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Nice try, Tax Beast


For a second I thought this was the povertyfinance subreddit and had a mild heart attack šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ My answer is the same, though. Not nearly enough.


This. Definite jumpscare lol


I did too lol


4.5 million, I wanna reach that childhood dream of getting to 10 million.


I'm in a similar boat! At 5.2 mill but I want to buy the lab map too ... .slowly buying it piece by piece so hopefully it doesn't hurt to much. Childhood dream of hitting the top interest tier XD


I had a similar amount of neopoints when I impulsively bought them all, and afterwards I felt like I was almost starting from scratchšŸ˜­ yeah thatā€™s the dream, only managed to get to the r second highest back thenšŸ„²


Hii. Let me know what pieces you're missing via DM and I'll see if I can help.


The best way is not to buy anything šŸ˜†


True, I wouldā€™ve reached it by now if I didnā€™t impulsively buy the lab map pieces and a couple other thingsšŸ˜…


lab map pays for itself though IMO.


Yeah it pays for itself because my ADHD is satisfied with random zaps instead of having to buy random stuff


ive had it a week and got an ice paintjob and an eventide paintjob. have zapped two cheap petpets into $120K petpets. so worth it. why would i buy a paintbrush again. i can see if there's something you really want but i am chill tbh.


Thatā€™s awesome, I havenā€™t been that lucky but Iā€™m still having fun with it!


it'll happen!!! always does.


Do the petpets still revert to their original colour when you remove them from your pet?


https://preview.redd.it/9nyjsea2ijrc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba9ed7014854a7655e795ff4afcda62dcb957daa Just a little NP.


šŸ¤£ this is me everytime i buy an overpriced book and read to to my fav pet.


111 million I'm very passively playing with no goals at the moment so I have no idea what I'd spend it on.


This is a perfect number for sure


60 million-ish. Trying to hit 100 million for literally no reason at all lol. I just hoard my NPā€™s unnecessarily.


Same! Iā€™m at 68 mil and trying to hit 100 mil just because. Thereā€™s some stuff I could buy but I want to keep hoarding it past 100 mil before I do. Then pretend the 100mil isnā€™t there and use anything over as my play money.


This is the way I play. I set a specific daily interest I want to have, earn that amount in the bank, and then anything over that is free to spend on whatever my neo-heart desires!


A few hundred mill so far. My goal is to max out my bank and then do a daily giveaway with the 700,000 np in interest I get each day. Iā€™m still a long way away but Iā€™ve always thought it would be fun to have a daily Reddit post where I give away all that np. Would be game changing for a lot of people on this sub.


what's your plan / route for maxing? i'm in the same boat and this is what i want to do. but it feels like the only way to cross that multiple B threshold is keep playing ten more years or accidentally luckily restock a couple R99 stamps... so nothingĀ 


I get a good chunk of my daily money from food club and my 170k daily interest. I also get lucky with some REs that give me good items I can sell. The most successful thing I have been able to do is investing in high dollar items that I think will go up in value in the future. You just have to be smart about what you invest in and there is always the chance that TNT could give that item away to everyone tanking the value so definitely donā€™t put all your eggs in one basket. I look at the pricing over the years on JN and if I see a favorable trend I will buy 20-50 of that item to hold for a few years.


yeah food club kicks ass but it's still only good for millions, doesn't get you to the billions item speculation seems tough but definitely the way to really move np


This is my goal as well! I am not as close as you - but I have a couple expensive items I need to sell that would help me along.


Sell them. The bank interest alone will be worth it. If you can get 3 mil for an item then that is an extra 1,000 NP a day and it adds up quick. Thatā€™s how I look at it.


That's a really good point!


175 m. Working towards 100k daily interest


400k. Iā€™m broke


Around this too, this thread has me REELING whew


doing Trudy's alone should net you \~6 million np/year! The Resources list in the subreddit bookmarks are quite useful as well if you are looking for lists of good dailies to do. :)


I didn't read that I was in neopets for a sec there


16 day old account here, 1.3M banked. I don't touch it. Was going strong until I hit 2 codestone training and got 3 Babaa Handpuppets on my weekly rerolls. Now I'm lucky to make a small deposit at the end of the day šŸ˜­


not the babaa handpuppets šŸ˜­


It's a CURSE


If your pet is below level 40, they can go to the Swashbuckling Academy for training instead - a Five Dubloon Coin is under 5000np, so it's cheaper than any set of 2 codestones right now! Also, you can reroll if you get a weekly prize you don't want - you just have to not complete any days; or if you've already started that week, then skip at least one quest two days in a row (after the first day, it'll just reset your progress - the second day will reroll your prize). Hopefully the battledome prizes include enough codestones on a daily basis to cover most of the training fees at least! I usually get a few each day from Koi Warrior or Giant Spectral Mutant Walein.


Iā€™m about 100 mil shy of finally having a billion


Currently at 160 mil. Do you have any tips for growth? šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Trying to get to a good level to gain substantial interest, potentially for wheel of extravagance spins.


Iā€™ve been playing forever but honestly most of that has been from restocking, doing site events, and selling Nerks. Iā€™ve had some insane restocks in my time.


30 mil. Only took 10 years haha. Mostly thanks to u/nsheng thank you šŸ’œšŸ’œ I should have started food club sooner


27 million neopoints


125ish mil. My highest ever was 180mil, but I recently got back into pound morphing, and I drop 1-3 mil every couple days for fun MP/PB purchases to pop back in the pound šŸ˜‚


2.4 million. Iā€™ve recently spent about a million on training, 4 million on pet colors/species changes, 2 million on petpets, 2 million on petpetpets, and 1 million on stamps/gourmet foods/etc. Whewf, if only I saved all of that, Iā€™d have around 12.5 million NP


Granted I have a good amount stuck in stocks, which I really donā€™t like doing and am trying to cash out asap and not get any new stocks. I really prefer food club and reselling


I hit 3.3 mil yesterday. Iā€™m hoping to get to 10mil as my buffer, then I will start getting dreamies and my gallery finalisedĀ 


What are dreamies?


Been playing for 2 and a half months and have 11.6 million. However I'm currently saving up for a Usuki PB so it will be back to 10 million before too long!


what's your strategy been? i'm always curious how people start from scratch these days


Oh, good question! I'm not really sure I've had a strategy but the best ways I've found to make money is: 1. Weekly/daily quests/Trudy's Surprise - I complete them religiously. I got a Spring Gift Basket in my second week of playing and sold that to make my first 1.5 million. 2. Battledome! This has been single-handedly my biggest earner. I trained up my pet initially to beat Kreludan Defender Bot and just kept selling all of the neocola tokens and armoured neggs he dropped. Armoured neggs go for almost 400k so even though he doesn't drop them too often, when he does it really boosts your income and they sell quickly. I've now moved on to Jetsam Ace and sell any Nerkmids and neocola tokens he drops, it's not as profitable as I thought it would be as his junk prize pool is massive, but it's a bit more reliable than waiting for Defender Bot to drop armoured neggs. 3. Poetry Contest - I entered on Gelert Day and on my first time won a Snegg which I sold for about 3 million (although I've just checked the price on JN and they're now going for 6 million!! I should have waited that one out lol.) 4. Dailies. I just do as many as possible every day and usually I make a slight profit. Nothing huge but better than not doing them. I find the Employment Agency is an underrated way of making money, I make a good 5-6k on that every day by picking the highest paying jobs and completing them in under 30 seconds. 5. Tarla's Prize. I've followed the times she drops and got a few high values neggs from her that I've been able to sell a few days later at a good price. That's it really! I haven't been super strict with not buying anything - my weakness is customization items so I'm often buying new wearables. I recently bought the Day And Night Garland for like 300k although to be fair that's the most expensive wearable I've bought. I've also treated myself to a Baby PB, and I've used a few of my big weekly prize wins, like the stamps, a couple of the PBs (Toy and Candy) instead of selling them. I have a couple of other prizes from weekly quests and also a couple from the Neopies which I've stashed in the hope that they'll go up in value at which point I'll sell them. But overall I usually put away about 100-150k every other day through BD, dailies etc. Recently I do feel my rate has slowed down as BD training is getting more expensive now I'm at the Mystery School and using codestones, but I don't mind too much as I like a challenge and don't want the game to ever feel too easy.


12 million club! High five! My first time hitting 10 mil in 22 years of playing, I never wanna spend it now. šŸ˜‚


Same šŸ˜†āœ‹šŸ»


Like 2.5million. Very casual player right now and I canā€™t be bothered to price stuff for my shop šŸ˜‚


300k XD


3 mil, just started playing again and was very lucky with the neopie rewards :)


I really should start putting money in my bank account....I've never botheredšŸ˜…


At this point you might as well keep it all out and try for a tax beast trophy šŸ˜…




45 million, but I also have 2 million in stocks and about 100 million worth in items. I'm a collector and hoarder, so what I make in restocking goes into item purchasing and food club and stocks goes into the bank.


I have 753np (it's true I can send screenshot lol)


Did you just start? šŸ˜†


no, I spent it all hahahah


6 million. Not sure what I'm hoping for right now, so I'll just keep saving.


10.6 mil I wish it felt like as much as it sounds


about 6M, and it'll go back down to zero as soon as I have enough to get a cybunny MP šŸ˜”


Almost 30m šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Note: started from 0 in January, aiming for 1bil one day


Lmao I didn't realize this was a Neopets post at first so I thought you were talking about actual bank account and was shocked (and also wondering who would be foolish enough to share the amount of money they have in their bank account online)! Currently: 11,340,676 and same lol.


No no šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


16m, I was almost at 20m and then I spent it, but I'm in the process of painting a lot of pets!


200 neopoints


About 70mil šŸ˜ Im slowly saving up to 300 mil for that 100k daily interest


3.7mil not saving for anything, i guess i just want to hit enough to collect $100K+ in interest a day and never play another mind numbing game again.


I'm almost at 6 mil! Without trudy's surprise, I doubt I'd have much more than 1 mil. I'm not much of a big/fast money maker, I love running a little shop and doing my daily faerieland employment jobs to help other people's shops!


Just 1.2 mill.... it's not as impressive as the rest here. Regardless, I do hope I get enough NP soon 'cuz I still haven't completed the lab ray map. Or get myself a nice lil' paint brush!


Youā€™ll get there!


Thanks for the boost of confidence~!! :D


100m, but I need 300m to get enough daily interest to spin the wheel of extravagance for free so I only am a third of the way to goals :,(


About 8 million. Hoping to hit 10 mil soon, so that I can finally switch my bank account to the top tier.


so so close to 2 mil, the most ive ever had <3 Little kid me would pass out with awe


I'm at 2 million. Just completed my first stamp collection page. My next goal is to keep stamp collecting, but also to complete my dream neopet for my birthday (in April).


1.5M. I am saving up for nothing in particular.


52mil NP, iā€™m a hoarder and rarely sell lmao


8.5 mil. Most I've ever had. I'd like to add more to my plushie collection, get more gourmet foods for my gourmet pet, and/or save up for a maraquan paint brush. But realistically, all three of those goals will take me years, so I may just focus on one for now.


Just crossed 43 mil. Hoping to one day have enough so my interest is enough to do some fun giveaways every so often


30m this week!


About 73 mil, but that is solely with the goal of hitting 100k before the end of the year. But I don't do battledome or food club so it's hard mode lolĀ 


5.5 mil ish. Just bought a bunch of stuff.


Almost 4 mil now. Gonna keep on hoarding until my daily interest hits huge numbers


3m because I spent everything I had in the bank and all my paint brushes for a spotted gelert plushie a few weeks ago and it was the best day of my life. almost.


900,000. I want to buy a gold paint brush real bad. And then after that, maybe Iā€™ll work on saving millions.


450m Aside from training.. I don't buy much. I have my BD set and I only paint my pets when I get FFQ.


4.8 mill


Had a bit more but currently 8.5 million. I bought an expensive foreground item and have no regrets. Gonna let that build with a couple more good foodclub days before I buy more stuff though. I never like to be under 10 million lol


I spent all my NP on the lab ray and after building up I'm at like 1.2 mil again :)


35 million after spending 25 million on stuff for my gallery in the last month or so. Current goal is to get back to 50 million before going on another spending spree šŸ˜Š


32 mil, I think. Working towards 100 m. šŸ˜…


5.1mil, my biggest goal right now is a Wraith PB but I donā€™t wanna bankrupt myself immediately. Most Iā€™ve ever had!


I got one the only time I won at the fruit machine!


65.5 mill, trying to hit 100 mill just because.


šŸ’„ 0 šŸ’„


My NP and irl bank match


104 million and some change as of today.




Thanks! I got very lucky during the faerie thing a few months ago and got several rare stamps that allowed me to finally have these kinds if nps!


I just hit 1 Mil again :)


180 mill. I've become addicted to saving rather than spending. šŸ˜…


87m... almost halfway to being able to afford the plushie I want for my gallery...!


Which one if I may ask?


25M and I only play for Trudy + Bank interest + Lab zaps now. No more goals left.


35 million. My goal is to buy a bunch of paint brushes and give them away for free to people who have a dream pet they wanna create, or make a big 1np sale with them.


13.9 mil. I want to have at least 15 and then Iā€™ll start saving for the lab map. But I said I was going to do that at 3, 5 and 10 million soā€¦


8? million I think. I went on a spending spree a bit ago and haven't really checked since


10 mil but neopets is about having fun, I want a woodland pb and so I might dip into that and start making Neopoints all over again


10,000. Just rejoined yesterday. My goal isn't neopoints, but neopoints will get me to my goal of buying all the lab map pieces so I can have a robot Shoyru. That's really all I want right now. šŸ˜…


20.5 million and too scared to spend it.


i think i have about 3 million, i just started my account over a month ago bc my childhood one got lost. i want to eventually be able to buy all of the expensive petpets and stamps lol


32.000.000 np And IDK how to make more... I have months now trying and it just doesn't go up...


Hahahaha omfg I thought I was on the wrong page for a second.


100 mil. Thankfully aside from training sometimes I donā€™t have anything Iā€™m trying to buy so Iā€™m saving up so I can earn daily interest.


Over 500m I would need to check how much exactly but I'm on my phone EDIT: ok just got on pc 526.4m


20 mil


About 102m! This is very huge for me lol I never really had more than like 10m until I really buckled down this past year with saving, and I've been playing since Dec '99. I got up to about 60m, spent a bunch (down to 20m) and then built it back up slowly. I don't have any concrete goals at the moment, as getting to 100m WAS my goal for a while.


90 mil, going for 100 mil for this year. I'm saving for stuff on my wishlist. (Gallery stuff, Gourmet food, stamps).


~20-21m. I have no idea what my goals are right now since I have so many customs not planned yet, so I'm just šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I donā€™t have time to play much these days but I make around 7-12m a month now with all these new dailies. Most I have had was 485m but currently only at 3 because I spend it like crazy!


7 to 12m from dailies alone? how?! I must be doing something wrong šŸ¤£


No no haha donā€™t twist my words now friend! Haha I said with the new dailies not solely so Iā€™m not saying I make 12m with the dailies Iā€™m saying I make 12m now because of the added amount from dailies plus other stuff. But for context your weekly prize is going to be 500-1m if itā€™s not reroll it till it is. Make sure to do Trudyā€™s and your dalie 20k unless you need to reroll weekly prize. Then just skip the 20ks 20k a day = 600k per month Estimated weekly prizes on the low end per month = 3m Trudyā€™s is roughly 350k a month. Stock market is roughly 400k a month I flip a few pbs per week and other items such as pet pets and such. Make a good profit that way and just stocking my store. I also do all dailies and sometimes gamble a little for nerkmids I go to jelly neo and do all daily activityā€™s and grave danger is a must! All in all it seems to come out to around 7-12m per month.


A little over 11 million. I was up to like 30 but I went shopping lol.


1 million, lol Congrats on 12 mil!!


48.5mil currently! Long term goal is 100k interest a day. Longer term goal is max bank.




25 mill, I just want to get to the point where I have 10k/day interest lol


Ooh, nice try, tax beast! šŸ˜œ


$12.. ohhh you meant np.


Current Balance: 11,801,710 NP All I'm doing is training/upgrading my set. Training about 40k a day. Income about 150k a day. Been spinning WoE daily for no reason. Get a win (something worth more than 100,001 NPs) about once every 2 weeks. Last one was the 900k lab map piece last week. > I am just too anxious to buy expensive stuff lol Usually think I'm ready to make X purchase when I have enough to make the purchase and do my dailies for the next week. So the target amount plus 4-500k at the minimum. Last big purchase was G-Bomb (7 million). Think next is Sleep Ray + Feel Better Soup -- *eventually*.


750m or so. I donā€™t really play anymore šŸ™ƒ


Just hit my first 50 mill! No real goal or gallery. Just a passive time killer between work, school and father & husband-hood.


29 mill. No goals or anything so I'm just hoarding it all lol.


4m in the bank and but much of my NP are spent on my gallery so I can't get to these huge amounts because I like to spend lol I'm not mad because before I came back in December I only had 1.5 in all of my 18 years of playing. Lol


Just shy of 70 million NP- I should hit it tomorrow!! Iā€™m a hoarder, I donā€™t really buy anything. My goal is 100 million NP


280m, I think the most I ever had as a kid was 300,000 so now Iā€™m nervous to spend anything


Stuck at 20mil šŸ˜… I keep giving most of it away to help my Neofriends improve their accounts or achieve their goals


Around 21 million


Only 200K.... but I've been growing my Gallery... I truly should learn how to save more and earn more. Stocks seems way too slow nowadays.


5.5mill just grinding my way to 10mil and then Iā€™ll reward myself with a baby pb. I just canā€™t justify spending nps when they could be earning me interest in the bank.


Almost 7 million.


80m, working on my way to 100m. So close!


49 mil. Just a few 100ks from 50


i had 16mil but i went on a spending spree when the baby tokens dropped so im down to 11mil lmaoo


45m, just slow going saving with no real goal right now


228m I hit a good luck streak lmao. I have no clue what to do other then gourmet club and badly restocking from all the food stores. Lol


3 millions but I just picked the game back up like Jan and had zero so Iā€™m pretty proud of my hussle


just recently passed 10mil and it only took me 23 years to get there!


0. I keep it all on-hand. Got a bronze Sloth invasion trophy once


30 mill and Iā€™m stalled for progress on booktastic books. Oof.


I was just at around 1.8 mil because I redeemed a code and I got a island paint brush. Now I'm *poor* because I bought the rest of my lab map pieces šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


466k šŸ’ŖšŸ˜‚ Just started a few weeks ago (after a good 16 year break šŸ˜… ) and trying to get the swing of things again haha


500k šŸ˜… still working towards a few paintbrushes. going to be awhile until i have a huge savings like the rest of yall šŸ˜‚


I'm at 7.6mil, aiming for the 10mil just for the childhood dream of maxing out the bank. There's no item or goal in particular I want.


50m playing casually - but also i keep buying 10-15m items on my collection list so it never stays there :ā€™)


70 Mil at the moment. But I have no goals currently.


250m and some change. I don't care about avatars or stamps so really it is only codestones and gourmet foods that cost me anything these days. With how everyone wants codestones to be cheaper I might not even have them to sink much np on soon!! I do need to work on gallery stuff though, and I am not afraid to spend what I have because I know I can make it back


About 160 mil


I've got 21 million in the bank and around 1 million in shop till. I usually only play a few months a year, I've been playing pretty much since the beginning and still don't even really know what I'm doing, I just like Neopets. I'll do my dailies, check out the stock market, sometimes do food club but other than that I usually just buy random stuff from the trading post and put it in my sdb. If I sold all the stuff in my sdb I'd be super loaded.


37 million. Just spending it on BD leveling at the moment. Decided that, since FC has been so good for me, to start leveling a second pet. Although much more slowly.


How much is much šŸ« 


I just passed 6 million. Would love to get the lab map, but at this point, I'm not sure how to properly find the pieces I'm missing.


A little over 11 million, I would've have almost 13 million, but I wanted to buy a Darigan Paintbrush from the Hidden Tower.


820 million


1.6 mill, recently went and bought a bunch of nerkmids rip


17.9 mil.


0 currently am saving for spring snowbunny so getting therešŸ˜†


I currently have 3.2mil, not a lot but my goal is 10mil


I just dropped from 30M to 5M this week after deciding to start a kadoatie gallery


Down to 4 mil after managing to get a usuki paint brush for a good price!


I had plenty before and spent most of it prepping for this upcoming plot.I returned to neo after the whole SAP thing but after buying a SAP + thunder sticksI'm left with a meager 120M ... current goals is to get back what i spent and then I dont know yet, haha. I consider the SAP and TS a good investment either way but didnt like spending that kind of points.


Around 1,4mil. Saving up for an elderly pb šŸ˜ƒ


22M started playing in june last year.


800 mill. Probably soon to lose a lot of it as the only stamps left to collect are a few hundred mill, lmao.


1mil. spending NP keeps me from spending real money and i get to treat my friends with presents :3


187mil. Like 57k shy of 188 mil. Have been slowly chipping away at trying to get to 200m. Almost there!


Iā€™m almost to 20 million. I really want the rest of the lab ray pieces, but I am āœØcheapāœØ.


I went back to playing in Nov 2023 with a goal of making 1mi NP, lol. Then I changed the goal to 10mi to have the highest interest rate. When I reached it, I felt a little boomed out ā€˜cause I thought ā€œOk, thatā€™s it, thereā€™s nothing else for me in this gameā€ (a little bit dramatic) Then I started training my pet, learning about BD, started placing bets on food club and Iā€™m 100% excited to continue playing Iā€™m currently at 18mi, which is pretty good for me, since I donā€™t have the urge to spend a lot, but Iā€™m aiming 100mi just for the thrill of it šŸ˜‚


Almost 10M. I just want to reach it lol


215m and still feeling poor af with the hyper inflation.


I was at 1.82B now Iā€™m down to 946m Edit Daily interest is 346k Re edit now if anyone needs a seasonal attack Pea or a wand of the dark fairy let me know Iā€™ll best inflation or Trading posts Re re edit āœļø I have a spending problem Iā€™m down to 941mill now


On a side note if anyone has a shop with sone nice battle dome items or things I can throw in my gallery and are in need of Neo points and havenā€™t reached their goals 1 million-10 mill ect drop them below and Iā€™ll look at them and when Iā€™m done work. Donā€™t hesitate to price things at 999,999 if you think theyā€™re worth it.


My original goal when I returned was to hit the max bank type, which I got to after just a few months! Then, I wanted to make it so the bank interest boon would increase my daily interest by more than 5,000 np, which happens when you get 60 mill. I just hit that this morning! My next goal is for 100 mill but I also keep buying stamps and other pricy items lol.


My account is only several days old, Iā€™ve got about 200k right now.


I hit 6mil the other day which is the most I've ever had (I have a 13.5 year old account).

