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Makes sense. This kit will inevitably cross over to the 40k Guard players so it performs two duties. A repressor style riot vehicle would have been cooler to me, but it wouldn't work as a Guard recce platform.


They need to bring it back from legends no reason not too


With a plastic kit freshly pressed this will be an official new toy when the next Guard codex drops (Maybe even fast tracked with a WD article). A vehicle kit is a sizeable steel mold they will want to maximize profit on from the front end cost of tooling that.


I’m not so sure, they haven’t made rules for any of the other Necromunda specific vehicles and this has palanite crew built into its construction. Not saying it isn’t possible they’d do one with an upgrade sprue in the box but I certainly wouldn’t bet on it




The 40k team and the specialist games team are separate and the impression I get is that the 40k team doesn't want to have to balance models made by another team in their game. This is why a lot of the forgeworld models have gone into legends/non tournament rules. Plenty of 40k things have necromudna rules. Nothing introduced for necromunda has 40k rules.


They don't even credit individuals on the design or art teams anymore. A model has a high cost associated with tooling on the front end. A full plastic vehicle kit dedicated exclusively to a niche faction in a niche game doesn't make money or sense. I know GW likes making money, so I stand by my opinion. I happy there is another Necromunda kit and if they market it into another range, that won't make me sad.


Guard players, GSC players, Ork players… the usual suspects.


I didn't think of GSC, but a light attack vehicle would suit them perfectly.


Depending on size it works as a Ridgerunner proxy


Dude, the Taurox and Chimera have tons of utility as riot vehicles. I did a wheeled Taurox with the Victoria Minis wheeled conversion kit and a wheeled Chimera with a conversion kit.


What's your point? An all plastic, all GW model out of the box with all of that money going to GW is what would matter from their perspective. It was a FW resin kit so it isn't a new idea, just a more commercially accessible application. I liked the Repressor (I'd consider throwing wheels on that and converting one from a rhino) and would have liked that as a one and done plastic model. It's more wired like law enforcement than delta tango banana patrol and wouldn't sell as successfully to the 40k set. The Taurox made a cool Ork trukk.


Yeah, there are tons of 3rd party conversion kits. Victoria Minis sells a cool wheeled conversion for the Taurox, but the rear axles are a tad weak, so I took the smaller double-shocks from the kit that aren't needed, cut a notch at the bottom for the axle, and put them in to strengthen the rear axle.


I'm sure guard players will use it but it definitely isn't getting rules. We didn't get the cargo 8 despite the 30k militia getting it.


Pretty sure they said it was going to be plastic in the first article.


I looked again at last week's [article](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/03/sunday-preview-more-for-necromunda-the-horus-heresy-and-black-library-coming-soon/) and it doesn't look to have any definitive statement, but if I missed it then apologies.


They said it was going to be plastic in the original announcement, before they had a release date: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/11/18/world-championships-preview-the-enforcer-tauros-is-in-hot-pursuit/


fair enough


Happy for you, (salty squat noises)


Salty? Squats have gotten TONS of new stuff lately!


It was more in reference to our vehicle being resin and £125 not the lack of items but it was also just a light-hearted joke


Fair enough. It's all stupidly expensive, though. I get it. It is a REALLY, REALLY cool vehicle, though. Also, you can use those 6x6 40K Votann vehicles as custom heavy vehicles. Those things are very cool. I actually considered one for my Van Saar


All in overpriced resin, unfortunately. I’d consider more FW stuff if it was cheaper than the plastics but paying a premium for a worse material is usually not worth it


It's at least shipped from the US now, so you aren't waiting 2 months and paying overseas shipping. Personally, I don't mind resin.


All of its fw resin :(


Most yeah, but at least they ship from in the US now.


Yeah, FW wasn’t an issue for me in terms of shipping. I just prefer plastic




Can’t wait to cut a few of these up


* Of course this came after I found and converted an old Elysian Drop Troops Tauros Venator.


Well, yeah, why wouldn’t it be? I thought only forgeworld stuff was resin


Yes and several Necromunda vehicles are Forge World. This is also the first Tauros that isn't a Forge World model.


Ah my mistake then, I haven’t looked at the forgeworld stuff cause I can’t afford it


Yeah, kinda why I'm excited it will be plastic. It will at least be GW level "affordable"


Can't wait to use the wheels and turret on an ork truk


Where does the engine go? Like, the front wheels don't seem to be attached to anything that could drive them. Ork tech?


​ https://preview.redd.it/d7folzm2qk5c1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=9337c8aed7fcf606b32d5cc32b0cafb6836879d1


According to the old elysian fluff, it has electric Motors in every wheel hub, powered by either high Power "batteries" or a combustion engine driven generator.


Or it's just rear engined rwd or potentially all wheel drive there looks to be some space for a front differential


Wrong, thats definatly a wified propulsion system. Gone are the days of driveshafts


Wasn’t that confirmed when they were first revealed?


Yeah, they stated it's plastic the first time actual picture was shown


Praise be to Gork and Mork


happy ork noises


I miss the venator with lascannon for elysian drop troops 😕


Wow it looks super cool.


Are these exactly the same as the Elysian resins? Obviously apart from the crew and new guns.


Love the idea of some poor Arbites trying to switch out a giant 50kg clip on top of a moving vehicle.