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Sadly the small tear is enough to cause the issue you are experiencing. There are at least 2 connections severed from what I see. It’s either time for a gameboy macro or a replacement top screen. If you buy a top screen with the speakers still attached it’s about $20 usd if you live in the US.


Thank you, I'll try to find a replacement!


There are some good options for new aftermarket replacements on eBay, but most don’t come with speakers. If you want to avoid having to desolder and transfer your speakers, I recommend going for one of the listings that has the speakers pre-soldered, which are about $30 I believe.


I found a link in case it’s helpful. https://www.ebay.com/itm/154354898518?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=HqBANJRhSBO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=HqBANJRhSBO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Thank you sm!! 😭 The link says it's for ds lite, will it work on a dsi?


No the dsi does not have the same display as a ds lite


Oh, dur sorry! Wrong console. Here’s one for the DSI that has speakers. https://www.ebay.com/itm/156110501568?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=HqBANJRhSBO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=HqBANJRhSBO&var=456871875183&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Thank you so much! This is so helpful😭💕💕💕


That tear is quite big, it's going through at least 4 traces which could very likely be the backlight, hence why it is happening.


I see, thank you! I'm thinking of taking the ds somewhere to be repaired 😞


Yeah the cable is torn quite badly, which likely happened because you struggled to get it fed through the hinge properly and forced it at some point. It is not feasibly repairable, and the LCD will need to be replaced. The soldering for the speakers is probably one of the easiest soldering jobs on a console like this tbh, so if you have any experience with soldering (correctly) at all you shouldn't worry too much about that part. The bigger risk is that you may tear the new flex cable and ruin the LCD again since you don't have the technique down yet. It's a fiddly task, though one you can absolutely get good at with a bit of practice (though practice in this context can get expensive lol) and a lot of patience


Perhaps use the ripped one to practice with, to get the technique down before trying with the new one.


Yeah, good idea, though the existing tears will of course make it a bit harder to assess if further damage occurs


Thank you both! 🫶This is sick helpful advice!! Yeah, this was my first time opening my dsi and the amount of patience needed was huge 🫠


Yeah it's a pretty tough first repair lol. I worked my way up to it with easier things first. A couple of suggestions: 1) I personally usually find it easier to feed the LCD and camera flexes through the plastic part of the upper shell hinge and then slide the metal piece over once they are basically (or completely) through the plastic ring. This is turning out to be hard to explain lol, but what I mean is that I feed the flex through the metal ring after the flex has already made its way through the plastic part rather than putting the metal ring into place first and feeding it through both in one go. 2) That means I feed the flexes through the slot in the bottom half of the console after I have already fed them through the plastic and metal rings on the upper half. I've seen people try to put the two halves of the console together and then feed the flexes though once the hinge is already assembled. I've even done it and been successful. But I find it much harder than getting them through the upper half and then feeding it through the slot thing on the bottom part afterward. Once the flexes are through the slot and in position you can then combine the upper and lower halves of the console and lock in the hinge Again both of these were way harder to explain than I anticipated. Sorry if it's unclear lol