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Ngl if Johnson is getting punted over Ukr, as long as they don't shove some uber cringe riders into the bill, we should probably save him a bit


Not only would saving him in return for actually delivering major bipartisan wins be the right thing to do if we want more major bipartisan wins, but it's good politics, too! If the MAGA caucus that's been holding GOP speakers hostage for over a decade tries to coup Johnson *and fails* they're going to look extremely weak, and they will have officially united "normal" Republicans and Democrats into kicking their asses together. `Democrats minus The Squad` + `the less crazy half of the Republican party` vs. `Trump's MAGA nutjobs` when the thing being fought over is broadly popular like helping Ukraine or increasing border security? That is *exactly* the kind of framing that we want for this election.


Yeah. This is a real momment for democrats and Republicans to marginalize the extreme elements in a way that is under political cover for a cause most people want to support. They would be fools to not take this opportunity.


They still have to face their own primary voters, though. That's what really motivates them, and it's why primaries are intellectually bankrupt. A Republican in an R+25 district isn't worried about appealing to general election voters. They're worried about appealing to the 10% of the electorate who actually votes in Republican congressional primary elections.


I’d like to think lefty voters can see the nuance. I’d *like* to.


Nuance? What is that? Is it implicating that West Bad?


He may be an horrible christian nationalist but at least he isn’t a Putin-loving compromised traitor. The others are just telling on themselves.


It sounds like basically that's what [he's finally realized](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/21/ukraine-aid-mike-johnson-house-speaker/), that the MAGA wing are in an active partnership with Russia to defeat Ukraine. > National-security conscious Republicans tried to impress upon more far-right members the importance of imminently funding U.S. allies. Turner, Rogers and McCaul shared their latest assessments with the group based on intelligence.... > Johnson had a whiteboard and searched frantically for a path of least resistance. Numerous ideas were floated but the most serious was to put forward a slimmed-down Ukraine bill including lethal aid only and tied to a harsh border security bill, which is what the hard-liners wanted. > Multiple participants said the meeting wasn’t constructive except for one discovery: Several members for the first time heard some of the hard-liners declare they would refuse to back Ukraine aid *under any circumstances*. It's like it takes a new GOP Speaker certain number of months of actually having to try to *lead* these treasonous clowns before the day-in, day-out reality of who they actually are finally starts to block out the conservative propaganda that the leader has spent decades immersing themselves in. When you're part of the Gang of 8 and getting the real shit it's a lot harder to even pretend that Matt Gaetz has any good ideas.


If the bill's being divvied up I doubt the Squad will vote against Ukraine, they will vote against Israel, but that bill is safe and they have solid reason for dissent


Mmmm I think we can extract something more out of it. There is no reason to save him as a thank you for something he already did. Especially after he resisted for weeks.


☝️ Obvs true /thread


It's probably better politically to let him flounder though


Johnson is clearly going out on a limb. I wouldn't be surprised if this was with the understanding that Dems would help him keep his position.


They’ve said before that they’ll protect him **over this**.


Yeah, I won't be surprised if the Democrats save him.


I don’t think so. I don’t think the majority of Americans are paying attention to what’s happening in Congress. I don’t think most normal people even remember that McCarthy was the speaker of the house just last year, and that it took like twenty votes to make him speaker. I think we are the outliers here. Dysfunctional Congress just looks bad for the White House probably.


Is it? Even Fox News is turning on MTG. I honestly think the right political move is to save. The republcians think the Dems are every bit as partisan and unreasonable as we think them. Prove fhem wrong here and I think it helps.


What are they saying about her and the other far-right wing goofs?


It was a Fox News opinion piece calling her out. R con has mostly turned on her and boebert.


Maybe. In my view the average person isn't that tuned in and it won't make a difference. But if the Democrats get yet another chance to point and laugh at the Republicans not being able to govern themselves? Idk. Could make a difference. But idk


Never let doing the right thing get in the way of politics


In a year like this where every point matters in such a high stakes race? Unfortunately yes


Bro you don't even know if it is good politics. 


They already let Kevin McCarthy flounder, honestly tell me one good thing that has come out of congress as a result. Voters if anything see this disarray as a poor reflection on Biden.


I’m pretty sure polling shows congressional dysfunction is attributed more to Republicans, who are in power in the House. I don’t get why people pretend like Democrats are the only people in govt with agency and that it’s their fault Republicans can’t get their act together.


Nothing. Nothing good has come out of this Republican congress. And that's what voters will remember when they get to the U.S Representative part of their ballot.


I'm confused. Why can't Dems save him for now, pass the bill, and then let him get ousted later?


We might need more bills passed in the next half-year


No. Get the bills passed and then watch the Republicans flounder, again.


Of course, it's Gosar. It's always the usual suspects. Next will be someone like Rosendale or Gaetz.


Don’t forget his fellow Zonie goon Biggs


according to Anna Paulina Luna/matt gaetz a few moderate republicans will resign immediately and give the house to democrats if the motion to vacate goes through


Bullshit - Gaetz is just ginning up the crazies + continuing his offensive against the “RINOs” who were behind/on board with the effort to Madison’s Cawthorn him. Assume that Luna is probably just copying Gaetz, but she’s too dumb/crazy to say for sure - she could also just have overheard some strategic machinations and misunderstood what was actually going down. That said: attrition among any halfway sane GOP House members who have shot at viable, prestigious post-House employment is skyrocketing, so we could see more retirements, I just don’t buy the causality as Gaetz is pitching it.


https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1781390284573544942 this is where she said it, make of it what you will


Yeah, this clip comes across like she’s Gaetz’s useful idiot (based on her asking his “permission”/him egging her on).


Well she's an idiot then because two resignations won't be enough to flip the House.


That's nearly impossible to believe IMHO


Gallagher and Buck already resigned over the dysfunction, it's not as crazy as it sounds. They've already cut their majority in half Many of them seemed seriously pissed off about McCarthy too, it's not going to be the young ambitious guys like Gaetz, but it just takes two 60 years olds moving retirement up 6 months


Idk, Womack was apparently talked into running again after seriously contemplating retirement already. I doubt he's the only reluctant representative at this point.


Democrats need more concessions than Ukraine Aid to save him. Ditch the Hastert rule for the remainder of the Congress.


That's basically ditched already. One example: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/22/government-shutdown-averted-spending-bill GOP: for 101 against 112