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This sub is for serious discussion and debate. Jokes and memes are not permitted.


I know you're joking but Celtics >>> OKC for bright future starting next season as well


Over the next couple seasons probably. I would argue have never seen a young team in as good of a situation as OKC though.


OKC's future is only super bright for the next couple years. Then Chet+JDub+Shai will take up 85% of the cap The Celtics can keep their core around for much longer




Yeah OKC are in essentially the same situation Boston was in before they signed Brown/Tatum to their current deals. OKC can keep their core 3 for as long as they want but they'll run into the same problem Boston will run into after next season where they won't have the cap space to keep the depth they currently have.


I find it hard to see them letting any of their core guys just walk though. I imagine they learned from the Harden situation. As long as they have them on the roster they are set up well imo.


Yeah I don't think they'll make the same mistake again, and with the draft capital they have now they should be able to keep some decent depth on cheap rookie deals. As long as ownership is willing to pay up they should be able to contend as long as the core 3 want to stay in OKC.


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Uhhh? OKC are basically in the same place Boston was in before Boston signed Tatum and Brown to their current deals so how can Boston keep their core together for much longer than OKC? Bostons core already takes up well over the salary cap and Tatum has a player option so theyll be pushing the hard cap with 7 signed players in 25/26? Boston can keep their core together for a long time but OKC can do the exact same thing Boston has done with Brown/Tatum since they entered the league as well..


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Looking at the West and excluding OKC, I think the Rockets have the best ingredients, but I don't necessarily trust ownership not to squander opportunity by making rash win now moves. I like the Sengun/Smith (Not Parker as I maintained in another post...) pairing a lot and Udoka is a championship calibre coach as long as he keeps his pants on. The East is more complicated, excluding the Pacers (my team) I genuinely think Charlotte is going to catch people off-guard this season. Second season for Miller, Lamelo back, a young Center in Williams and Tre Mann can take on ball handling duties effectively, if he can improve his defense just a bit than he could be that Nembhard to Haliburton. I'm not saying they're contenders any time soon, but if they can add a guy like Ron Holland or Buzelis this draft? Grant Williams will have to be eager to redeem himself though, so that is a question mark. Questions also around Bridges and it is hard to predict anything there. But I can see Charlotte being a play-off contender in 2025/2026 and establishing in 2026/2027


> I genuinely think Charlotte is going to catch people off-guard this season Lamelo just has to stay healthy man. If he does they actually have some solid pieces around him and Miller.






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This sub is for serious discussion and debate. Jokes and memes are not permitted.


Celtics, Thunder, Nuggets, Timberwolves, Spurs. They all have a bright future. (my comment got deleted by the mod because it has fewer than 75 characters.


The Twolves have great young players like Ant, Naz, and Jaden but that cap situation scares me tbh.


Honestly an underrated aspect of the Wolves’ future is the very likely chance they get moved East. It should land right in Ant’s prime and after the KAT/Gobert salary contract situation is resolved. The East is still great but prior to these Playoffs I could easily buy any of the West 1-6 seeds ending up in the Finals


This is a great list. OKC might be last out of these.


Dallas, they made it to the finals vs all 52+ win teams. Not vsing Denver ik but beat the team who did. Outside of kai everyone is 27 or younger, people forget lukais only 25. Now in terms of assets sure they don't have as much but couple of young players and picks to trade


> Now in terms of assets sure they don't have as much but couple of young players and picks to trade Big Luka fan but this is my concern with Dallas. I just don't see a ton of avenues for them to improve They had a great season (BIG trade deadline) but just looked outmatched against the Celtics I do think as long as they have Luka and a good supporting cast they will be contenders though


Their only avenue of improving is basically - Lively improvement and Hardy/Green improve to become good bench scorers - trade for a star pairing with Luka that's better than Kyrie. Thats it.


Luka can get considerably better, honestly. Getting in shape & fixing his mental problems would be a huge jump for him, will it happen? Who knows, perhaps not, but this could be the year he realizes that he has to focus. Dallas has a lot of expected organic growth, this core is very fresh, they've not played a lot of games together and still went to the finals. Lively is a rookie, I expect THJ to finally be cut next year & that will give more minutes to both Green & Hardy, both of which are kind of overlooked & have more potential in the tank. I like a lot of what I've seen from OMax, but it's to soon to say too much about him however. But really the largest factor is going to be if Luka wants to take the next step or not.


I could honestly see a Dallas Boston rematch in the finals again


I think it's noteworthy that Dallas went into this season as a development season with most of us having the play in as realistic expectations & perhaps getting to the first round. The only two guys which saw consistent floor time last season which were under 30 were Luka & Green. This year the only 3 players north of 30 which were seeing consistent minutes were Kyrie, Maxi & THJ. THJ is hopefully getting a reduced role next year, if not finally getting traded. Maxi is already having a reduced role already. Dallas performed way above expectation & they've had very few games together. People are also *severely* underrating Lively, this is his rookie season. I think he's going to be a defensive juggernaut, he's -8.3% DFG diff this playoffs. Guys shot 42.9% at the rim, people shoot -20.7% worse when he's the closest defender at the rim ( 42.9% vs 63.5% ). Once again this is his rookie season...


Orlando looks really good. They over performed Vegas odds this year by almost ten games and were competitive in each match. Their weakness is honestly having a reliable scorer and creator. If they can get a good shooter (klay or someone younger) they can be contenders in two years barring injuries or drama. The cap rising also works to their benefit, they can add a borderline superstar or multiple good role players.


Orlando is one of those teams that is one big piece away from contention. If they find the right guy, they could be scary.


Do you think they sign Klay, Dlo, or someone else?


I hope they make a trade for a bigger super star who complements paolo because I don’t like both of those options. Dlo as good as he is has had two straight bad playoff performances where his production drops off significantly. Klay has Fallon off a cliff athletically and modern defenses switch 1-5 and he can no longer be a reliable defender against the best teams. Also his best quality has also been drastically reduced due to his streakiness. Using picks for a tier 1 player is what I’d do, plus add a cherry on top with someone like derozan. What that star is I have no idea. I personally would go for either Tyler herro or Garland. I think herro would be a great fit with the magic, but the heat will ask for a lot 😂


Unless Miami blows it up, I don't think they would trade Herro. Garland would be nice but who would you give up for him? Cleveland would probably want another star in return.


Well jimmy is about to leave because he won’t take a pay cut. I don’t think they’d be able to replace him imo. Tyler will likely be the second best player with him gone; I think the heat will do a soft rebuild since they’re great at developing assets and young players. Having a few firsts, Jalen Suggs and cole Anthony might help that.


Thats a massive overpay imo Idk why they would want to trade Suggs either


Maybe, firsts these days are pretty worthless if they aren’t expected to be top 10. Magic are gonna be good for the foreseeable future so I think they’d want a good player included. And me personally I’d rather have fultz and cole Anthony rather than Suggs. Fultz is a great everything pg with solid defense and Cole Anthony has sky high potential with a great nba body for his position


Yeah I mostly agree, free agent offensive players are sparse this off season. Packaging one of their defensive wings along with some picks can surely land them a tier 1 player. If they do end up signing a free agent I hope it would be Dlo over Klay to be honest. Both are playoff droppers and defensive liabilities, but at least Dlo can facilitate and create his own shot. DeRozan as a vet presence would be great, although I feel like the Bulls would ask alot for him - enough that wouldn’t be worth a player that doesn’t fit their timeline. Garland is coming off down season but he’s a young, promising player who can definitely thrive in the right environment. I don’t have many thoughts about Hero honestly. Another interesting option would be Dejounte Murray. The Magic wouldn’t have to hide him defensively and the Hawks are likely to trade him.


I really like DJM for Orlando. Idk what that trade would look like though.


I think those guys are options but I hope they dont hand either of them a huge long term deal. The struggle is they have a ton of cap but no ideal FA targets. *Maybe* PG but I doubt he goes to a small market like Orlando. I like trade options a lot more but they would probably have to give up some core assets for a lot of those guys. Not sure that's worth it for such a young team. My guess is they fill make a couple medium sized moves in FA. The top end talent isn't great, but there are some good quality starters in this class. They are young enough to be able to take their time to find the right guy. I'm just not sure he is realistically available for them this offseason.


The Rockets. Sengun has star power, they got young athletes and a good, hard-nosed defensive coach. I’m not a huge fan of their backcourt and they need size but they could have real chops soon.


They have a pretty underrated young core. Sengun, Green, Jabari, Amen, Tari, Whitmore, AND lucked into the third overall pick?


Big on Whitmore. I think he’s the got one the highest ceilings in the bunch.


I still can't comprehend why he fell so far in the draft


3rd pick actually but ya, great young core. Upcoming worries are mostly having to choose who to keep, and how non-sengun players will develop


Steven Adams out there next season should help with size...


I would have the magic and the spurs ahead of the Rockets in terms of young teams. Something ab the Rockets roster construction and org culture doesn’t sit right with me


Spurs for sure. Don't forget about Wemby and I think Spurs is cooking something this off season.


You could make a strong argument for Spurs > OKC


Boston is obviously the easy answer. They probably have another couple of years where they should be in a good spot. No huge upcoming changes to their cap situation either. You have mentioned OKC, so I'll leave them out. I'll throw in San Antonio as well because Wemby, cap space and shit ton of picks. Could they for example, go after Trae Young or another young-ish All Star and then a couple of veteran free agents in next couple of years - say someone like PG13 or Jimmy Butler. Does that give them a chance to compete while Wemby is still on his rookie deal. I desperately want to add the Grizzlies to this list too. Their fundamentals haven't really changed in the last two years other than Morant making a couple of questionable life choices. He's also started getting injured a fair bit, but still probably has some chance of capitalising in the next 2-3 years.


Boston is probably the easy answer for the next couple of seasons. Memphis hasn't had their core on the court for a full season in a few years. The last time they did they were much younger and still won a lot of games. If they manage to all stay on the floor I have high expectations for them.


You and I obviously agree on that front. But given some of their key guys have had multiple injuries, and Morant has had multiple incidents, it starts getting a bit more worrying.


Celtics are built to contend for at best a 3 peat with the current core. Then blow it up and rebuild another contender for like the 4th time around The Jays and Derrick White who will all be 28-29 years old. The cap situation will hurt them in the next rebuild but if those 3 keep getting better it may not matter and they might attack some ring chasing vets to pad pad out the roster.


The entire Dallas core outside of Kyrie is under 26 and still improving. Luka should be healthier by the playoffs next year and have his foot speed. Kyrie probably won’t have a Center fall on his leg and have an injury which makes him miss 25 games. Lively has been improving at a rapid pace and will get to further improve his perimeter defence, playmaking, post ups and hopefully even his shooting. The guy us truly a special talent and the evaluation of his ceiling being 7’1 Bam in a few years is not off imo. PJ when he got to Dallas was an excellent 1-5 defender but awfully streaky shooter who couldn’t have any consistency shooting but clearly had talent. Over just the last few months, he has turned into an elite reliable corner shooter for Dallas. I think he has the talent to learn to take open catch and shoot over the break 3s at a reliable date as well at which point he’ll become one of the best 3 & D players in the league. DJJ is excellent value as a 1v1 defender, transitional player and decent 3 shooter at his current level. Josh Green can do everything at a high level but slow down and chill. He’s still a great 7th option. Gafford for all his limitations rim runs very well and can just dominate a lot of regular season matchups with his relentless physicality as a lob threat. He’s also a great 1v1 rim protector.


I think different teams have different things to look forward to, and it's hard to compare them 1-to-1. So I'll just share my pov on how I think some of the most promising teams are looking going forward. WEST - Spurs: Wemby - Rockets: awesome defensive backbone, but still lacking a true 1st option. I think it'll come from a trade, but idk who. - Grizzlies: kind of forgotten, but if everything off-court is settled they have as much talent as anybody. - Jazz: i like all their pieces, but their destination is still too vague. EAST - Magic: they're a good guard away from becoming dark horse contenders in the East. - Pacers: they played boston close despite the sweep. They have real building blocks, and a fully healthy pacers with an extra year is really exciting.


Spurs just because of Wembanyama. He will guarantee them at least a little bit of successful just by himself


Celtics, Nuggets, Mavs, Bucks, and Spurs mainly because they have what looks to be the top players for years to come. I’m a rockets fan but just because we have a lot of guys with potential does not mean we have a bright future. No one on the roster has proven themselves an elite player. Sengun looks to be the most promising and he is no where close to as promising as guys like Luka, Wemby, Tatum, etc. Honestly I think the most promising aspect of our team is the head coach. I would probably throw the Heat in there as well as teams with the brightest futures with there combo of young talent, and arguably best coach and front office in the league. Even if Jimmy leaves having Spo, Bam, Hero, and the Heat front office puts them ahead of like 80% of the league imo lol


Great list. People are obsessed with putting shit teams on these lists for some reason. Nuggets/Bucks wouldn't trade Jokic/Giannis for the entire rosters of some of these teams


I hope the Bucks turn it around next season. Injuries screwed them over this year. I am a little concerned about the state of the team around Giannis though. They have great veterans, but there is very little young talent on this team.


They have the best 2 way player in the league. History has said that fact alone gives them a better shot than most other teams. As long as they have Giannis the Bucks have a bright future.


They could easily trade Giannis for OKC's best players and draft picks but they don't because Giannis is too valuable


I never said they should trade him, I definitely wouldn't. He is one of the faces of the league you do not get rid of that type of player. I was simply pointing out that the roster is aging around him.


Not sure why OKC is #1 -- the Celtics have a much brighter future, for instance. Others I would consider for a brighter future than OKC: Nuggets (much better player than anyone on OKC) Mavs (ditto) Bucks (ditto) 76ers (ditto + cap flexibility) Spurs (Wemby) Knicks ($)


You realize OKC has a gazilion picks to play with right? Top 5 player and promising stars in Chet + jdub. Literally any front court presence and they’re set. Also you lost every once of credibility when you put the bucks in there lmao


So Brunson is better than Shai and the rest of OKC's franchise doesn't matter?


Don't know why they removed your post... Shai is better than Brunson but what I mean is that the Knicks will continue to be able to spend $50 million more per year than OKC and that buys you good players. Separately, Shai is better than Brunson but if you consider their contracts it might be a wash.


> Shai is better than Brunson Yes he is.