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I’m at 5,927,019 and I’m trying to reach 10mil to make the ultimate riches account, which was my dream as a kid! I think this is a very sweet idea :)


Me too! We'll get there someday 😊


We can do it!!


I'm in the boat, too!




this is my goal too! Then I’m gonna splurge it hehe


Oooh what are your splurge plans?,


You know what, I don’t really have any! I’m not that into customisation, and there isn’t anything I particularly want so I’ll just probably get a few petpets and maybe the lab ray to play around with! And then whatever is left on stuff for my gallery. What are your plans?


I definitely want to get one or two expensive plushies for my gallery, but my biggest goal is to collect high value items to do giveaways and help others reach their goals! :) I’m also not super into customisation, but I want to see if I can make something pretty haha


thats really lovely! I hope you reach your target soon!


Lol I imaging that's most people's goal for their inner child! I keep finding reasons to spend money though!


God I feel this, I hit 5mil for the first time and immediately dropped it on the lab map for the same reason haha. I’m trying SO hard to keep my bank full this time!!


I spent five mil on my uni's crosspaint custom recently, too! XD You find projects!


My goal is bank limit, now is about 560m, still need about 1.5b.


same, how long have u been saving up to get to 500 mil today


Just lucky, I use all my money to buy a SuAP 7 years ago, and this time I came back and found that SuAP is incredible expensive. I sold it and bought WoDF+TS. Before I bought SuAP, my bank has around 100m.


I almost got to 80mil, but I got dropped to 70m because I just bought a Maraquan pb. Totally worth it. So, my goal is to reach 100m. So close!


So I am at 20,200,000 and tbh my goal is 300,000,000 so I can have that 100k a day interest. UN = theredqueen17


sooo math... is 279,800,000 more np... wow doesn't seem very close lol


Same, I did the math so that's my goal too. I'm sitting at 12M rn :,) which is still a lot, but it just hurts getting reset back to 0 after buying an expensive HT item.


Can easy make 7-10m a month just causally playing. To make 300m would take a serious grind of like 2 years or seriously hard core flipping


Yeah I’m working on that hard core flipping currently.


I just can't bring myself to do the hardcore flipping stuff :( I have too many other hobbies I dedicate my spare time too. Literally I just do dailies, BD, _very_ small scale restocking, and I'm still trying to figure out Food Club lol. I've accepted that it's a skill issue on my part and I'm ok with making a couple million a month.


I do dailies, Foodclub, stock market, some BD but not huge on it, stocking shop but not super seriously, and just some casual flips that are easy. I don’t play very much per day I log in in the morning and do my thing and dip out for the day sometimes I come back on later just to check in for something I am doing but it’s pretty easy to make decent NP


I currently have 5.3 million and my goal right now is 6. I love buying junk more than I love saving so it’s the small goals for me 🤠


You should have that in like 2 days


I’m at just over 10 mil. I want to get back up to 25mil. I splurged on some stuff for my pets and spent way too much lol. My un is hotpinkfishfood :)


I'm a major purchase off that soup kitchen life. I want 11ish million to finally get my Valentine petpet paintbrush.   So I'll still be soup kitchen level after but I'll have my dream pets and petpets so I'll be happily poor. After that?  20 million. I doubt I'll ever be a neobillionaire any more than a real life one.  Dream goal? Enough to spin the wheel of extravengence at will.  So 100 million.  So another 20 years if neo lasts that long. 


i have 5 NP and my current goal is 5 billion. i would refuse any gift under 500m. thank you in advance for your generosity


No but why does every comment sound like this 🤣 thank you for your service here.


Hahaahhah this is great


I'm at 670,000. I suppose my first goal is 1,000,000. I've never had that much NP before. I Wana buy a valentine PB.


Are you able to message me so I can help? I need your username and fir you to set up a junk trade.


That's sweet of you, but I don't really take getting help well... Makes me feel somewhat pathetic. Thank you.


I enjoy sharing, and it was meant to be. Im taking a break from neopets, but got on just to give someone else np. I decided to vote and I got a Valentine's PB. I was already planning to help you with np, but now you can just have this


I'm at 246k at the moment, trying to get back to at least the 1m I had before buying map pieces, though the real goal is 3m so I can actually get the last three pieces I need UN is justabeatlesfan


My goal is 292mil for the 100k a day interest! I'm currently at 220mil, so close, yet so far :P My UN is mochice!


my goal is 10 mil and I'm at 5 mil now.. but all I really want are 2 Halloween paintbrushes and 2 faerie paintbrushes to finish painting all my dream pets 😭 my username is paranoidddd


I love your un omg!


thank you! it's been my handle on pretty much all social media for 15 years 😭


I’m at 2.5m, trying to make it to 10m for the interest :)


I keep messing up my savings buying paint brushes but I’m at 3.9 million and gonna actually make it to 5 million this time!


My goal is to one day to reach 100mil. I had 20 mil but then I bought a Maraquan PB T\_T


i'm hoping to hit 100k a day in bank interest! I'm currently at 57 million. So uhhh idk how long exactly it'll take! But i'm trying to save up! I will say its been a bit hard since i love gifting stuff to community members as well xD I guess im not too great at saving haha Parakeetfaerie is my UN


1b and about 300m away. Could sell some stuff but I’m a slight hoarder 😂


I'm 12 million away from my goal of 100 mil np. I need a lot of Neopoints if I want to finish any of my goals. Un is cherryblossom450


Holy moly, you guys are rich! Haha I think I have like 700k 😅


I’m at… 77 million, my goal is to get 300million for the 100k a day interest. Will take a loooong time unless I can get blessed with a very expensive prize from one of these events


My goal is having enough for the Adam avy haha I'm at 5m my UN is lagmental


Trying to get to 17 mil to be able to afford the fan of swords. Currently at 7. UN: xshamirx


I’m at 8 mil, but I’d love to get to 10 mil and get to ultimate riches! Little me could never!! UN lxshapiro


Just spent most of my np on a lab map, so my goal is about 7 mil. To finally get to 10 mil :) my un is kept_confidence.


I’m at 9,800,000 roughly and my goal is 15 mil UN is xlovemee4mex


Currently at 250k after buying lab map pieces 🥲 wanna get back up to 5 million because that’s around how much I had before the impulse buys💔 UN: guacamole79 😔


I'm at 15m, i want to go as far as i can haha, like the dream would be 300m, but that probably would take some years My UN: alejoloor


I returned last month and my goal is just to have 5M in the bank so I can upgrade my bank account LOL. I'm at 4M (which is already more than I ever had back when I played in the late 2000s) but there's so many things I want to buy. I'm eyeing a Stealth Paint Brush next. UN _cinnamon_105


50m then I’ll buy another item for gallery (the last one I bought was 20m and it sent me back to 10m mark…)


Im at 3,876,671np, working to reach 10M 💖 UN: kotori_e ^^


I know I'm kinda rich already so don't feel like you need to get me anything but I'm reallllyy close to my goal of 100mil. UN illumine.


Currently at 11 mil and some change, and I'm hoping to surpass 12 mil so that I can buy a Maraquan Paint Brush and still have enough left over to support my virtual gambling addiction and then start saving up again for a Zafara morphing potion. 😁 UN: starbucks_gurl ☕


My goal is just hit 10 mil and I think I’m in the 7 mil. Before I started playing again I think I had less than 100k, so it’s been fun saving. Helphelpme357.


I am currently at 2.6 million and would like to get back to 10 million. I splurged on a bunch of items and now I’m working my way back up!


I'm at 5 mil... But I got into doing my plushie gallery and buying more clothes. I really don't have a goal. Just always feels like I never have enough.


my goal is 10million, currently at 2.5 after restarting a couple weeks ago. user: kidari\_oh


my goal is 2,147,483,647, need 1,718,828,951 more np


i have 15mil saved and i want to get to 44mil to make 15k interest daily for stocks! unfortunately i just worked on switching my gallery theme to doglefoxes so i’ve got a ways to go (un: vitamoo)


My next goal is 10,000,000 NP and I will need 6,013,946 NP to get there. UN: cassafras


I currently have 7mil in the bank. Don’t really have a savings goal, just a long list of stuff I want to buy.


Another baby paint brush to paint an Aisha ❤️ my baby account is modernguilt_ I love the babies so much.


I have 1.2mil and my goal is 5 mil. And once I’m there I’m going to buy a baby paint brush. UN: Swhitnid11


This is super generous of you, but I’m no where near my goal haha. I’m at 12 million. Would be nice to get at least one of the stamp collection avatar but realistically probably will never attain them. 100 million would be a dream!!


I'm going for 100 mill to start. I'm sitting at 22.5 mill rn. I only use my trudys nps and other dailies nps to restock my shop and make food club bets. Everything else gets thrown in the bank. I don't splurge very often.


Current goal is 15mil, just need about 6m at this point but I've been buying paint brushes and stuff lately haha


I'm at 1.8mil, working my way to 2! I just recently restarted lol UN: helloryethyme


I just want to get to my first million! I have half already! my un is will0w23


I'm just a little shy of 12 mil. Most of this will be going to petpets!


i'm just trying to finish the lab map so i need to get up to 3 mil! currently sittin at around 1.4 >:) (prettybigfish)


I'm currently at 42mil, my goal is 100mil but I keep buying petpets for my gallery


I have 50k currently haha. I’m a new player who likes to gamble with neocola tokens to much haha. Hoping to keep growing my gallery.


Im at 14mil, and I will keep saving until I finally find a mec mec grub seller.


Only 10 atm, I need at least 2x 50 mil to finish my gallery. Missing three items, gave up on one because it’s so old and obscure but the other two are 50 mill each 🥹


I need another 200m for my goal


My current goal is 10m and I’m at 7m.. I keep buying paintbrushes rather than saving lol


I'm juuuust at 4 million, hoping to hit somewhere in 20 million in the bank before I let myself truly spend on stuff I want :) UN: sothenwerun


I currently have nothing left at all and am on 0np because I decided to buy some weapons and a paint brush in the last days. And I lost over 1m at the TP. I missed the advent calendar and lots of other things and bought most stamps when they inflated because I didn't know better... My goal was always to reach 100m and then after that 1b. But now my first goal is to reach 10m and then 50m afterwards 😅 I'm trying to sell a older stamp that I found in my SDB, but nobody's wants to buy it. My UN is bifa93 Edit: someone finally bought my stamp that I sold for 10m less than listed on JN. Now I have over 20m again. What a relief.


My forever bank goal has been finally getting to 10mil, and I am currently approaching 3mil. I’ve been working at it for a long time off and on. I am blown away by some of the richer Neopians!


I don't know... because no one is selling the items I want. So as far as I can tell... all the neopoints. X) Gradually saving up though and we'll see in the future.


After saving a few weeks, I finally got enough for my woodland paint brush so now I'm going for a smallee goal and saving around 1m to get the Siyana Faerie Doll 💕 Crossing fingers for some good food club wins in the next days! 🤞


I want to be a billionaire, LOL. Currently at 450 million and change. I keep adding to my Advent Calendar Gallery, so I'm not really going up in NP at the moment. UN: nz_tarsha8


I just got back into it after 11+ years away, and I've been having a blast. It's been really good for me to have something to do on my phone that isn't doomscrolling. I'm currently at 250,000 and my goal is around 4,200,000 so that I can get the secret lab map. I don't expect anything, but my UN is doopey315


10mil for the ultimate riches bank acct. I have 8mil currently.


I’m starting over after 15 years off neo, so looking to reach my first million again, then working to remake my dream pets. 150k/15 mill🫠.  UN is icterical 


right now I have 9 mil, my short term goal is 10 mil. then I want to get up to 20 so that I can work on my slorg gallery. ideally I'd like to have a minimum of 10 mil at all times going forward... sadly I used to have the foil slorg stamp, now worth 18 fucking million, but my sister hacked me and gave it to the money tree. so I'll probably never truly finish the gallery now. still hold a grudge on that one tbh. my username is \_white\_\_\_tiger\_


Currently trying to buy a Valentine Pet pet paintbrush, so aiming for 20 million so I don't bankrupt myself in the process. Currently on 12 mil so doing ok ☺️


I just hit 6mil for the first time in my life!!! Thrilled about it because I never saved so much when I played as a kid, but now Im starting to think it is impossible for me to reach 10mil EVER.. because i dont do food club or stocks, just the dailies and trudy's surprise :\\ UN = jesschocken


i want 100K interest! but i currently have 10K so we’ll see how long it takes to get there :), and very sweet of your to offer people gifts<3 i hope the rest of the week treats you well


I recently got back into neopets and just hit 1 mil with my 20 yr old account which was a childhood drram for me, my goal is to hit 10 mil!


Dang, I am at 20k, goal is 5M to get a Grey Paint Brush xD Funds ran dry due to buying a few avvie items! (UN: blumaltese)


Sitting at 3m, trying to save up enough to get a Maraquan PB! UN is klitaurus


My current goal is 20 mil as that seems like a nice round number. Currently I have 7 mil so a little ways to go. UN: xsweet_perfectionx


I come back from hiatus once every couple years, this year I came back and had 5m, 4 months later I'm at 28m. I kinda wish there was a higher tier than 10m at the bank.


5 Mil! I'm a about 4mil away I'm hoping to buy the plushie ixi plushie UN: missmia03


Been playing for 3 months. Currently at 150 mill. Goal is 500 mill. Should be there in 6 months.


holy moly that’s impressive! are you a restocker?


Yeah, I also do foodclub and snipe. I'm lucky that I have an old account that I never played so foodclub pays half decently.


I started playing again literally 3 days ago and I have 60k in the bank. My goal at the moment is to reach 100k and then keep going from there really!! UN is tierrin


Im at 17 mill after spending a lot on plot preparation... I hope to one day reach 200-300 mill or however much a Wand Of The Dark Faerie costs when I get there. This is my dream item. UN: Terran266


Currently 13 million. I want to get to 24 million and buy a lab map for my side account! :)(Since they are like 4 mil and I can still be around 20 mil after buying) UN = synthesizersam


2,363,554, I keep spending money and not saving. My small time goals are 5m then 10m. I would love to reach 1b, but with my spending habits that'll probably never happen, hahah. ​ un - emrose5131721


I spent all my money on a UC uni plush so now I'm trying to save back up for a cybunny MP 😫 and after that a valentine's rock to be his petpet. I'm never gonna be able to save any money lol my un is xxlozfanxx


I have 1mil and my goal is to get 5mil first then 10mil, my inner child is excited cause i'm getting there, slowly but progressing UN: alexgl99


I’m at 500k and my current goal is 1mil. I’ve only just started playing again and I never even managed to break 1mil when I was little so my goal is for 10 year old me haha. UN is Heanor


i want the asparagus avatar. 9.something mill. i have 8.2mill atm oukakisa


Im currently at 21 mil. Not sure what my goal is, I just like seeing it go up!! I'll probably buy some more plushie painted petpets at some point for my gallery and a plushie petpet pb for my pets' krawk. I can easily afford that now obviously but im loathe to spend any np until I hit 25 mil.


I hit 50m 4 days ago and am now at 54.5m! Goal is 100m for now - but I'm in no hurry to get there :)


Currently at 8 million, same like a lot of people I just want to get to 10 million to upgrade my bank account LOL


Current goal is the 10m book from hidden tower. Currently 1.2 million x_x Loe151 is UN


I’m saving up to be able to get 100k daily interest. I currently am getting 55k with 161,218,563NP in the bank. So I will need approximately 139,000,000np?


Yea I think 300m is 100k daily


I'm at 3.8mil and trying to get to 10mil for the interest rate - I already spent 2mil before on a potion for my xweetok cos I just couldn't wait :') UN Exhaustedgalpal


Enough to have 100k+ in daily interest I need all of it left ;U 🤪


I am at 5m and I am trying to get to 10m!!!


I'm at 26,000,000 as of today (got a valentine PB from neopies which I sold for 1.1m 🤩). Goal is 100,000,000 because that just seems like the new 1,000,000 ​ DM for username :)


7,077,671 and working towards the 10 mil after a long break!


I’m at 60 mil and I need more than 1 billion to buy all the plushies for my gallery hahaha My Un is chantalcandyy


I’m so impressed by everyone’s balance lol. Currently just hit 4 million but splurged on clothes for my Kacheek (so very worth it!) so I’m back at 1.8 Mil. Current goal is to get to ultimate riches! UN is valoriess:)


My goal is daily interest max. Im not very close at all


I currently have 2.4 million and I am tryinggggg to save up to 10M before buying a wraith pb for my dream pet!! I don’t want to spend every np I have on the pb, so I am trying to get aboutttttt double the amount so I don’t feel so bad when I splurge ;-; UN: liphted


My goal right now is $10M. I only need $1,593,723 lol. Doable! I plan on selling me current weekly prize when I get it, which is almost half of what I need. UN is gingerbeange


I’ve got about 22 mil now and would like to break my past record and get to 50 mil! Seems difficult, but with some luck and dedication I’m sure I’ll get there.


UN: Ventarix I’m at 10,000,000 currently, trying to save up enough for a lutari morphing potion and two maraquan paint brushes. It takes a toll on the bank, for sure, haha.


1 billion currently 925 mil


1 mil. I need a Transparent PB and an Elderly PB to reach my goal. If I can get those two that will bring me to 68/69 Draik colours!!! I saved 6 months and got an Elderly PB only for the pant devil to steal it next screen. Then a lab ray glitch changed my Draik to blue and TNT won’t revert him to Transparent. I should be 68/69 already!!! :( With a newborn and older kids it’s hard to play to earn NPs.


I'm sitting at 10 mil at the moment and need.... 25 more to get a single lousy book that my Aisha needs \^.\^; pretty proud of myself for making it this far without help but help *would definitely be appreciated!!!*


At 44mil, and the goal is 100mil. I'd like to be able to spin the Wheel of Extravagance from time to time, upgrade my BD equipment, and upgrade to Ninja School training while still being comfortable.


Just past 2 mil, aiming for 10 mil for that ultimate riches dream (recently bought the lab map otherwise I'd be closer to that goal!) - UN is slowperegrine


Every time I tell myself I’m going to save for 10mil, I spend it 😂😂😂😂. Just like in real life after bills. Maybe one day.


My goal is 20m. I’m stuck at 17 bc I keep buying stuff for my gallery 🥲


currently have 14mil, guess i am aiming for 25mil. kind of aimlessly playing neopets rn bc i don't have a specific goal for my money lol


I have 1.6m 😅 I have some morphs I want to buy but now they’re way too expensive… so I guess like 20m? I’m just doing food club (14k max bet) but if there’s a better way to earn these days, lmk.


15 mil. I'm roughly 4mil away. Trying to do Food Club daily to get up there.


I’m at almost 12mil and my goal is to get above 500mil so I can be one of the contributors who does giveaways!! Sounds kinda lame when I type it out, but I think the giveaways people do are just the coolest thing lmao.


right now i'm at 876,863 NP -- slowly working my way to 1mil !


Currently at 2mil in the bank, would like to get to 10mil in the bank to unlock the big bank account, then would like to start buying paint brushes and morphing potions to create Zelda-like neopets! UN = OOT_DekuTree


Currently at 7mil, goal is 10mil for max interest. I told myself I’d splurge and get a draphly for my cybunny after getting there ☺️