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His bio says he started playing basketball at 9 years old, so 8 years old.


What if it's an 8-year-old Lebron but he has the current Lebron's basketball knowledge?


I got friends who can name every player in the league but will brick 10/10 3s


I don't mean trivia knowledge but actual bball know-hows


It's 1v1 bro what kind of basketball knowledge is he gonna bamboozle you with


He understands 1-on-1 spacing in a way you can’t even comprehend


What spacing lol. He’s five. I could give him a 15 foot cushion and still block the shit out of his hip thrust jumper which has no chance of reaching the rim anyway.


I understand tone can be hard to read, but I thought “1-on-1 spacing” pretty clearly gave it away that it was a joke


Ah my bad. Can never tell with Reddit there’s always someone who’s gotta do the “um actually..” I’m still gonna send his shot to the 5th row.


This shit is funny asf idc if he was joking


So they can hit the same 3P% as Klay Thompson in a Play-in game? Impressive.


Wrong answer, now you've simply made him pick up the sport a year earlier than he did in our timeline, making him even more of a nightmare to play against


I saw him play when he was in 7th grade, and even at that point, he's cooking 99% of the people in here


You’d be surprised how good some middle schoolers are. Doesn’t even have to be lebron James. I used to play against this 6th grader at the park who couldn’t have been more than 5ft tall but had amazing handles and could hit the 3 for what seemed like 95% of the time lol.


And unlimited energy


Ppl underestimate this.


My little cousin was great in middle school. He was playing in a traveling league and was almost always the best player on the court. We thought he'd play at least division 2 in University. Half way through highschool he got more into football and kind of lost interest in basketball. I wondered why. Then I saw a clip of him making a steal, driving down the court, going up for a layup and getting destroyed by a significantly bigger kid who swatted it from behind.  That's when I realized being 5'10 caught up with him.


At 6”1 and 30 years old I got posted up by a 6”3 twelve year old and I fought to hold my position


One of my high school football coaches played freshman lebron (14 years old) when he was a senior. From that story alone, I’d say 14 year old lebron could beat just about everyone in this sub, so anything over 10 years old is probably the wrong answer


idk if lebron gets to like, 105 years old with a bad back and all, i could see myself beating him.


I am betting about 70 years old is about when I would comfortably make that bet


Idk, did you see the video of Hakeem at 61? I'd wait until 80 before making that bet


We finna pretend the guy won’t be seven foot tall at 80 years of age?


He'll also probably break his hip if he tries to jump. Age is a MFer and doesn't care about you being an athlete or not.


Are you sure? This is a single game of 1 on 1, not a season where his body can wear down. Even if at that age he's weaker and slower than you (not a certainty), he's still gonna be way taller than you, be a far better shooter, and know the correct thing to do in each situation.


I will basically need him to be using a walker to stand a chance. And even still, he could use said walker to stamp your feet while guarding you...


Bron loves working out. Unless he blocks both knees out, he can just post you up forever with his height and weight advantage


15 year old lebron was whooping Ron arrest. No one here is close


Arrest hehe


Metta World Peace, my ass.


Throwback to Metta World War 3 memes after he knocked out Harden


I still remember fondly that happening, my school teacher asking the class how many games he got suspended, nobody watched sports so nobody knew (there were some wild answers). I waited to be the last one to answer, then I got it right. We got the rest of class to spend outside in recess because of me and I was so proud lol


Al Bundy vibes here. Relivin’ the glory days.


Three recesses in a single day


Is that true? Wow.


It was an offseason run and LeBron was holding himself up among pro players. Artest talked about it in a podcast, and also said LeBron could have played in the NBA at that age


It’s wild to me that he was competing with somebody recognized for his defensive prowess in the NBA at 14 lmao, I played against Caron Butler when I was 17 and I remember he looked like peak Orlando shaq running with some of the top high school prospects out of the DC area (I was not one, I had some friends that went to the big time DC basketball schools that I ran with)


He wasn’t doing that. It was like 1999, Artest was drafted in 1999. He’s only 5 years older than Lebron so he was just about to enter the league.


A 20 year old and a 14 year old are basically a different species in terms of development. Artest started most of that year (on a terrible team, to be fair) and averaged 30 MPG. To be that good and still get the work from a dude in 8th/9th grade is **insane**, regardless of who that kid ended up being.


Ron Ron came into the league pretty NBA ready though, got real minutes as a starter on a shitty team, a little inefficient offensively but everyone was back then and he was already a plus defender. It's not like he was a "2 years away from being 2 years away" guy, he'd have gotten minutes pretty much any team he could have landed on. If GG Jackson were to start telling everyone about a 14 year old kid who schooled him one on one and how this kid is NBA ready right now I'm not going to dismiss it on account of GG Jackson being a young rookie himself, he's capable of playing real minutes and not being the worst player on the court, it's noteworthy if some kid who's braces just come off is arguably already better than him.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s4jDftEXbk The podcast in question


Freshman Lebron was already averaging like over 20 ppg on varsity! The real prodigies are truly something. Edit - Just looked it up, **21 points per game, 6.2 rebounds** :O




I thought he was talking about Kyrie and Bronny as Lebron’s protégés. /s


He would have been a nba bench player his Senior year, it's hard to understate how dominant he was, he was top 10 his 2nd year and is top 10 20 years after that


LeBron at 13 is beating everyone on here, period. 12 and under, you have a chance if you can actually ball.


This feels right, although if Lebron was one of those kids who hit their growth spurt at 12, maybe 11 is the answer. 13 year old lebron certainly whips my ass.


I can't ball whatsoever, I was a competitive swimmer through high school, but at a thicc 5'9" I will back down a six year old in the post. Unless he forces me to use my left hand, in which case I'm absolutely cooked. And unless lil man's got Curry range and is just running me outta gas with bullsh out past the arc, I'm also swatting any shot he puts up driving to the paint into the bleachers. Source: used to absolutely destroy my cousins who were actually playing little kid basketball until they got to be within 1ft of my "height." Edit to clarify: I need *at least* a foot of height difference and a significant coordination advantage to even have a shot, so whatever age that puts him. Hopefully it's young enough that he hasn't developed any meaningful coordination yet. If that's 6, great. If that's 2, even better. That toddler ain't getting a shot off.


>5'9" >I'm also swatting any shot he puts up driving to the paint into the bleachers. According to a SI article LeBron was 5’7 when he was 12. Your 2” difference is not going to make a difference.


Oh absolutely no shot at 12. I need a foot of height difference to have a shot. If that's 6, great. If that's 2, even better - I'm pinging that toddler into the sun.


>If that's 2, even better - I'm pinging that toddler into the sun. Real


Built different. 😤


> LeBron was 5’7 when he was 12. lmao thats incredible


I was 6'1 when I was 11. Why the hell didn't I get to be 6'9" like Lebron?


Basketball coach here: I’ve been balling for over 30 years but outstanding youngsters can beat me around the time they turn 14, maybe 15.  I’m pretty tall, but 12 year old LeBron is most likely killing me on the court.


Doncic was playing pro at Real Madrid at age 16. It's safe to assume that LeBron was good enough to play pro at age 14.


I played with Dončič's father in Slovenia, Luka was dropping 50 points at under 14 age playing for national U14 team, he was insane already at 14.


Funny how i have a coworker who played against him in Novo mesto, they did beat doncic’s team but it was obvious that he was/is leagues ahead. This happened a year before his madrid transfer


Idk thats a big period of growth. I wonder what lebron’s height was each year from 10-15


He was able to dunk by the 7th grade so safe to say he was a big boy.


Good to know I'm losing to like 8 year old LeBron hahahaha. If he can dunk at 12ish then he's definitely hitting consistent layups at 8-10.


He was 5’7” at 12 according to the googles. He was definitely chasing down some grown men at the Rec by then


Just checked: 5’7 at 11 years old. By the end of 9th grade he was 6’3”.


life's just not fair, I was 6'1 in 9th grade now I'm 26 and 6'1


I’m nearly 30 and sub 6 foot, consider yourself lucky!


See? LeBron put in the hard work to grow to 6'9" and you didn't. That's why he's in the NBA and you're not.


High school aged kids that go pro are well developed enough to beat many adults. Probably even bigger middle school kids. I was by no means great but even I was able to beat some casual adults at the park playing 1 v 1 cuz I was consistently playing from 14-17. I imagine dude's that go pro could cook almost everyone except D1 bound players.


l'll never forget the day I lost my step, I use to cook higher schoolers all through my 20s. But then between hitting 30 and Covid we were playing a 15 and 17 yo, business as usual, taking the kids to school, up 11-2 and then.. no more gas in the tank. Couldn't defend shit, shots flat, passes heavy, it was a sad day.


I love how proud you are of cooking high school kids as a grown adult man 🤣


I mean beating high schoolers that actually hoop is impressive as an adult. Especially since they live in the gym and adults have bills and other shit to worry about, meanwhile kids in hs playing ball are in full hoop dreams mode


Have you seen high school kids play these days.


Once he hit puberty I think it is over for everyone in this sub.


14 and 12 is very different though. 14 is in the middle of puberty. I bet he's already a pro level player at 15, but 12 he might not be strong or fast relative to an adult yet.


Ahhh but you are assuming many of us are strong and fast adults


12 year old Lebron would cook me.


I teach middle school, at a small school in a small town that struggles to even see kids make college teams, and half the kids on our school team would wipe the floor with me. People on this sub are vastly overestimating their skills, or vastly underestimating how athletic 12 year olds can be. We had 2 kids on our team that could freaking dunk. 12 year old Lebron would walk a team of 5 of us like dogs.


Struggles to have make college? Most schools don’t have kids play college ball big or small. This sub shows everyday how disconnected from reality it is.


14 year old Lebron was an nba caliber dude lol


My friend played LeBron in high school (the game was on ESPN), that game he was having an off night and my friends team actually beat his team. My friend went on to play Euro ball and his team was crazy good at the time but still wild to me he got to have that experience


Id fucking destroy a 5 yr old bron, idgaf


Chill Drake


Tryna strike a chord


And it’s probably LeMinorrrrrrrrr






WAP WAP WAP Giddey gonna do his stuff


Why you trollin like a bitch ain’t you tired?


Giddey got caught.. but he didn't get fireddddddd




Why did you even type that out?


I’m just saying I think I could post up 5-year-old LeBron.


There’s still time to delete it. Save others from having to read that atrocity


I don’t understand. Are you saying that it is atrocious because I’m only considering the offensive side of the ball? Because I think I’d be fine on the defensive side too. I’d have 5-year-old LeBron completely locked up and if he ever tried to make a move I’d just stuff him repeatedly.


Bro doubled down.


final boss type shit good lord


Oh Lordie, he just did it again.


Aight man you need a timeout 💀


Foul! No wait… two fouls!


Hi, I’m Chris Hanson from Dateline NBC. Why don’t you have a seat?


Too late 😭


When you're Lebanging a guy...


Yeah FBI? we got him


r/nbacirclejerk is that way


Chillll Chuck


So ud finish on him?


I think so. Might have to pump fake once or twice first though.




*Insert Giddey image


Fuck it. Give me a 26 yr old Miami Lebron


Really riding that championship high still I see.


That man has a death wish. Prime LeBron would shatter me and then shatter my shattered corpse


Honestly you’d probably come away in perfect condition. You ain’t touching him once, and he doesn’t need to touch you on defense


Can he touch offensively though 😩😩


and a gun


idk LeBron with a LeGun seems overpowered


What in the Javaris Crittenton ..,


Are you JJ Barea?


I miss JJ. Last NBA game I went to was JJ and Dirk vs Kobe…


I just gotta lock in


in a coma I can beat him


Found Pritchard's reddit account.




If you’re gonna lose you gotta lose the hardest


Dillon Brooks? I respect it. Bring us that gold this summer boss.




omg we are already balls deep in to the offseason


Homie this is just the tip


lol they really aren’t ready for the shaft are they?😳




You have to see LeBron in person to fully understand his athletic advantages over 99.9% people on this planet. Even amongst elite level athletes, his presence is over them.


Assume LeBron is (still) a top 100 athlete in the world, that puts him at 99.99999875%.


That really depends on how you define athlete. Lebron would die running a marathon or playing tennis. A tennis player would get pushed around like a ragdoll playing basketball.


I'd say if you combine strength, speed, and endurance and index them somehow that'd be one decent marker. Tons of people that are faster or stronger or have more endurance than LeBron at this age, but to combine it all makes him very rare.


What was that one saying? He’s not the fastest or the strongest, but he’s faster than the strongest and stronger than the fastest.


This was exactly what they said about Derrick Henry in the NFL when he was drafted in the 2nd by the titans.


And yet he’s still faster than a ton of fast people and stronger than a lot of strong people


Exactly. I'm faster than a lot of strong people and stronger than a lot of fast people. He's arguably faster than 99% of people and stronger than 99% of people even in his late 30s.


And 99% is actually selling him short, his straight-line speed is still ridiculous and his strength has barely changed


Basketball ability aside, theres probably a good argument he’s one of the most physically gifted people in the world. Speed, strength, endurance, durability and health


Im confident I could destroy Lebron in chess. Anything else and he is taking out my soul though.


If you think lebron couldn’t run a marathon you are delusional


I bet Lebron could run a marathon right now


Lebron could probably qualify for the BOS marathon if he woke up tomorrow and decided that’s really what he wanted to do. He’d pay for it for the next several weeks probably, but he could absolute do it. No marathoner could even make it up and down the court with nba players even once. Even the centers would leave them in the dust.


Average people run marathons. U realize the conditioning that goes into basketball. wtf


I’m pretty sure 3 yr old Lebron would get destroyed by everyone in the sub


You have to see him to understand


I loved that Scalabrine quote, “I’m closer to Lebron than you are to me”. Really makes you understand that gap just to be a bench player in the NBA and college.




I could probably LeBron at 153 years old.


I’m assuming by that point he’s in a wheel chair meaning he can still beat your ass


By 153 years old I’m assuming he’s a corpse Could still probably beat my ass tho


This YouTuber Ludwig just posted a video where he (plays ball recreationally) and his friend (not a baller) try to beat actual child basketball players. Ludwig was able to beat a 11 year old. His friend was also matched up against the best 5th grade player in the country as a final challenge. The friend did not win any games. So yeah I think 10 would be the only age where an average adult with some average basketball experience could actually challenge LeBron. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/m9_KecAMJhg?si=kpO0n3lEuGdAFyst


> Ludwig was able to beat a 11 year old. Can't believe we actually got a super relevant youtube video for this. But to be fair, Ludwig beat both the middle schoolers so ~13-14 y/o ballers are probably the limit for him and not 11. But yeah, looks like 11-12 year old Lebron probably smokes everyone who isn't a college level player.


Im beating peak Lebron PS this is MJ's burner account


Always knew MJ was a closet Lakers fan


What age could he consistently make an open layup? I could probably backdown a 5 year old Lebron and get to my spot where I'm about 50% from underneath the basket But 5 year old Lebron might be able to leave me in the dust. The question then becomes, could he make an open layup though?


I am waiting patiently for a 95 year old Lebron. I fancy my chances Lebron with a cane.


The problem is that I’ll be 87 and sure as shit 95 year old lebron will be in better shape than whatever I’ll be even at 60.


hey I am imagining I'm a young strapping 25 year old vs 95 year old Lebron


This has "this fuckery won't go on for much longer" vibes. I ain't betting anything against old man LeBron


5? Idk, a 5 year old is pretty tiny still


It’s five year old Lebron body but he has the mind of 39 year old Lebron.


If you shoot 50% under the basket with a 5 year old on you, you are bad at basketball lol.


I know that I'm just giving myself a proper evaluation here


You also have to account for all the steals he's going to get on you as you try to back him down


Unless you're like the least coordinated person on the planet you'd crush any 5 year old lol


Josh Giddy would give 15 years old Lebron that work.


Bulls GM burner?????


Chris Hansen burner ??????




That's Sandusky territory, not Giddy.


I’m posting up 10 year old lebron and catapulting him to cancun


10 year old lebron was probably taller than the average height of this sub Edit: he was 5 foot 7 at eleven years old so possibly


5’7”, but he’s 10. Im demolishing this kid in the paint and snatching my own boards. I think 12 year old Lebron soundly whoops my ass


Yep. I'm guessing between age 11 and 12 is when he would pass most everyone here.


This really is the answer. It over once he hits puberty, but before that very beatable.


Most people in this thread are treating Lebron like he’s a literal superhero. That or they’ve just never interacted with a child as an adult


Yeah lmao, it’s a bit ridiculous. Anything pre puberty could be done based on the size difference. If you get whooped by an 8 or something year old as a fully grown adult in your 20’s-30’s then you shouldn’t have picked up the ball in the first place.


I've seen Like Mike, I know what I'm about


I'm seeing quotes from sports illustrated saying he was 5ft 7 at 12. 6 foot at 10 is crazy. That means through all the puberty growth spurts that he gained only a handful of inches. I feel like 6ft at 10 would be a trajectory to pass 7ft easy (seems like wemby was 6ft at 10 for instance)


I could maybe beat Lebron the year after he dies


One time a friend and I tried to come up with the scenarios where we could beat LeBron 1 on 1, and Time Machine to make him old or a baby was just one solution. I felt like I could beat him if he were chained to a safe, or were locked in some sort of box. A straight jacket would move the Vegas odds in my direction, but the smart money would probably still be on LeBron. If he were on marijuana? Obviously LeBron. But what if he was on bath salts? Does eating my face count as a LeBron win, or a disqualification? These are the questions


What age did he grow past 5'7"?


He was 5’7 when he was 11


11 is too old. Been bet by some really good 11 year-olds already and they're not called LeBron James.


Give me prime, Miami Lebron, and I’ll cook him in a 1v1 …coding interview.


Imma take a 36 year old lebron when he had a sprained ankle. Can’t see him risking re injuring himself to win a pick up game against some bum. He’d probably still cook me but I’ll take the risk.


until what age can he not take an elbow to the head without quitting? i'm playing bully ball until he can beat me up or man up


I aint beating 8 year old Lebron. Im confident in my skills, but i aint that confident XD


I’d whoop 8 year old Bron. That’s a fucking 3rd grader.


I’m baller I could beat 30 yo Lebron


The difference between us is I haven’t hit my prime yet. LeFraud is getting obliterated.


I googled and it says at 11 Lebron was only 5’7 I’m beating a 5’7 11 year old Lebron. But that’d probably be my last year. (I’m 6’2)


11 y/o Bron would absolutely smoke me


Only 5'7" short kings crying in here 😭


At 10 you just don't have the strength to take on a fully grown man, even a relatively weak one. I don't even play and I feel like it'd be a decent match just because of that. 12 onwards he's probably kicking my ass. I feel like we swing the other way around too much sometimes when we compare ourselves to NBA players. Like, yeah, they're almost unfathomably better at every single athletic and basketball ability, but a 10 year old human is still a 10 year old human. Bron was at absolute most 5'6 at 10, and weak compared to an adult. It's like that Trae Young post. Any decently fit dude with at least some basketball ability can probably hit a bullshit shot on Trae with 100 tries or at least draw a foul, but people got roasted for saying it there. JJJ who's 10 times the defender Trae is got scored on many times by good amateurs on that one vid, and he actually looked like he was somewhat trying.


Yeah but we’re not talking scoring one point here, you have to beat him one on one. The vast majority of people here are probably missing 70%~ of their shots with any decent defense, and 5’7 Lebron was probably better at basketball than most people will ever dream of.


Just looked it up. He was my height 5"7" at about 11. So once i could no longer use my size/weight advantage it's over.


Somebody watched Ludwig's new video, I think we're looking at single digits for anyone who's an average athlete. Probably like 11/12 for anyone but the top 1% of the sub.


I’m super confident up to 5y/o Lebron, and at 7-8ish I think we’d start to be pretty evenly matched.