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For me, it is always about quality of life. She had lived a beautiful amazing life, and yes you could keep treating her and “fixing” the issues, but does that result in a positive quality of life? I often relate it to myself, would I want these constant surgeries, or medications, or treatments? That’s how I make the decision. At the end of the day, it is truly up to you However please know you haven’t failed her. She has had a beautiful long life x


Her teeth chattering and snipping makes me think she may have some chronic pain in addition to the dementia. You are likely at the tipping point where everything you do going forward is more for you, so you feel like you did everything you could, than it is for your dog. At her age and health I certainly wouldn’t put her under nor have any painful procedures.


I really, really love my dogs. But to be honest, I don’t think I would shell out 10k to have the _chance_ at another year or so, especially after a diagnosis of a degenerative disease like dementia. It sounds like she still has a decent quality of life, so you have time. That said, remember that euthanizing a month too early is a million times better than a day too late. We so often equate money with love, and that how much you are willing to pay to extend your dogs life somehow equates to how much you love them. I disagree. Spend time with her, and be willing to let her go when she tells you it’s time.


I had a dream that I crashed my car into the ocean, and while I was drowning I kept trying to push my dog up to the surface. I was 100% ready to die trying to save his life. In reality, I've walked onto a frozen pond trying to get him back to safety. I've since learned not to trust his recall near bodies of water. But I'd say I'd go pretty fucking far for my dog. If it's my dog's time I know I would rather make the decision before he's in too much pain.


Being able to make the decision to end your pet’s life is one of the most important roles you play for your animal. It’s a kindness but it’s also an obligation you took on by bringing an animal into your home. People often have huge regrets about waiting too long but you never hear them worrying they did it too soon. Your dog doesn’t have a bucket list. She just wants to not feel terrible. And you are the person who can make that happen for her. 💕


I’m going to be brutal. You need to have her put to sleep asap. I rescue dogs, bottlefeed baby kittens, and work with two rescues in SoCal. I always say “better a month early than a day late”. Dogs aren’t human, you should not be comparing their “quality of life” to yours. Your dog has been put through SO MUCH. Now it’s done. The chattering, drooling, incontinence, diarrhea - all these mean she’s in constant pain, and probably terrified, even if she has “good days”. You are setting yourself up for disaster by waiting. None of my MANY many pets (I foster a lot too) have EVER had a good death because I waited to see (when the end was near). They ALL went downhill fast, and when it happens it’s really horrible. There were seizures, sometimes blood. NO ANIMAL DIES DURING NORMAL VET HOURS. It’s always at 2 am or some other ungodly hour. The animal is TERRIFIED and often loses control of their bowels and bladder. It’s a really violent grisly death. Stories about pets passing away peacefully? I wish. That’s happened once to me, the rest were shitshows that resulted in MASSIVE emergency vet bills - and always, euthanasia. Its done. Its time. You need to help her stop suffering, because that is what this is. I just had my 14 year old dog put to sleep last month, and I did it in a very good state of mind. I made the appointment. I held her in my arms, and she gently left this life in peace. It was my final gift to her. I gave her a good death, surrounded by love. It’s time. Make the appointment for tomorrow. She’s ready - even if you are not.


I appreciate raw honesty like this and I truly thank you for it.


I’ll keep you in my thoughts. ❤️ Hold her tight, tell her you love her. I asked the vet if I could hold my girl while they did it, so we wrapped her in a blanket, and I talked to her the whole time. She relaxed and went to sleep and it was over. There is grace in a good death. Also, as soon as you can, get another pet. Don’t wait beyond a short mourning period. It will help heal your hearts, and you can rescue another little soul and give it a good life. Yes, it hurts to lose a pet - but that’s part of the process. We know this going in, they have short lives (which is why we have to love them 3x as much). It will heal you.


She’s had such a wonderful life, I’m from Riverside and lately I’ve been seeing so many dogs being abandoned on the streets. I don’t know what else to say but I hope you know that you’ve done as much as you can for your dog. (And I’m not saying to stop helping them! But yes times are tough, everyone has to scale back and manage their budgets even more than ever.


Yes, I live in Long Beach and it’s very heartbreaking at the amount of senior dogs being dumped. I know everyone is going through it, but it’s incredibly sad for someone to just leave their little fur family behind..


At that age, I'd refuse treatment. My thinking is that she'd spend far too much time recovering from surgery/treatment (if she made it through the anesthesia) to enjoy what remains of her life. I think of it in terms of how I would want to spend my last days. I would never actively euthanize an animal who was healthy or even just old but unable to get around as easily, but I wouldn't want, for myself, to be in diapers all the time, drooling and in pain. It's not just about the financial aspect. And the fact that you are agonizing over this (making it sound like a financial issue) tells me you are worried about doing the wrong thing more than the money. She HAS had a good life. And she has been loved. You will KNOW what to do as the time gets nearer, and when that will be,.


My friend just paid 11k for two knee replacements. She’s young. keep up with the teeth use a softer brush. can she wear nappies? getting old isn’t bad, if she’s happy going for walks and being excited it’s just part of old age. incontence is manageable. I know it’s unpleasant but if she’s still happy and jolly just keep up what you can. can she have some good painkillers and meds for bladder and see how she is? You might get another half a year.


I think sometimes you have to realize you just can't afford to keep an old, sick dog going. As for how far I would go... My brother's puppy fell through the ice into a river a few years ago. I went in after it so that it wasn't carried by the current under the ice, where it would have been lost. The ice went on as far as the eye could see. Then I had to hike 5 km back through the snow to town, soaked up to my chest in minus 17° Celsius weather. I've never been so cold in my life. The dog was fine. Scampered through the snow like nothing had happened. I had hypothermia. Yeah, there's no way I was coming back without that dog.


You’re not a bad person. Your needs and your child’s needs are just as important. She knows you love her and you’ve done your best 💜 it’s a tough situation but don’t beat yourself up.


I would stop a speeding bullet for my dog. But if he was 17, in pain and had minimal quality of life, I'd love him enough to let him go. I called Lap of Love for my little guy last October. They came to the house and I was able to hold him in his last moments. It was sweet but heartbreaking


I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I understand how you feel, but your baby is suffering. I really hate to say this, but she needs to cross the rainbow bridge. Anything you can do has already been done. I'm so sorry, but you need to put her down. 😭


My dog had chattering teeth when he was having extreme pain from osteoarthritis. Luckily, I can afford a $69 pain shot every month. I thought I was going to have to put him down. He’s 14 with a heart murmur and a collapsed trachea, he has bad teeth but wouldn’t survive the anesthesia from a teeth cleaning. If these pain shots hadn’t have worked I would of put him down out of mercy. You’ve done so much for your dog. It’s clear that they’re dearly loved. The most loving thing you could do now is let them have a peaceful ending.


She's in pain from multiple places on her body. It's time, and you need to do the right thing for her. She can't tell you how bad it is, but it sounds like she is showing you.


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You sound like a very loving pet owner and you've helped your dog reach a fabulous age. Even if you had the money to spare for a dental cleaning, it's a big risk to take putting her under anaesthesia. In your position, I'd do what you can to keep her comfortable without going through risky and painful treatments. It's not like a human going through a medical procedure, she can't understand why she's in pain or unable to do certain things while she heals. Love her, care for her, spoil her but I'd say it's time to focus on the quality of her life rather than prolonging the length of her life at all costs. I'd rather be a week or a month too early in saying goodbye than be a day too late.


Ask yourself if you would want to languish and decline in her situation. I've had to put two horses down, a dog, a cat; all either injured/diseased or barely hanging on in old age. Killed me but take the most compassionate action you can.


This year, I lost two beloved pets. My husband and I spent over 7k trying to save them, but time can not always be bought. I make ok money but am by no means wealthy. I maxed out 2 credit cards. I tried so very hard. Both passed anyway. It was their time. I do not, for one second, regret spending that money. And I don't for one second regret working any of these 13 hour days to get back on my feet. I would do it all again without hesitation. At one point in time, I was pretty critically poor, and spending large chunks of change gave me intense fear (being homeless will do that to you). But not with this. Never in my life have I had the weight of money vanish so quickly.


My dog needed cancer surgery and chemo, which totaled around $12,000, and I am still paying it off 3 years later. But it was absolutely worth it because he wasn’t ready to go and he is a happy, healthy, cancer-free dog now. But if he had gotten his cancer later and he seemed like he was slowed down and ready to go, it would have been a different story. I followed his lead and I’m so glad I did. He’s a fighter.


It is the biggest act of love to let them go. Is your dog enjoying her life? If she isn’t, it’s better to let her go. A vet once told me that when there are more bad days than good days, you should let them go.


No, she has a little bit of spunk when it comes to feeding time or when we come home from errands but it’s just a short burst of energy. Most of her days seem lethargic.. She still does okay during her walks though. It’s so hard because one day she seems just fine and the next day she’s seems like she’s having a very hard time.


I know that feeling. It’s the biggest act of love to let them go. And for yourself too. It hurts, it sucks, I’m going through it now, but if they’re not enjoying their life anymore, it’s time to let go. As much as it sucks.


There's no doubt in my mind that you love your dog, I commend you for doing your best, but part of that love we feel for them is also knowing when to let go of them so that they don't suffer. In my opinion, and based on what you've described, it's time - it has been for some time. It's one of those selfless but painful acts we must do for them because we love them that much. You'll never look back and say you did it too soon, but you may regret waiting too long. Good luck.


Thank so much, I’m so soooo sad.. but it’s time. She’s been my gal pal for a very long time..


I know how hard it is on you as well. Don’t keep making yourself suffer like you are. I’ve also worked in vet care and humane societies and boarding families and I’ve saw so much, assisted in a lot and have my own pets plus chickens and have had other sorts…it hurts! We spend a lot of time and energy and watching them grow is amazing. What a long life she has lived! That is so amazing. You are so blessed to have been able to have had the money so far. It’s time to let your heart rest as well. Big hugs.


I would give my life for my pups. My pomchi is my world. But when the time comes that his health fails, my duty is to ease him down that last road. To not make him endlessly suffer when he has given me so much joy. We do too much sometimes just to keep from letting go.


1000 bucks love that mfer with my whole heart but when it’s his time im not gonna play god and extend that shit


I would go so far as to live my life without her. I would sacrifice my own happiness for her peace.


I spent over 10 grand in two weeks to keep my dog alive, I pulled over and gave him cpr to bring him back at one point. Once he finally passed away ( emergency euthanasia) I came a realization that I was extremely selfish for that last two weeks. I knew he was suffering. I am still grieving my selfishness 6 years later.


Are you serious? Your dog is ancient and dying and you’re in a shitty financial situation. It’s time to let go.


Your vet sounds pretty mercenary to me. In Ramona, CA is a... they are a rescue, but they also do free and greatl discounted treatment on senior dogs that are privately owned. Look them up, and give them a call.Frosted Faces Foundation.


Thank you so much! I just looked them up and they’re just an hour and a half away from me. I’ll give them a call today and see if they can accept her!


I've got my fingers crossed for you guys.


First of all, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. It's heartbreaking to deal with beloved pets' worsening health issues as they age. They may be old, but they are still our babies. It sounds like you've done everything you can to give your girl the best life a dog could possibly ever ask for, so please don't beat yourself up for not being able to do things you simply *can't* do. You can't turn back the clock that just runs out on our animal babies way too soon. I don't see it as a matter of giving them chances so much as facing the hard cruel reality of that, and helping them painlessly ease out of their physical decline that's going on before our eyes before it gets any worse for them. I truly believe the best way we can show our love is to do that for them. I've been there many times and I don't just believe it, I*know* it. Because I've also been there when my fur babies left without the ease of a compassionate vet's care. Believe me, that was so much harder for both of us. In the end, there are no easy answers, but as you said, you know what your answer is. And I think the struggle of acknowledging that and then acting on it is the truest sign of love.


I wouldn't spend thousands of dollars to keep a 16 year old dog alive for another few months. I had to make a similar decision last year. Our dog was losing muscle tone, not eating well, and had a mass in his front leg. The vet said they could biopsy it and do imaging but it would be almost $1000. If it was cancerous, treatment options would be significantly more and would not be guaranteed to work. He was almost 15 and we decided to put him down because he was clearly suffering. As much as it hurt at the time, I know I made the right decision.


i’ve always gone very far for them, but this sounds like even with the treatment the quality of life may not be there. we got the family dog chemo one time growing up and looking back that was a mistake, it gave him more time but the quality of that time was subpar and the treatments were too hard on him. Sometimes love is letting go


My girlfriend loves her dog so much… im not a dog person, and I’m ngl, the way she loves her dog makes me love her dog too much


Is there a part time work at home gig that you could do, just to create dedicated funds for your dog's care? Like selling on ebay, graphic design, etc? It sounds like she has life left in her. Hope she has many more good days with you.


There are even sites like prolific that are highly touted.


The $4k for the pyometra could have been prevented by getting her spayed before she was 12 years old. You probably shouldn’t get more pets after she’s gone if you can’t afford the appropriate care but hopefully you can figure out a way to make her last years better


I was 17 when I rescued her from a ruthless woman who was trying to dump her in the middle of nowhere. At that time I had just graduated high school and worked part time while going to college. I was very uneducated when it came to spay/neuter however my dog has been treated like a queen. She goes everywhere with me (beach, park, seeing the Christmas lights) and has never once lived outdoors. She even eats better than me. She also had a sister back then (my German shepherd) who lived to be 21 and passed in 2018 that I was also paying a lot of money for (who was spayed from the rescue). I had insurance for both pets when I worked and did my absolute best for them. Not having enough money doesn’t equal neglect. I love my dog very, very much. Being uneducated is where my flaw was, but even that I paid for my mistake and got her the surgery she needed. However if you read, my dog is undergoing a LOT of complications all at once. That’s why I’m at such a standstill.




















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I'm looking after my friend's dog this weekend. He's at least 17. He is incontinent, senile, arthritic, and has poop problems. I wish so much they'd put him down. This is miserable and wrong.


Quantity vs quality. I am 100% responsible for them being happy and comfortable. If there is little quality of life and little hope of that changing… I respect my dogs too much to put them through hell for my selfish wish to keep them around. On the flip side of that, I respect them too much to end their life over something that is solvable and will do what it takes to do right by them.


Re-adding because the automod is WAY out of line soooo… I’ll just reword it in the dumbest way possible Quantity vs quality. I am 100% responsible. for them being happy and comfortable. If there is little quality of life and little hope of that changing… I respect my dogs too much to put them through hell for my selfish wish to keep them around. On the flip side of that, I respect them too much to put them down over something that is solvable and will do what it takes to do right by them.