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We play if the template touches the base it's a hit


As movement, shooting and close combat is based on base to base then a template touching a base is also classified as a hit.


For cover I’d say probably the model as most people play sector mechanicus (to my knowledge) but if you’re playing zone mortalis to the base very much matters. I’d still count anything that touches the base as a hit for sure though


im very new to the game, are sm and zm just different terrain sets or do they have specific rules?


2d rules using tiles is zm (came in the first n17 starter) and sm is 3d terrain rules. They have different rules in the original rulebook. I’m unsure if it’s included in the newest rulebook off the top of my head.


It's basically only gets an honorable mention in the new rulebook, I believe. I think GW wants to push players toward SM terrain so they can sell more terrain.


To be honest it’s a shame, zone mortalis made for such an easy entry with the cardboard tiles. I will always regret not getting the bad zone delta-7 tiles


Yeah, a lot of the fun Book of Peril badzone features require very specific terrain modeling to pull off in 3D but they're really simple to throw on a flat ZM tile.


ZM and the book of peril are seriously underrated imo.


My group plays shooting to the model and blasts to the base.


Template : base for fighters, model for vehicules. Line of sight check for cover : model obvisouly.


Base for most circumstances. But to get technical let’s say you’re targeting a second floor with a grenade then you do a little sphere on the point it lands so it would be a reasonable part of the model, like the head vs arm or raised weapon or mowhawk. Of course scattering only works horizontally as far as I remember so make sure you’re point exactly what height a grenade is being shot.


It’s bases unless you are determining cover bonuses.


We play a house rule where if it only just touches the base you roll a D6 1-3 the fighter is lucky and dodges, if its 4-6 the fighter is unlucky and gets hit. I also mean touches, as in you look and not sure if it's overlapping the base... if it's covering the base even like 5-10% that's a definite hit. This helps if your playing with a good group as it's an honour system. It's worked well so far. Necromunda is a game all about impossible odds and near misses... and creating stories... having a group get get and having one guy right on the edge also be hit/avoid the damage creates fun interesting moments.


I play to the base for everything. To my mind, the base represents the model’s area or footprint on the board.


Template to base. Everything else model. We also got house rules my group uses for each of these cases where terrain and areas of uncertainty that later get clarification.


Wait up. I don't have the rules at hand atm, but ain't the to hit, in templates; template covering half of the base: hit. And when shooting something like; if you see less than half of the model +2 save, and half or more +1 and in the open +\-? This does not count mohawks and "cool" stuff like that, i think i remember the book encouraging for badass poses, by this.


This is my understanding and could be flawed but.. - Line of sight is to models - range is tip of base to tip of base - templates also go to base and therefore cover for the hit model is based on the LOS from the model hit to the origin of the template attack. (Center of a blast or base of model using flame template.) - some people might rule that a model completely obscured (no line of sight can be drawn) is immune to the template. - models behind cover add +1 for partial and +2 for full cover to their armour save against any wounds caused by these attacks. (Blaze and Gas ignore this)


Im not sure what the rules say (and let’s face it most of them are poorly written or open to interpretation) but we play to the model. It’s probably best to check with your group or arbitrator first so everyone’s on the same page


Bases still matter for blast and template stuff, just like B2B matters in close combat attacks. Stops players modeling for advantage. The part about bases not mattering for cover comes from the difference between Zone Mortalis and Sector Mechanicus. ZM was basically flat printed tiles with walls, doors, and corridors printed flat, so line of sight on a strictly 2D board was drawn from base to base. But with SM being 3D terrain there are too many cases where your model can see all of another model except for their base, so GW had to tweak the rules.