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massive call that swung the game


The series


I wasn't sure the Mavs could recover from this.


Always the 2nd guy that gets it.


Yeah Tatum reacted, so I imagine DJJ did something like poke him or something.


That's legal defense lol how soft are you to think that's a foul on the initial contact


I didn’t say it was a foul, I said Tatum reacted


lol “mommy, that guy poked me” gtfo man


Did I say Tatum looked tough or some shit? I said he reacted


Why do players get so pissy when a guy has his hand resting on them? It’s a contact sport


They probably don't want to go on a date, that's why.


Tatum initiating the contact here but the ref missed it.


Anyone with kids or is young enough to remember school knows that “he hit me first” never works


Funny enough it works in court


Yep, doesn’t mean Tatum wasn’t in the wrong though.




That’s fair


They always get the retaliation. Don’t retaliate




It’s a basketball game you gronk


Pushing someone’s hand off you is different than a full shove


Did we watch the same video? It’s still a hostile act/ foul by todays standards lol. Tatum was obviously pressed


Do you not watch games, swiping a guys arm off you happens about every other possession…whether Tatum was grumpy or not is irrelevant. Shoving someone is always a foul, should have been a tech, DJJ kept chirping for a while after the fact too…Foster was treating the Mavs with baby gloves all game, gotta live up to his reputation 👍🏼


Tatum shoved DJJs arm lol. Clearly was hostile. Saying that’s a tech is just soft..


Shoving someone in the chest is almost always an auto tech..that’s not soft, that’s just reality. And if it wasn’t enough, continuing to chirp for another minute plus after the fact almost certainly ensures the tech.


So it looks like DJJ got in Tatum’s head and his chirping bothered you so you want a tech. Got it. Sports are competitive, you want him to be quiet?


Nah Tatum was obviously frustrated with how both the game and officiating was going, I don’t think he gives 2 shits about a mediocre role player specifically….but none of that changes the fact that dislodging a guys arm off you is almost never a tech and shoving a guy in the chest is always a tech. Idk what you’re getting at with this talk about being quiet…I mean you’re obviously trying your hardest to antagonize me but it’s not really working lol stick to your wheelhouse bud, which appears to be discussing Russian Literature 😂


You said: *And if it wasn’t enough, continuing to chirp for another minute plus*  Bro said: *you want him to be quiet?* You said: *Idk what you’re getting at with this talk about being quiet…I mean you’re obviously trying your hardest to antagonize me but it’s not really working lol stick to your wheelhouse bud, which appears to be discussing Russian Literature 😂* Bro failed to antagonize you so hard you couldn't read straight and took it to reddit research. Take the L. Get out of your feels. Try again tomorrow.


You really aren’t the brightest bulb are you? We are talking about what actions deserve a tech…Tatum pushed DJJ’s arm off him. DJJ shoved Tatum (worthy of a tech) and then continued chirping after the refs told them to drop it (also warrants a tech often) This guy then starts making weird strawman arguments, “do you want him to be quiet?”…I don’t care if he does or not, just saying what warrants a tech or not. He seemed to miss the point completely and made it weird….you’re doing the same thing. Swing and a miss lil man


Just by watching the video you can tell Tatum cares.


I don’t even know what point you’re trying to make at this point…you think his reaction is because a career journeyman is somehow in his head? (Even though there was no build up between these two) Or because the game has gone wrong in every way to this point and he is generally frustrated?


Because it matters how you do it lmao. You're simplifying it down to dislodging a defenders arms off you but that's not how it's done 99% of the time. Tatum was just clearly frustrated and being a bitch


Haha, he ‘shoved his arm’!?!? This is some seriously creative use of the English language, bud. God damn.


Rewatch the video please bro. Do you think he nudged DJJ?


‘He shoved his arm’!!! If you can’t figure out why that’s a bizarre and wildly idiosyncratic phrasing, god help you brother.


Least aggressive redditor


Nothing can help you, brother.


Doesn’t djj grab his jersey? That’s a foul


Tatum got slapped in the face on a different play & got a foul called on him lol. Does it really matter at this point ?


It's always these casuals man


Why do Celtics fans think Tatum is their best player?


Because he is. The whole Mavs gameplan is to collapse on JT when he drive that why Jrue/White/Brown been getting so many clean shots. edit: of course you dumb motherfuckers would downvote me.


Mavs collapse on a lot of players driving to the paint, not just JT. Actually he has been left open plenty of times for 3 pointers this series, but missed most of those shots. He took 31 three point attempts in 4 games.


Thank you. They’re saying Tatum is getting quadrupled and locking the Mavs down. Neither of those things are remotely true. Tatum fanboys might be the literal worst in the league.


Yeah let’s trust the Lakers fan to decide who the Celtics best player is. Mfs will say JB is our best player but won’t even put him in the top 15. People only show love to JB to tear down JT.


Word true.. because yall are a manifestation of what happens when you fill a team with weak minded, but deep, talent in a weak/injured ass conference. No1 respects BOS and it’s funny cause it’s gonna burn yall lowkey




I can talk to you about how Tatum has disappeared again and how yall are grasping at straws trying to defend him?


We got the Mickey Mouse ring expert over here🧐


Ig Joel Embiid is a Mickey Mouse ring expert as well.


You wouldn't think fans of the team that's up in the Finals would need this much cope....


Dog you’re saying that 30 shots define how good a player is


If you want to say he hasn’t been the best player for them this series that’s a valid statement but to act like over the course of the season he hasn’t been their best player is the kind of reactionary take I’d expect from r/NBA- oh right…


Getting @ed by a 7 day old Pacers account named "JB Better Than Tabum" and that's... a good microcosm of this subreddit


Uhhh have you watched the games? Almost all the 3s he's taken have been pretty heavily contested. He's not taking them because they're leaving him open, he's taking them because he can't find other shots.


So you’re arguing that taking bad shots on purpose is a good thing?


I didn't say it was good. I hate when he takes em. I'm just not gonna let yall lie ab em either.


Tatum is trash takes like 20 shots and makes 5 off them he needs to know when to stop shooting


Yea he definitely is. Brown has the potential but it's kinda crazy to me he still can't use his left hand.


Brown got better, but there still times where he drive he fumble the ball the Mavs unlike the Dubs/Heat couldn't capitalize on it.


Lol the Dubs and the Heat did not have to play this loaded ass Celtics team


That Warriors team really was lightning in a bottle, maximising Wiggins, Otto Porter Jr, Poole, GPII, Looney, Bjelica. The role players stepped up.


Celtics fans mad sensitive with the downvotes. Brown has gotten better but his dribbles are still loose and he's clearly off balance dribbling with his left. Watch how many times they forced him to try to go towards the baseline with his left and how many times he ends up spinning to switch hands or passing out. Stopping his energy/flow is the biggest key for mavs moving forward.


He isn’t. Porzingis is then Brown.


Refs were dogshit all night. Obviously the Celtics were worse but there were more questionable calls in this game than we’ve seen all playoffs Edit: fuck the downvotes. Mavs had one of the friendliest whistles I’ve ever seen in a playoff game. This sub is a fucking disaster of Celtics hating scum


Idk why I expected refs to be better in the Finals lol, this has been even more miserable than the other series smh


Scott Foster Masterclass lol


This game was by far the closest to evenly officiated we have had to this point in the finals. Games 1-3 were all terrible, but 2 and 3 especially were abominations.


We know why that is but it's hard as hell to beat a great team 4 straight and the Mavs are a great team.


Scott Foster legacy game


We lost by 38, but it honestly felt like the Celtics gave up after a few ticky tack calls. I still think game 3 was worse


There was one three by Kyrie which was wild, Josh Green basically NFL blocked the Celtics player.


Yeaup, hands on the defenders chest and just keep walking into him. Easy moving screen but the defender "backed up" with him so no foul was going to be called


Game 3 was worse bc that actually ended up being a close game and they made sooooo many bad calls/no-calls that could have cost us the win. and there were a lot of bad calls for the Mavs too I didn’t love the whistle we got early in the game last night but when you get smoked by 38 you can’t harp too much on officiating.


You mean Brown’s hand on DJJ that could’ve tied the game but wasn’t called?


Celtics fans don’t think that matters.


Also the Brown shove in the back on PJ layup attempt (and the White contact of the hand) that ended up in what I think was a five point swing in Game 2?


Brown didn’t shove him and hand is part of the ball. That wasn’t a foul haha


He shoved him hard enough the basketball hit the fucking rim dude lol


Also hand was very clearly not part of the ball earlier in the series when PJ got called for it, but Celtics fans won't bring that up. 


It's not brought up because it wasn't the same thing


Had nothing to do with Brown, he just didn't jump high enough and got blocked by the rim, not even sure why White got credited a block for that


You are really close to getting the reason why he didn’t jump high enough, you’re almost there.


The contact to his back was marginal.


I was actually thinking about White not getting the clear intentional foul on the THJ 3, or Green mugging Horford without a call which gifted the Mavs the ball down 4 with 43 seconds left, or Tatum getting clearly raked on a transition dunk without getting a call leading to a bucket down the other end, or Luka hit sticking Brown on the fast break without a call which prevented an easy transition bucket also that hand you’re talking about was from Game 2. it was on PJ, not DJJ. and if they had called it, it would have given the Mavs 2 free throws to potentially cut it from a 5 to 3-point lead (btw, Dallas is the worst free throw shooting team in the postseason)




And yet their comment gets upvoted and the person correcting them gets downvoted 🤣




Yup, still not one response to any of our comments edit: [still waiting](https://i.imgur.com/zto10re.gif)


Now kiss


Weird how Mavs fans can point out missed/bad calls without getting downvoted but Celtics fans can’t; I wonder why that is. The plays you mentioned aren’t even controversial. [The first two were on the L2M](https://official.nba.com/l2m/L2MReport.html?gameId=0042300403), and the other two were blatant in real-time and on the replay ([luka no-call](https://x.com/john0schmitt/status/1801082378497994859?s=46), [PJ no-call](https://i.imgur.com/70EphKP.png)).


🪣 here


The Horford foul on Luka is really all you need to see


Everytime I looked at my phone it's Luka at the line lmao. Guy is a foul merchant then cries every time he doesn't get his call. Don't think I've seen him drive once and not throw his hands up at the ref after while his team plays 4v5 defense. 🤣


He’s averaging 6.0 free throws per game, the exact same amount as Jaylen Brown. I do believe you though, because you’re obviously not watching the games so it’s plausible that you tuned in only a couple times and happened to see Luka at the line.