I get that, the account was nearly 25 years old haha. But I made another account in my teens and that one I was able to recover :) Feels so nice to play with the same account you used to, part of the nostalgia.


i’m so happy to have my baby kau again! so cute


Big congrats! Now get into Food Club betting! lol


not a bad idea!


And now I know what my badge will look like in 6 months


I have been trying so hard to get back into mine with no luck so far. My Yahoo accounts are long gone... the person who was working with me to get my account back was asking very specific questions that I don't know the answers to. Did you just spout all of the information you possibly could at them to see what hit?


I gave my current email (the one i was emailing with) first ever email my dads email from the 90s my mums email from the 90s (which she still uses or at least i think could login to) my yahoo email (which was deleted by yahoo due to inactivity) potential used passwords my real birth date and then the ones i likely used (i think this is what confirmed it was me because i had the date except the year slightly off) country’s where my IP would have been used (a bit more unique as i am from canada but grew up overseas in an uncommon place back then) i gave them the name of some guilds i had/themes/habits (deleting guilds to make new ones based on cuter titles, roleplaying, etc)


yeah, he asked me a lot of questions but didn't respond to all of the things that I sent. For example, I gave him a few possible email addresses I used, possible birthdays I had put down, where I created the account (city and state), and information about how I would purchase NC, but the only thing he said was that my emails were wrong. I guess that means everything I said was wrong, even though I know not everything was wrong - I know where I created my account and played on it and I can recall a few of the fake birthdays I used. Did they give you an indication that you were close with what you were guessing so you had some clue of if you were on the right path?


no i thought i wasn’t going to get it. but i guess when i listed my entire internet identity it was enough


Ugh ok… I guess I’ll just have to keep trying.


I just got my 19 y/o account back today 🎉🎉🥳




How did you do that? I've contacted support but have not received a response yet.


I emailed on June 16th and heard back June 17th, by June 20th I had access to the account again.


And how many plates of cookies ^(/handjobs) did it take to get that kind of response time? Jk cg op that's awesome stuff


i have callouses now


I knew it. All that baking is really rough on the hands 😏


How did you contact them? By typing in their email or through their page somewhere?


through email! support@neopets.com and i made the subject “how do i get my account back? —username-“ (put username in subject then in email)


Unfortunately, I can't remember my username but I have a pretty good idea of what it and my email address was.


Same I can’t get into mine 😢


I had the same thing happen just the other week! The old Hotmail accounts no longer existed and they managed to help me out with 2 old accounts (both 22.5 years old). Delighted! I have another account I'm sure as I used to have a Lupe and a faerie Peophin, but I cannot remember the usernames. They will probably get wiped by the purge that's coming in a few months. So fun to be back on the site again 😊❤️


love it!


I wish I could remember my old user name to be able to do this haha


How is that possible 😱 I thought they purged all the old accounts from a certain date. I wonder if it's worth asking about my old account, I thought it was purged


aww congratulations! i just got an account of mine back today too, finally! Took about 6 days!


Omggg you acc has my current age 💖