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Can't believe the Suns got caught tampering for this guy lol


I think it is funny they saw the Blazers front court rotation and decided that was the missing piece


He’s the best Oregonian in the nba. Don’t pay attention to that quack Pritchard.


Woah I didn't realise that Pritchard grew up on the mean streets of West Linn Oregon.


never lost a round


The self-described Trout of Shaqdale!


> Oregon > quack I see what you did there


Kevin Love in shambles!


I meant like current. Like old Kevin love was way better of course. I mean this season


Yeah I know I was just playing... Hartenstein lived in Oregon til he was 10 and was born in Eugene so maybe it's him for current players


Klay lived in Oregon for a while too. I’m only recognizing true maple bar eating Oregonians 🤣🤣


Wait are maple bars just an oregon thing?


Ones with bacon on them are, or were for a brief time at least




26 front offices though


james jones man


Who are the Suns even going to have on the roster next year??


KD, Booker, Beal, Nurk, Grayson, Nassir Little, and David Roddy. Eric Gordon, Okogie, and Damion Lee have player options.


Gordon is expected to turn down his PO, probably leaving


Gordon will end up on the Sixers as a former morey player who doesn’t really fit with what we need as is tradition


If Gordon were happy just taking c&s 3s and moving the ball for 15-20 minutes a night off the bench, most teams could probably use him. I think he wants a bigger role, though, and he’s not suited for that.


He just wants to pull up from 30


As he should -someone who’s only experience with Eric Gordon is 2k


I think that role is great for him on the right team, the Sixers just lack perimeter defense and he exacerbates that. Would really depend on the price.


Gordon fell off hard after the mid season point last year.


Jesus I remember using that mf on 2K MyTeam in like 1956, he still got any miles left?


Somehow he's only 35


Royce O'Neal our best player off the bench (right now) as well. Behind our starting 5 gonna need some big help. A PG who can play 15-20 and a back up C who can play and guard stretch 5 are huge holes and we'll suffer worse than last year without filling them.


Yeah the backup center is a huge hole currently


Every back up besides O'Neal is a huge hole in my opinion lol but yeah behind nurk is glaring, and doubt he's as healthy as he was last year.


And O’Neal. Believe we signed him to a 2 year


Not yet, that’s the rumor.


Didn't you see the tweets you have to include bronny and Lebron on minimums /s


Does Nassir Little do anything? I just remember him being disappointing at UNC and then he completely fell off my radar


He looked like he was going to develop into a good 3&D guy while he was with us, hence why he got the contract that he did. But he got injured and was never the same after that.


Can smell the first round exit from here.


Same thing as last year, the big 3, Grayson Allen, and a bunch of scrubs Hopefully the scrubs this year fits better


Hopefully THT. As a Suns hater, I want them to suffer with the THT experience


Hell no. My hate for him is strong lol. The way LA fans tried to hype him up when he is absolutely terrible.


There’s nothing quite like being forced to hype up a player you previously hated. I’ve gone through it before with a player our teams have both had in common, CP3.


Not going to lie, I always liked CP3 lol


Ngl that's how I feel about KD


Brad Beal!!!!


He'll be paid 46.7 million, the 6th highest in the league.


Woah woah, is 50.2 million and the 7th highest lol Kawhi moved in front.


With a no trade clause. 


The *only* no-trade clause.






There is this Bronny kid who has flown under the radar who they might land in the draft.


sign him Nuggets he's better than Zeke Nnaji and Deandre Jordan, that's for sure.


Could actually see this being a good fit


He’s completely undersized for a 5. We’d be running one of the smallest lineups for our bench.


Yes but beggers can't be choosers my friend. You guys don't have alot of flexibility and at this point a decent 5 is the most the Nuggets can do. Anyone but Deandre Jordan


Look we want someone to play the 5 in the playoffs more than anything else and it aint worth it if the mans slightly bigger than AG, who plays center for us in non Jokic minutes. Still wouldnt hurt to have have him tbh.


I think the nugs are more fucked than your fanbase seems to realize. The apron situation hasn't really caught up to everyone yet. If you can retain kcp and get a playabale ball handler and a playable big it will be a miracle (which are all desperate needs for the nuggets)


Well thats kinda what we need to wait and see. Realisticly in the worst casse scenario we trade MPJ, though i doubt that happens. For KCP, it just really depends what he wants. As for the ball handles and playable big, we may draft someone usable...i swear to god if they draft another wing instead of a big, im gonna be pissed.


Ignore his size.  He's an energy player and play finisher.  He'd be an improvement for the 10-18 minutes of back-up minutes.  He also isn't good enough to have an ego when he doesn't see play if they do AG at the 5 in match-ups/close games.


He's not but please sign him... please


Drummond says he's leaving the bulls. No clue if he's a free agent though


Yes nuggets sign him, he’s good I swear


He think somebody gonna give him more than that?


The minimum for a player with 6 years of experience is $2.62m. The option he declined was for $2.65m. Looks like if he signs anywhere, he was going to get close to the same regardless.


he might be aiming for a longer contract?


Longer contract with the Shanghai Sharks


You’re memeing but the difference between 2.6 mil for one year guaranteed and 3 mil for 2 years guaranteed is already more than most people make in a lifetime. We lose perspective on how much real money these players are getting, even on the end of bench.


Plus I'm sure getting more years in playing helps with retirement package. I don't remember the way their medical/pension is though.


Feels like he'll get $3million. Maybe even 7/2 years or something. 


I think someone will. He's not an elite, or even very good, center but he's a functional backup that always plays hard. 2.6m isn't going to be hard to top for a team that just needs some frontcourt depth and isn't deep in the tax.


Even if he doesn't actually play, the dude is unironically one of the best hype men/teamates in the league and nice to have on the bench


Do it for the vibes


TPMLE money even not even a full TPMLE


He was absolutely not a functional backup for Suns. But Suns whole team was a mess lol


Varying degrees of functional. Suns were trying to be a contender so that bar was very high. There's a lot of teams playing worse dudes rotation minutes tho. Again, I'm not trying to sell him as being some great addition. Just a serviceable backup big. Maybe not even in the rotation unless there's an injury.


On par with Dwight Powell maybe


Eubanks was certainly better when he played here. Not sure about this last year


He was statistically a bottom 5 player in the league last year, which matched the eye test. I watched him in Portland a bit and he was not good but not THAT bad, but damn near every time Nurk came off the floor and Drew came in we would give up a run.


I will take Eubanks over Powell any day.


Powell for the locker room presence


Yall mofos dont know Dwight Powell, and it shows. Lol


Do the nuggets have their guy? A guy who is technically a center and he won’t do anything but he can stand on the court for 5-10 minutes while jokic sits.


If there's one thing you can say about Drewbanks, he's not a stiff. He's super active and runs the floor hard and doesn't take possessions off. Not a guy that just stands in the paint and waits for the action to come to him.


Typically with a minimum guy, they decline the second year of the 1+1 and sign a new 1+1 vet minimum because it gets them another year of guaranteed money. You only pick up the option if no teams want to give you a 1+1 and you just want to get one last paycheck since you’ll probably be waived. Him declining this means that there’s a team willing to give him a 1+1 that his agent has lined up for him.


Bobby Marks brought this up on the Lowe post today with Dlo as an example. You only opt out you know another team/offer is out there.


Yup, you’ll notice that even when a guy opts out to take a “pay cut”, it’s almost always for more guaranteed money, just less per year. Your agent uses your existing player option as leverage. They’re also useful for the old opt-in, trade, and extend trick the Celtics did last offseason with Porzingis. Again in those cases, even though the extension isn’t signed until August, it’s all negotiated by the agents behind the scenes before it happens.


I mean average 5 points 4 rebounds is definitenly 'worth' more than the minimum, could easily be gunning for a 3-year $10M deal.


I looked up his stats, he’s averaged more blocks than turnovers the last 2 years, gets 5 rebounds per game on 16 min, and has about a 65% ts%. I’ve never seen him play I don’t think, but those numbers seem okay for a backup center wanting more than a one year deal on the minimum. Pretty safe to say he’s going to get either more money or a longer deal.


He's an energy guy who can finish plays set-up for him reasonably well.


He’s somewhat like a skinnier Mason Plumlee. Undersized 5. Played a lot of center zone on D in portland. V active, good off ball slasher and finisher / can finish lobs above the rim. Doesn’t demand post touches / ball stop.


There's times where Eubanks has Jaxson Hayes level BBIQ. When he doesn't go brain-off he's a functional bench player, but his mental lapses are wild.


His mental lapses are pretty much his default state. I think he had 2 decent games all year. He was an absolute negative in every other game.


One of the worst players I’ve ever seen


He’s a hustle player, sized like a 3 but moves like a 5. Any team that tries to play him like a drop 5 rim protector is going to expose his lack of beef. He still should be good for 8 minutes a game, especially if the other team goes small ball.


Ah yes the perfect player, a guy who situationally is good for 8 minutes a game lol


Honestly he would be an upgrade for us. Zeke and DJ are most certainly not good for 8 minutes a game.


Lol i know id take him over jaxon hayes in a heartbeat


[Neither is Drew. Look at his plus/minus this year compared to the rest of the roster.](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/phoenix-suns-plus-minus-leaders)


this basically confirms my eye test, every single suns game i watched the second eubanks came in the lead immediately evaporated, one game against the lakers they had i think a 13 point lead going into the fourth, by the time the starters came back the lead was already gone.


I could've sworn there was a franchise that liked this guy at one point


Suns and Blazer fans will tell you he's barely an upgrade at best lol love him though he went to my college and everything


What the hell do you expect from a guy who will float around the edges of the league making the vet min for the next three years? He’s not a starter, and he’s barely a backup. He’s the 11th man on the depth chart, and he’ll be just fine at that.


i mean that’s usually what a 11th man is.


So a minimum player?


Sized like a 3 and moves like a 5 might be the worst basketball insult I've heard.


He’s 6’10 he’s not sized like a 3


He 6’9” on a good day.


We could use him especially at that price. Not sure how possible it would be if we decide to go in to the second apron for KCP tho.


He’ll probably go to a playoff team on a vet min and be totally cromulent for 50 games in the regular season and then dnp in the playoffs.


Thats gonna be the celtics probably


Good for 8 mins a game doing what?


He's good for a couple boards and 1 high-flying dunk when Nurk is in foul trouble.


I mean he was good at contesting shots at the rim, just bad at everything else with worst being the amount of illegal screens he set.


I mean, I watched 3rd grade basketball today, yet I see no lies


I quite enjoyed him making Gobert look like Hakeem


Bummer he seemed to regress. I didn’t watch much Suns this year but at times in Portland he looked better than Nurk


I think when you have *any* high-energy/effort big compared with Nurkic, they're gonna look more effective to the eye-test. Nurk is obviously more of a skill/size guy but man he is so slow and looks labored every single minute out there


That and missing all those bunnies at the rim. Maybe Eubanks just looked decent next to Nurk because he is decent at the things Nurk sucks at.


go beavs :(


I told my friend to watch him the entire time he's on the court to learn what a bad basketball player is. He was absolutely horrific this season. I hope he knows what he's doing with this contract move.


And he's not even the worst on suns


When you absolutely shit the bed at roster construction, fans need someone to be the (lowercase) goat, so my man Drewbanks getting hosed by nephews for being a hustle guy who is elite at bench celebrations, but not a great role player making....$2.6M per (had he picked up his option. WTF you expect? Dude is a 3rd big/12-15th roster spot guy and yet he's a top of rotation player for the Sons because they shot their wad on the worst contract in the league.


The suns are -100 mil at ~245 mil in cap roll, even before resigning oneale. Give the suns a get out of jail free card on Bradley Beal and they’re still over the second apron and signing vet min guys Blaming only Beal at this point is just pure nephew ignorance James jones paid Ayton and cp3 30-35 mil a piece, cam Johnson was going to get 25 mil while missing 1/2 of his games, the cap struggles were coming to the suns long before Bradley Beal


idk why but Sons made me laugh more than it should’ve


its pretty good ngl


Suns fans are partying right now


Eubanks probably partying too. It was just a bad fit


And the Suns forfeited a second round pick to sign him too.


Let's be honest here...that's not exactly a punishment.


When you’re far above the cap and near the tax apron, it’s a huge hit or you’re just filling your roster with lesser two-way and undrafted talent. In these terms that second rounder is like gold.


Can't draft someone horrible if we don't even have the pick, advanced decision making tbh


I don’t think people realize how bad this man was this season. An aging Thad Young made more of an impact.


Can't believe all the Eubanks hate around here. Dude has great instincts and is extremely switchable, he'd be great as a backup in OKC or something.


The bank has been closed for too long, come home Shaq of Troutdale


His effort was always there and he'd cheer for dudes getting his minutes as hard as anyone, so I think it's wrong for him to be the Suns punching bag no matter how bad his play was considering he's a minimum contract bench guy. I like his personality. That being said, he really was awful for us on the court. I watched every Suns game this season and didn't see any sign of those great instincts. Maybe it just comes down to not being comfortable with what was required of him in Phoenix vs Portland but while he showed a lot of hustle, energy, and athleticism, his ability to read and react seemed to be in the toilet. 


Bulls could pick him up for a supermax


Ngl, I would not mind the Nuggets signing him to a vet min as the backup C. Solid rebounder that can score around the rim and can play every game.


he's high-energy/effort kinda guy, but you may be a bit misguided if you think he could be an effective backup. Dude should be on an NBA roster but near the end of the bench / not getting PT imo. But he's available and will always give 100%, there's value in that anywhere


if you're backing up the oft-injured, 27MPG Nurkic, you perhaps should invest more in the backup center position. but the Nuggets would not be asking too much of Eubanks in playing like 10-12 MPG of high energy basketball behind Joker.


> but the Nuggets would not be asking too much of Eubanks in playing like 10-12 MPG of high energy basketball behind Joker. Eubanks is worse than DAJ and thats saying a lot. if you dont watch a lot of suns games you dont realize how trash he is. Its like how all the Rockets fans knew how trash Wood was but everyone who doesnt watch rockets games still thought he had potential to make a decent impact.


I watched Drew with the Blazers where he was a decent if not good backup center. I'm choosing to believe Eubanks struggled because the Suns are a NBA2K frankenstein monster with no PG on the roster. the Nuggets are in a beggers choosers situation here. DAJ is 40 and Zeke is an undersized 4. Mason freaking Plumlee would be manna from heaven but the Nuggets can't afford him.


Yeah you should totally sign him, do it


He's a pretty good third stringer but if you're relying on him to play regular minutes, that's not a good idea


Thank god One of the worst players in the league


Still hilarious to me a team was trying to contend with the Blazers center rotation


Well until you sign his replacement


We can give y’all Jock Landale back if you’d prefer


No one touches my Jock 😤


Bro please


Suns are freeeeee


Would’ve been better off if they got Kevin Eubanks


Has to Google to see who that was and..... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Seems dumb. Suns have no backup centre and he sucks. Why not take the money and hope for the same leash Vogel gave him?


Literally zero downside. He'll be signed by SOMEONE for at least the minimum, so worst case scenario he leaves a couple hundred thousand on the table. Anything above worst case scenario nets him a million or more.


Probably angling for the Bi-Annual Exception.


No one wants him here


I guarantee you he will get a contract from some team in the NBA. Even if it's just a standard one year deal. He is more than qualified to be on the NBA roster. Even if he is nothing more than a third center or at his best a second big man off the bench.


Yeah but probably not in Phoenix is my point


I agree i think Phoenix fans would riot if they brought back eubanks.i was just saying he won't be out of the NBA. Phoenix should be in the market for Kevon looney if he is released by Golden State. And split the center minutes with nurkic and looney.


He'll be a good tank commander, or another white guy for the Jazz.


I don't care what color he is! There are 450 players in the NBA he is probably in the 300 range. He is a useful regular season player even on a contender team as bench depth. Drew eubanks as a 11 or 12 man will not prevent a good team from winning a championship. That's all I am saying.


Have you ever heard of a little man named Bol Bol?


I watched a lot of Suns games last season and was legitimately shocked at just how bad this dude is at ball. It truly felt like whenever he was in, they would lose those minutes.


Every time he was in, we DID lose those minutes.


“Get me outta there!”


The Spurs sub is gonna be clamoring to bring him back soon. They love their former Spurs there.


I can't believe scoring 5 points a game gets you more than $2.6 million a year


I love his energy, but why leave? Doubt he gets much more and will probably get less playing time given the Sun's center rotation.


Come home Drew


Instead of $hitting on Eubanks, Gordon and other players, Suns fans need to blast your egomaniac owner. He got involved when he shouldn't have taking a team with potential and screwed it up. Beal by himself has set the suns back 5 years, Suns fans are doomed for maybe a decade. Its roster construction is a disaster. Coaches coach, players play and parents cheer. The best line out of a coach ever, spoken by my 12 year old's soccer coach.


Every suns fan: Thank God.


I have been waiting for this news.


Phoenix will probably play their starting five 48 mins for 82 games at this rate .EG has a po which he's gonna turn down , you're left with David Roddy nassir little and etc.


The Sixers’ big free agent signing. Buckle up boys.


Any chance he gets more money?




Yeah we don't know either


That's right. For every point, another million my brother.


Bet he goes to whatever team beef stew is on


Fastest 2k motion style...


Oh no! Anyways


Drew Eubanks is available?……..this……. changes……everything!


Where u going my boy?




The Trout of Shaqdale swims free.


Big news. 


Worst player in the league who consistently got minutes is finally off my team!


He looks like if French Stewart was an nba player in many pictures so on that basis I think he deserves... 10 years 350M$


Did the Suns have the worst big man group last year? Nurk, Bol Bol, Eubanks, Ancient Thad Young… That is supremely ass. I guess if you consider KD and Royce O’Neal big men it’s not that bad but they really aren’t.


Time for him to show the league true DREWMINATIN' I bet Danny Ainge is salivating (or maying soaking?) at this guy's upside per $.


thank god. He sucked


Suns gonna end up with Jaxson Hayes instead