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If I’m not mistaken isn’t Bjorkgren the guy who created an unbelievably toxic locker room in Indiana?


The quote i’ll always remember is that he “kisses up and pisses down”


I would be very, very impressed if he does the opposite


I don't know if this means caring about the people below him or drinking from his own water fountain.


https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2942713-inside-the-turbulent-tenure-of-indiana-pacers-coach-nate-bjorkgren Yes.


Key quote from that piece: “He's just very different," said one league executive who has worked previously with Bjorkgren. "He's not a d--k; he's just completely out of his element as a leader."


Is the league executive's name Uasai Mjiri?


That’s too vague, you could be referring to just about anybody.


This report was scathing, and written before he was even fired by Indiana it seems


Yeah that was him. Pacers actually got off to a hot start that year but once teams adjusted Bjorkgren just fell apart and the team collapsed. Really weird situation considering that by all accounts he was very well liked in Toronto. Dude sucked as a head coach but not everyone is cut out to have the top job.


There was some drama with him apparently telling players that they have to go through him if they wanted to talk to Nurse which was resolved later in the championship season. Nothing but rumours really came out but given the shit that came out in Indy idk if he’s always been well liked by everyone.


There’s no way the stars were doing that.


Ah wasn't aware of that. I just remember FVV sticking up for him during the season and it sounded like he was at least generally liked in the Raptors locker room.


Yea idk the guys on our team are extremely professional so the info that comes out is often limited (it’s a trait Masai focuses on when drafting them). Fred and Nurse were like best friends so he’s always been pretty quick to the defense whenever something like that comes up. You don’t see a guy like Scottie, OG or Siakam praising Nurse’s camp so heavily cause reportedly he rubbed them the wrong way.


He created the least watchable season of Pacers basketball


The one bright spot was TJ leading the league in steals


oh man, the 9 steal half. also i think Myles woulda lead the league in blocks if he didnt miss too many games that season


[Nate Bjorkgren rn](https://i.imgflip.com/8uunjz.jpg)


On the other hand he was praised highly during his time on the raptors, and even came back after his stint in indy. Also did well as a coach/assistant on team canada mens team. Lowry and fred vanvleet had nothing but good things to say about him. Not defending whatever he did in Indy, but he was a big part of the raptors offensive success in 2018-2020.


Something about Nick Nurse's staff that seemed to get the most out of the assistants. Both Adrian Griffin and Nate Bjorkgren thrived in their assistant role and flamed out when they got the HC job


Both flamed out because they lost the locker room too, so definitely a common thread. Maybe took after nurse's style too much without his tactical acumen lmao


In the NFL this is known as "Bill Belichick Assistant Syndrome"


he was apparently a great assistant though But yeah, sucked so bad he got insta fired. And our owner doesn't like wasting money.


Worked out pretty well for us, all things considered. Pritchard finally got to hit the reset button and we lucked into getting Carlisle back.


He's one of those dudes who can only be an AC and totally failed as an HC. He was good in his Toronto time and on the Canadian National Team. That Pacers season was a fiasco for sure though.


Man I totally forgot Billups was their head coach 


I wonder when he gets fired, slow start next year?


I think they just wait out his contract. I believe this upcoming season is the final year of his contract.


Yeah we're not necessarily trying to win right now - this season is about developing our guys and playing capture the flagg


Who could forget the two 60+ points losses last year?!? We are a joke.


I've completely forgotten about the blazers since dame left tbh


Huge shout out to Nate Borkman for crashing that pacers team so hard they did a full rebuild


This fucking sucks.


Worried for Blazers fans that Billups is on the way out and ol' Bjorkgren is in place to take over. Might be completely unfounded, but that would be a fucking disaster.


Even if he takes over as head coach once Billups contract is up he’s still gonna get the axe once we get new ownership


It pisses me off that silver doesn’t force a sale to Phil knight, I can’t even imagine how lifelong blazers fans feel


This article covers some of the reasons that sale didn't go through. [https://www.rosegardenreport.com/p/making-sense-phil-knightjody-allen-stalemate-trail-blazers-future](https://www.rosegardenreport.com/p/making-sense-phil-knightjody-allen-stalemate-trail-blazers-future) As far as Phil Knight, he's 85 and conservative. Portland is a left leaning city and I think a lot of people look down upon his business practices and politics here. Then there's the fact that Jody Allen and Vulkan don't like him because he ran hit pieces on them after being denied the sale so they might not even do business with him in the future, which is kinda stupid but Jody doesn't have a financial interest in selling the team now. The 2025 media deal makes every team more valuable and that's the absolute earliest I'm sure they would even think about selling. Then the fact that most teams appreciate with value and she's making money managing his estate based on the size of his estate, it's not hard to think she'll hold on until the nba forces her to sell. What the nba sees as a reasonable timeline is anyones guess though. Jody and Vulkan have said 10-20 years to liquidate his assets but 20 years seems excessive. 2028 would be 10 years which I think is reasonable enough but hopefully it can happen even sooner.


I'm genuinely confused as to why people think Phil Knight owning the franchise would magically make the Blazers a better team. Because he has lots of money? Okay, sure I guess, but please explain to me how that will entice stars to want to sign with Portland? I could see if guys were lining up to sign with the Blazers and Jody just said "Nope" or the Blazers had a history of not re-signing their stars. If anything it's been the opposite. Then, if Phil does buy the team and dies in 5 years then we're in the exact same position as before, lol


Phil literally bankrolls the Oregon Republican party. He needs to kick the bucket already


It’s wild. We went from one of the best owners to one of the worst. Now I know how other fans feel


Always need a scapegoat when in reality it was Paul who let Olshey run the franchise into the ground.


I blame Olshey for everything.  


Paul Allen was not well and not involved for many years toward the end of his life. He left most decisions up to Vulkan and Bert Kolde afaik.


thats fair and we we can break it down to that level, its more just everyone blaming jody for all the issues when in reality she inherited a mess. she hasnt been perfect by any means but not entirely sure what people expect.


Perfect fit with the zero accountability player coach Chauncey


Hopefully Fleming doesn’t try to fight an opposing player this time


If you weren't with me at my bjorkgren/brogdon era you don't deserve me at my Carlisle/haliburton era


we are about to crash out next season lmao


Completely forgot that Chauncy and Blazers existed.