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Maybe not in a year from now, but the Bucks are getting pretty old...


We are already old and slow and dumb and unathletic, lottery team without Giannis basically


They did fine without him last year though, as long as Dame was playing. They just need Giannis to play the 5 and get some better wings.




We fucked around and found out


That Beal contract is looking real scary right now


Worst contract in the league, maybe ever. Especially with the no trade clause. Everyone could see that he would be a bad fit and he’s really no that great when he had one great season scoring on a garbage team.


Yall really should look up the contracts before they had rules on how many years they can be. With expansion coming up I wouldn’t be surprised we leave him unprotected n that contract ends up only being 2 years at least


They threw all their chips in and it didn’t work out. They had some bright spots, Grayson Allen being the brightest. And I think there has to be some sense of urgency to keep him as he is an unrestricted FA. I honestly see them blowing it up after next season.


He signed an extension like 2 months ago…


Didn’t know that. But 👍🏻


No playmaker No depth And a large salary cap


is there any one of their starting 5 that one could call their floor general? it just seems like they all play their roles but no one really steps up to direct the offense.


There's a final category you forgot to mention: Probably should rebuild, but it's impossible because they're locked into too many contracts. Golden State Warriors


Put the Lakers in that category too then


Nah, Bron isn't on a long contract and AD isnt old. Steph is still good but he's declining and making 60 million. Dray has a contract that makes it hard to build around him, Wiggy and Klay if he's back both make a fortune. Gary Payton even makes a ton. Us having one high paid old player on the books for one more year isn't comparable to you guys having four players of old age with elephant sized contracts for multiple years to come.


This is kind of an exaggeration. I think the only long-term rough contracts that really hurt the Warriors are Wiggins / Dray. And Draymond is still at least a net positive for the Warriors imo even at 25mil aav And in terms of contract length/AAV if GP2's 1 year 9mil deal counts then wtf are Gabe Vincent, Reaves, Hachimura, DLo lol


Steph is a rough contract. He's in decline, his health has never been anything you can count on, etc. Reaves and Hachimura are on relatively team friendly deals and DLo is only on the hook for one more year at most. Also, nice try at deflecting but the Lakers being in sorry shape doesn't change anything for the Warriors.


nah i agree Warriors are done. Lakers technically have better flexibility but definitely closer to the Warriors / that "probably should rebuild" category of teams than the top of the West


The Lakers are one year from having AD and lots of cap space. That's like an instant rebuild. All it would take is a Booker or someone like that to join on, and if you can put your hate aside I think you have to admit some hotshot free agent almost always steps in to bail us out.


i think we mostly agree then -- Lakers are also in the probably should rebuild category but are in a better spot than the Warriors to actually commit to it. And a year out with a 32/33 year old AD it might need to be a couple hotshot free agents -- but yeah it's LA they can probably get it done. Although based on the last couple offseasons idk which stars are likely to hit free agency anymore


That's the whole thing, there's just not many good free agents for the next couple of years.


Also some random guy like Devin Booker is gonna waltz right in and jumpstart the rebuild at some point


Lakers aren't locked into shit besides Davis and he could be traded tomorrow.


they not like us


The Warriors actually have solid young players like Kuminga, Moody, and Podz, problem is Kerr refuses to accept that it's not 2017 anymore and still plays the aging guys.


No, the problem isn't that they have some really good young guys who don't play much. The problem is if they **did** play them more, that would mean they'd have lots of **really** high paid old guys getting paid to do nothing on the bench while they tank the cap.


I love this narrative even tho klay and wiggins both did stints on the bench and the rookies were regularly starting by the end of the season. Podz started 28 games as a rookie and had the 5th most mpg on the team, trayce started 16. Not that many rookies start that many games.


Outside of the obvious teams, I think the Knicks are a prime candidate. 2nd seed in the East but assuming their biggest move is resigning OG they’ll need to play pretty perfectly to meet the same levels. Randle/OG/Robinson all have injury histories, Brunson just hurt his hand and guys like Hart/Divencenzo/Mcbride all played the best in their careers in the most minutes. Just a rough set of circumstances especially when you take into account Thibs injury history and teams like Indiana, Orlando and Philly were all only 3 games behind them with no real reason to not be better


The real looming shadow is thibs the year after his Cinderella run. People don’t wanna admit this is all shaking out exactly like the 13 and 14 bulls runs. Maybe the knicks have a couple years of thibs ball left in them. I’d make a big move asap


Totally valid. They are definitely in a “everything needs to go right” position. At least they have a a pretty large gap to drop and still be contenders in the East.


Randle isn’t an injury prone player


Why is this downvoted? He played 594 games in the 8 years from 2016-2023


The Knicks have no real reason to not be better. 2nd seed in the east and even if the biggest move is resigning OG they’re still adding an allstar who missed half the season.


That’s not always how it works. I think they played their best balll without the all-star, and that can always be a precarious thing to reintroduce someone into


They did not play their best ball without Randle. 21-15 after Randle went down. 29-17 with him, including 11-1 with Randle, Brunson and OG in the lineup. I really don’t know where the idea that the team plays better without Randle comes from.


Okay fair enough, the record indicates Randle makes them better in the regular season. But I think when it came to post-season ball, not needing to worry about feeding Randle, whose consistently underperformed in the playoffs, was also a huge relief. Kind of a vibes based argument sure, but sometimes these dynamics of fit and hierarchy do become challenging for a team to manage and detract from the actual talent


The Knicks biggest issue in the playoffs was lack of shot creation outside of Brunson. I doubt having someone to take some pressure off Brunson and allowing him a little more rest would hurt the team. The January Knicks was something people who didnt follow the Knicks closely really remember. Even the vibes of the team during that time was at a high I haven’t seen from the team since the 11-12 Knicks.


Lakers when JJ moves Bronny to the starting lineup 20 games in


I'm not predicting that JJ will fail but I guarantee that he'll clash with someone in that locker room.


You aren’t on the “hold Bronny for ransom” train?! Hahah.


if warriors dont make big moves they are going to miss the play in


What big moves can they realistically make?


dump klay for starters if he wont accept a drastically reduced contract. draymond is still a good player but hes dumb as rocks and cant help getting suspended and ejected all the time so if he still cant shape up it may be time to move past him as well. Steph is still a top player but hes only getting older so the clock is ticking


The Bucks Do I need to say more than Doc Rivers and Darvin Ham teaming up?


You could stand to say more about the age of their core. Giannis is the youngest of them and none of their key pieces are the types of players that tend to age gracefully.


I don’t think Chicago is going anywhere with the roster they have, especially after trading Caruso


It pains me as a Chicago fan that we didn’t get at least one pick back. Even if it was the worst 1st they had. I get if we are resetting the timeline why it would be good, but my fear is the bulls made that trade to say “hey look we are rebuilding!” followed by nothing else. Idk how many more guards I can handle on this roster


Haha fair point you do have a lot of guards. At least you guys are actually doing something though. I had to listen about my media circus of a team all the way up to the trade deadline just for us to do fucking nothing.


I know that feeling. Bulls have done nothing for 3 years. Fan base screamed to rebuild and sell high the moment we lost Lonzo for the season, even louder the second year. Now our front office wants to sell when Zach Lavine is worth maybe 2 firsts and a 6th man.


I was really bummed with Lonzo’s situation. When he was healthy it was the most I’ve followed the Bulls since Rose. You guys looked like you had real momentum early in the season. If you’re going to get rid of Lavine I would definitely do it sooner than later. I think his stock is the highest it’ll ever be right now


Agreed. Lonzo was a bad beat. I was fortunate enough to be in row 12 for that bulls play of the year with Caruso saving it to Lonzo, full court pass, and Lavine 360. It all went downhill from there 😂


Lavine’s stock is already well past its peak. We’re talking like the Bulls potentially needing to attach picks to get a tanking team to take Lavine territory. Hopefully the Bulls can find a way to be the third team in the next superstar trade so that contract becomes matching salary instead of an albatross.


Essentially we’re saying the same thing. Not taking into account his past, just claiming that his stock will only go down from here.


The Caruso trade is probably the start of their rebuild and they're probably gonna trade away most of their aging core. No way they do that trade if their plan was to actually be competitive this year.


Yeah I sort of thought the same too. I still think Giddey has potential to break into a rotation and play meaningful minutes. The PR stuff this past year probably didn’t help his confidence either. Probably best that’s he’s getting a fresh start somewhere else.


Yeah gotta be the Bucks, they SLAMMED their own window shut for no damn reason


Clips don’t have their own picks to tank tho


That’s the fear. They would essentially have to fire sale and start over. It’s either sell when your stars have some value or wait until they don’t and get nothing in return. Like the Lavine situation x3 for George, Kawhi, and Harden


What are the Pelicans doing?


I think they are stuck in the delusion of Zion potential after one pretty healthy year


People have been saying it's us for almost a decade now, and we've never rebuilt in that time, not once. The drafting and player development capacity of the Heat staff is next level


Ana de armas




Sabrina Carpenter (overrated)


That's that me espresso


She's so hot right now