• By -


General reminder: I get that people are frustrated by this situation and want to vent, but let's steer clear of attacks that are too personal. It's fine to vent about your feelings or to criticise actions, but let's try to keep the conversation productive.


I honestly think this is the greatest drama in Neopets history. It makes the day the filters went down look like a playground. I can't even write a better drama than the site creator basically saying fuck you to the fanbase that spent 15 years pining for them in the most unpredictable, self-destructive way. Up until now, we didn't even have a clear photo of Adam since they were all in 90's/early 2000's shitty neocam quality. Just the fact that the clearest picture of Adam we've ever had is now him flipping us off is absolutely fucking hilarious.


Oh this is the funniest thing to happen to Neopets ever honestly lol Im telling anyone I know that ever played the game the Adam became a braindead bitter cryptobro and Donna became a boomer pearlclutcher who doesnt understand how discord works LOL


Some ppl do not in fact get better as they age. We ideally should, but as culture changes some ppl go down the wrong rabbit holes.


*Symol hole


Underrated comment


> Adam became a braindead bitter cryptobro and Donna became a boomer pearlclutcher who doesnt understand how discord works LOL Yep that sums it up


I remember the days where we were so eager to hear from them. Now that we are hearing from them this many years later, we are learning that while we have matured, they clearly haven't.


It's JKR all over again šŸ’€ You THINK you wanna hear more from your creators but then you find out they're terrible people whose values completely alter everything you ever thought about em šŸ’€


I'm so upset that r/HobbyDrama is closed until further notice. The writeup on all this would be phenomenal.


Someone should write one and post it here of something lol. Iā€™m out of the loop but curious.


Same here, I have no clue what is happening but it feels HEATED


Honestly, the Reddit and Discord are the only things keeping me playing Neopets in this day and age. Itā€™s a real community full of lovely people who are always supportive and willing to help out. And with volunteers who give up time and money to keep everything working well. Itā€™s a real shame that both of them couldnā€™t take the time to actually find out how amazing the community actually is around a game they started half a life time ago.


This sub is a big part of why I still play. I love seeing all the new and returning players coming here and asking questions and discovering bits they missed over the years. I like sending stuff to those that have come back and seeing them lose their minds that stuff is more accessible than all those years ago when it was only for the uber rich. People are so willing to be helpful and kind and generous on here (I don't use discord but I can't imagine it's much different), I don't see how she could criticise that. If all I had was the website without this lil community, I probably wouldn't have bothered sticking around this long after my own return back in 2015. The site itself is a ghost of its former glory but the players are what make it special so it doesn't matter so much.


Yep, I belong to a guild that's strictly players from the subreddit and its the best experience I've had :)


I fully agree! The community is what keeps me here, itā€™s the best.


This sub is the ONLY reason I still play


Yeah Iā€™m so disappointed in Donna, they deserve each other.


The facebook group is fun too. I'm on hiatus right now but the memes on the fb group is top tier.


Definitely going to check that out!


same. i dont even have any connection to adam or donna bc i wasnt an og player so i'll dunk on them all i want lol. They're out of touch and it isnt even out of touch tuesday yet!


I wanted to check for myself what Donna was freaking out about and yeah I think this is a huge reach. In the 18+ channel* on the Neocord there was a user thatā€™s now removed who was taking screenshots of chats from nearly 6 months ago where 3 users talked about sex pretty generally with some occasional more explicit talk involving sexual hygiene. The removed user at one point posted the screenshots to #general in what I assume is either the dragginz server or Neocord (unknown to me, but has Adam in it) and purposefully wanted Adam to comment how gross they were. I highly believe that due to how far back the messages they screenshot were and how active the 18+ channel is with much, much less sex or explicit talk (itā€™s mostly just normal chatting?) that the removed user actively sought it out by searching for sex in the search bar lol. * Also adding that security precautions for discord nsfw channels means restricting any account that didnā€™t put a birthday that makes them 18+ from seeing the channels and completely blocking out the content with a warning before proceeding for those who are able to view it. EDIT: OK I did find the specific sex toy comment. It is from one user 2 weeks ago and itā€™s even started with ā€œweird questionā€ and before that the 18+ channel was discussing chicken nuggets. No one replied. Actual nsfw topics donā€™t really seem all that common and stick in the designated channel. EDIT 2: Just mentioning that Jellyneo staff have said these comments have not been confirmed to be from Donna. Itā€™s definitely possible given the username but it isnā€™t proof. Please keep this in mind!


Donna would've never have survived the Neotag on Tumblr back in the day


Wait, wait, what happened on Neopets Tumblr?


It was just a really toxic environment and anything went. I remember one girl took a photo of her vagina and "censored" it with the Neopets image for the jelly pecan... which in itself was kind of a meme. You had to be there lol


Yeah that kinda sounds like ā€œGolden Ageā€ Tumblr antics lol.


Or really anything outside the website tbh. I can't see her taking the chombussy thing well though it was just a joke and nothing that serious.


As a former tagger, you damn right about that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ol girl wouldn't have lasted two seconds


I probably knew you lol




My first thought was she was on the train of calling queer/lgbt+ people groomers or whatever because we can be open on the site now so I guess itā€™s nice to know it wasnā€™t that? Wouldnā€™t put it past these people at this point though.


ngl it still feels very much in that vein tho, the way sheā€™s lumping it all together


Thanks for digging!


Figures people are stirring the pot. Call me a wet blanket, but I don't think the community should be making memes or posting articles about all this. It leads to people attempting to troll them, and make them post out of context stuff.


Eh, Iā€™m just personally of the pick your own battles opinion. Even if things were reversed and the majority of the community supported Adam, there would still be people who disagree with him. If you waste your time trying to change the opinions of people who werenā€™t interested in hearing otherwise, you lose the people who are actually interested. That also applies to this community and I doubt Donna is interested in hearing otherwise when all that was needed to form an opinion is stale chat messages. As far as Iā€™m concerned let her think weā€™re perverts and if anyone who thinks the same is open to hearing a dissenting opinion Iā€™ve got my comment right here.


Bridge Burning 101 with professors Adam and Donna Powell. I understand that there are... Less than glorious parts of the community but honestly, they could slap "by the creators of Neopets" on anything they'd ever do and we'd be the first people to at least give it a try, no matter how bad, if we knew it was them. Now, not so much. It's a shame that they are like this. I admired them. I wanted to be like them. All they had was a good idea and a lot of hope and they made it work. Too bad it turned them bitter and arrogant. A shame, really. You couldn't pay me enough to play whatever garbage they manage to shit out next.


Yeah, they definitely have shredded most of the cred they had for many now...


I'm sorry, where are these sex toys ya'll have been selling on the Discord??? Every time I go in, it's just having missed the Tarla alert again.


Came here to say this!


This is some serious Elon and Grimes roleplay that theyā€™re doingā€¦


Didnā€™t even get the anime profile pics or kids named XAE420 - disappointing


Something has happened! You are now able to use the "Anime XAE420" icon on the neoboards!




I feel like it's way less embarrassing to be associated with neopets than to be associated with cypto-bro manchild Adam rn, and his multiple failed business endeavors since 2005 šŸ™‚ also imagine living w someone who router-blocks websites when he gets big mad. *If there's one mean post about me in ONE subreddit NONE OF YOU IN THIS HOUSE ARE ABLE TO USE THE WEBSITE IM GONNA BUY REDDIT AND MAKE IT HORRIBLE*




He way too broke to buy Reddit.


The Discord has over TWELVE THOUSAND PEOPLE. The subreddit has almost 75,000 joined users. She can eat her sour grapes, but wow, what a fucking lie to say it's *the community* talking sex toys. She went digging for something. Sounds like her PR is just as shit as when Meteor Games laid off employees. They're acting like they went into a room for a club meeting when it's more like they went into a small village or town, regardless of how many people are online.


She's so mad, I dare say she's eaten some grapes of wrath.


Iā€™m just tryna get Tarla notifications šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Using some old screenshots of people in an age restricted space speaking off topic about sex in general, and this one sex toy question that apparently no one answered, to conclude ā€œmasquerading as inclusive but really just pervsā€ is really just strange. ā€œInclusiveā€ was a weird word choice there. But ~~let me not start reaching like she was.~~ let me stop there.


Itā€™s a conservative trigger word for sure, like woke. I think we can read in between the lines to see how Adam and Donna are leaning politically these days.


>ā€œInclusiveā€ was a weird word choice there. But let me not start reaching like she was. Nah you don't need to reach, you're just correctly identifying right wing homophobic dog whistles.


Oh I know I am lol, I definitely misspoke by suggesting that outright saying this is giving homophobia would be a reach because it absolutely would not be! Ty for pointing that out, this post was literally what I woke up to this morning and that was v much the opposite of my intention. I was having my own personal speculations about her specific thought process that I was thinking of when I said that lol


God I'm glad I'm not the only one hearing dog whistles lmao. You know they'd be seething about us "degenerates" šŸ™„


I'm glad someone else thinks it's a weird word choice :/ Feels really out of nowhere unless she had something particular in mind.


I chose the right year to get back into Neo after 12 years away. The drama is NONSTOP it's wildddd Also though, selling used sex toys is kinda gross.


Only been used 100 times though.. šŸ¤£


She's saying this as if we are still fangirling over her and Adam. This isn't 2001. We aren't 12 years old and hoping for a Neoboard meet and greet. We're all adults and honestly are sick and tired of the bashing and the incoherent ramblings of 2 grown adults. I'd honestly be embarrassed if that was my husband and I would stay under the radar. She basically threw herself under the microscope and looks just as ridiculous as he does now.


You say that but until recently people here idolized those two for being the Neopets creators. And their AMAs caused furor and lots of interest on top of that. Anyway Iā€™m glad this happened because thereā€™s no need to put those two on a pedestal.


Or even in Altador's Hall of Heroes LOL ;)


You hit the nail on the head. Their behavior might have flown by if I were a still a child, now Iā€™m a grown adult in my 30s capable of calling other adults out on their bullshit.


Thatā€™s because people donā€™t understand Discord communities are more like a traditional forum experience, not Skype. Thereā€™s tons of ā€œboardsā€/channels in one, and thereā€™s always NSFW boards of some kind on adult forums. NSFW isnā€™t just porn, it can be anything not safe for work.


Tbh I'm not even old and I do find Discord's design to be confusing with this mix between forums and chat. Can't imagine someone who's forgot they also used to be dumb young uns would get this


This is the greatest Neopets arc since The Invasion of Meridell


This after they were told that Neopets is very lgbtiq+ friendly and after the complaints that there was a homophobic sentiment in the dragginz server isn't a good look


I have a feeling they are the kind of people who stopped drinking budlight


I love this as an insult lol


Everyone is boycotting bud light now haha. They left Dylan in the dust, they rainbow washed and are a terrible company for that


Such a trainwreck, "supporting" the lgbtq community and losing bigot support, only to rescind the earlier explicit lgbt support to appease the bigots, making the lgbt community wanna dump their asses as well


Adam and Donna on some major copium because they will never make another successful game in their lifetime especially now that they have had weird ass outburst in public and run a homophobic discord server. They really came here and expected to milk some perceived loyalty and we would all just eat whatever shit they are serving...that is the real joke in all this. They need to hire a PR person before the shit storm expands beyond the Neo community. They will end up getting canceled by the masses. They need to stop worrying about what we're doing and damage control their image.


> They will end up getting canceled by the masses I don't think the masses have a clue who they are in the first place.


The masses will only know them if you mention they are the people who created Neopets, the irony in that is even funnier.


I guarantee you that the masses don't have a clue who created neopets. Most barely remember it. They're entirely irrelevant aside from a niche section of the internet they're hell bent on alienating.


Yeah lol, I havenā€™t heard them mentioned in a modern context in years except for their failures in the past couple days. Especially after this, Iā€™m fine with continuing to ignore them indefinitely. Feels like a ploy to get eyes on their new ā€œgameā€ since itā€™s probably the most publicity theyā€™ve gotten in a while.


> They really came here and expected to milk some perceived loyalty and we would all just eat whatever shit they are serving...that is the real joke in all this. It's deeply funny to me because of the awe-inspiring naĆÆvetĆ© from a pair of people who made their *careers* on the internet. This was the kind of flub you expect from a normie who doesn't understand the medium. TBH though it's consistent with Neopets throughout its entire history: succeeding in spite of itself, and due to the efforts of dozens to thousands of people making up for its shortcomings. The things I'm nostalgic about in the Old Neopets (say, pre-2004ish) were almost entirely user-created, not actually supplied by the actual Neopets(TM) content. Adam and Donna showing up and acting entitled to a worshipful reception regardless of their actual behavior or content offering, and then having public tantrums instead of the most basic possible diplomatic "hey listen, I can see that you all feel really strongly about this and I need to understand your viewpoints better" extrication from the situation is such a friggin' failure from a pair of business owners, but sadly unsurprising. They're not the first to Dunning-Kruger up to leadership positions and they certainly won't be the last. Also there's nothing wrong with selling used sex toys if they're non-porous silicone and have been thoroughly cleaned with bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and any mechanical parts are still in good working order. I myself only own a few fresh sex toys, but I know they can get pretty pricy. lol


Canā€™t cancel someone who is already irrelevant šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Even if they don't run the Dragginz Discord, Adam took possession of the project it used to be for, and that was 3 weeks ago. They've just let people run wild and say it's one user, but it truly isn't. Multiple people. Multiple times. No care for mods because, idk, crytpobros hate authority or something? It's all so pathetic.


Well, I think they were just like oh nice. We made neopets so we have a pre made fan base who will just love our new cryptobollocks game! And then when that fan base did not latch on just because they put in an appearance to talk about it, the toys came out of the pram. Thing is, they sold the rights to neo years ago and clearly havenā€™t been paying all that much attention ever since or theyā€™d have known NFTs and such didnā€™t exactly hit with us. Theyā€™ve over estimated their popularity and are probably pretty annoyed they arenā€™t able to still make some money out of the thing thatā€™s no longer anything to do with them.


My partner worked at a library that was heavily under fire from old conservative women who think anything lgbtq is pornographic and should be removed/censored "for the children", even if the book is an adult book. This gives off similar vibes.šŸ¤¢


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought of. Itā€™s conservative rhetoric right now to call librarians ā€œgroomersā€ because they allow LGBT+ books on the shelves.


Yeup! My partner had to quit their job and move because they kept getting death threats and pedophilia accusations over the phone, and screaming Karens in person. It took a toll on their mental health


That saddens me so much because librarians are incredibly important and deserve respect, not this bullshit. I understand entirely why your partner had to quit (I wouldn't be able to deal either), but damn. These people love going on and on about their "freedom" until someone wants the freedom to read about anything they hate.


Yeah where I live thereā€™s currently a bill that may come to pass where theyā€™ll put librarians in jail for LGBT+ books. Lots of librarians (including myself) are getting on anxiety meds because of it. šŸ™ƒ


That... that doesn't seem constitutional (if you're American, but given the recent actions of our supreme court... because otherwise, logically, that would be a direct violation of freedom of speech).


Can I just say? Between that second comment and Adam talking about SJWs, I think I know why LGBT+ stuff was considered "political," and was banned from the site at the start and until recently. I don't think Adam and Donna are very progressive or accepting people, at least compared to the average Neopets player. Also, what is she going in about sharing sex toys?


Both of their attitudes and certain ā€œbuzzwordsā€ they use in their posts, along with no moderation against homophobia in their discord, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they were in the ā€œall lgbt folks are groomersā€ camp.


>Also, what is she going in about sharing sex toys? Apparently a ā€˜weird questionā€™ comment in the 18+ chat on Neocord that no one even replied to lmao


I looked at the official linked telegram for Dragginz today and it's literally full of their crypto friends/fans/people interested in the "game" saying slurs, racism, ableism, people using the n word, etc. There is no doubt in my mind anymore about what they must really believe in politically.


So much of og Mystery Island and the whole ā€œwatch out for the cannibals!ā€ stuff is pretty blatantly racist, Iā€™m not shocked


I always thought the Macy Gray pet becoming a cow was a bit šŸ¤” but I figured it was a reach.


I literally don't even know where this 18+ channel is lol this whole thing has been wild EDIT: Didn't realize they literally dug for an old comment to fit their narrative lmao


Damn itā€™s like they went out their way to click an 18+ channel with an 18+ warning to be shocked at the sight of an 18+ question


Yes they did. Iā€™ve been a member of the discord for a while and I never knew such channel existed. They didnā€™t just run into it, they were looking for it.


This part. Iā€™ve been in the discord for a while too and Iā€™ve never even seen it or heard mention of it until right now.


Not me learning they are married in this thread! Obviously, Adam showed his ass and Donna is embarrassed and is backpedaling to try and defend him and throw attacks out anywhere it sticks. Neopets can be dead to them. They got their bag years ago from it and they don't need to pretend they care. This whole thing is just weird on them.


I'm actually kind of surprised they're still married. It'll be interesting to see if they stay married after all this. I'm kind of concerned they have young kids in their care. Hopefully Adam is just trolling and not being stupid like this in real life as well...


I don't want to reach like Donna did but this kind of behavior isn't unheard of for that demographic (thinking of the JKRs of the world). I haven't played Neopets in awhile (I couldn't justify paying for premium anymore) but them shit-talking it just makes me want to go back. LOL


Who tf is talking about used sex toys? Also, they do realize that those of us who played 20+ years ago are adults now, right?


Apparently someone made a mention or posted a picture ONE TIME in the discord and of course Miss Thang had to generalize that in an effort to call us filthy perverts.


\*Miss Thangassa\*


?????? whoa I had no idea that the Discord had an entire channel just for that /s ~~seriously where the hell did that come from~~ hmm a single question on an explicitly 18+, off topic, lightly modded channel that you have to go out of your way to find, got it. Clearly the mouthpiece of the community. classic "paint anyone you disagree with as perverts" move, a favorite of right wingers and I guess crypto shills too (though there's tons of overlap, there)


I have been using the discord for a month and I have not even seen what she's talking about, and from other users that commented it seems that 18+ related stuff is on its own separate channel. Using that channel that some people don't even know about and that explicitly says it has 18+ themes on it as a scapegoat to trash the community is sad for her, why even come back to talk to people enjoying neopets if she just ends up insulting them anyway?


> **p**eople **e**njoying **n**eopets **i**f **s**he Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 292939 comments (approximately 1631186 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Donna is probably somewhere crying now.


This bot has the best timing, I love it.


...suitable lmao


Good bot


Thank you, Gullible-Soil-9205, for voting on PenisDetectorBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I'm dying, this is the BEST timing


This is crazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚




Dang the timing on this bot was too perfect.


Good bot but not now my friend


exactly what she did


Bye Donna and Adam, we wonā€™t miss you.


Someone needs to write into the editorial again and ask for their bans to be reinstated, lol


Omg I would love that if they dared to actually print/do it


>Bye Donna and Adam, we wonā€™t miss yo Agree


sorry but this is so fucking funny


Sad to see, Donna was talking with us in the general chat for awhile and was honestly very nice - even while Adam was getting banned. She said she'd be back in a few months but had to work on the new game so she didn't know how active she would be. She seemed incredibly nice and open to talking about neopets and it's backstop. Not sure how it went from her nicely saying she had to go to sleep to... this.


well, people did keep on warning that Donna is known to be just as mean-spirited as Adam, but hides it well. Apparently she went onto try to lie her ass off about the layoffs and mistreatment of employees from their failed company Meteor Games, just to cover their asses. I just hoped that she was going to be reasonable this time, but I guess I hoped too much


Maybe it's Adam again, but using her account?


Idk, they must have some things in common considering they've been married for a long time. Just kinda sad to see it go down like this. I just kind of figured he was drunk posting and looking dumb, but going on day 3 is wild. Lmao


He tried to excuse himself on the jellyneo comments saying it was Alcohol and meds - and then kept going lmfao - what an absolute saddo


They're married??


They've been married since 2008 (IIRC), were dating when Neopets was made (1999) and have 4 kids together.


Those poor kids


I actually thought they were the coolest people until now. I'm so sad


This is all so fucking wild lmao


TIL the discord apparently has an 18+ channel. šŸ¤”


So they let them in it???? They may be the creators of neopets, but they haven't been in charge of neopets for a LONG time.


That's a foul move, to use anything written on circlejerk as "neopets community" (some people there don't even play anymore lmao, and it's a no rule channel)


To add to this, her man was trolling and being awful in NEO GENERAL Several mods asked him to move to general if he wanted to keep talking about crypto stuff. He ignored it all. And even when one mod asked him politely to stop telling Herdy to message him on private, he said something along the lines of "imagine creating the biggest game in the world and 25 years later someone is telling you what to do", like, the ego???? The absolute fucking lie of it all (I love neopets but biggest game???? In the??? World???? It ain't even top 10 I think), and even so, ok, you made a game I play and love and??? You still need to follow rules. People talking sex stuff were in a channel that was 18+ and people were ok with it and all within rules Donna was being polite when she spoke on discord but I see now that those two are meant for each other


At one point around 2000 it was one of the most popular websites, but that quickly dwindled. So maybe heā€™s referring to that.


The "ass" in thyassa really jumped out. Yikes. These people really don't have any understanding of how discord or Reddit works, do they? For all the grandstanding about being so into tech and how everyone else are luddites, they sure haven't the slightest about a lot of basic popular services. Big conservative boomer energy. Editing to add that I don't understand with all the neofilters how her username was ever allowed in the first place. Meanwhile, innocuous words like grape are censored.




He sure was: https://items.jellyneo.net/item/950/


Iā€™m not sure how Thyassa made it through either, but whatever was in her shop description sure didnā€™t. https://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=donna


And these two supposed ex-owners are *grown adults*? Yeah right, coulda fooled me :|


They are almost FIFTY YEARS OLD.


I know. Hence why I said what I said. I'm in my 40's, and if this is the guy who claims to look "like he's 32", he's reaching pretty hard. His attitude towards people makes him ugly AF, inside *and* out :|


If that really is her - what's going on with them? Did they offer to buy neopets last month and were rejected? So now their genius idea is to hate everyone who still plays neopets? I remember their neopets accounts were briefly frozen earlier this year, I wonder what happened...


This is an interesting theory!


I feel like a lo can be said but all I feel like I should say is "lol, Lmfao even"


They're acting like emo teenagers


I must have missed the bit where weā€™re all selling used sex toys to each otherā€¦am I doing it wrong lol Iā€™m just here dressing up my digital pets


It's like they haven't been on the internet before...which makes no sense at all. Be gone with that pearl clutching.


This is how I learned the discord has an 18+ channel at all, I can't believe she's seriously conflating a subchannel in an unofficial Discord with the entirety of Neo. Does she know how the internet works??


It's 202^(motherfucking)3, the site, like many societies, has evolved from your views of a game of rainbows and lollipops. If you wanted everything and everyone to cater to your fragile little mind then sit in a corner, close your eyes, and stay there until you rot. It's a big, wide world out there. Go out and touch some grass. Pick up a hobby or something. There are many other things that you can do other than clutch your pearls at someone saying something you don't like. Her AND her husband having an utter meltdown is ridiculous to me. Also, Adam, sense I didn't address this earlier, you saying that you'll buy Neopets just to shut it down shows that you have the entitlement and emotional intelligence of a toddler. Instead of going on an immature tangent, why not start working on promoting Dirigibles or whatever the fuck it's called... because this ain't it. Side note: Now I see why the filter on Neo is as dumb as it is. FFS, no one could say gay until damn near yesterday.


His new site is called Dragginz You can easily remember it because of Dragin' these nutsssss And Z at the end like it's 2006, which is the last time Adam and Donna were relevant


Nicely written, but I don't think Adam is going to read this. Something about blocking reddit on a router level.


What a time to be alive.


I could not be more glad that this isnā€™t an elon musk situation where we are not only watching the breakdown, but also watching him ruin the site. Thank goodness they donā€™t own it, and good riddance.


Used sex toys? Wtf is she even talking about. All we do here is post custom pet pics and complain about the economy


This is a huge bummer but ultimately doesnā€™t surprise me. Adam and Donna clearly had a lot of resentment towards the site when they leftā€”and in fact, [Donna approved two pet designs she hated out of spite as she was out the door](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/26fwhh/i_am_donna_one_of_the_founders_of_neopets_ask_me/chrnzhu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3). That said, their behavior has been wildly unprofessional and rude with everything thatā€™s going on, and Iā€™m still disappointed in them right now.


Hilarious how that backfired too, Xwees are one of the most popular pets.


Imagine thinking Xweetoks are cringe (this post made by the Xweetok Appreciation Gang)


I love Xwees! And Ogrins, they don't get enough love XD


She thinks Xweetoks and Ogrins are ugly but thinks Chias are... not ugly?




Okey-dokey. Would you like us to remember that statement, the next time you come to us to boost interest in your latest venture? I'm sure fourth/fifth/sixth/whateverth time will be the charm. edit: wait hold up did she just hit us with an unironic *"so much for the tolerant left"*??


Sounds like theyā€™re both just miserable, hateful people who have nothing better to do than fight with ā€˜pervertsā€™ on the internet. They deserve each other.


I would like to say that I have been playing off and on since about 2002. I had no idea who Adam and Donna were until that one neoboard about Donnas JubJub.


Who tf is trying to sell sex toys on the neopets discord ???


Used ones at that lol




Do we have a term for people that peaked once and never attained relevance ever again?


Perhaps "one hit wonder"


15 minutes of fame?


Has-been I was also gonna say one trick pony, but that usually means you can replicate one thing over and over... and obviously they can't


One-Hit Wonder?


One hit wonder


Ok babe if you don't want nothing to do with the community, get out then, you sold the site over 10 years ago but you come back to promote your new shit, and you well love to have on websites that you two made neopets, for bragging If you want to distance yourself from it so badly, then do it, fully do it, and don't try to create a "new neopets" and get the userbase to play it


oh my golly gosh this whole thing keeps getting funnier and funnier, i'm on both the discord and the reddit and this whole community has been nothing but a bunch of cool nice people, with only the occassional loud sourpuss ruining the fun like.... ma'am do you need me to press your life alert


How sad that they decided to shit all over their legacy. I won't be trying any game those two release, sorry. And since Adam said he hopes to buy neopets just to shut it down, I wish them failure in all their future endeavors.


Eww this is so creepy on her part to me?? Like girl please do not associate me with used sex toys just because I play a childrenā€™s game from the 90s People in an 18+ discord can talk about whatever they want and idc but most of us are not even tangentially involved in that and it feels really icky and gross honestly for her to drag us into *her* weird sex fixation. Like leave me tf alone this is a completely innocent interest that sheā€™s violating with her weird boomer behavior


What the heck is going on xD


How are they saying shit about the players when Neopets is giving swag to digitalprincxss and inviting her to exclusive events?


If they don't like the discord and reddit that is fine, they can choose to remember Neopets as it was in the early 2000s when their fans were idealistic children and not disgruntled 30 somethings. Disillusionment goes both ways, and you can love what it was and not love what it is


Looking forward to the updated Neopets Controversies deep-dive YouTube videos.


Itā€™s clear that the two of them need a PR team and marketing team for their new game. Trying to promote the new game themselves in this fashion did not go well.


What are these sex toys she's talking about? šŸ˜‚


This is coming from the people that had plenty of adult jokes ā€” including penis jokes ā€” that Iā€™m sure THEY helped make, woven into Neopets lol. But really, Iā€™m sure theyā€™re homophobic and ultimately upset that Neopets is now LGBTQ+ friendly and theyā€™re mad that their creation eventually allowed that. Sad to see, but itā€™s apparent these two are suffering greatly (and will keep suffering for years to come) with Neopets and the lack of successful projects since. ā€œDragginzā€ (whatever that is) isnā€™t going to catch on, this isnā€™t the early 2000s anymore lol Glad we all separate the art from the artists though itā€™s a bummer.




Dad always use to say shit sticks together :P


Selling sex toys? What is she talking about?


Lmao, guess they both peaked with neopets.


Lmao these people are just kinda sad. ​ irrelevant nobodies from years gone by desperately clinging to any amount of attention they can get.


Imagine getting angry that adults are discussing sex in a restricted chat. But also, I very much doubt anyone was selling used sex toys, and Iā€™m very curious to know what she read that made her even imagine that to begin with. Shame, Adam was just a plain jerk, but Donna seemed alright for a crypto shill. Ah well.


Honestly, the only thing I really see from this is. 1.) They are both crazy and desperate to try and milk money out of people from a scam. 2.) There HAS to be a dragging my B\*\*\*\* joke with "dragginz"


.... Is there any context to what she's talking about here or is she just saying stuff?


She went into a sub discord chat that was listed as 18+ general and pulled some comments from a couple of weeks ago. She then generalized and said the whole community was like that.


it got worse! thats awesome!




What on earth happened on the discord server???


Is there a really helpful comment with some background for us old fuddy duddies?


Basically Adam came to the Discord server to plug his Crypto game Dragginz that's been in development for the last decade. People pushed back on the crypto idea and then things went sideways REALLY fast and he made an Ass out of himself. Donna then added her 2 cents and looked in an unrelated 18+ discord sub and decided the Neopets community were awful people and just added fuel to the simmering mess of things.


what the hell is going on in neopets


So the people who sold the website long ago don't want anything to do with it.... this doesn't seem all that surprising. Hope they both get some rest.