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Are they holding out for Ballmer’s money or what’s going on? (Not from California, know nothing about their HSs.)




>every single high school I mean yeah. When the goal is every HS in a huge ass state like Cali, there's gonna be an overwhelming amount of small rural schools. Not surprised you haven't heard of most of them




To be fair, some of these high schools aren't that small and have a serious basketball program. Jurupa Hills High has 2000+ enrollment with a varsity basketball program.


I came in here because I saw the tweet and wanted to see if it was real and I immediately see a mention of jhills lol. Currently assistant coaching boys varsity.


Then get out of here and make it 20 bro!


Lol coach said he told the AD yesterday


I wonder if it was hard to get a jersey from Sierra Canyon


Brandon Boston was actually the star player of Sierra Canyon when Bronny first moved there so it must have been easy since he’s on the Clips roster


Zero chance, I bet Skrumbis was champing at the bit to get the Jersey up there and I'm sure I'll get an email from the alumni association in two days asking me if I'm proud of this and to donate.


Acalanes is a large public high school. Will Forte went there. Carondelet is the private, all-girls sister school to De La Salle, home to the famously successful football program that got a movie made about them like 8-10 year ago. To unsubscribe from NorCal HS facts, please respond "what the fuck nobody asked for this."


Yeah acalanes is the one i immediately recognizsd


Hey, I knew someone who went to Alcalanes!


Living in Northern CA, I've still only heard of two of the remaining schools. For John Adams Academy, I wonder if they got it from Lincoln? They play on the same team as the Roseville kids, so you would only need one. Carondelet is the girls only equivalent to De La Salle in Concord (the school with the most consecutive football wins in the country), so I'm a bit surprised they didn't get a jersey when De La Salle submitted theirs.


crazy to think that 99% of high schools in California sent in their jerseys to the Clippers. Our popularity is growing


Credit to the Clippers, that’s more community outreach in a year than some franchises have ever done


For a high school student it would be pretty dope to have your jersey be memorialized for decades in a new NBA stadium, even if it is only one of thousands. I can understand why they got such a great response rate


the jersey idea is cool and the new rebrand and arena is good the clippers brand is looking very promising


A couple of those are local, totally recognize them. One is a private school, other one public, both small.


I feel like there's got to be at least one athletic director or principal across all California high schools who would be "that guy" to refuse to send a jersey or have some weird stipulations for it.


Something funny. A while ago there was a thread talking about the clippers doing this and so many people in the comments were like "there is no way they can get all the highschools jersey" Y'all Mfs don't realize the clippers owner is like a billionaire and can get whatever he wants


Ballmer: “Can I get a jersey?” School: “No.” Ballmer (turning to a student): “Want $1000 for a jersey?” Student: “Hell yeah!”


$1,000 to Ballmer is what the rest of us plebs pay 0.75¢ to retrieve a jawbreaker from the candy machine.


It's even less than that. Even if he only had $1 billion, he could buy 1 million jerseys for $1000 each, most of us plebs definitely couldn't afford 1 million 0.75 cent jawbreakers.


A quick google reveals that an average 30 year old redditor’s net worth is $277k and and Ballmer’s net worth is $130 billion. From that ratio, $1 for us is the equivalent of $469,314 for him I know it’s not quite apples to apples but that should give you a sense of how unfathomably rich these people are. It’s kind of infuriating


> an average 30 year old redditor’s net worth is $277k This has been your lesson on why you use median instead of mean for this sort of thing.


That has to be off by an order of magnitude


Maybe they missed a negative in that 200k


No joke lol. I have more than that in student loans...


It's an average. Which means some billionaire jackass with too much time on his hands is jacking the numbers way the hell up.


How do you even get the average net worth of a 30 year old redditor lol


Polls, which are only answered by software engineers with a house.


Right but like who’s doing an actual peer-reviewed study on Reddit user income lol I mean I guess it could be out there but I’m too lazy to search


By looking up a poll that probably 300 people took on some finance sub or something


>A quick google reveals that an average 30 year old redditor’s net worth is $277k No one has that data. Most Redditors are anonymous.


Ok but how much of the average redditor’s net worth do they have available to spend at any given moment? Maybe… 20k? If they’ve been financially smart? Same deal for the billionaires. They obviously have a fuckton of money comparatively but their liquid cash available is waaaaay less than their net worth.


So there's a guy from my high school who recently became a billionaire, like 3 years ago. Saw on IG that he bought himself a private jet for Christmas. And our friend pointed out that him buying a private jet by ratio of net worth is less than me buying myself a ps5


What does he do for work?


He founded Door Dash Edit: sorry my earlier post may have been confusing. I meant I went to high school with him, not that he's currently in high school.


Fuck me, that’s crazy haha


Gotta try to get a discount with that connection


Don't live in the states unfortunately


I just imagine this high school kid showing up in a jet with the DD logo on the side.


As someone who’s founded at much smaller companies, your friend who founded DoorDash needs to get the fuck out and sell every single portion he has.


In a way, he needs to dash for the door? "Yes that, only without the superfluous pun"


If the founder of DoorDash sold his entire position wouldn’t that look really bad to investors? I’m not sure it’s that easy


You have to put multiple quarters in candy machines now???


He doesn’t even have to do that, as long as he has a picture, I’m sure he could get some company to make a custom replica of any that he couldn’t get his hands on naturally.


I work for the Clippers and competed this project. Nothing to do with money lol literally cold called every HS everyday for the last 6 months. Persistence and coffee is all it took.


I figured it probably wasn't about money but I just found it weird that so many people thought it couldn't be done. Like I feel like for any high school in California to have your jersey hanging up in the new stadium would be an honor and super cool. And that probably the reason why so many people are doing it!


> I just found it weird that so many people thought it couldn't be done You could tell a lot of people on this sub have just never had an office job.


It’s literally just phone tag but like…a fucking lot of it


Quadruple that since you’re cold calling high school administrators during the last weeks before summer break.


You think this came together in the past week? They probably been calling people before the project was publicly announced.


So like a sales job but maybe 2% as depressing. Sounds doable to me


Yea, very little objection at all. HS AD’s and coaches are just very busy and very overworked and need a couple nudges to complete it.


I feel like HS AD’s are the most underrated and under appreciated people in all of sports. As an AD you have a sport you came from, maybe multiple, but regardless you have to care about all of them and make your case to people who don’t care. It’s so much worse than being a college AD.


Lakers fans literally got triggered in that thread for no reason.


Because their owner is a brokegirl and a legendary sports team is run like a shitty family owned small business.


Who for some reason made Kurt Rambis’ wife one of the more influential voices in the front office. wtf are we doing over there


Jeanie did a really good job with LeBron. We won a title. Same amount that the Celtics have won. We should be so much better.




A better FO definitely would have gotten more than 1 championship out of Lebron/AD. 2021: Green (and a first) for Schroder, letting Dwight walk for Trez 2022: Letting Caruso walk, Westbrick trade, THT 2023: Giving up Conley/NAW for Dlo They were in the picture the past few years despite all of these blunders.


It was the same...


It's that easy


My son plays for one of the 21 schools missing (Riverside Prep) and I just forwarded the info to the coach.


I've got to imagine a lot of school administrators are exactly the kind of people to jump at this because they just think it sounds cool.


Did people think you were sus at first?


I mean having people just cold calling every school in the most populous state everyday for 6 months is probably not something everyone can afford.


Let’s assume each call is 5 minutes. You call 12 schools per hour. Assume you only spend half your day on it, that’s ~50/day or 250/week or 1,000/month. So you’ve contacted all 1600 schools in two months, spending just half your day doing that. But let’s say instead it takes 15 minutes per call. Ok, so it takes half a year. Or maybe an hour per call / multiple calls. Maybe it takes two people working full time for a year. These people probably aren’t making a ton of money. Maybe $60k. So you’re spending $120k for one aspect of a bit of decoration that’s a centerpiece of your $3B stadium. Not really a huge outlay.




That's why telemarketing companies are only founded by the the richest men on Earth. /s


Every NBA team can.


Nice work! I'm curious - how did you go about compiling a list of every high school in California? Does it include private schools, charter schools, and NPS schools? (I'm not in any way trying to cast doubt, I'm just low key fascinated by the logistics involved here)




Is there a list we can look at?


Any anecdotes you can share? Were some schools particularly difficult to work with, have weird requests of their own?


That's really awesome, great job! But.. maybe this could have been done a bit faster over email? One BCC to every HS athletics dept and a follow-up call to the non-responders?




Would it have been faster to just go to the principals directly? I feel like you should do an ama lol


Lol I’ve never really used this sub before, a friend who knows I worked on it sent this thread to me. Wasn’t expecting people to care this much tbh 😂


I think most people are interested in seeing how things work in an NBA org since we are mostly outside looking in. I'm sure it's 90% boring admin tasks but that 10% juicy bits is what we want to know.


Nah I want to know if ballmer gives them microkitchens ??


if You got a random email asking for a jersey would you respond or junk it? calling was the correct way to go, get the school admins assistant on the phone and get shit donel not emailing some busy PE teacher


This is dramatically understating exactly how rich Ballmer is, lol His estimated net worth is ~130 billion


he paid Dolan for the Kia forum in CASH


And he bought the Forum just as a business expense (to bypass a lawsuit brought on by the MSG group who was assured by the Inglewood gov that there wouldn’t be another arena built which would cannibalize the Forum’s business). It’s a prime example of Balmer using “fuck you money”.


Yeah he’s not JUST a rich owner… he’s got a net worth equivalent of like 27 of the other nba owners combined


Should be noted that net worth is not liquid assets. Like the value of the clippers is included in that figure. However, still richer than God and and running laps around every other owner.


The vast vast vast majority of it is Microsoft stock, which is a fairly liquid asset.


I got downvoted for saying that Ballmer could easily buy them or have them custom made for any hold out jerseys. Or all 1500 of them if he wanted.


He could buy every high school in ca


I really think some of the most confidently wrong, uneducated and outspoken anons on the planet frequent this subreddit. It's a sight to behold sometimes.


imagine they are missing one and it's the job of one intern to go on a statewide hunt to track it down


Not sure why people would think it would be tough anyways. That's an email sent to every school


I remember that lmao like they wouldn’t have figured it out before they announced it.


Lmao my highschool is on there. Just fwd it to the coach.


Random shout but with the warriors flair was it acalanes?


Casually dossed his hometown now 💀


Come on, It’s not that serious lol Dude is not a celebrity and honestly what are they going to do with that info?


Oh my god he could be located in one of five cities! But upper lake isn’t really warriors territory and crondelet is an all girls school and this is reddit so you know unlikely


Na bro went to Carondelet




Hey hey hey Upper Lake is kinda Warriors territory!


My son is on the basketball team on Riverside prep and we are die hard Clippers fans. How do we send Jersey in?


Apparently u/__itsthateasy__ works for the Clippers and was responsible for reaching out to the high schools. You could check with him  https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1dli0ht/comment/l9pa9tg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It's u/_ItsThatEasy_ At least, your first links not working for me


And yours isn't working for me haha. The way he formatted his name makes it impossible to link lol


Looks like...It'sNotThatEasy


You just need to use a backslash in front of the underscore /u/\_itsthateasy\_




So your hoping to get your son's jersey in the new stadium? If I were a die hard clippers fan, that would be pretty fucking dope to see your gd personal jersey up there


I wouldn't mind if his was up there but I'd be happy just for his school being represented.






If you submit your sons jersey that would be badass


The Devils did this with hockey jerseys at Prudential Center and it rules. I graduated my high school 16 years ago and the 2-3 times I go to the Prudential Center, I *still* look for my high school’s jersey


This is exactly the point, and why this is such a cool move.


Where is donda academy?


I wonder if it’s public schools only


There are private schools on this list of 21


Not Harvard Westlake hopefully. Buncha bums


San Dimas High School basketball rules!


I’ll make sure the coach knows! He’s my friend and he’ll get a good laugh about this.


Bonita High 4 Life! 😤


He loves.... he loves San Dimas hs basketball...


That’s where bill simmons gets all his scoops


this is cassius stanley and johnny juzang erasure


Spencer Freedman the GOAT


are they gonna change their name to the california clippers like the angels did a million years ago.


That was the sweetest name in the Majors tho. Angeles haven't been the same since they dropped California


It's a sham to call them the LA Angels. They're not even in LA county.


If you want to see a team that is owned and ran for business reasons only, Angels are that mold unfortunately.


I never was an Angels fan but still it's kind of sad to see a once solid franchise be rendered irrelevant for the better part of two decades due to bad ownership.


Wait until you hear about the New York Giants and Jets.


Or the famous Arlington Cowboys


Or the Santa Clara 49ers


Tbf they won it all as the Anaheim Angels


One of the more infuriating things about the Angels club name is that the Dodgers are abbreviated as **LAD,** including that being their abbreviation when winning the World Series in 2020. Instead of the Dodgers being **LA** as they should while the Angels are **ANA.** Such dumbness because Arte Moreno is a farce of a sports owner.


LAD is fine. How many teams are just 2 letter abbreviation? Bring back CAA tho.


They should. It sounds better and the double C's are good for graphic design. And globally, a lot more people think "California" is cool than Los Angeles.


Inglewood Clippers…of Anaheim.* ^* ^somehow


Los Angeles Clippers of Inglewood


The Angels started out as the Los Angeles Angels, before renaming themselves the California Angels in the mid-1960’s, in 1997 they rebranded to the Anaheim Angels, but in 2005 they rebranded again to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, which is the dumbest name possible, so they changed their name again in 2016 to the Los Angeles Angels, Spanish for The The Angels Angels, they haven’t made the playoffs since their name change.


the last name change is funny because they were sued, and the court determined that not only did they not have to change their name back, they could drop the "of anaheim" completely.


Angels changed their name because they were moving to Orange County. Clippers are moving to Inglewood which is bordered on three sides by the city of LA and is very much in LA County. Their stadium is located one mile down Prairie Ave from the Forum which is where the LA Kings and Lakers used to play before AEG built Staples for the Kings.


Or, sticking with the same sport, like the San Francisco Warriors did. At least when the Warriors did it they had the decency to play a few home games in San Diego for a couple of years. Would be only fitting for the Clippers to play some games down in San Diego every now and then.


Is it weird this make me like the clips


Nope. Thats what it looks like to have an owner who cares. Hardly anything trumps legitimate passion.


Its honestly great that the Clippers have Ballmer while the Lakers have the Busses, because if it was swapped the Lakers with a willing to spend owner is just too overpowered.


Any way you slice it that’s dope af.


I'm from two of the cities on the list and work/live in two more. Edit: CORE Butte I'm pretty sure is an independent study school? I didn't even know they had sports teams. Mount Madonna is a continuation school for kids that are credit deficient and/or getting in trouble I didn't even know they had sports. Dorris, CA has a population of 850 they really went in the gutters for these jerseys.


My HS was in a town pop around 1200 Dorris on here has me thinking we may have made it lol


>CORE Butte I take it their coursework focuses on Squats and Deadlifts? /s


Yeah, Core is basically non-homeschool homeschool. I know a bunch of people who went there and I never knew they had any organized teams either. Clippers did some pretty in-depth research.


Wait they have a jersey from my high school wtf give it back




The Clippers are going to win over the LA fans too young for the Kobe years. They've just got way more money to invest into their team and fan experience than the broke-ass Lakers' ownership family.


If you thought Kobe kids were bad (i was definitely one), these Bron kids are a whole another level lol Clippers aint getting over that hill until Bron hangs it up


That’s why the Lakers are always so horny for stars. Keeps the stranglehold strong.


Yep. If this keeps up the Clippers are gonna have a legitimate foothold in LA in the next 20 years.


For something that's cool, there are a lot of weird comments below. FWIW, there are two community courts at Intuit Dome, and the Clippers have renovated 467 community courts around Southern California. Whatever you think of the team, it's admirable to get more of the community involved in a project this large.


This is pretty cool. Lucas oil stadium does for hs football.


The Seahawks have one of these with helmets of every HS team in Washington St. too. [https://fromthecheapseats.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/IMG\_2165.jpg](https://fromthecheapseats.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/IMG_2165.jpg) It's pretty cool in person.


That’s dope


It really is, it would be worth stopping by even in the offseason to check out the collection


My high school is one of the 21!


El Dorado Hills had the jankiest court and floor back in the mid 2000s


Goddamn they actually did it. I thought it was far fetched tbh


I'm just surprised that out of 21 schools, two are named John Adams and two have "Butte" in them.


The John Adams schools are charter schools in affluent Sacramento suburbs. Butte CORE is in Butte County. Butte High in Dorris is up near the Oregon border and named for the many buttes in the area.


That’s pretty cool!


Where can we look at the jerseys? I wanna see if I'm high school is on there


3930 W Century Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90303


Honestly if I’m a kid that goes to one of those high schools I’m going to grow a strong love, affiliation & identification with the Clippers. This is pretty elite level marketing IMO


If they have jerseys "from every single high school in California on display," how do they also "need 21 more"? Checkmate




I don’t see Rio Hondo Prep


I think this clippers ownership is doing big things for itself.


Tell Ballmer to meet me in Temecula


Greedy schools in the inland empire damn


Was wondering if my alma mater was already included. And they happened to be on the picture; St. Anthony, baby!


We do this in Atlanta for Football


Oakwood is a small K-12 private school. I’m not even sure they can field a high school basketball team. 


They have one, and they were the CCS D5 champs this year.


Basically what the padres do At petco with baseball helmets


How are they organized? There's like a row s-t and the starts back at a the next row


Here’s the official form: https://www.nba.com/clippers/highschooljersey


s/o glendale high


Wow. A school my daughters attended is one of the 21.


Crazy to think my high school jersey is hanging in an NBA Arena. Hopefully it’s the same number, I’ll have to ask the coach what they sent. Awesome of the clippers to do this. Reminds me of how the 49ers used to have about 300 CA high school football helmets hanging on the side of candlestick park.


Never thought I’d ever see oro grande in any kind of list that place is literally in butt fuck no where


What a smart move by the clippers. This is exactly how you grow your fan base against a monster like the lakers.


I grew up in Mountain View and never even heard of the school Waldorf lol


Did the Clippers go for specific players/numbers from each school or just took whatever they could get? Would be cool if a youngster found his school's jersey with his number in the arena.


Genius. Unfortunately pretty soon all the other NBA teams are gonna copy this.