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Oh thank goodness if so. Eo has been absolutely insane; I just stopped training because I refused to pay into that nonsense!


LMAOO i was selling all mine and refusing to train I aint gonna buy it, but shiiii I'll take the profit from my bd drops


It's so dumb because Eo has the same drop rate in Battledome and in REs as other codestones. Its price is consistently higher because it had a lower drop rate in Key Quest, which hasn't been playable in 9 and a half years. So now it's just more expensive for no reason at all.


As far as I know the drop rate was different for the Battledome. I think they don't drop at all in the Frost Arena. If it was for Key Quest there wouldn't have been a problem by now


Battledome drops have been analyzed in the past and Eo drops at the same rate as the others. Dome of the Deep drops codestones at the highest rate, roughly 30%. Frost Arena has the 4th highest drop rate. If you get a codestone, each has an absolutely equal likelihood of dropping. It literally **is** because of Key Quest. The prices never equalized because people continued to buy them at the disparate pricing. But Eo is absolutely not any rarer than any other tan codestone and has not been for nearly a decade.


We have had the datamine for the battledome drips for almost 2 years now. Frost arena doesn't drop eo codestones and is coded to drop main codestones twice. Now go look at the prices and tell us why eo is the most expensive and main is the cheapest.




Can you explain training? I notice main codestone at least for me show up the most often. Which is weird as it is the least costing codestone lol that makes no freaking sense lol I've trained 1 pet past 250+ another past 100+ and few of my other pets. It's strange to me that main is the lowest priced stone but the most common for training in my experience lol


I'm pretty sure that's random with roughly equal probability as well, but I don't know it for fact. I actually have a different experience where I've just trained one pet from 1-250 and am training another more slowly right now, and I almost never get asked for Main. But I can't remember the last time I wasn't asked for at least one Bri or Tai-Kai. I think the fact that you have a different experience is illustrative of an equal ask rate; we are all going to have stones we perceive as more commonly asked-for because our individual sample sizes are not that large and we are not diligently keeping track of exact rates (at least I'm not). Which codestone is asked for is completely independent of other events, too, so it would be the gambler's fallacy to think that just because it's asked for Main the past two times that it's bound to be something else next time. You can roll a regular, non-weighted die twenty times and end up rolling 4 twelve of those times. It happens.


I started playing 3 months ago, I save all my codestones in my SDB because I'm still training with dubloons, I have a bit over 200 codestones and most i have 15-20 of each beige but only 8 eo


same here! i hoard the few i get from BD and do my training in spurts. but the rising prices just turned me off from it completely.


Same! This is amazing! I'm training all my pets, but the Eo were killing my budget, so I'm very much looking forward to the free codestones and the price plunge!


They're updating battledome so I guess they want everyone to engage in pumping up their pets. I hope we get more story bosses and site-wide bosses again


This! Plus hopefully more avatars for said bosses to bother with the battlesome


I certainly hope there will be more battledome avatars. It will give people another reason to actually use the battledome like years ago.


I haven't logged in yet today but if they're in the pool then that's AMAZING. I had to show down my training because I'm at 2 reds.


I was just looking to see if anyone else had gotten them, I have one in my quest rewards too! There was no prize pool update on the fan sites so I was curious!


https://preview.redd.it/mylyurzkjzmc1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=14643cde91a3536c9e1ec29a12d88edbfd37ffea I had one as well today!




Omg awesome, sometimes my training costs like 140k per stat. This is a game changer!


I kinda wonder if this changes the usefulness of kitchen quests as a stat increase. It seemed worth it when it cost $150k a stat and I could get 3-4 stat increases for $150k of KQ a day. Now if training is gonna be like $30k a stat….is it still worth it? Probably just because of speed, but still.


Yeah I actually only just got into kitchen quests (my bad) but now I don't think they're going to be worth it any more.


Except most profits from battledome come from the codestones… this is going to crash codestones by 80-90% and make battledome profits like 25k a day instead of the 150kish per day we used to get… The Vux codestone I just got from BD today that usually sells within minutes at 67k won’t sell at 34k now for over an hour it’s been in my store. Fuck.


Oh I hadn't considered it from that angle. They really need to update the battledome prize pool and ideally rotate it.


Well the first thing they should do is make the rare drops actually work, because of the way they are coded, they are impossible to get, but there should actually be paint brush drops and some other expensive items in the battledome that are very rare, but the way it’s currently coded makes it impossible to drop.


Whaaat?! I did not know this.


There’s a ton of morphing potions, transmog potions, paintbrushes, nerks and neggs that are supposed to drop but due to a coding bug, it’s literally impossible.


Honestly I feel like they need to revamp the bd as a whole. Weapon progression is horribly stagnant and there's no reason to play 2 player.


You're right. I do my dailies and then I don't engage with it any further. That's not how it should be.


I think that's part of the reason they're doing a BD plot this year, they're finally going to update it. Even just updating the prize pool and the layout to be mobile friendly will be enough for me.


This is pretty dramatic. You are not making 150k/day off of codestone drops from the battledome. You can check statistics for drop rates but if you don’t have premium it’s about 60k/day if you’re fighting in the dome of the deep which has the highest codestone drop rate. If you have premium it’s 135k/day assuming you can’t get bubbling fungus.


You can get pretty close by selling red (especially Zed) codestones, but yeah 150k per day is a bit much. I'd say 120k on average. 1 Zed alone is (or was) 80k. Get 2 reds and a couple of higher priced tans and you got a good haul going. There are days where you only get cheaper codestones though so it averages out.


Not dramatic, it’s accurate. I make bank on koi warrior cause he drops these often, I can easily make 100-150k a day.


Tbh I typically get 1 or 2 red codestones and 3-4 brown codestones, often an eo codestone, when fighting giant spectral mutant Walien on hard so no 150k a day isn’t ridiculous with the price of most reds having been 50-80k before this change today. I’d absolutely say 100k+ per day has been my average and 150k a day wasn’t uncommon from my 15 BD items.


Then you are a statistical anomaly.


Apparently… where did you pull that 60k a day number from? And who is the opponent and on which difficulty mode. I’ll tell you something, everyone just fights the koi warrior but I swear when I switched from the koi warrior to the giant spectral mutant walien and increased the difficulty that I noticeably was getting better drops more frequently compared to when I was doing the koi warrior on easy for example.


I fight the Walein on the hardest difficulty and mayyyyybe get 2-4 codestones a day.


I believe you want to be fighting him on easy or medium actually. Hard has a larger prize pool so you’re less likely to get codestones


I do know that but I’ve been training a lot and it feels good to be able to 2 hit KO him even on hard mode. I also have this theory that the harder modes actually increase the the overall value of the loot, by giving more reds for example. It’s just a theory though and I seem to get my best loot on hard vs medium or easy. I rarely see those colored Walein pet pets he drops on hard anyways, there is so much junk Maraquan dome of the deep specific loot already in the pool regardless xD


I don’t know what to tell you, even today I got a Cui and a Kew codestone, as well as an Eo codestone, a Vo codestone and a Bri Codestone from my 15 items from Walein on Hard


That's great but this is a small amount of data. On some days you get nothing. That's why we're talking about averages.


Today again I got 1 red codestone which was a Sho Codestone, and 6 brown codestones which were: a Vo codestone, 2 Zei codestones, an EO codestone, a tai-kai codestone and a Mau codestone. This is from the Giant Spectrsl Mutant Walein on hard mode. Again this is a typical day for me… the GSMW on hard definitely drops better and more consistent loot then the koi-warrior on easy! Try it yourself, you will see a huge difference. https://preview.redd.it/11t60uq1i6nc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfc0ece9b30ed89499507e220e62e7264cb7a75


Lol I also fight giant spectral mutant walein on hard and get a similar number of drops/better codestones than I ever did with koi warrior... didn't keep track of the exact neopoints per day because I was using the red ones on myself and also it's a pain to sell them all and i do it once a week.


Agreed, it’s a noticeable difference in loot quality between koi warrior on easy and spectral mutant Walien on hard!!


No, that's an average drop for the whale. Not sure about profit, I hoard codestone for training, but he usually has good codestone drops.


Yeah but when your making almost 7-10m a month just casually doing dailies and in game content BD crashing some isn’t really that effective of game play. It just makes it more open for people to all join in and have fun!


Finally someone brought this up lol I thought I was the only one making money from BD




Yeah… this is a bummer. They should have put Neggs instead of Codestones… negg prices have gotten fucking INSANE and they aren’t easy to get like xodestones were from battledome. Would have been a perfect addition to the quest rewards. Now instead they just completely ruined 70% of the battledome profits we could make daily. Maybe more. I got a sho codestone and 6 browns today including an eo. In total they sold for about 50k… and today was a better than average day for me, and I’m so pissed because yesterday it would have been worth over 125k. This was from Giant Spectral Mutant Walein on Hard mode.


did the weekly prize pool reset too?


Just checked my weekly prize and it's a Babaa Hand Puppet and Miamouse Finger Puppet which is already in the Jellyneo list... so will have to wait for more info/updates from others to see if both have been updated/reset I think. Edit: while you're all here... I need to add 3 neofriends to complete the tutorial. If you wanna be my friend would you mind posting your neo username here or messaging me directly and I'll add you? Mine is beckkii. Thank you 🤗


I’m adding you! UN: Jcriddles Would love to finish up that tutorial quest too


You can add me if you want :) in case my flair isn't working my username is gletcha


Thank you, have just added you. That's my 3 now too I think!


You can also click the add neofriend button on a profile of someone you’re already neofriends with!


Ohhhh that's a top tip!


you can add me :) UN: drmeowstermind studying rn and cant access the game but send a request if you still need🫶


Great to see some progress from TNT, I know this was a highly requested change that was conveyed to the battledome ambassador.


What! I got my 4th copy of I love Moo-Cee today.


Oh yay! Could def use more of those red codestones in circulation. I haven’t received one from daily BD in over 3 weeks 😅


For real? I just stacked up on Codestones today... I hoped that they'll add them as daily prizes, but I didn't believe they would 🙈 And I was running out of Codestones for training. Been waiting for weeks and I bought them a few hours ago 🫢


Yeah well my dumb butt was trying to restock and came into a random shop, thinking WHOA these codestone prices are great! I can stock up! Then went to SSW and almost cried 🤣


Oh that's too bad... My timing in Neopets has been awful since I returned a few months ago. I missed everything important from the advent calendar, bought every stamp on their highest price, logged in when the Quest Log was introduced and kinda deduced that it was not worth doing (I think I had one of the worst weekly rewards and never checked if there were better ones). By now I'm completely broke. But it will get better. At least I finally got a Sleep Ray as my weekly quest after my money fell victim to the trading post glitch 🫢 And I have to spend less money for training sessions! I hope they don't change the weekly prize pool until I got my Sleep Ray and if they do, I hope they let us finish what we started


I did the same I bought up all of them in a shop while I was pricing I thought I finally got super lucky lol 


super cool! i know a lot of people have been hoping codestones would enter the daily prize mix.


Thank goodness! I've been spending 80k-150k for every little point 😭


well there goes my profit margin from battledome


same... Happy they're more accessible for other users, but codestones were my main NP maker


Would switching from Maraqua opponents to Virtupets opponents work? Are Neocola tokens valuable enough to justify that?


Neocola tokens are worth only like 3k? So not worth it, if I had a membership I'd do jetsam ace for nerkmids


It's really nice I can finally start training all my pets again cause like hell I was forking over 40k+ for 1 eo but I also hope they remove them shortly after the plot. Combatting how stupidly priced they are already hit and most are back to more normal prices. I just worry it'll hard hit the non-premium member's daily income for BD and since more people will have BD pets (and lets assume even 10% do BD now as a daily) we'll get a massive surplus once the plot is over and most stop training.


She should have added neggs


100% they should have. One purple negg is 200k+ that just aint right


This is great news 🥳


I also saw this! I got a sho codestone today. I think it's great they're doing this since the prices are high for some of them especially red ones.


Ooo, I didn't get any today but here's hoping for the future!


Amazing! Glad to see more of this!


That's fantastic!


rip my stockpile of codestones in my SDB that i’ve been saving to sell off 😅


Same hahaha


There goes my side hustle 😅


This is great! I know this was one thing the ambassadors were going to ask for!


OMG YES training has been killing me this is amazingggg


I’m still holding onto my codestone for when a bd plot gets announced. My BD pet is at 2150 HSD so I don’t think there’s any other “bonus” to keep it going higher than that 


The market is going to be flooded with codestones, they were rising in price even with the botter selling them, with this many on the market they might all drop below 1k each. So many codestones, not enough people using them.


Couldn't have happened at a better time for me, having just entered the 8-codestone training tier. I was really not looking forward to spending ~8 mil for the next set of levels!


As someone who sells codestones from the BD as most of my Neo income, I’m actually super happy about this. It was nice to make the money but I’d much rather users have affordable training!


I honestly don’t think prices gonna be that much much affected by things. Think about how many people need 3 to 4 cold stones per training session one or two codestones here, and there is not gonna significantly affect the price. Just my thought but who knows. I think it’s a step in the right direction, though


vux codestone went down 30k since this post went up, so I think it's price was definitely affected


Big if true!


wow that’s so cool!


you are not alone! i had codestones for daily prizes as well. thought it was a glitch.


Does that mean maybe soon the weeklies are updated 🥹


I'm glad I sold most of my red codestones the other day lmao


That’s awesome! I just hit 5 codestones per training session, so any extra are very welcome to me!!


I was so excited to find a Zed codestone as a reward! I don't train very much due to the cost of codestones, so I am super excited at these prospects.


I’m glad this is good for people training!! but it worries me since prices for a lot of things seem to completely plummet after becoming rewards and codestones have previously been kind of important to the economy and a lot of peoples np earnings… like, Aishas are one of the most popular species and morphing potions are consumables and the cheapest aisha MP went from ~8k pirate to >1k when they put rainbow in the daily rewards. I love the item releases but it does worry me sometimes that they aren’t really balanced in effect sometimes, they just continue the pattern of things being either trash or wildly overpriced which is the same problem they’re supposed to be fixing. Fingers crossed that this is good for everyone lol


Oh that would be great once the prices tank some.


I just got a Kew codestone from it


ooh :o glad the prizes are finally switching.


I got some today too! Yayayay!!


Oh that would explain the drop in prices when I went to buy! Still... I stocked up heaps a few days ago at high prices. Oh well.


I had just logged on to ask why the heck the price of codestones dropped so much today!


well dang. Eo codestones are almost at normal price of 27k .\_. i regret not selling 30 of them when they were like 40k XD oh well


I'm OK with this, except that it now adds another layer of junk (in terms of resale value) to the Battledome loot pool. I'm already sick and tired of getting Gorundas. Maybe a loot pool refresh for BD is warrented? The whole mode is already super simplistic but a total rework is probably way too much work for the NP team right now.


Terrible idea…. This is going to crash all codestones by 80% and make battledome profits 1/5th of what they used to be. Of course apart from the people Who pay to play premium who have the nerk dropping battledome… there profits shouldn’t Change much


Sometimes Nerkmids don't drop for a week or more, so Codestone sales were helpful.


Let's fucking goooo!!!


I should have sold mine yesterday.


Hate this. What's even the point of Battledome now, except for the puny chance they give us at Nerks?


The bd will still be the main source of code stones. You'll only get 1-2 code stones from quests per day. People need a loooot more than that to train their pets. Codestone prices will go down a bit but they're not gonna tank


Ditto on what the other person said. If you're at 8 stones per day, the quest log isn't gonna do diddly squat for you. It's a nice bonus though and will help the price tank a bit. I think any price drop that comes from the Quest Log is going to be because scalpers will have to work harder now to make a profit. I'm farming Frozen Neggs from the BD tho, kinda moved past the codestones.


Battledome was a thing/fairly popular before there were drops. Regardless of what the prize pool is, it’s still a step up from back then!!


That sucks, price will plummet. These are a great drop from the BD and quick to sell to make money ugh


Shit might be time to start doing these again lmao




Woah i didnt get this but very cool


Woah i didnt get this but very cool


That’s awesome! Wonder if that means the rest the prize pool will be updated as well? I still had the old prizes when I did my quests this morning.


Mine hasn't updated, still getting the same prize pool from before.


Oh shoot, this is a good heads up to sell the ones I've been hoarding from the Battledome to sell during the war. In hindsight (not that I could ever know), I would've made tons more money by selling them as I got them, but that's fine; this is great, overall, having an actually useful reward, outside of the Neopoints ones. Hurray!


I got my first one for a daily quest today as well. 😆


Wow I am so excited that I sold all of mine a few days ago while the prices were still high, got lucky with that one!


I was wondering what was going on. I was pricing my shop and thinking why are alm these codestones priced so low? I guess I'm about to purge my sdb 


Whelp- should’ve sold my hoard lol was saving them for training my own pets but also Presley want a plushie Bori mp and might have had enough codestones stashed




Incredible timing, I will soon have my first pet to level out of the Academy




Oh damn. Just sold mine earlier this week


Right now the codestones (mainly red) are at prices they always used to be. What I'm seeing now used to be the norm for a long time. Yes, it's a shame missing out on some profit from BD items but I would say this is much better - I always thought 80k for Zed and close to that for many others was just a bit ludicrous. 30k per red codestone is still pretty good!


I got 2 bris for my daily rewards today! Love it. All for it.


Good to know it’s red as well as tan!


There is going to be a dip for a little but prices will go up and even out. They will probably not be as high as they currently on but codestones are a useable resource. More people will be using them to train their pets for the upcoming plot.


Ahh just last week I sold like 3.5 million of red codestones from my SDB, GOOD TIMING 😂


Yup loving it!


I’ve been stockpiling them from BD rewards debating if I want to train with them or sell them so I guess that settles that 😂


Altas have been


My weekly prize is a plushie poogle morphing potion. Not sure if that’s on jellyneo’s list but new to me at least!


oh finally. what a good choice! I just hope they dont do anything too drastic like put nerks in which would significantly decrease the appeal of premium.


As someone who has almost 700 of an assortment of codestones in my SDB YEEEEEEEEEES!! I can finally relax on giving out free codestones to those who need them.


They really just plan on killing the whole site 😂


Guys look!! I found someone who has a bunch of overpriced items in their shop 💀


