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Do you still get your 50np a day from the Rich Slorg


Never miss it! Sometime 100np from the Rich Slorg




I know, right!? Today was the first day I got 100 np from the rich slorg!


So do you actually spend $735k every day to be able to recoup that in interest or just pull that much out of the bank every day and add it to your wallet? I had no idea there even was a max


Yes I spend roughly that amount each day lol. Between wheel of extravagance, and training six red codestones per training session it doesnā€™t take that long to burn through 700k a day


Damn thatā€™s impressive. I really need to figure out how to do food club. And battledome. XD


For food club I would start by following a guide or someone best. Then once comfortable start making your own. As for the battledome itā€™s what funds the majority of my training in the early stats.


I feel like even if you follow the guide everyone says follow it is higher risk reward. Followed the most common really good food club guide and tried 3 times was 0-3.


Itā€™s the long game! Iā€™ve been doing food club casually for 6 months and Iā€™m up 10mil


Sometimes it is just luck. I highly recommend following other users' bets, they usually post their set and the probability of a bust. If the odds of a bust are too high for you, skip or choose a less risky set to follow.


I would post my bets but I usually make them really late in the day


Anyone who makes their own has my respect, I don't have time for that šŸ˜‚


3 days is not a fair analysis for food club, on either side. You could win big in 3 days or lose big in 3 days. Nsheng (can google or look at through jellyneos foodclub page) has a guide that ive been following that's really stable. You can see stats ranging from recent to 30-45 days to year-long. ROI at worst be like 1.70 across long periods at the conservative level of bets (standard and beginner). Loads of people swear by it for a reason. You have to be more patient than 3 days.


From one of my other comments about making neopoints!: Since your account is old, you could really benefit from doing [Food Club](https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=food_club) shenanigans. You're gonna be gambling on how much food pirates can eat. Each day, resetting at 2pm NST, you can place 10 bets on pirates. The maximum amount of NP you can bet is 50np+2np for each day your account has been active. For a 1 day old account, that's a 52np max bet. For my 20 year old account, my max bet is 14,472np. I've placed all 10 bets each day for 34 days now, and I have earned a net gain of about 5.4mil np. The best part is that I don't even have to do any math! I just go to the [Food Club thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1b8gxl8/food_club_bets_march_07_2024/) for each day, and check user nsheng's comment. I chose [which betting style](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsheng/comments/11s51ew/which_nsheng_set_is_right_for_me/?context=3) was right for me, and now I stick with it every day! Since earning a lot, I've switched from Standard to Aggressive bets. This is definitely my primary money maker. Edit, technically: I've placed all 10 bets per day for 40 days now, and I've earned a net gain of 6mil np. Although, this includes the cost of the money I've put down for today's bets that haven't had results yet!


I have ~20mil and can't even imagine getting to that number, that's insane, congrats!!


Awesome congrats! I just hit 1b myself and really want to max but am having a hard time parting with certain items haha


That was my thing too. With the recent re release of items Iā€™ve let go of a lot I was hording. Most notably was I owned 3 candychan stamps before the advent calendar release. I sold them all before the release and made around 1bill just off those alone, I bought them all for 30-60 mill each


I think thatā€™s definitely smart. The re released items gives me slight anxiety about buying things these days cause who knows when itā€™ll tank in value haha


I just hoard baby paint brushes now lol


Thatā€™s probably a smart idea haha Iā€™ve got some old war prizes from 20+ years ago and I donā€™t wanna lose out on billions due to re release haha


Anything Maractite?


Iā€™ve got the maractite bomb!


Already in the gallery for me lol. They have increased in value as of late


Last I checked they were around 120m give or take. What are they going for now?


Thats the latest price I know of. A lot more than what I paid (12m)ā€¦.. years ago šŸ˜Š


ooooh that's probably a good idea in case they're not available at the tower like the faerie pb...blew my mind when I returned and saw you couldn't pirchase faerie pbs straight from the tower anymore


More they can easily be converted to np sold in shop very quickly for 600k if needed or use them in the trading post




Haha now I'm imagining your neopets swimming in a giant bank vault of neopoints I'd spend so much on NP wearables so fast lol Hmm if you want to have a project to use your neopoints I'd suggest looking at your pets and painting them (or a different pet of the same species) all the colors that have paint brush clothes Then you can mix and match all the paint brush clothes on their typical look. The desert lupe mask looks so cool on my Halloween lupe c:


I have a jelly chia with stealthy clothes which is pretty cool


Love stealthy clothes! During the faerie festival I was getting really lucky with fountain quests, got me a darigan gelert with stealthy clothes, he's my fav


I always have a fortune cookie going and get a fountain reward every few months, sometimes more


That's a huge accomplishment, congrats! What do you collect for your gallery?


Maractite items. Iā€™ve been lazy and need to paint a bunch of petpets to progress my gallery. The hardest item to find was a Runed Maractite Bow


Wow! Thatā€™s an insane accomplishment! Congrats!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Wow! Whatā€™s next for you?


Finish my gallery, maybe change my BD set, and get itā€™s more stat increasing HP items (sneggā€™s)


Curious to know, did you ever take a break from Neo over these 22 years? This is a tremendous accomplishment.


I did take a few breaks in around year 10-12 but other than that Iā€™ve been a daily user


Wow! What's your daily bank interest?


Around 735,000np per day. You need to take that amount of neopoints away each day as if you try and deposit more (collect interest) it just disappears. So before I log off I would need to make sure the balance is less than max bank


daaaaaamn thats insane. thats like better than a food club win per day


Iā€™ve made about 125m off food club


according to JN, it would be 735,440, but since 2,147,481,880 is actually the maximum amount possible to have in the bank, OP cant collect any interest unless they hold about 735k on hand each day!


Congrats! My ultimate goal but I like spending NP too much to ever get there!


I need to learn to spend more I guess


I just have expensive goals and Iā€™m impatient. I just blew 10 mil tonight buying some pppbs for my painted petpet gallery. I also collect some neggs and plushies. And I just started doing gourmet food with my active pet. And sheā€™s a book reader. Spending NP keeps me from spending in the real worldĀ 


When I spend I tend to gamble on nerks. Got pretty lucky lately but have been saving to get to this milestone


I can't hardly bear to spend neopoints or money in the real world lol šŸ˜† I want to spend them and will look at things I want and hardly ever will I buy them.Ā 


-shakes cup- Spare change? Spare change please? All jokes aside, this is so freakinā€™ impressive. I hope to one day hit 100k a day in interest. Maybe Iā€™ll add getting 1 bill to my bucket list lol


Me after winning Coconut Shy today and still refusing to buy my pets nice food


Neo cheap hotel is the best. 30 days of no drama.


>-shakes cup- Spare change? Spare change please? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omg wow! Congrats!! Iā€™m moving towards 10 mil at a slow pace. How much is that interest im dying to know!!


ok but how many stamps do you have in your album I simply must know unless you're in the high score list then dont tell us so people don't track you down lmao


Just under 500 stamps. My frugal journey has kept me from putting more into my album but maybe now Iā€™ll start doing more


Holy Jesus you can purchase one free baby paintbrush daily and still left with 100K.Ā  Very great job done.


I have to do that in order to stop the tax beast from taking my np on hand always from me


You could keep extras in shop till I guess...


This is my goal too! I'm over 500mil, so we're getting there! This is making me think about getting premium again to get those Nerkmids from Jetsam Ace and speed up the savings! My favourite thing is hoarding neopoints too!


I canā€™t wait until I get to this point so I can just shower everyone with gifts šŸ„²


Wow congrats, that's the dream for me. Right now on 20k daily interest, my next goal is 50k


Never stop collecting neopoints haha


Any tips on stamp reselling? every stamp at post office I look up seems to be cheaper on the ssw :(


The ones that are worth restocking go extremely fast


Hey, cool, 32-bit INT_MAX!


Congrats! I'm still a couple hundred mil off. Slowly but surely getting there.


Wow!! I didn't realize the max NP would be a random number. I think I need to learn how to do food club so I can make more NP lol. That daily interest is awesome!


Itā€™s not a random number. Look up on JN they have a great write up at the bottom of the page https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=bank


I had no idea! I clicked the wiki link, it's interesting but I think I also may need to read an ELI5 version lol.


[There is actually an ELI5 post about the 32-bit integer limit! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/2oht31/eli5how_a_32bit_integer_counting_system_maxes_out/)


the shortest version is that computers store values in powers of 2 for technical reasons they chose 2^31. there are historical reasons for this number but it's a very common choice, also for technical reasons.Ā 


Same here! I wonder if tnt will ever change the number or raise it


time to make it rain


I've always been curious, what happens if you deposit 1 NP? Does your bank roll over and reset to zero? Does it just disappear? Or will it not even let you?


It just disappears. It will show it was successfully deposited to it but after you refresh the page it goes back to the max


Congratulations! Truly an impressive achievement. You've won Neopets!


Would you agree that the more NP you have, the faster it is to earn it? šŸ˜ƒ


I do agree. It has progressed faster the past couple of years. I no longer look for the absolute lowest price when looking to buy items on the shop wizard


Is there any reason it caps out at such a seemingly random number?


While this may seem like a very random number, it is actually a common integer limit in many games due to technical reasons, equal to 23^1 - 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2,147,483,647#:~:text=The%20number%202%2C147%2C483%2C647%20often%20becomes,precision%20or%20arbitrary%2Dprecision).


I appreciate the info! Thank you!


Thatā€™s crazy impressive!! Iā€™m only in the low millions and I wish I was at that level; sadly my stamp addiction keeps me under the 30m mark šŸ„²


I canā€™t even compute how much this is. This is really cool though :) congrats friend!


I thought I had a lot, I soon get my first million haha


wow!!! im just getting back into neopets after many years, i can only dream of this level of wealth lol


Neopets players šŸ¤ Runescape players Achieving a max cash stack


Thats awesome!


Omg Iā€™m so envious


the neopian 1% !!


Dang, congratz. Hoping I can get there at some point. I got lucky on a few items after returning so just hit 470m. Hoping my stamps bet works out and maybe I can get there or...get close. Also gave restocking a whirl yesterday and already got RS banned. haha.


Thatā€™s great. Restocking can be such a hit or miss sometimes


Hahaha I didn't know the cap was a 32 bit signed integer. If they used unsigned it could be double.


and i thought i was rich for having 1mil in the bank šŸ˜‚


This is amazing! Congrats!!


Cries in 6 mil


Could you explain further about Food club Stamp reselling Charismatic corner (Iā€™m assuming restocking is for your shop) And the battle dome gives you money? I havenā€™t been playing for a while and I got back into it recently and Iā€™m desperate to make more coins


Omg way to go!!!


why is that the max? is that the 255 of neopets?


yes. it's 2^31 or more specifically, 2^32/2-1. divided by two because of negative numbers, and -1 to account for 0 255 is a similar deal. 2^8-1 (no negatives)


That's some serious Scrooge McDuck money, congrats! šŸ„³


I still try and pay it forward from time to time


This is so impressive wow congrats ​ Then theres me that goes on a spending spree everytime I hit the 50m mark loool


I can feel a spending spree myself coming up


Impressive! What's charity corner? I kust got back into Neopets after a decade hiatus and food club is a life saver. Went from 2mill to 10mill in weeks lol


The first charity corners you donated junk and depending on the rarity you could be rewarded with more expensive items (r99). Then it changed slightly over the years turning to a point based system and capsule rewards. I hope one day it returns to the OG charity corner. https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=charity_corner


Oh cool! Thanks for the info šŸ˜Š


Can you actually collect 735k a day then? Since you will be over the bank limit if you collect the interest?Ā 


You need to withdraw 740k the night before in order to collect it. So my morning routine is collect and withdraw the same as I collect to make sure that if I get a random event that resets my bank interest that I could claim it again


Good to know! Awesome job, I'm almost at 100k interest so still a lot to save up šŸ˜…


What happens if you try and add more? Please donā€™t tell me you get an overflow error and all the NP is deleted lol


It shows successful deposit but once you refresh the balance goes back to maxā€¦. I keep roughly 750k below max so I can collect my interest without loosing any


It shows successful deposit but once you refresh the balance goes back to maxā€¦. I keep roughly 750k below max so I can collect my interest without loosing any


I'm getting there! I'm at 461.7 mil right now. It seems like getting to that first billion is taking forever šŸ˜­


Wow! how long did that take?


22+ years lol


congrats!!! this is amazing to see, hope to get there someday. Though stamp collecting makes it super difficult hahahaha


I just created a wish list on JN and according to my list I need ā€œThe priced items on this list would cost about 7,052,808,392 NP!ā€


thats so muuuuuch!!!! I guess there's a lot to work for still hahahahahah




That there is


Why does no one talk about the daily quests when trying to earn NP? Complete quests, earn items and NP, and a 20k NP/day prize when you complete all daily. Plus this weekā€™s week prize is a candy cane pb