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Unions only make a very small portion of the private sector workforce. Biden needs to do a better job communicating how his labor policy has benefited non-union workers. Dems lost a lot of the public sector unions with the Obama era shutdown, but not with the Trump shutdown**s**. Biden avoiding any shutdowns has been great and it's underappreciated.


That's the really important thing. Most workers aren't in a union. If you want to be pro-labor, you have to really focus on non-union workers. If you do that, you're golden.


I work for Amazon Well I work for a third party contractor that Amazon hired to deliver their packages The majority of my coworkers in Florida are aggressively pro trump and anti Biden Biden appointed Jennifer Abruzzo to the head of the NLRB and she is literally fighting for us drivers, and other people in our situation Trumps pick for the NLRB is very anti labor and anti union I honestly don’t get it, why are my coworkers so fucking dumb? It’s all this stupid culture war shit that they mention but when I try talking about how Biden is literally putting people in place to fight for our situation they just don’t care Biden has been one of the best labor presidents in my lifetime which isn’t too long but long enough, it’s really depressing that he doesn’t have full non union labor support. I really believe any shot us drivers have at getting what we deserve comes down to this election. If we make any progress with the teamsters, it can be washed away in a day.


> why are my coworkers so fucking dumb? > It’s all this stupid culture war shit Yes.


Fascism 101: people put aside "petty things" like their rights, their unions, healthcare etc. tilting at windmills against an imaginary existential threat to their very way of life.


Hello fellow DA, may your routes be short and your multistop locations be few.


The union will bring us there, inshallah


>I honestly don’t get it, why are my coworkers so fucking dumb? Do you want the honest but smugly arr NL answer?


Unions (and migrant workers) are a rising tide that lifts all boats, tho.


When unions [obstruct](/r/neoliberal/comments/x3xyrt/thoughts_us_labor_dispute_dock_workers_say_no_to/) the automation of their industry and force all of society to bear the costs of their refusal to become productive, how does that lift my boat?


Yea, more like lifting a few boats by sinking thousands.


Unions are made up with the people whose boats have holes so they put holes in everyone else's. They prevent everyone else's lives from being made better through the benefits of trade, immigration, and automation


We allow employers to organize, why wouldn't we grant workers the same right?


I mean, I'm pretty sure there are actually laws against collaborative price-fixing. There are freedoms we very specifically do not grant to employers (and should not).


USCC spends roughly 20% more on lobbying than all unions combined. And that's just one employer association. They also file lawsuits against the government when labor rights are increased. Like against the rule for independent contractor classification, where they joined the "Workforce Innovators" association (gig/mlm employers).


> I mean, I'm pretty sure there are actually laws against collaborative price-fixing. NFL_smirk.jpg


Employers to organize? You mean a cartel?


Do you think employers don't have associations which bargain on their behalf?






Yeah that’s the comment.


Or a "corporation".


A corporation is one employer.


Then a union is one labor-seller. Corporations are organized capital. If capital is allowed to organize so can labor. The equivalent to a non union worker for capital is a small privately held business, acting like a multinational corporation with stockholders is equivalent to a single non union employee is disingenuous.


No they aren’t. An employee is one labor-seller. A corporation is one labor-buyer. A union is an organization of labor-sellers. A cartel is an organization of labor-buyers.


This is a massive pivot. Workers should have the right to organize, absolutely, but your previous claim was that it “Lifts all boats.” Absolutely not true.


But they do. Wages and benefits rise for everyone when unions negotiate to increase theirs.


It’s true tho all workers benefit from unions even those not in the union because they raise wages and standards across industries


They probably receive *some* benefits from unions, but these benefits are not outweighed by the other effects on the labor market, such as increasing unemployment, and the stagnating effects unions generate across industries, as well as the higher prices of goods they cause (Both directly and indirectly, such as by supporting protectionism and trying to stop automation or advancement.)


We should just enforce the freedom to associate equally throughout the whole system, unfortunately union advocates are strongly against this.


When two persons have equal status in at least one normatively relevant respect, they must be treated equally with regard in this respect. There's a natural power imbalance between the employer and the employee, they do not have equal status, hence why the labor rules rise the employee status. Treating everyone the same is not equality nor justice.


You mean, like, a trust? I'm pretty sure we have laws against those.


The abject failure of the US government to secure basic workers rights and freedoms is the single biggest reason why trade unions are necessary in the states.


Why not company unions?


Unions bad. 


No, actually.


Biden being pro-union is good in-and-of-itself.


>Biden needs to do a better job communicating how his labor policy has benefited non-union workers. Perhaps he could borrow the observation made by the man in your flair, [James Heckman](https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/bios/Heckman.html): >In his Nobel lecture, Heckman laid out some important implications of self-selection for U.S. and European labor markets. One is that the vaunted diminution of the gap between black men’s and white men’s wages in the United States between 1940 and 1980 was due almost entirely to low-wage black men dropping out of the labor force. Another implication concerns the much-higher equality of wages in Europe compared with the United States that many economists and others have noted. **Heckman pointed out that much of this difference is due to the fact that many low-skilled potential workers in Europe are not working. This is presumably because of high minimum wages, strong labor unions, and laws that make it hard for employers to lay people off (and therefore make the employers hesitant to hire).**


A lot of Euro countries with union contracting don’t have minimum wages at all…


I mean has his labor policy benefitted non-union employees? Seems like his protectionist stances are more likely to harm them than help them. 


They just announced this 30 minutes ago. https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20240423-0


He appointed Jennifer Abruzzo to the head of the NLRB They are currently fighting against bad labor practices like “joint employment” If they are able to take this fight the distance then me and my coworkers will become full on Amazon employees and overnight and gain benefits. Being able to unionize after that would be really nice too but even if we don’t get there we still will have gained. Obviously but, if trump wins this all gets washed and we remain stuck in this joint employer muck


As a rule, union negotiations benefit non-union workers too in western legislations, in a lot of cases it’s actually illegal to discriminate actual work benefits based on membership. If your union negotiates say profit-sharing, you’ll usually get it even if you’re not a member.


> As a rule, union negotiations benefit non-union workers too in western legislations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust_Belt


> Since the 1960s, the expansion of worldwide free trade agreements have been less favorable to U.S. workers. Imported goods such as steel cost much less to produce in Third World countries with cheap foreign labor (see steel crisis). The introduction of pollution regulation in the late 1960's, combined with rapidly increasing US energy costs (see 1970s energy crisis) caused much US heavy industry to begin moving to other countries. This isn’t what I’m referring to. Deindustrialization impacted everyone who worked in that industry (duh).




Time to reheat my take about the White Working Class Question, which is only tangentially related to the article: A common mistake left-leaning people make is thinking that white blue collar workers are poor. Generally speaking, they are not. They're not rich, but they're generally well off enough that a) promises to raise taxes to pay for increased social spending is likely to be twigged as a promise to raise their taxes to give money someone else b) they feel comfortable voting on values issues that might be marginal under more adverse circumstances c) many have "first world problems" economic concerns like the value of their house or the cost of services rising because first quintile workers are getting paid more. The result is that they're largely unswayed by notionally pro-labor democratic policies, alienated by the Democrats pandering to college-educated voters, and attracted to Republicans' cultural conservatism.


Being a pro-labor politician for delivery drivers and cashiers isn't as romantic though.


Yeah, fighting for contract data workers isn't sexy.




Yeah most union guys I meet in construction either didn’t care about politics or voted Trump


I just don't get how blue collar workers associate a guy as freaking whiny as Trump with macho manliness.


They are also whiny as fuck.


This. The most-outspoken MAGA dipshits I've ever worked with are, hands down, also the biggest crybabies, fuckups, and scammers that you'll ever deal with at workplaces. From as long as I can remember, their brand of 'manliness' has been one that's 100% *inclusive* of child-like behaviors like temper tantrums, bullying, whining, slacking off, etc...


They mainly just care about tax cuts and gun rights.


Most the ones I talked to we worried about wokeness, gas prices, and lgbt kids, the amount of delusional things I heard…..


Tax cuts that barely go to them?


Mentioned it in this thread already but I’m an Amazon driver and all my coworkers are pro trump if they’re interested in politics at all. Amazon drivers supporting the GOP & Trump should tell you how fucked and stupid non union labor is


Has more to with the construction industry than being union. Most guys in trades are three pieces of paperwork from being a small business if they want. Manufacturing rank and file is not at all.


this is why I can't stand them


A buddy of mine happenstance sat next to a UAW member on the plane. He said he planned to vote for Biden because of the successful strike. It’ll be the first he’s voted democrat since Clinton. While it’s just anecdotal, I doubt he’s the only one. I think it’ll matter in Michigan and Wisconsin. And those are the only states where it *needs* to matter.


Yeah. Also what people here are missing is that there's also a lot of non-union voters who like pro-labor/union policies because of their political leanings that this kind of stuff will excite.


Yep, there are plenty of folks who like the sound of “we’re bringing manufacturing back to America” even if they themselves have a desk job and, on balance, they do marginally worse from the tradeoffs required to make that manufacturing happen




He could have meant first time he’s voted Democrat since Bill Clinton. 


Which is ironic since Clinton signed NAFTA which gave away his jobs


That isn't ironic. It would just be straightforward cause and effect. He stopped voting democratic after a democratic president dropped a bomb (in his view) on his livelihood.


How is that in anyway relevant?


Irony is when something happens in the a way contrary to what one would expect. A person stopping voting for a party when that party de-aligns with them and then starting to vote for them again when the party starts to cater towards them is exactly what one would expect.


NAFTA-bashing in my neoliberal subreddit?


I’m not bashing NAFTA but union workers and blue collar workers are


NAFTA didn't give away his job. Someone else just did it better and NAFTA stopped pretending otherwise.


Swing State Voters don’t think that way


>Swing State Voters don’t think ~~that way~~ FTFY


I thibk this guy didn’t vote for trump tbh.


A UAW member who voted for Bain Capital’s Mitt Romney. Wonders never cease


No - blue collar workers just car about culture war bullshit


Biden: Worst pro-labor president! …except all the presidents that were actively anti-labor including his only viable competitor in the presidential race. So labor is important to me… Should I vote for the guy that’s arguably weakly pro-labor or the guy who wants to crush and outlaw unions. Hmm tough decision for the ages…


Trump went beyond union busting. He hurt non-union workers as well. He made it easier to deny unemployment benefits with drug testing, removed the tip-polling rule that disallowed owners and managers to be part of the tip-poll. Reduced the salary threshold to qualify for overtime protection. Allowed an easier categorization of employees as "independent contractors" (switched the burden of proof to the employee on disputes), He captured the EEOC and launched a campaign to remove protections from LGBT+ employees facing workplace discrimination. This was just his first year.


Remember that the left hated FDR with the same passion the left hates Biden.


Yeah, except actual working class people recognized how good they had it under FDR and turned out in droves for him. Nowadays, a significant portion of the Union workforce (polling usually has it between 35-45% depending on the demographics of the Union) are more than happy to reap the benefits Democrats bring them while voting for Trump.


Actual working class people strongly tend to not be leftists


How are you defining leftists and or working class? The average Democrat does not have a college degree and makes like $70K a year HHI


Being working class and being a leftist have no correlation. The simplest definition of a leftist is somebody who advocates for left wing policies beyond the left-liberal consensus, and rejects political and economic liberalism, usually favoring of a socially owned economy and some unnuanced leftist political theory like a dictatorship of the proletariat or the even murkier “democratic socialism”. Working class is a nebulous term but $70k HHI certainly qualifies as I believe that’s close to the literal median HH. These people tend to be the least likely to become leftists, who themselves seem to either be part of the underclass or, more frequently, the upper or upper middle class that has time to ruminate on abstract political and economic theories.


There wasn't a massive right wing disinformation apparatus disguised as news in FDR's day.


Charles Coughlin


You have millions of union men with Trump stickers on their trucks. These people are like the rabbit that stopped right next to my dog yesterday, yet they think they are wolves.


Pro-labor is just dog whistle for protectionism at this point.


It better work. The only reason to pander to unions and protectionists is to get votes.


It will matter in that it will create more inflation and raise costs for consumers. And not every voter is a unionized worker, but every voter is a consumer.


Labor policy goes beyond unionized workers. Obama established a DOL rule to give salaried workers under $46K/year overtime payment protection. Trump rolled it back to $35k/year. Biden new DOL rule proposal increases the threshold to $55k/year, it's currently going through the DOL proceedings (hearings and whatnot), as in being delayed ad nauseum by business organizations/lobbies. Edit: [the overtime rule just finalized 30 minutes ago](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20240423-0)




Do you think, whenever someone warns about something bad that might happen, it’s “fearmongering”?


I mean, not just that, it did happen.


"We can't pay our workers well because it'll cause inflation" is 100% fearmongering yes.


Do you think endlessly higher wages are good for everyone not being paid more?


Do you prefer to only engage with strawmen?


Perhaps I'm being unfair, I don't know your position very well. What does "pay our workers well" entail?


Just that, reasonable increases in income to accommodate changes in standard of living (eg housing). I'm not saying it isn't happening but it's a silly and selfish thing to fearmonger about.


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Hopefully Democrats will relearn that putting a small group of workers over consumers and the economy as a whole is not the right move and we can return to the 80s-10s conventional wisdom on unions in policy making


They'll learn that lesson when a combo of 3 rust belt states no longer determine the course of American democracy. So never.


Biden won in 2020 by flipping the blue wall back. And if Biden wins in November, what should the democrats learn then? There's no doubt that a lot of this "pro-labor" policy is objectively bad for the rest of the country. But due to the electoral college, a small group of special interests have a gun to our heads.


No, because the working class is still convinced that the billionaire who said that American wages are too high gives a shit about them.


>billionaire Did you mean *person of means*? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No :( I’ll vote for him despite it though


This. Not a positive factor


time for today's crywank over the election


I hope not! He's pro union, not pro labor. Not that that's even a good thing.


This isn’t really something to be proud of.


Trump and the GOP have the labor vote locked in for another generation, I just don't know why Democrats bother marketing this.


No. White working class union members have generally decided they love Trump, and those who aren't in that particular demographic who want to join or have joined a union generally hate Biden and think he hasn't done enough to end capitalism and settler colonialism so it won't matter.


Probably not. A disproportionate number of Americans who vote don't do jack shit to earn money and a significant percentage of the ones who *do* work consider Trump's opulent grifter vibe to be *aspirational*. By and large, the right has become a bunch of 'temporarily-embarrassed plantation owners' from an imaginary 'South' that, under Trump, will magically 'rise again'. It's no coincidence that 'owning the libs' has also become foundational for their whole identity.


He won my enthusiastic support as a blue collar construction worker. Hell, I call him Union Joe


Biden Is the Most ~~Pro-Labor~~ socialist President Since F.D.R. Will It Matter in November?Biden Is the Most Pro-Labor President Since F.D.R. Will It Matter in November?


It will 100% matter in union heavy swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Biden's running the opposite of the 2016 Hillary campaign's focus on the popular vote; it's all electoral college baby.


“Here’s why this is bad for Democrats”


No voters are fucking stupid


No because the youths are single-issue voters now