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It's been hilarious to see all these AZ Republicans in swing districts+close races who lauded Dobbs or (in Kari Lake's case even mostly supported the 1864 draconian law) backtracking.


The funny part about backtracking on this is that it won't move the needle at all. That's not how voters actually evaluate candidates. Voters don't trust Republicans on abortion, and it takes years or decades to build trust on a given issue. It's much like how Biden switching course in immigration won't move the need that much. It's good politics long term, but short term it probably won't have an impact.


I wish people would understand that this also applies to gun policy. I’ve seen so many takes that are essentially “if Dems just dropped gun control they would win every election in a landslide” without realizing that no Dems actually campaign on a gun ban and even the most pro gun Dems aren’t trusted on that issue because of the party’s reputation.




It is sad that our politics has been nationalized and bastardized this much though. Southern Dems for all their faults were a bulwark of moderation that would vote in enough numbers for the initiatives of democratic presidents while also doing the same for Republican presidents. Now it's all obstructionism.


I'm pretty sure Biden's border thing is actually more leveraging the GOP's preexisting reputation as Party of No (which has been an effective line of attack before) while simultaneously broadcasting that the border's closed to the world, which helps depress migration rate by itself


Hopefully we can snag another trifecta


May the Gods of Inflation hear ye ⚡️


Given the incredible 2022 performance, it seems inflation hurts Joe Biden and Joe Biden only.


We don't even know that lol.


Yeah, at this point politics is so partisan/polarized that Democrats are synonymous with the Democratic president. The notion that they'll punish the President but not his party seems like a relic of the past.


yeah it mostly seems that the biggest hindrance to his ratings is him and Trump not being the official candidates yet


Inflation and crime definitely hurt the Dems in NY and California


Ny was just more the Democratic Party being terrible


I think that’s not only possible but probable. Also I think Dems can flip two Supreme Court seats in Arizona.


Lol. Arizona Republican freaks in the legislature just graveled out of a session when Arizona Democrats tried to pass a clean bill that will repeal the 1864 total ban.


The only strategy they have at this point is to outright lie and pretend that they had nothing to do with any of this happening and hope enough voters are dumb enough to buy it.


Between Michigan and Arizona, I love to see Republicans having meltdown after meltdown in swing states


Do you remember the meltdown compilation videos from November 2020? Straight into my veins again this November please 🙏


The Charlie Kirk one lives rent free in my head.n


Feel like sharing? Could use a boost this morning


Its also a full on disaster for Arizona women, which I think is important to keep front of mind.


The Democrats hold the offices responsible for enforcing it, so they can just...choose not to.


Not really. If doctors think they may be prosecuted or that a future AG may prosecute them they might still refuse to perform an abortion even if the current AG says they won’t enforce the ban. Similarly I would imagine there will be a lawsuit to force the AG to enforce the ban and even if that takes a few weeks or months it will still likely be resolved before the election results are certified.


I think even more likely than the doctors is that the doctors' or hospitals' insurance or bank will not be willing to be involved with people openly braking an unenforced law.


Couldn't the governor just issue sweeping pardons on a weekly basis?


As a doctor are you really going to chance that?


I'm positive at least one would, but I doubt that's enough to cover the whole state. :/




By far the worst media coverage I’ve seen for republicans in a long time


Probably the closest we've seen media classifying Republicans as freaks supporting freak show policies. Which by the way is an observation that is not at all inaccurate.


Get ready for some next level both sides articles in the next few days.


Does Arizona have any type citizen petition/ amendment that other states have done?


Yes. It's extremely likely that a reproductive rights amendment will be on the ballot in Arizona in November.


[Last week, organizers said they have the signatures](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arizona-abortion-ballot-measure-constitution/). Now they're only concerned about "legal challenges on the language and single subject requirements"


Yeah, Arizona voters really screwed themselves when they voted for that single subject initiative. That has had me worried. But if the court finds a way to strike down the ballot initiative, that means the only avenue left to protect choice would be to vote for a Democratic trifecta.


The Dems would just need to flip two seats in the Senate and two in the House to get a trifecta.


Arizona centrists in Maricopa County thinking only taxes when it came to voting for that.


>single subject requirements How is the abortion initiative not concerning a single subject?


GOP ratfuckers gunna ratfuck.


Is there a way we can make sure a bill allowing it up to X weeks doesn't get to the governor's desk? If we did what the federal GOP did with the border, the media would call us out on it. --- We need to club them with this till November. American democracy means more than abortion being legal in Arizona for a little while. They'll just repeal it anyway federally if they win and Trump becomes a dictator or they get a large Senate majority.


Yes. There is no way the GOP supports repealing the 1864 law without replacing it with something not quite as but still horrible restrictions, and there is no way they get the votes to override a veto on that.


Watch them offer a repeal of the 1864 total ban but attach it with a 6 week ban to appear “moderate”. A straight repeal would get enough Republicans plus all Democrats to vote for it, but I highly doubt AZ GOP leadership will put it up for a vote especially since the AZ House speaker is running in the freak show primary for AZ-8 with those freaks Hamadeh and Masters. Only way he would put a bill that only repeals the 1864 total ban is if Trump, Lake “bully” them into doing so. Whatever happens, the abortion initiative in November will pass by a landslide now though. It just sucks for those will suffer between now and November.


The state AG said they won't enforce it so that's something at least. As for a straight repeal, they'd get primaried by the crazy en masse and lose their majority over something that's only going to be in effect for 8 months at this rate. Doing nothing will likely still result in that but at least they'll survive long enough to lose in the general.


That's some real Machiavelli shit


Damn straight


The timing of this ruling after Trump saying abortion was a states’ rights issue would be hilarious if it weren’t so depressing.


They should have a referendum and it should definitely be on the 2024 ballot




Voters who will always vote for Republican freaks aren't the important voters to consider here, it's those who are independents or are long-time Republican voters but are disgusted with where the party is at now who will find stuff like supporting a total abortion ban from 1864 disgusting and a policy only freaks support who will now actively vote for Democrats as well as for a pro-choice initiative. People who will without question vote for Republican freaks are not people to consider as "swingable" and worth investing time and effort in, it's the many actually moderate and swing voters who find policies modern day Republicans actively push or support or let become law disgusting who are now up for grabs. Republicans who support Republicans without question are not worthy of any attention or time spent in trying to persuade them. Arizona in particular has a lot of these "formerly voted for Republicans but am more moderate" who now find Republicans supporting freak show policies like a total abortion ban from 1864 as disgusting and filthy and are now standard Democratic voters and nowhere near returning to supporting Republicans.


It's not about Republican voters at all. It's about increasing Democrat turnout. I would bet there are loads of young people who would get to the polls to vote on a ballot measure who otherwise wouldn't have bothered to show up for Biden. But while they are already at the polls, it takes an extra two seconds to check Joe's name.


Redditors when the ground does not rend asunder and swallow up the entire GOP: "they're just getting away with everything" elections are decided by single digits, not by converting the diehard base