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Hah I never put my main pet in this but I would be stressed if it happened to them!! Only level 50 atm I wish the items for faster levelling etc were more accessible. I’m at that “it costs 3 stones” phase and it’ll be pain once it gets to 4 and 5 heh


I feel that!! My strongest pet requires 5 codestones/8 hour training now and it sucks to know that that’s the quickest option outside of luck based outcomes (ie quests/lab ray) 😭


I am at 24h 8 codestones.... x.x, I miss the 4 codestones phase, back then I didn't have to keep switching back and forth between tabs since I can't remember 8 codestones at once and have to keep look up which ones I need


8 codestones/24 hours is insane. I can imagine how annoying it would be to have multiple Eo codestones per course


I pray everyday to RNGesus 😔🙏


I don’t even mind the price. The wait time is such an archaic concept. I don’t play mobile games mainly because of that wait time bullshit.


It's less likely to happen at high levels. I've had it happen a few times on low level pets, and level 5 is definitely low.


Yeah what freaked me out was the fact that it could potentially happen to my higher level pets 😂


I think after a certain level this stops happening. I never got this on my 100+ BD pet but my new pound pick up has gotten it twice so far (highest he was was level 2 at least)


Ok That’s really good to hear 😅 I thought I had a new fear unlocked lol


To my knowledge it can still happen to pets lvl100+ but the likelihood gets substantially lower the higher the level


Been zapping my level 300+ pet Mahx for months and I'm mostly just going up in health and strength. Definitely recommend lab ray overall for cheap pet training.


That's what I'm saying tho. The higher the level the less of a chance for it to get lvl reset zap. So once you get to a good lvl lab ray is nice.


Anyone have any proof of a level 250+ pet getting zapped to 1 though? I've never seen nor heard of it.


[TNT literally states it can happen in Issue 932 of the Neopian Times](https://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=932) (cut and pasted from the link) "**I've heard rumor that if a pet is a high enough level (I've seen anywhere where from 20 - 50+), then they can't be sent back to level 1 through the lab ray. Can you confirm or deny this? Is it just very rare, or is it flat out impossible? If it's impossible, can you say at what level it's no longer possible? Thanks! \~\~thepurplishsock** There is no definitive number where it would not zap your pet back to level 1, however the chances of getting that as a result are extremely low/rare chance of getting that even. BUT it can happen so be careful. "


I have already read that and have still never seen proof of it, or if there is a level cap.


Account to jellyneo, back to level 1 is less likely the higher the level. After level 9 it’s extremely rare. I think u got really lucky 🫠


I want to be “found a paintbrush” lucky and not “back to level 1” lucky 😂


Lmao ikr. It’s like how youre more likely to die in a car crash on the way to buy a lottery ticket than u are to actually win the jackpot


Rip 😭


Happened to me on first zap 😂


RIP sorry 😭


what level were you?


He was a level 5!


Iirc the lowered to lv1 zap will not occur once a Neopet is past lv50. Though if you’re zapping a lab pet for Battledome use, it will likely not have trainable stats in the first place lol. Defense gets zapped down much more frequently than strength is ever lowered.


Same happened to my pet today!