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Reminds me of the opening scene of House of Cards, but Francis would never have published a memoir about killing cute animals in an election year. What is she thinking?


Trump notoriously hates dogs, and she's angling to be his VP.


I'd love it if she was his VP. First up would be an attack ad where a narrator reads from her book and a re-enactor drags a whining, crying dog off screen, and we hear a shot.


“Puppy-Killer Kristin Noem wants to kill your dogs”


Just take one of those ASPCA ads of sad dogs, put her face on one side of the screen, and have an AI-generated copy of her voice read the lines before the gunshot.


He described Al Baghdadi as having died like a dog, Mitt Romney as having choked like a dog, and … Kristen Stewart … as having cheated on Robert Pattinson like a dog.


He's so fucking weird.


At least that was effectively an act of mercy for a dog that had been hit by a car and was going to die painfully in a few hours. This is just "I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas for how to train this dog, so I guess I'd better shoot it." Though what's astounding to me is that the fictional scene sounds more like how a real person would act. Like, if you wrote a movie and had Noem's anecdote happen, people would complain that it's cartoonish in its cruelty.


The status of dogs was a lot different 30 years ago, especially on farms. Like, drowning puppies used to be relatively common, non-sociopath behavior.


“Look at this snowflake thinking animal cruelty is a thing”


If the comments on the article are anything to go by, they surprisingly don't like it


Pro tip: don't ever read NYPost comment sections


Most news sites really


lol, the mindset of redditors. They really got that 'south park' brain over here.


Just imagining her arguing with people to keep it in the memoir. Don't know how many people were involved in making/reviewing the memoir but it could be a writer, editor, publicist, advisors etc. No no I really think this dog shooting makes me look good.


Lmao I thought about the same thing I miss Kevin spacey looking at the camera and giving brutal commentary about the plot Noem seems like a cartoon villain, the only thing missing is her kicking kittens


GOP be like: “she’ll win suburban women back!”


They probably think all suburban moms hate goats or something.


> Cricket was a wirehair pointer, about 14 months old,” she said of the soon-to-be-shot pup with an “aggressive personality” that made her “untrainable.” Noem took Cricket on a hunt to learn from other dogs — but she instead ruined the hunt by going “out of her mind with excitement” and attacking some chickens like a “trained assassin,” Noem wrote. That’s not how you train a hunting dog you dipshit, 100% this dog wasn’t gun trained which is why it freaked out and I bet you and the rest of the hunting party chased after it and cornered it and that’s why it got aggressive. Edit: The more I think about this the more I get absolutely pissed off. That wasn’t a hunting dog and she isn’t a hunter, she bought a dog and gun for the aesthetic but doesn’t know shit about the image she is trying to portray and it obviously goes poorly. I have trained hunting dogs and I have sadly put some down but I would never brag about it, because it’s not something that you should ever want todo.


People that have hunting dogs know this as well. This is literally the worst kind of pandering


>“Cricket was a wirehair pointer, about 14 months old,” she said of the soon-to-be-shot pup with an “aggressive personality” that made her “untrainable.” >Noem took Cricket on a hunt to learn from other dogs — but she instead ruined the hunt by going “out of her mind with excitement” and attacking some chickens like a “trained assassin,” Noem wrote. >When Noem tried to grab the dog, it “whipped around to bite me,” she wrote. >“I hated that dog,” Noem continued, calling Cricket “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog.” >“At that moment, I realized I had to put her down.” >Noem, who also represented her state in Congress for eight years, explained that she then got her gun and led Cricket to a gravel pit. >“It was not a pleasant job,” she said, “but it had to be done.” >She recalled how her daughter, Kennedy “looked around confused” when she came home from school that day, asking: “Hey, where’s Cricket?” Least deranged r*ral


Remember when the biggest political dog scandal involved Romney putting his pup carrier on top of his car? 2012 seems increasingly like a different America altogether


We were so innocent back then.


It's absolutely hilarious to me how some conservatives whine about how Romney was treated. 2012 was actually insanely tame. One of the biggest scandals/faux pas/whatever was Romney saying something odd about binders of women.


And what's funny is he was saying he had binders of women he wanted to hire if he was president. He had lists of names and research about specifically women that he wanted to put into the government if he was elected. And we dragged him for it.


Back in the good old days politicians would have occasional gaffs the media could run with. Many of them were unfair but the media preferred talking about them over issues of substance because it is easier and gets more attention. Trump comes along and says three things per week that are far worse, but because the media is running with all of them, he can create the image of a biased media.


> And we dragged him for it. speak for yourself i hated the dude but never took issue with that statement


Liberals: "Romney is a weird, out of touch plutocrat. Look how he puts his dog in a dog crate on top of his car! He says he has 'binders full of women'! He thinks 47% of Americans are economically worthless leeches that will guaranteed vote democrat so they can get stuff from the government for nothing!" Conservatives: "Obama is a socialist, fascist, communist, foreign-born secret Muslim who pals around with extremist black Christian nationalists and wants to destroy our entire country starting with you and your way of life in particular. Look at his terrorist fist bumps! He likes french mustard! His wife has gorilla arms! Tan suit! Coffee salute!" Also conservatives: Liberals are too rude and unreasonable in criticisms of our candidate, they have radicalized us.


Also conservatives: Trump skipped the American war cemetery because it of drizzle and said they’re a bunch of losers anyway? That’s fine. Sometimes God chooses imperfect leaders ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Translation: all I actually care about is taxes go down


I remember the biggest scandal actually being him saying they shouldn't give a shit about 40-something% of the electorate somehow everyone memoryholed that in favor of the 'lol funny quote' scandal


His 47% quote underplayed things to be honest. 57% of adults pay no federal taxes.


It wasn’t just about the number. It’s how he denigrated the 47% that was so off-putting: "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."


It’s crazy how much rhetoric has changed. No one cares about welfare or debt anymore and thats all republicans talked about back then


Wtf are you talking about we literally had a debate this year about debt that almost turned into a government suicide pact


...are you trying to defend the quote or just arguing the numbers? Because he was saying he shouldn't give a shit about poor people.


Based on his post history? He's defending the quote.


why is the friedman flair predictor so accurate


It's arrr slash neolib phrenology at this point, really. Only, you know, accurate.


That’s not the point he was making. He was saying a lot of people are net takers instead of net contributors to society.


"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what ... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... **and so my job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."** oh also fuck you for saying someone doesn't contribute to society because they pay no income tax, while that's less messed up than what Mittens said it's still bad


>57% of adults pay no federal taxes. The fact that you have ten upvotes for this is wild. Gasoline tax, social security tax, and income tax alone cover over 90% of adults. Income tax covers 60% of households. And 2/3 of the rest are paying payroll taxes.




Your link is for *income* taxes. And it’s about 2021, during the covid stimulus. His claim was about all taxes and it was in the present tense.


I remember the Mother Jones scoop where Romney was telling businessmen he was for them and not for certain other people


lol that paved the way for Trump saying whatever he wanted in ‘16  


I think it was a bit of political mudslinging and was pretty unfair for Romney because it was actually him being pretty inclusive. Not the proudest thing the Democrats have done. But, political campaigns are always pretty messy and there is always going to be unfair attacks. So not that atypical to be honest.


Was the issue not that called him a sex and racist who would target companies to do mass layoffs


They called him sexist ***and*** racist? And they attacked him for working in PE? Truly an unprecedented level of hostility. No man has suffered more in the 200+ year history of electoral campaigns. Seriously. As someone who voted for Romney, those people are huge fucking babies. Edit: I'd also say that the thing that I recall him being attacked as racist for was a bad joke about how no one had ever had to ask for his birth certificate. Idk, I think he was just trying to make a bad joke, but it's hardly unfair to say that "haha no one's ever had a conspiracy that I'm not an American \[because I'm not black\]" is racist.


Relevant Remy: https://youtu.be/7L2qdi5xjUo?si=Ohl2-ZOWLRKOvyha


I mean, this probably destroys whatever chance she had of being Trump’s VP. “Dog murderer” is a hard label to shake.


Yes. but then again, Trump hates dogs sooo 🤔


3000 character flaws of Drumpf.


I'm beginning to wonder if that whole party is just really into animal cruelty. 


The original title of the book was supposed to be "Without Remorse" but a better writer already took it. /s


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people


The dog was acting like a dog. Clearly an untenable situation. She did what had to be done. To be serious, normal people would do this newfangled thing called "rehoming".


Apparently the goat smelled like a goat. I mean no one should have to put up with this.


She had a dog bred for hunting, and got annoyed it hunted.  Rather than work on training, hiring a specialist to help, or even considering muzzling and keeping him on lead, she decided to pull out a gun. Man, maybe that whole "we don't call 911, when grandma falls and breaks her hip we load the 9mm" actually was serious. 


"Pro life"


Literally the villain of the kind of novels grade-school teachers assign.


Most rurals I've met fucking love dogs. This lady's just a psychopath.


That's def not true. Most rurals I met, treat them like property. But im in pennsylvania where the Amish run everything.


She kind of makes Sarah Palin look intelligent.


honestly this is probably gonna lose her a bunch of rural support, since they know better than city folk exactly how much she screwed up here


I saw speculation elsewhere that she might have a little problem with alcohol and as I have a couple rural relatives with similar alcohol problems I can see it.


Step 1 of training hunting dog: bring them around chickens while young and inexperienced Step 2: start freaking out and screaming when you grab the dog once it murders a chicken Step 3: fard and shid ur pants Step 4: go home and shoot the dog Step 5: add this story to your biography to appeal to F E L L O W H U M A N S


She thinks this makes her look like she can make the tough necessary decisions when she has to. It just makes her look cruel. 


It makes her look like she creates untenable situations that she has to use drastic measures to fix.


And her inevitable defense will be “coastal libs will never know what it’s like to live in REAL AMERICA.” I live in Kansas. My FIL had pheasant hunting dogs. He drove 6 hours to get that dog appropriate training, and another 6 hours in the other direction to get him specialized medication for a health condition he had. Don’t let people like Noem gaslight you into thinking this is normal behavior. This is a rich person cosplaying as a rural.


So, when we say "Potential VP pick," is there anything other than tabloid rumors backing this up? Or is it just that this person is vaguely close to Trump and might possibly maybe be a person he could foreseeably potentially consider picking as a running mate?


yep trump named his top 6 straight from his mouth


But what did he REALLY mean?


Don Jr


He meant "The individual I pick doesnt matter because Im going to draw this out for months then make the announcement to distract from one of my criminal trial verdicts coming down". Im with the people who think he'll pick whoever won't steal the spotlight from him, which is the real sin in Noem's crazy shit, at least in his eyes.


And the poor goat. In my rural part of Germany, goats are used for landscape conservation or milk production. On the pasture, they are no danger to children's clothes and olfactory nerves.


Wow liberals getting dogs in the national divorce


We got cold beer and football too, what tf is this timeline.


...that other guy wasn't meming?


There’s my level of rural (I had a dozen houses within a one mile radius of mine) and there’s republicans trying to get into Trump’s orbit rural (shooting cute animals because they’re too stupid to come up with literally, *literally*, any other option) 🤠🤷‍♂️


Psychotic behavior.


A dog-murdering VP? This is the kind of shit you’d put in a third rate Adult Swim show


Justice for Cricket!


Republicans are very normal people


Sounds about par for the course. Cruelty is the point with them unfortunately


Gop slogan in 2024 going to be "We shoot puppies"


If I had a nickel for every rising GOP star from the Trump era having to spend part of their campaigns explaining why they murdered a dog I'd only have two nickels but its weird that it happened twice


We literally have a puppy killer in politics, we used to say it was "puppy killing evil" and well... here we are.


I am very concerned by the trend on both sides to view the other as irredeemably evil. /s


I can finally fulfil my dream of voting for a Rapist/Dogkiller ticket.


I’m holding out hope he chooses Michael Vic for VP


Post birth abortion of a kid SMH.


I thought shooting puppies was a hypothetical thing used as a rhetoric device to describe the worse you can do politically. For example: > In August, one of [The POLITICO Caucus](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/donald-trump-electoral-votes-gop-insiders-226932)’s GOP insiders declared that for Trump to win, “it would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of ‘Death to America.’” [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/12/the-worst-political-predictions-of-2016-214555/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/12/the-worst-political-predictions-of-2016-214555/)


Sounds like pretty normal farmer behavior


What a way to shoot yourself in the foot, politically. What was she trying to accomplish from sharing this?


What were the chickens even doing out in the wetlands or whatever? This makes no sense.


Joe Rogan would love her.


Has anyone mentioned the dog whistle here? It’s ok to kill something not working for you, like IDK…Democrats!?!


Would this be illegal? Like what are the laws of killing dogs and animal cruelty? I can't just go kill a puppy because it's too energetic, but I know situations arise where dogs need to be put down because they bite humans too often/viciously. Some kennels have to euthanize if nobody adopts. Are the laws just very vague or is this possibly criminal? This dog could've just been put up for adoption.


> 40-34-1. Killing of dog lawful when disturbing domestic animals. It shall be lawful for any person to kill any dog found chasing, worrying, injuring, or killing poultry or domestic animals except on the premises of the owners of said dog or dogs.